College of Medicine and Life Sciences

Research Publications: 2021

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Sections: December 2021 | November 2021 | October 2021 | September 2021 | August 2021 | July 2021 |
June 2021 | May 2021 | April 2021 | March 2021 | February 2021 | January 2021

December 2021

Department of Medicine

  1. Anzelc M, Burkhart CG, Burkhart CN. Can Artificial Intelligence Technology Replace Human Scribes? Cutis. 2021;108(6):310-311 | doi:10.12788/cutis.0402
  2. Changal K, Veria S, Mack S, Paternite D, Sheikh SA, Patel M, Mir T, Sheikh M, Ramanathan PK. Myocardial injury in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a retrospective study, systematic review, and meta-analysisBMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2021;21(1):626. Doi:10.1186/s12872-021-02450-3
  3. Ali M, Haji AQ, Kichloo A, Grubb BP, Kanjwal K. Inappropriate sinus tachycardia: a reviewRev Cardiovasc Med. 2021;22(4):1331-1339. Doi:10.31083/j.rcm2204139
  4. Hollingshead C, Ciricillo J, Kammeyer JEthical Implications of the Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: Disclosure of a False-Positive HIV TestCase Rep Infect Dis. 2021;2021:6696542. Doi:10.1155/2021/6696542
  5. Imam S, Dar P, Aziz SW, Zahid ZA, Sarwar H, Karim T, Faisal S, Haseeb I, Naqvi AS, Shah R, Haque A, Salim N, Jaume JCImmune Cell Plasticity Allows for Resetting of Phenotype From Effector to Regulator With Combined Inhibition of Notch/eIF5A PathwaysFront Cell Dev Biol. 2021;9:777805. Doi:10.3389/fcell.2021.777805
  6. Ariss RW, Nazir S, Minhas AM, Moukarbel GV, Jneid H. Patient characteristics and clinical outcomes of type 2 myocardial infarction in patients with acute ischemic stroke in the united states. European Heart Journal. 2021;42:2059-2059. 
  7. Malik S, Ali M, Ghazaleh S, Patel D, Nehme C, Beran A, Burlen J, Chuang J, Iqbal A, Sayeh W, Nawras A, Abuhelwa Z, Malhas SE. Mortality Associated With Endoscopic Intervention of Atrioesophageal Fistula Post Atrial Fibrillation Radiofrequency Ablation. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S927-S928. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000717526103572
  8. Malik S, Ali MIqbal A, Al-Alabboodi YNawras A. Pre-Pyloric Gastric Ulcer Leading to Stenosed Pylorus, Obstruction of Gastric Outlet and Pseudo-Gastroparesis. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S1516-S1516. 
  9. Patel D, Ghazaleh S, Nehme C, Beran A, Malik S, Chuang J, Khokher W, Burmeister C, Alom M, Burlen J, Hart BR. Trends in Medicare Reimbursements for EGD from 2018 to 2021. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S595-S595. 
  10. Patel D, Nehme C, Ghazaleh S, Beran A, Alom M, Malik S, Sayeh W, Chuang J, Burmeister C, Iqbal A, Malhas SE, Abuhelwa Z, Burlen J, Khokher W, Hart BR. Trends in Medicare Reimbursements for Colonoscopies: Declining Endoscopist Reimbursements With Increasing Reimbursements to Hospital Outpatient Centers and Ambulatory Surgical Care Centers. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S571-S571. 
  11. Starkey MR, Khalid FC, Aziz M, Dzurik A, Hart BR. Uncommon Presentation of Autoimmune Pancreatitis With Refractory Ulcerative Colitis. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S1424-S1424.
  12. Beran A, Ghazaleh S, Sayeh W, Abuhelwa Z, Patel D, Nehme C, Iqbal A, Malik S, Burlen J, Al-Alabboodi Y, Nawras A. The Efficacy and Safety of Over-The-Scope Clip System in the Management of Non-Variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S310-S311.
  13. Beran A, Ghazaleh S, Mhanna M, Ayesh H, Srour O, Malhas SE, Chuang J, Khokher W, Al-Alabboodi Y, Sharma S, Aziz M, Nawras A. Efficacy and Safety of Underwater versus Conventional Endoscopic Mucosal Resection for Colorectal Polyps: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S493-S494.
  14. Chuang J, Patel K, Luke N, Burlen J, Aziz M, Ghazaleh S, Beran A, Nawras A, Iqbal A, Sayeh W, Kesireddy N, Patel D, Malik S. A Case Report: Eosinophilic Esophagitis After an Allegra D Bolus. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S1458-S1459. 
  15. Chuang J, Luke N, Patel K, Ghazaleh S, Burlen J, Beran A, Patel D, Nehme C, Malik S, Abuhelwa Z, Malhas SE, Sayeh W, Iqbal A, Nawras A, Aziz M, Kesireddy N. A Case Report: Over-the-Scope Clip Closure of an Esophageal-Pleural Fistula Secondary to an Esophageal Stent Placement. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S1047-S1047. 
  16. Ghazaleh S, Beran A, Burlen J, Nawras A, Aziz M, Chuang J. Association Between Appendectomy and the Risk of Colectomy in Patients with Clostridium difficile Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S93-S93.
  17. Ghazaleh S, Ghazaleh D, Sayeh W, Chuang JIqbal A, Patel DNehme CMalik SAbuhelwa ZMalhas SEBeran A, Sharma S, Aziz MNawras A. Do Topical Corticosteroids Induce Histologic Remission and Improve Clinical Symptoms in Eosinophilic Esophagitis? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S155-S156.
  18. Ghazaleh S, Beran A, Ghazaleh D, Sayeh WChuang JIqbal ANehme CPatel DMalik SMalhas SEAbuhelwa Z, Sharma S, Burlen JNawras A. Use of Smartphone Applications to Augment Colonoscopy Preparation Instructions and Effect on Quality of Colonoscopy Preparation and Adenoma Detection Rate - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S259-S259. 
  19. Iqbal A, Patel KR, Burlen J, Luke N, Ghazaleh S, Beran A, Chuang J, Malhas SE, Abuhelwa Z, Sayeh W, Patel D, Malik S, Nehme C, Nawras A. Management of Perforated Esophageal Diverticulum With Endoscopic Over-the-Scope Clip (OTSC). American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S1047-S1048. 
  20. Malhas SE, Ghazaleh S, Beran A, Sayeh W, Chuang J, Iqbal A, Abuhelwa Z, Patel D, Luke N, Burlen J, Alastal Y, Ghazaleh D, Horoub A, Malik S. Pseudomelanosis Gastri, Duodeni and Coli, A Rare Case of Upper and Lower GI Pseudomelanotic Lesions. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S1518-S1518. 
  21. Mhanna M, Beran A, Nazir S, Al-Abdouh A, Barbarawi M, Sajdeya O, Srour O, Burmeister C, Malhas S, Eltahawy E. Distal versus conventional transradial access for coronary angiography and intervention: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Heart Journal. 2021;42:2079-2079. 
  22. Mhanna M, Beran A, Al-Abdouh A, Srour O, Abdulsattar W, Altujjar M, Alom M, Abumoawad A, Assaly R. Efficacy and safety of direct oral anticoagulants in morbidly obese patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Heart Journal. 2021;42:3424-3424. 
  23. Nehme C, Patel D, Ghazaleh S, Malik S, Beran A, Sayeh W, Chuang J, Burlen J, Sodeman T. Concurrent Acute Appendicitis and Cholecystitis in a Patient with Right Upper Quadrant Abdominal Pain. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S715-S715. 
  24. Nehme C, Ghazaleh S, Patel D, Abuhelwa Z, Iqbal A, Malhas SE, Al-Alabboodi Y, Nawras A. Splenic Embolization to Stop Refractory Isolated Gastric Variceal Bleeding. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S1002-S1003. 
  25. Sayeh W, Beran A, Ghazaleh S, Patel D, Nehme C, Malik S, Chuang J, Malhas SE, Iqbal A, Abuhelwa Z, Khokher W, Ghazaleh D, Sajdeya O, Ramadugu A, Burlen J, Nawras A. Gastric Stricture Following Post-Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Gastric Volvulus Reduction and Gastropexy Treated With Telescoping Stent Technique. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;116:S1079-S1079. 
  26. Mhanna M, Beran A, Nazir S, Al-Abdouh A, Barbarawi M, Srour O, Sajdeya O, Altujjar M, Patel R, Eltahawy E. Efficacy of remote physiological monitoring-guided care for chronic heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2021;23:203-203. 

