Simulation Education Elective
Title of Clerkship: Simulation Education Elective
Elective Year: M4 Elective
Department: Medical Education
Type of Elective: Non-Clinical
Clerkship Site: UT Health Science Campus; IISC
Course Number: MDED 710
Blocks Available: All
Number of Students/Block: 5
Elective Description/Requirements:
Faculty: Kris Brickman, MD
The Medical Simulation elective, spanning a duration of two weeks, provides a unique opportunity for fourth-year medical students with a passion for medical education and simulation. This program is crafted to facilitate a comprehensive understanding and exposure to the realm of medical education through simulation. Participants will be immersed in a multifaceted learning experience, exploring diverse tools employed in simulation, including high, medium, and low fidelity simulators, hybrid simulation techniques, and virtual reality.
The curriculum incorporates engaging elements such as lectures, group discussions, and a journal club to foster a dynamic and interactive learning environment. Students will actively contribute to the elective by developing a simulation case, enabling them to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical context. Moreover, each participant will play a hands-on role in both conducting and debriefing at least one simulation case, providing valuable insights, and enhancing their proficiency in medical simulation methodologies.
Length of Elective: 2 Weeks
Course Learning Objectives and Links to EPOs:
- Cite the role of high, medium, and low-fidelity simulation in medical education (EPOs: PBL-2)
- Explain the role of Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialists in the application of high-fidelity simulation in medical education (EPOs: PBL-2)
- Discuss interprofessional teaching opportunities using high fidelity simulation (EPOs: IPC-2)
- Discuss the role of simulation in assessment within medical education (EPOs: PBL-3)
- Demonstrate ways in which high fidelity simulation can contribute to training in cultural humility and care for patients across the health care spectrum (EPOs: IPC-3)
- Create simulation exercises to enhance the medical curriculum at COMLS (EPOs: PBL-2, PBL-3)
Instructional Methods:
- Demonstration: Learning the capabilities and functions of high, medium, and low fidelity simulation equipment and its application to medical education and interprofessional education
- Independent learning: Reading assignments, designing simulation scenarios, developing procedural skill activities, selecting debriefing methods appropriate to activity.
- Patient presentations to faculty: present case designed to faculty.
Evaluation Methods:
- Evaluation of case
- Overall participation
- Demonstration of teaching
- Self-Assessment and Reflection
Prerequisites: Successful completion of all third year required clerkships
Clerkship Director: Kris Brickman, MD
Clerkship Coordinator: Cristina Alvarado
ECC Approved
February 2024