College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Surgical Oncology/Endocrine Surgery

Title of Clerkship: Surgical Oncology/Endocrine Surgery

Elective Type: Fourth Year Medical Student Elective

Department: Surgery

Type of Elective: Clinical

Clerkship Site: Toledo Hospital (primary) and Flower Hospital (rarely)

Course Number: SURG 735

Blocks available: All

Number of students per block: 1

Faculty: Dr. L. Wharry and Dr. V. Kim

Elective Description/Requirements:
Students will be integrated into the service as a member of the surgical team, participating in all aspects of Endocrine Surgery and HPB (hepatobiliary and pancreatic) Surgical Oncology patient management, both inpatient and outpatient settings. This includes performing surgical histories, surgical physical exams, presenting patients on rounds, selecting diagnostic studies, suturing and assisting in the OR. 

Students should prepare a 15 minute teaching presentation based on a topic or case that interests them. Examples might include: Genetic Syndromes, pancreatic cancer, liver masses, thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules, hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, adrenal nodules, etc.). This rotation is best suited for students with an interest in pursuing surgery as a career option.  Students will have the opportunity of practicing on the robot simulator and may have the option to help writing manuscripts and abstracts.

Length of Clerkship: 2 weeks

Educational Course Objectives and Links to EPOs:

  1. Discuss common Endocrine Surgery/ HPB-Surgical Oncology problems. (EPOs: PC-5, PC-6, MK-4, MK-6, MK-7)
  2. Perform a complete surgical history and physical examination with an oncology focus proficiently. (EPOs: PC-1, PC-1, MK-1, MK-4, PC-6, PBL-2)
  3. Describe a plan for diagnostic evaluation of common Endocrine Surgery/ HPB-Surgical Oncology problems. (EPOs: MK-1, MK-4, MK-6, MK-7, PC-6, PC-7)
  4. Discuss the significance of history and physical, laboratory and diagnostic findings to formulate a differential diagnosis. (EPOs: MK-1, MK-4, MK-6, MK-7, PC-6, PC-7)
  5. Discuss therapeutic options and management of common conditions encountered in Endocrine Surgery or HPB-Surgical Oncology. (EPOs: MK-1, MK-4, MK-6, MK-7, PC-6, PC-7)
  6. Perform basic operative skills necessary to assist in complex procedures including laparoscopic, robotic and open Endocrine and HPB -Surgical Oncology procedures. (EPOs: PC-5)
  7. Write a complete and accurate daily progress note including interpretation of results of laboratory and radiographic/imaging studies. (EPOs: MK-1, MK-4, MK-6, MK-7, PC-6, PC-7)
  8. Present patient information concerning the patient’s condition, progress and results of laboratory and radiographic/imaging studies. (EPOs: MK-1, MK-4, MK-6, MK-7, PC-1, PC-6, PC-7)
  9. Perform intraoperative ultrasound and other advances laparoscopic procedure techniques (eq. Ablation). (EPOs: PC-5)
  10. Perform knot tying and suturing techniques. (EPOs: PC-5)

Professionalism:  UT/COMLS students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Education Program Objectives and Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.

Instructional Methods:

  1. Interpretation of lab data
  2. Diagnostic tests/use and interpretation
  3. Small group discussion
  4. Case studies
  5. Ambulatory care experience
  6. Grand Rounds
  7. Teaching Rounds
  8. Residency program/department conferences

Evaluation Methods Employed:

  1. Clinical competency evaluations
  2. Faculty/Resident observation
  3. Professional assessments
  4. Attendance
  5. Case write up

Prerequisites: Successful completion of required Surgery clerkship.

Clerkship Director: Stephanie Pannell, M.D.
Clerkship Coordinator: Claudia Davis
Phone Number: 419.383.3580

Special Requirements: Participation in 8 hours of clinic weekly is recommended (1/2 day with Dr. Kim, ½ day with Dr. Wharry)

ECC Approved
March 2023

Last Updated: 7/15/24