Department of Neurology

American Epilepsy Society Meeting, Chicago 2021 (Abstract - poster presentation)

    • Mahfooz N, Pervez H, Sheikh A, Noor M, Nagel M, Ali I, “Use of Perampanel in the Treatment of Refractory Generalized Epilepsy in Children”, accepted for presentation at the 75th Annual Meeting of American Epilepsy Society, Chicago IL, Dec 3-7, 2021
    • Wright M, Sheikh A, Ali I, Nagel M, Mahfooz N, “Successful Use of Quinidine to Treat Refractory Myoclonic and Astatic Seizures in Patients with KCNT1 Variant, accepted for presentation at the 75th Annual Meeting of American Epilepsy Society, Chicago IL, Dec 3-7, 2021. Also accepted for Platform session at AES 2021 
    • Pervez H, Park S, Saleem S, Mahfooz N, Nagel M, Ali I, Sheikh A, Riaz A, “Epilepsy with Developmental Delay and Intellectual Disabilities – Clinical, Radiographic, Electroencephalographic Features in Adults with Epilepsy”, accepted for presentation at the 75th Annual Meeting of American Epilepsy Society, Chicago IL, Dec 3-7, 2021 
    • Saleem S, Park S, Pervez H, Riaz A, Ali I, Sheikh A, “Clobazam as Add-on Therapy for Patients with Epilepsy: Results from an Epilepsy Center”, Accepted for presentation at the 75th Annual Meeting of American Epilepsy Society, Chicago, IL, December 3-7, 2021  
    • Magsi, R, Ryan C, Sheik A, Nagel M, Mahfooz N, “Novel Gene Abnormality in Epilepsy with Myoclonic-Astatic Epilepsy with Myoclonic-Astatic Seizures (Doose Syndrome)”, accepted for presentation at the 75th Annual Meeting of American Epilepsy Society, Chicago IL, Dec 3-7, 2021
  1. Al-Chalabi M, Amsdell J, Iftikhar S, Hollingshead C, Rashid M, Sheikh ACorrigendum to 'New onset refractory status epilepticus secondary to HIV CNS viral escape syndrome: Case report'Seizure. 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.seizure.2021.12.010
  2. Al-Chalabi M, Amsdell J, Iftikhar S, Hollingshead C, Rashid M, Sheikh ANew onset refractory status epilepticus secondary to HIV CNS viral escape syndrome: Case reportSeizure. 2022;94:112-114. Doi:10.1016/j.seizure.2021.11.027
  3. Pervez H, Saleem S, Riaz A, Sheikh A, Li HY, Ali I, Ramsey-Williams V. Post-traumatic Epilepsy (PTE): Clinical, Radiographic and Electroencephalographic Features and Outcome. Neurology. 2021;96(15):2. 
  4. Saleem S, Sheikh A, Begezda AO, Williams VR, Li H, Pervez H, Al-Chalabi M, Ali I, Riaz A. Role of Anti-Seizure Drugs in the Treatment of Post-Stroke Seizures; Results Analysis from Retrospective Epilepsy Database. Neurology. 2021;96(15):2. 
  5. Jeyarajan J, Lateef S, Noor M, Ali I. Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis Presenting with Autonomic Dysfunction. Neurology. 2021;96(15):2. 
  6. Majoka H, Sheikh I, Li Hy. Comparison of delta brush eeg patterns in epilepsies related to anti-nmdar encephalitis and lupus cerebritis. Neurology. 2021;96(15):2. 
  7. Naz S, Jumaa M. Oncotic Cerebral Aneurysms Complicated by Subarachnoid hemorrhage in a Patient with Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma. Neurology. 2021;96(15):2. 
  8. Nguyen TN, Haussen DC, Qureshi MM, Yamagami H, Fujinaka T, Mansour OY, Abdalkader M, Frankel M, Qiu ZM, Taylor A, Lylyk P, Eker OF, Mechtouff L, Piotin M, Lima FO, Mont'Alverne F, Izzath W, Sakai N, Mohammaden M, Al-Bayati AR, Renieri L, Mangiafico S, Ozretic D, Chalumeau V, Ahmad S, Rashid U, Hussain SI, John S, Griffin E, Thornton J, Fiorot JA, Rivera R, Hammami N, Cervantes-Arslanian AM, Dasenbrock HH, Vu HL, Nguyen VQ, Hetts S, Bourcier R, Guile R, Walker M, Sharma M, Frei D, Jabbour P, Herial N, Al-Mufti F, Ozdemir AO, Aykac O, Gandhi D, Chugh C, Matouk C, Lavoie P, Edgell R, Beer-Furlan A, Chen M, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Pereira VM, Nicholson P, Huded V, Ohara N, Watanabe D, Shin DH, Magalhaes PSC, Kikano R, Ortega-Gutierrez S, Farooqui M, Abou-Hamden A, Amano T, Yamamoto R, Weeks A, Cora EA, Sivan-Hoffmann R, Crosa R, Mohlenbruch M, Nagel S, Al-Jehani H, Sheth SA, Rivera VSL, Siegler JE, Sani AF, Puri AS, Kuhn AL, Bernava G, Machi P, Abud DG, Pontes-Neto OM, Wakhloo AK, Voetsch B, Raz E, Yaghi S, Mehta BP, Kimura N, Murakami M, Lee JS, Hong JM, Fahed R, Walker G, Hagashi E, Cordina SM, Roh HG, Wong K, Arenillas JF, Martinez-Galdamez M, Blasco J, Vasquez AR, Fonseca L, Silva ML, Wu TY, John S, Brehm A, Psychogios M, Mack WJ, Tenser M, Todaka T, Fujimura M, Novakovic R, Deguchi J, Sugiura Y, Tokimura H, Khatri R, Kelly M, Peeling L, Murayama Y, Winters HS, Wong J, Teleb M, Payne J, Fukuda H, Miyake K, Shimbo J, Sugimura Y, Uno M, Takenobu Y, Matsumaru Y, Yamada S, Kono R, Kanamaru T, Morimoto M, Iida J, Saini V, Yavagal D, Bushnaq S, Huang WG, Linfante I, Kirmani J, Liebeskind DS, Szeder V, Shah R, Devlin TG, Birnbaum L, Luo J, Churojana A, Masoud HE, Lopez CY, Steinfort B, Ma A, Hassan AE, Al Hashmi A, McDermott M, Mokin M, Chebl A, Kargiotis O, Tsivgoulis G, Morris JG, Eskey CJ, Thon J, Rebello L, Altschul D, Cornett O, Singh V, Pandian J, Kulkarni A, Lavados PM, Olavarria VV, Todo K, Yamamoto Y, Silva GS, Geyik S, Johann J, Multani S, Kaliaev A, Sonoda K, Hashimoto H, Alhazzani A, Chung DY, Mayer SA, Fifi JT, Hill MD, Zhang H, Yuan ZZ, Shang XJ, Castonguay AC, Gupta R, Jovin TG, Raymond J, Zaidat OO, Nogueira RG, Registry SC-, Middle East North Africa Stroke I, Japanese Soc Vasc Interventional N. Decline in subarachnoid haemorrhage volumes associated with the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stroke and Vascular Neurology. 2021;6(4):542-552. Doi:10.1136/svn-2020-000695

Department of Neurosciences

  1. Xie H, Huffman N, Shih CH, Cotton AS, Buehler M, Brickman KR, Wall JT, Wang X. Adverse childhood experiences associate with early post-trauma thalamus and thalamic nuclei volumes and PTSD development in adulthoodPsychiatry Res Neuroimaging. 2022;319:111421. Doi:10.1016/j.pscychresns.2021.111421
  2. O'Donovan S, Wu XJ, Reigle J, Alnafisah R, Alganem K, Joyce A, McCullumsmith R. A Multi-Omics Approach to Understanding ATP Utilization Deficits in Major Depression. Neuropsychopharmacology.2021;46(SUPPL 1):246-246.
  3. Burkett J. Developmental Pyrethroid Pesticide Exposure Causes Autism-Related Behavioral and Neurological Changes in Prairie Voles. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2021;46(SUPPL 1):145-145. 
  4. Hammoud A, Rethman J, Alganem K, Khuder S, Meller J, Reigle J, McCullumsmith R. Examination of Differential Cancer Rates in Schizophrenia Using Epidemiology, Bioinformatics, and Protein-Kinase Activity Based In Vitro Drug Screening: Identification of Novel Off Target Effects of Typical Antipsychotics. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2021;46(SUPPL 1):367-368.

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

  1. Alsahly MB, Zakari MO, Koch LG, Britton S, Katwa LC, Lust RM. Influence of Intrinsic Aerobic Exercise Capacity and Sex on Cardiac Injury Following Acute Myocardial Ischemia and ReperfusionFront Cardiovasc Med. 2021;8:751864. Doi:10.3389/fcvm.2021.751864
  2. Granier E, Zakari MO, Alsahly MB, Koch LG, Britton S, Katwa LC, Lust RM. Low Intrinsic Aerobic Capacity Limits Recovery Response to Hindlimb IschemiaFront Cardiovasc Med. 2021;8:752955. Doi:10.3389/fcvm.2021.752955
  3. Cheon S, Tomcho JC, Edwards JM, Bearss NR, Waigi E, Joe B, McCarthy CG, Wenceslau CFOpioids Cause Sex-Specific Vascular Changes via Cofilin-Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Signaling: Female Mice Present Higher Risk of Developing Morphine-Induced Vascular Dysfunction than Male MiceJ Vasc Res. 2021;58(6):392-402. Doi:10.1159/000517555
  4. Chakravarti R, Kim J, Chun K, Durgala J, Joe B, Holoshitz J, Chattopadhyay S. Countering Inflammatory Arthritis by 14-3-3zeta: A Novel Target. Journal of Immunology. 2021;206:2.

