College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Juvenile Justice Health Initiative Elective

TITLE: Juvenile Justice Health Initiative Elective


DEPARTMENT: Department of Family Medicine

DURATION: During their preclinical years, each student must attend the following in order to receive credit for the elective:

1) Informational session on University of Toledo Health Sciences Campus. The goal of this meeting will be to introduce students to the juvenile justice system as well as discuss what preconceptions / expectations students have about the experience. 

2) Tours, trauma training and PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) training at the Juvenile Detention Center/Youth Treatment Center

3) Minimum of 1 health education session at the Juvenile Detention Center or Youth Treatment Center per semester

4) Follow-up focus group discussion about the experience and how it shaped the students’ views 

DIRECTOR (faculty responsible for grading): Dr. Steven Dood

COORDINATOR:   Jamie Daughton

SEMESTERS AVAILABLE: Fall (M2), Spring (M1) 

NUMBER OF STUDENTS: Max. of 100 students 

LOCATION: Lucas County Juvenile Detention Center, Lucas County Youth Treatment Center, and UT Health Sciences Campus 


For this elective, medical students will use the knowledge they have gained in their preclinical years to provide accurate, honest health information to youth who are part of the juvenile detention system here in Toledo. The topics that will be presented include, but are not limited to, drugs and alcohol, sexual health, healthy relationships, and the human body. Medical students will create a lesson plan before each presentation that will be approved by the staff at the facilities. Medical students will lead lessons with the youth and encourage open and honest conversations and questions. Before and after the session, the youth will fill out pre- and post-session surveys in order for the medical students to know what the youth learned during the session. 

Before being allowed to lead a session, medical students will need to complete tours of the facilities, a trauma training conducted by a psychologist, and a Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) training. The introduction session, trainings, leading a health lesson at one of the centers, and a wrap up session will give medical students the elective credit. 


  1. Explain the structure of the juvenile justice system (EPOs: SBP-1)
  2. Foster relationships with the youth who are part of the juvenile justice system in order to identify their unique healthcare needs (EPOs: IPC-1, IPC-3)
  3. Practice providing basic health education to members of the community (EPOs: IPC-1, IPC-3)
  4. Interact with youth from various social, educational, and economic backgrounds and learn how these differences can affect clinical interactions (EPOs: IPC-3)
  5. Describe challenges/thoughts/questions facing today’s teenagers and encourage them to have a positive relationship with members of the medical community  (EPOs: MK-3,PB-1)
  6. Act as a positive role model for teenagers in the local Toledo community (EPOs: SBP-1)


Small-group discussions with questions and demonstrations if a session needs props.


The youth will fill out pre-session surveys before the medical students arrive, and then at the end they will fill out the same brief survey again on that topic to see what they learned. The surveys will be used to evaluate how the presentation went and to know how to improve the next session. In-class activities will be used in evaluating student improvement. Students will attend a discussion group after their health session to discuss how it went, where they could improve, and what they learned about the juvenile justice system. 


Students will complete an evaluation form provided to them at the end of the course as well as a group discussion about how the program can continue to grow 

PREREQUISITES (if any): None

ECC Approved
July 2023

Last Updated: 7/15/24