College of Medicine MD Curriculum

AMSA/UTCOMLS Ambassadors Pre-Med Mentorship Program Elective

TITLE: AMSA/UTCOMLS Ambassadors Pre-Med Mentorship Program Elective


DEPARTMENT: Health Science Campus Student Life & Pre-Health Advising Center

DURATION: Fall Semester

DIRECTOR: Courtney K. Combs, J.D., Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Program

COORDINATORS: Elected AMSA President(s); AMSA Executive Board

FACULTY PARTICIPANTS: Courtney K. Combs, J.D., Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Program, Dr. Deborah Hendricks, Pre-Health Advising Center



LOCATION(S): Health Science Campus, Undergraduate Campus, & Off-Campus

The AMSA/UTCOMLS Ambassadors Pre-Med Mentorship Program is n elective course offered to current medical students at UTCOM. This program aims to encourage early long-term relationships between future providers in healthcare. The vision for these mentors is to pay forward the guidance that has enabled all our mentors to reach the position they are in today and to provide a leadership opportunity where they will be able to share their experiences. The hope for the pre-medical undergraduate mentees is to provide a welcoming environment for students from all backgrounds to enter medicine while facilitating their personal and professional development.


  1. Create an inclusive environment for pre-medical students that will prepare them for their futures in medicine and careers in science.
  2. Allow medical students to gain valuable leadership experience, teaching experience, and communication skills by advising the pre-medical students in one-on-one and group settings.
  3. Learn to establish professional relationships and act as a positive role model for pre-medical students.
  4. Provide an avenue for medical students to pay-forward their guidance to pre-medical students and promote a culture of mentorship within medicine.
  5. Provide pre-medical students with exposure to the challenges and rewards of learning and practicing medicine.
  6. Increase connection to medicine in future physicians.
  7. Prepare medical students to be role models, field questions, discuss career plans, and support other students in their education.
  8. Improve self-reported mental health outcomes of program participants.

PB-1 Demonstrate ethics and professionalism including compassion, cultural humility, and accountability when interfacing with patients, families, society, and healthcare team members.  

PB-2 Exhibit professional and emotional maturity by managing conflicts, coping with personal and professional stress, and practice flexibility in ambiguous situations.

IPC-2 Communicate with colleagues across health professions in a respectful, professional, and timely manner to ensure interdisciplinary and interprofessional delivery of high-quality care.

COURSE OBJECTIVES (W/ LINKAGE TO EPOs): By participating in the elective, students should be able to:

  1. Develop communication and leadership skills by providing guidance and support to pre-medical students of all backgrounds. (EPOs: PB-1, PB-2)
  2. Recognize the importance of mentorship and teaching in medicine for the professional growth of both parties. (EPOs: PB-1, PB-2)
  3. Explore their role in bridging the gap between pre-medical students at the undergraduate campus and clinical students & physicians. (EPOs: IPC-2)


  • Orientation: Every spring there will be a mandatory orientation for new mentors to the program. Program expectations, methods of advising mentees, and information regarding the elective will be covered. An agreement form to be signed, presentation from the orientation, and a suggested curriculum will be sent out thereafter.
  • Mentoring Sessions: Mentors are expected to hold three hourly sessions by the end of the Fall semester with their mentees. A suggested curriculum plan for discussions during each of these sessions will be provided, but adjustments tailored to a mentor’s own personal experiences will be welcomed.
  • Check In: Mentors are expected to check-in with their mentees at least once every month; however, additional interactions are strongly encouraged.
  • Educational Sessions: Mentors are expected to attend and encourage their mentees to attend at least one educational session over the course of the elective; however, additional attendance is strongly encouraged.

To fulfill the elective requirements for this mentorship elective, mentors will be expected to complete the following responsibilities:

  1. Mentors must attend a Spring orientation to define their roles and responsibilities and methods of working with undergraduate students. They will also sign and submit an agreement form acknowledging their understanding of the roles and responsibilities associated with the program.
  2. Mentors are expected to hold and document their sessions with mentees to provide feedback on the usefulness of their encounters. They will also check in with their mentees at least once every month over the course of elective.
  3. Mentors will provide a brief 1-page reflection on their experience with the pre-medical students that will be due at the conclusion of the elective.
  4. Mentors must attend at least one educational event held by the elected AMSA board.
  5. Mentors must attend a Fall Orientation meeting to introduce themselves to mentees and go through guidelines of the program.

Each mentor will be expected to document their mentee meetings. A survey will be administered at the end of the Fall semester to allow participants to provide anonymous feedback. All participants in this program will be encouraged to provide feedback at any point throughout their time with the program. The program coordinators will be accessible by email or text for any problems or concerns that may arise.

Mentors will be expected to attend an orientation hosted by officers of AMSA/UTCOMLS Ambassadors. This will involve a clear outline of the expectations, methods of advising their mentees, and information on reporting fulfilled requirements. Mentors will be provided with a curriculum outline to ensure that each group of mentees are receiving consistent, appropriate, and well-rounded advising concerning the various aspects of the medical school process. Mentors will also be expected to sign an agreement form to ensure they understand the roles and responsibilities associated with the program.

Must be a medical student at UTCOM in good academic standing. Must undergo training/orientation as discussed above.

ECC Approved
July 2023

Last Updated: 8/6/24