Department of Psychiatry

  1. Andari E, Kaundinya G, O'Leary E, Caceres G, Rilling J, Cubells J, Young L. Oxytocin Normalizes Functional Connectivity Between Salience and Visual Networks in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2021;46(SUPPL 1):128-128. 

Department of Radiation Oncology

  1. Karpov VG, Shvydka D, Bista SS. Threshold switching in solar cells and a no-scribe photovoltaic technologyApplied Physics Letters. 2021;119(19):5. Doi:10.1063/5.0066434

November 2021

Department of Cancer Biology

  1. Su S, Cao J, Meng X, Liu R, Vander Ark A, Woodford E, Zhang R, Stiver I, Zhang X, Madaj ZB, Bowman MJ, Wu Y, Xu HE, Chen B, Yu H, Li X. Enzalutamide-induced and PTH1R-mediated TGFBR2 degradation in osteoblasts confers resistance in prostate cancer bone metastasesCancer Letters. 2022;525:170-178. Doi:10.1016/j.canlet.2021.10.042
  2. Sardesai SD, Thomas A, Gallagher C, Lynce F, Ottaviano YL, Ballinger TJ, Schneider BP, Storniolo AM, Bauchle A, Althouse SK, Perkins SM, Masters AR, Stratford RE, Jr., Dong Z, Liu JY, Zhang JT, Miller KD. Inhibiting Fatty Acid Synthase with Omeprazole to Improve Efficacy of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Operable TNBCClin Cancer Res. 2021;27(21):5810-5817. Doi:10.1158/1078-0432.Ccr-21-0493

Department of Medical Education

  1. Waigi EW, Castaneda TR, Bearss NR, Edwards JM, Giovannucci DR, McCarthy CG, Wenceslau CF. Soluble Protein Oligomers Induce Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress In Mesenteric Resistance Arteries From Male And Female Mice. Hypertension. 2021;78:2. Doi:10.1161/hyp.78.suppl_1.MP59

Department of Medicine

  1. Krittanawong C, Virk HH, Mhanna M, Wang Z, Poommipanit P, Jneid H. Meta-Analysis of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Chronic Total OcclusionsAm J Cardiol. 2021;159:148-151. Doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2021.08.011
  2. Ariss RW, Minhas AMK, Issa R, Ahuja KR, Patel MMEltahawy EA, Michos ED, Fudim M, Nazir S.Demographic and Regional Trends of Mortality in Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction in the United States, 1999 to 2019Am J Cardiol. 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2021.10.023
  3. Barnett WR, Maqsood A, Kesireddy N, Khokher W, Holtzapple Z, Safi FA, Assaly RDoes a Starting Positive End-Expiratory Pressure of 8 cmH(2)O Decrease the Probability of a Ventilator-Associated Event? Front Med (Lausanne). 2021;8:744651. Doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.744651
  4. Shaffner J, Chen B, Malhotra DK, Dworkin LD, Gong RTherapeutic Targeting of SGLT2: A New Era in the Treatment of Diabetes and Diabetic Kidney DiseaseFront Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021;12:749010. Doi:10.3389/fendo.2021.749010
  5. Beran A, Mhanna M, Srour O, Ayesh H, Sajdeya O, Ghazaleh S, Mhanna AS, Ghazaleh D, Khokher W, Maqsood A, Assaly REffect of Prone Positioning on Clinical Outcomes of Non-Intubated Subjects with COVID-19: A Comparative Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisRespir Care. 2021. Doi:10.4187/respcare.09362
  6. Ali M, Pachon Maetos JC, Kichloo A, Masudi S, Grubb BP, Kanjwal K. Management strategies for vasovagal syncopePacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2021. Doi:10.1111/pace.14402
  7. Mhanna M, Beran A, Nazir S, Al-Abdouh A, Barbarawi M, Sajdeya O, Ayesh H, Nesheiwat Z, Malhas SE, Eltahawy EAOutcomes of distal versus conventional transradial access for coronary angiography and intervention: An updated systematic review and meta-analysisInt J Cardiol. 2021;344:47-53. Doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2021.10.003
  8. Ahmed Z, Iqbal U, Lee W, Kamal F, Nawaz A, Mahmood ANawras A, Hassan M. Vitamin d and autoimmune hepatitis: systemic review and meta-analysis. Hepatology. 2021;74:788A-788A.
  9. Barnett WR, Maqsood A, Kesireddy N, Khokher W, Holtzapple Z, Safi FA, Assaly RDoes a Starting Positive End-Expiratory Pressure of 8 cmH(2)O Decrease the Probability of a Ventilator-Associated Event?Frontiers in Medicine. 2021;8:4. Doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.744651
  10. Liu J, Ding Y, Camelo-Piragua S, Richardson J. Vasculitic Tibial Mononeuropathy Associated with Inherited Immune Dysregulation: A Review of Tibial Mononeuropathies with Electrodiagnostic ConsiderationsCase Reports in Neurological Medicine. 2021;2021:6. Doi:10.1155/2021/7161757
  11. Iqbal U, Ahmed Z, Anwar H, Shah NM, Lee W, Nawras A, Khara HS, Ahmed A, Khurana S. In cirrhosis, hemorrhagic ascites is associated with reduced survival: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Hepatology. 2021;74:1193A-1193A. 
  12. Murthy AR, Hanrahan JA, Advani SD, Ashraf MS, Mills JP, Mody L, Henderson DK, Hayden MK, Weber DJ, Wright SB, Babcock H, Guzman-Cottrill J, Haessler SD, Rock C, Van Schooneveld T, Forde C, Logan LK, Malani A. Preparing nursing homes for a second wave of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) CommentInfect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2021;42(10):1251-1254. Doi:10.1017/ice.2020.1283
  13. Devanaboyina M, Bailey MM, Hamouda DM. A retrospective study of characteristics and survival in patients with breast cancer brain metastases classified by subtype using NCI SEER registry. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2021;39(15):3. Doi:10.1200/JCO.2021.39.15_suppl.1031
  14. Singh AK, Haque M, Madarampalli B, Shi YY, Wildman BJ, Basit A, Khuder SA, Prasad B, Hassan Q, Ahmed S, Ouseph MM. Ets-2 Propagates IL-6 Trans-Signaling Mediated Osteoclast-Like Changes in Human Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial FibroblastFront Immunol. 2021;12:11. Doi:10.3389/fimmu.2021.746503
  15. Awad MT, Alkhathlan M, Spetz SL, Conley M, Assaly R. Intravenous Lipid Emulsion as Salvage Treatment for Haloperidol Toxicity. Am J Ther. 2021;28(5):E612-E614. 

