Senior Behavioral Health Acting Internship
Title of Clerkship: Senior Behavioral Health (SBH) Acting Internship
Elective Year(s): Fourth Year Elective
Department: Neurosciences and Psychiatry
Type of Elective: Clinical
Clerkship Site: UTMC – Senior Behavioral Health Inpatient Unit, with some follow-up in the Adult Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic following hospital discharge
Course Number: PSCH 713
Blocks Available: Students must check availability with Psychiatry Clerkship Coordinator prior to enrolling in the course
Number of Students/Block: Maximum 1 student; Availability varies due to the number of other learners (medical students enrolled in required clerkship, Psychiatry residents, etc.) scheduled to be on the inpatient teaching unit at the same time.
Faculty: Dionis Kononov, M.D.
Elective Description/Requirements: The student participating in this course as an acting intern will be part of an interprofessional healthcare team working primarily at UTMC Senior Behavioral Health, a short-term inpatient treatment unit for adults aged 55 and over who are experiencing behavioral and/or emotional problems. Senior Behavioral Health strives to effectively treat the unique emotional needs and healthcare issues encountered during the aging process. The acting intern will evaluate assigned patients upon admission, assist in developing individualized treatment plans, and contribute to creating and maintaining a warm, supportive treatment milieu. The student will gain exposure to various treatment modalities, including educational groups, family support and psychoeducation, group therapy, individual therapy, and medication management. The student enrolled in this course will also work with patients, and family members when appropriate, to develop appropriate aftercare plans, which will address appropriate treatment settings and access to community-based resources. Finally, opportunities to meet with recently discharged patients during their initial outpatient geriatric psychiatry appointments will be pursued when possible and appropriate.
Length of Clerkship: 4 weeks
Educational Course Objectives and Links to EPOs:
- Explain the neurobiological changes underlying mood disorders, thought disorders, and dementia processes in a geriatric population. (EPOs: MK-, MK-4, )
- Perform a complete psychiatric assessment of an individual admitted to an inpatient geriatric psychiatry unit. (EPOs: PC-1)
- Discuss differential diagnoses, recommend appropriate laboratory / diagnostic testing. (EPOs: PC-7)
- Assist in developing a person-centered treatment plan that includes interprofessional, collaborative inpatient care and utilization of community-based resources and outpatient behavioral health management upon discharge. (EPOs: PB-1, SBP-5)
- Discuss issues that commonly arise on an inpatient geriatric psychiatry unit regarding decision-making and communication between the individuals who are hospitalized, interprofessional inpatient treatment team members, family members, and community-based health care providers. Include recommendations for resolution. (EPOs: MK-3, IPC-1, IPC-2)
Professionalism: UT/COM students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the current Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.
Instructional Methods: Clinical evaluation, presentation, and discussion; use/interpretation of various laboratory and diagnostic tests; mentored clinical practice; teaching rounds; and self-directed learning
Evaluation Methods: Clinical documentation review; clinical competency evaluation of performance, including narrative assessment; self-assessment
Prerequisites: The student must have successfully completed all required clerkships prior to enrolling in this course.
Clerkship Director: Chandani Lewis, M.D.
Clerkship Coordinator: Micheal’e Hands
Phone Number: 419-383-5615
Special Requirements: None
ECC Approved
July 2023