College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Urology Elective – Lima AHEC (2 week)

Title of Clerkship: Urology Elective – Lima AHEC

Elective Year(s): Fourth-Year Elective

Department: Urology

Type of Elective: Clinical

Clerkship Site: Lima, Ohio

Course Number: UROL 713

Blocks Available: By request through the AHEC Center Office

Number of Students/Block: 1 Student

Faculty: Joshua Ebel, MD, Blanchard Valley Urology

Elective Description/Requirements: This clerkship is designed to expose students to a variety of urological disorders, primarily in outpatient office setting.  Teaching is conducted in preceptors’ office and in and outpatient operating rooms, as well as on outpatient rounds.  Patients may present with a variety of disorders including but not limited to voiding problems, urinary tract pain, impotence, erectile dysfunction and renal failure.

Length of Clerkship: 2 Weeks

Links to Core Competencies/Educational Course Objectives: At the end of this elective, the student will be able to:

  1. Describe the normal anatomy of the urinary tract as it applies to urologic disorders. (EPOs: MK-1)
  2. Describe common diseases presenting to the Urologist. (EPOs: MK-4)
  3. Judiciously use radiographic and laboratory testing in evaluation and treatment of urologic disorders. (EPOs: PC-2, PC-6)
  4. Obtain a comprehensive history from patients, including sensitive areas such as sexual function and incontinence. (EPOs: PC-1, PB-1, PB-3)
  5. Perfect the urologic physical examination. (EPOs: PC-5, PC-6, PB-1)
  6. Obtain informed consent and display the ability to assist in urologic diagnostic instrumentation and common urologic operations, including the ability to catheterize the bladder in a safe, compassionate and professional manner. (EPOs: PC-5, PC-6, PB-1)
  7. Describe appropriate urologic care by the primary care physician and disorders requiring a referral to a Urologist. (EPOs: MK-4, PC-4, PB-1, PB-3)
  8. Demonstrate appropriate demeanor in the treatment of urologic disorders: Elicit a meaningful voiding, impotence, and incontinence listing. (EPOs: MK-3, PB-1, PB-3)

Professionalism: UT/COM students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the current Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.

Instructional Methods:

  1. Office Evaluation by students with guidance and review with preceptor
  2. Operating room observation and instruction commensurate with knowledge and experience.
  3. Inpatient rounds with preceptor

Evaluation Methods:

  1. Clinical performance
  2. Faculty observation and evaluation
  3. Professional assessments
  4. Attendance

Prerequisites: Successful completion of years 1 & 2, and passing score on the USLME Step 1

Clerkship Director: John Rabets, MD

Clerkship Coordinator: Renee Boggs
Phone Number: 419-383-3584

AHEC Office Contact: Roni Kaufman, M. Ed
Phone Number: 419-226-9450; 419-226-9451 (Fax)

Special Requirements: Request through AHEC Center Office

ECC Approved
December 2023

Last Updated: 7/15/24