Department of Neurology

  1. Chiang CC, Shahid AH, Harriott AM, Tietjen GE, Savastano LE, Klaas JP, Lanzino G. Evaluation and treatment of headache associated with moyamoya disease - a narrative reviewCephalalgia.11. Doi:10.1177/03331024211056250
  2. Al-Chalabi M, Ali N, Lim T, Khalid F, McCracken M, Alam A, Meisler A, Pirzada NAcute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Masquerading as Guillain Barre SyndromeNeurologist. 2021. Doi:10.1097/nrl.0000000000000397
  3. Jumaa MA, Salahuddin H, Burgess RThe Future of Endovascular TherapyNeurology. 2021;97(20 Supplement 2):S185-s193. Doi:10.1212/wnl.0000000000012807
  4. Doan J, Sheikh I, Elmer L, Rashid MVideo Representation of Dopamine-Responsive Multiple System Atrophy Cerebellar TypeAm J Case Rep. 2021;22:e933995. Doi:10.12659/ajcr.933995
  5. Nguyen TN, Abdalkader M, Nagel S, Qureshi MM, Ribo M, Caparros F, Haussen DC, Mohammad MH, Sheth SA, Ortega-Gutierrez S, Siegler JE, Zaidi S, Olive-Gadea M, Henon H, Möhlenbruch MA, Castonguay AC, Nannoni S, Kaesmacher J, Puri AS, Seker F, Farooqui M, Salazar-Marioni S, Kuhn AL, Kaliaev A, Farzin B, Boisseau W, Masoud HE, Lopez CY, Rana A, Kareem SA, Sathya A, Klein P, Kassem MW, Ringleb PA, Cordonnier C, Gralla J, Fischer U, Michel P, Jovin TG, Raymond J, Zaidat OO, Nogueira RG. Noncontrast Computed Tomography vs Computed Tomography Perfusion or Magnetic Resonance Imaging Selection in Late Presentation of Stroke With Large-Vessel OcclusionJAMA Neurol. 2021. Doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2021.4082
  6. Zaidi S, Castonguay A, Mansour O, Ortega S, Asif K, Inoa V, Herial N, Al-Mufti F, Szeder V, Yavagal D. Topic: AS27 Health Services Research and Stroke Systems of Care tracking globalthrombectomy capacity and characteristics of thrombectomy capable centers using the mt2020thorn global thrombectomy tracking smartphone app. International Journal of Stroke. 2021;16(2_SUPPL):81-82. 
  7. de Havenon A, Castonguay A, Nogueira R, Nguyen TN, English J, Satti SR, Veznedaroglu E, Saver JL, Mocco J, Khatri P, Mistry E, Zaidat OO. Prestroke Disability and Outcome After Thrombectomy for Emergent Anterior Circulation Large Vessel Occlusion StrokeNeurology. 2021;97(19):E1914-E1919. Doi:10.1212/wnl.0000000000012827

Department of Neurosciences

  1. Imami AS, McCullumsmith RE, O'Donovan SMStrategies to identify candidate repurposable drugs: COVID-19 treatment as a case exampleTranslational Psychiatry. 2021;11(1):8. Doi:10.1038/s41398-021-01724-w

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

  1. Alsahly MB, Zakari MO, Koch LG, Britton S, Katwa LC, Fisher-Wellman K, Lust RM. Augmented Cardiac Mitochondrial Capacity in High Capacity Aerobic Running "Disease-Resistant" Phenotype at Rest Is Lost Following Ischemia ReperfusionFront Cardiovasc Med. 2021;8:752640. Doi:10.3389/fcvm.2021.752640

Department of Psychiatry

  1. Andari ENew Avenues for Serotonin and Oxytocin as a Potential Combination Drug Treatment for Neuropsychiatric DisordersBiological Psychiatry-Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. 2021;6(11):1038-1039. Doi:10.1016/j.bpsc.2021.08.002

Department of Surgery

  1.  Nasif A, Siebenaller D, DeRiso A, Shah H, Alharthi S, Nazzal MDisseminated Lomentospora prolificans infection presenting with arterial exsanguinationJ Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech. 2021;7(4):785-789. Doi:10.1016/j.jvscit.2021.08.009
  2.  Nasif A, Ahmed AM, Al-Embideen S, Nazzal M, Osman M, Ahmed AUnusual presentation of right-sided May-Thurner syndromeJ Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech. 2021;7(4):768-771. Doi:10.1016/j.jvscit.2021.10.005
  3.  Choubey AP, Bullock B, Choubey AS, Pai K, Ortiz AC, Khan SAMishra A, James R, Koizumi N, Pearson T, Ortiz J. Transplant surgery departmental leaders do not represent workforce demographics especially among women and underrepresented minorities - A retrospective analysisAm J Surg. 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.amjsurg.2021.11.008
  4.  Morgan EE, Morran MP, Horen NG, Weaver DA, Nestor-Kalinoski ALRNO3 QTL Regulates Vascular Structure and Arterial Stiffness in the Spontaneously Hypertensive RatPhysiol Genomics. 2021. Doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00038.2021
  5.  Choubey AP, Ekwenna O, Rees M, Ortiz JKidney Transplants From a Deceased Donor After 11 Days of Venovenous HemodialysisExperimental and Clinical Transplantation. 2021;19(11):1224-1227. Doi:10.6002/ect.2020.0003
  6.  Bekbolsynov D, Green R, Mierzejewska B, Ekwenna O, Rees M, Stepkowski S. Low Immunogenic Donors Improved Survival of Kidney Transplants in African American Recipients. American Journal of Transplantation. 2021;21:645-645. 
  7.  Bekbolsynov D, Green R, Mierzejewska B, Rees M, Stepkowski S. Low Immunogenic Donors Improve Kidney Transplant Survival in Sensitized Recipients. American Journal of Transplantation. 2021;21:402-403. 
  8.  Espinales J, Giffen ZC, Schneider D, James R, Koizumi N, Ekwenna O, Ortiz J. Renal Transplant Outcomes of Kidney-only vs. Multi-organ Deceased Donors. American Journal of Transplantation. 2021;21:302-302. 
  9.  Lang J, James I, Afodu DD, Okwuonu CG, Ekwenna O. A Payer's Perspective: The Cost of Hemodialysis versus Living Donor Kidney Transplant for Kidney Failure Patients in Nigeria. American Journal of Transplantation. 2021;21:595-595.
  10. Yadav K, Padiyar A, Zhao K, Rabets J, Jittirat A, Sclair S. Transplantation of Hepatitis C Positive Kidney and Pancreas Allografts Into Hepatitis C Naive Recipients - A Single Center Experience as a Standard of Care. American Journal of Transplantation. 2021;21:644-644.
  11. Garcia E, Lang J, Oke OU, Reddy K, Ekwenna O. Representation trends in radiation oncology training programs in the United States. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2021;39(15):3. Doi:10.1200/JCO.2021.39.15_suppl.11043
  12. Lombardi C, Lang J, Issa R, Oke OU, Reddy K, Ekwenna O. Racial and ethnic representation trends in United States oncology training programs. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2021;39(15):3. Doi:10.1200/JCO.2021.39.15_suppl.6519
  13. Alalwan AI, Sferra J, Petrak AB, Redfern R. Opioid Prescribing Trends after Cholecystectomy, Thyroidectomy, and Herniorrhaphy. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2021;233(5):S96-S97.

October 2021

Department of Anesthesiology

  1. Pappada SM. Machine learning in medicine: It has arrived, let's embrace itJ Card Surg. 2021;36(11):4121-4124. Doi:10.1111/jocs.15918

Department of Emergency Medicine

  1. Hughes K, Achauer S, Baker EF, Knowles HC, Clayborne EP, Goett RR, Moussa MAddressing end-of-life care in the chronically ill: Conversations in the emergency departmentJ Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2021;2(5):e12569. Doi:10.1002/emp2.12569

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

  1. Syed I, Wooten RMInteractions Between Pathogenic Burkholderia and the Complement System: A Review of Potential Immune Evasion MechanismsFrontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2021;11:19. Doi:10.3389/fcimb.2021.701362

Department of Medicine

  1. Bagchi A, Khan MS, Saraswat A, Ansari A, Nai Q, Iyer V, Hamouda D, Khuder S, Verghese CIncreased Incidence of Thrombotic Complications With Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Necessitates Consideration of Prophylactic Anticoagulation in Young IndividualsCureus. 2021;13(9):4. Doi:10.7759/cureus.17769
  2. Ahuja KR, Ariss RW, Nazir S, Vyas R, Saad AM, Macciocca M, Moukarbel GV. The Association of Chronic Kidney Disease With Outcomes Following Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage ClosureJacc-Cardiovascular Interventions. 2021;14(16):1830-1839. Doi:10.1016/j.jcin.2021.06.008
  3. Adunse JU, Yoon Y, Taleb M, Gatto-Weis C, Chang G, Safi F. A Case of Dupilumab-Induced Eosinophilic Pneumonia. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021;203(9):1. 
  4. Banifadel M, Altorok N, Khuder S, Matta M. The Association of Sjogren's Syndrome and (Pulmonary Hypertension, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and Diabetes Mellitus). American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021;203(9):1.  
  5. Noori Z, Safi F, Radhakrishnan M, Taleb M. Left Sided Pleural Effusion Secondary to Mycobacterium Kansasii Infection. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021;203(9):1. 
  6. Radhakrishnan M, Assaly RM, Aguillon A, Sheikh A, Assaly O, Barnett W. Compliance and Adherence to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) During COVID Pandemic. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021;203(9):1. 
  7. Radhakrishnan M, Conley M, Taleb M, Safi F, Herath-Mudiyanselage P. Lomentospora Prolificans Infection Presenting as Right Groin Mycotic Aneurysm and Abscess with Dissemination to Brain and Lungs Leading to MODS in a Renal Transplant Patient. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021;203(9):2.  
  8. Alquadan AF, Safi F. Trans-Diaphragmatic Migrating Ascites Leading to Chylothorax in a Cirrhotic Patient. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021;203(9):1. 
  9. Alquadan AF, Safi F. Fibrosing Mediastinitis in Sarcoidosis Patient Mimicking Congenital Absence of the Right Pulmonary Artery. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021;203(9):1.
  10. Beran A, Mhanna M, Burmeister C, Srour O, Ayesh H, Luttmann K, Khader Y, Assaly RM. Amikacin Monotherapy for Catheter8208;Related Bacteremia and Septic Pulmonary Emboli Due to Tsukamurella Pulmonis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021;203(9):1. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000685468902266
  11. Koch AL, Shing TL, Namen AM, Couper D, Smith BM, Barr R, Bhatt SP, Putcha N, Comellas AP, Baugh AD, Cooper CB, Barjaktarevic I, Bowler RP, Han MK, Kim V, Paine R, Dransfield MT, Kanner RE, Krishnan JA, Martinez FJ, Woodruff P, Hansel NN, Hoffman EA, Peters SP, Ortega VE. Lung Structure and Risk of Sleep Apnea in SPIROMICS. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021;203(9):2.  
  12. Maqsood A, Bozek D, Assaly RM. Hyperammonemia in Critically Ill Patients, and Interplay of Pathophysiologic and Iatrogenic Factors. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021;203(9):2.
  13. Radhakrishnan M, Safi F, Conley M, Herath-Mudiyanselage P, Yoon Y. Gastric Carcinoma Presenting with Interlobular Septal Thickening and Bilateral Pleural Effusion. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021;203(9):2. 
  14. Seneviratne CP, Tewari P, Hernandez N, Koltz B, Safi F. EVALI Masquerading as COVID-19: A Case Report. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021;203(9):1.  
  15. Mhanna M, Beran A, Nazir S, Al-Abdouh A, Barbarawi M, Sajdeya OSrour O, Altujjar M, Patel RB, Eltahawy EAEfficacy of remote physiological monitoring-guided care for chronic heart failure: an updated meta-analysis.Heart Failure Reviews.11. Doi:10.1007/s10741-021-10176-9
  16. Creeden JF, Nanavaty NS, Einloth KR, Gillman CE, Stanbery L, Hamouda DM, Dworkin L, Nemunaitis J. Homologous recombination proficiency in ovarian and breast cancer patientsBMC Cancer. 2021;21(1):1154. Doi:10.1186/s12885-021-08863-9 
  17. Grubb AF, Grubb BPPostural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome: New concepts in pathophysiology and managementTrends Cardiovasc Med. 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.tcm.2021.10.007
  18. Kucheriavaia D, Veličković D, Peraino N, Lad A, Kennedy DJ, Haller ST, Westrick JA, Isailovic D. Toward Revealing Microcystin Distribution in Mouse Liver Tissue Using MALDI-MS ImagingToxins (Basel). 2021;13(10). Doi:10.3390/toxins13100709
  19. Ahuja KR, Saad AM, Nazir S, Ariss RW, Shekhar S, Isogai T, Kassis N, Mahmood A, Sheikh M, Kapadia SR. Trends in Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes in ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction Hospitalizations in the United States, 2002-2016Curr Probl Cardiol. 2021:101005. Doi:10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2021.101005
  20. Mhanna M, Beran A, Nazir S, Al-Abdouh A, Barbarawi M, Sajdeya O, Ayesh H, Nesheiwat Z, Malhas SE, Eltahawy EAOutcomes of distal versus conventional transradial access for coronary angiography and intervention: An updated systematic review and meta-analysisInt J Cardiol. 2021;344:47-53. Doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2021.10.003
  21. Mhanna M, Beran A, Nazir S, Al-Abdouh A, Barbarawi M, Sajdeya O, Srour O, Altujjar M, Patel RB, Eltahawy EAEfficacy of remote physiological monitoring-guided care for chronic heart failure: an updated meta-analysisHeart Fail Rev. 2021. Doi:10.1007/s10741-021-10176-9 

Department of Neurology 

  1. Amsdell J, Gharaibeh K, Patel K, Polcyn C, Riaz A. Intracranial Subdural Hematoma as a Rare Complication of Spinal Epidural Anesthesia Treated with Burr Hole Hemtoma Evacuation. Annals of Neurology. 2021;90:S131-S131. 
  2. Hughes K, Zheng J, Sheikh I, Eisenman T, Gangadhar M, Hoste B, Derani T. Atypical Presentation of Miller-Fisher Syndrome with Idiopathic Mononeuritis Multiplex. Annals of Neurology. 2021;90:S33-S33.
  3. Rana R, Chawla K, Ali N, Sheikh A. COVID-19 Presenting as Anti-MOG Syndrome with Longitudinally Extensive Transverse Myelitis: A Case Report. Annals of Neurology. 2021;90:S18-S19.

Department of Neurosciences

  1. Henkel ND, Smail MA, Wu XJ, Enright HA, Fischer N, Eby HMMcCullumsmith REShukla RCellular, molecular, and therapeutic characterization of pilocarpine-induced temporal lobe epilepsySci Rep. 2021;11(1):14. Doi:10.1038/s41598-021-98534-3 
  2. Shukla R, Newton DF, Sumitomo A, Zare H, McCullumsmith R, Lewis DA, Tomoda T, Sibille E. Molecular characterization of depression trait and stateMolecular Psychiatry.12. Doi:10.1038/s41380-021-01347-z
  3. Reddy V, Sherif M, Shukla RIntegrating single-cell transcriptomics and microcircuit computer modelingCurrent Opinion in Pharmacology. 2021;60:34-39. Doi:10.1016/j.coph.2021.06.006

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

  1. Gillman CE, Jayasuriya ACFDA-approved bone grafts and bone graft substitute devices in bone regenerationMaterials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications. 2021;130:15. Doi:10.1016/j.msec.2021.112466
  2. Shukla P, Hanna M, Nandi S. A Systematic and Anatomic Approach to Acetabular Preparation During Total Hip ArthroplastyBulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases. 2021;79(3):163-166. 

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

  1. Czernik PJ, Golonka RM, Chakraborty S, Yeoh BS, Abokor AA, Saha P, Yeo JY, Mell B, Cheng X, Baroi S, Tian Y, Patterson AD, Joe B, Vijay-Kumar M, Lecka-Czernik BReconstitution of the host holobiont in germ-free born male rats acutely increases bone growth and affects marrow cellular contentPhysiol Genomics. 2021. Doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00017.2021
  2. Glanz A, Chakravarty S, Fan S, Chawla K, Subramanian G, Rahman T, Walters D, Chakravarti R, Chattopadhyay SAutophagic degradation of IRF3 induced by the small-molecule auranofin inhibits its transcriptional and proapoptotic activitiesJ Biol Chem. 2021;297(5):101274. Doi:10.1016/j.jbc.2021.101274

Department of Surgery

  1. Kirksey L, Sorour AA, Duson S, Osman MF, Downing LJ, Ayman A, Rowe V. Black Vascular Surgeons Survey: Who Are They? Where Are They? Who Do They Treat? J Vasc Surg. 2021;74(3):E280-E281. 
  2. Masroor SBicuspid aortic valve: Progression of stenosis and clinical relevanceJ Card Surg.Doi:10.1111/jocs.16029
  3. Baugh AD, Baugh RFHow Financial Aid Policy Shortchanges American HealthcareTeaching and Learning in Medicine.7. Doi:10.1080/10401334.2021.1977135
  4. Caicedo JC, Carbunaru S, Brooks JT, Ortiz CC, Ortiz AC, Benavides X, Niño L, Ortiz J, Locke JE. Analysis of Linguistically and Culturally Tailored Initiatives in Websites of Kidney Transplant Programs in the United States Between 2013-2018Prog Transplant. 2021;31(1):13-18. Doi:10.1177/1526924820978593

Department of Urology

  1. Foerster B, Abufaraj M, Matin SF, Azizi M, Gupta M, Li WM, Seisen T, Clinton T, Xylinas E, Mir MC, Schweitzer D, Mari A, Kimura S, Bandini M, Mathieu R, Ku JH, Marcq G, Guruli G, Grabbert M, Czech AK, Muilwijk T, Pycha A, D'Andrea D, Petros FG, Spiess PE, Bivalacqua T, Wu WJ, Roupret M, Krabbe LM, Hendricksen K, Egawa S, Briganti A, Moschini M, Graffeille V, Kassouf W, Autorino R, Heidenreich A, Chlosta P, Joniau S, Soria F, Pierorazio PM, Shariat SF. Pretreatment Risk Stratification for Endoscopic Kidney-sparing Surgery in Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: An International Collaborative Study. European Urology. 2021;80(4):507-515. Doi:10.1016/j.eururo.2021.05.004
  2. Nikzad A, Akbarpour M, Rees MA, Roth AE. Global kidney chainsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021;118(36):6. Doi:10.1073/pnas.2106652118
  3. Lang JJ, Issa R, Lombardi C, Garcia E, Oke OC, Ekwenna OTrends in Race and Ethnicity Among Matriculants to US Oncology Training Programs, 2015-2020Jama Network Open. 2021;4(10):4. Doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.28530

September 2021

Department of Anesthesiology

  1. Lee K, Jenkins KD, Sparkle TA Narrative Overview of Current Anesthetic Drugs in Electroconvulsive TherapyLife (Basel). 2021;11(9). Doi:10.3390/life11090981

Department of Cancer Biology

  1. Jabbari K, Winkelmaier G, Andersen C, Yaswen P, Quilici D, Furuta S, Cheng Q, Parvin B. Protein Ligands in the Secretome of CD36(+) Fibroblasts Induce Growth Suppression in a Subset of Breast Cancer Cell Lines.Cancers (Basel). 2021;13(18). Doi:10.3390/cancers13184521

Department of Dentistry

  1. Dabiri D, Conti SRPour NSChong ADadjoo S, Dabiri D, Wiese C, Badal J, Hoogland MA, Conti HR, Taylor TR, Choueiri GAmili O. A Multi-Disciplinary Review on the Aerobiology of COVID-19 in Dental SettingsFrontiers in Dental Medicine. 2021;2(66). Doi:10.3389/fdmed.2021.726395

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

  1. Zhou J, Horton JR, Yu D, Ren R, Blumenthal RM, Zhang X, Cheng X. Repurposing epigenetic inhibitors to target the Clostridioides difficile-specific DNA adenine methyltransferase and sporulation regulator CamA. Epigenetics. 2021:1-12. Doi:10.1080/15592294.2021.1976910

Department of Medicine

  1. Nguyen S, Chan R, Cadena J, Soper B, Kiszka P, Womack L, Work M, Duggan JM, Haller ST, Hanrahan JA, Kennedy DJ, Mukundan D, Ray P. Budget constrained machine learning for early prediction of adverseoutcomes for COVID-19 patientsSci Rep. 2021;11(1):19543. Doi:10.1038/s41598-021-98071-z
  2. Su RC, Breidenbach JD, Alganem K, Khalaf FK, French BW, Dube P, Malhotra D, McCullumsmith R, Presloid JB, Wooten RM, Kennedy DJ, Haller STMicrocystin-LR (MC-LR) Triggers Inflammatory Responses in MacrophagesInt J Mol Sci. 2021;22(18). Doi:10.3390/ijms22189939
  3. Elzanaty AM, Maraey A, Khalil M, Nazir SElsheikh E, Mhanna M, Beran A, Salem M, Younes A, Elgendy IY, Eltahawy EASex differences in outcomes of spontaneous coronaryartery dissection: Insights from the national readmission databaseCardiovasc Revasc Med. 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.carrev.2021.09.002
  4. Ashraf S, Ashraf S, Akmal R, Ashraf M, Kalsoom L, Maqsood A, Imran MA, Farooq I, Ashraf S, Siddiqui UN, Ghufran M, Akram MK, Majeed N, Rafique S, Habib Z, Shahab MS, Akmal A, Shaukat Z, Abdin ZU, Khaqan A, Arshad S, Rehman Virk MA, Gul M, Awais AB, Hassan M, Khalid N, Iqbal QUA, Ahmad T, Akram M, Muhammad A, Khalil M, Aslam A, Umer M, Sherazi SSH, Safdar Z, Ahmad S, Bilal M, Zahid MN, Koshak AE, Hilal A, Malik AA, Iqbal U, Baig AA, Alahmadi YM, Humayun A, Malik A, Ahmad A, Ashraf M, Saboor QA, Izhar M. Prophylactic potential of honey and Nigella sativa L. against hospital and community-based SARS-CoV-2 spread: a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trialTrials. 2021;22(1):618. Doi:10.1186/s13063-021-05510-3
  5. Xiao W, Ren L, Chen Z, Fang LT, Zhao Y, Lack J, Guan M, Zhu B, Jaeger E, Kerrigan L, Blomquist TM, Hung T, Sultan M, Idler K, Lu C, Scherer A, Kusko R, Moos M, Xiao C, Sherry ST, Abaan OD, Chen W, Chen X, Nordlund J, Liljedahl U, Maestro R, Polano M, Drabek J, Vojta P, Kõks S, Reimann E, Madala BS, Mercer T, Miller C, Jacob H, Truong T, Moshrefi A, Natarajan A, Granat A, Schroth GP, Kalamegham R, Peters E, Petitjean V, Walton A, Shen TW, Talsania K, Vera CJ, Langenbach K, de Mars M, Hipp JA, Willey JC, Wang J, Shetty J, Kriga Y, Raziuddin A, Tran B, Zheng Y, Yu Y, Cam M, Jailwala P, Nguyen C, Meerzaman D, Chen Q, Yan C, Ernest B, Mehra U, Jensen RV, Jones W, Li JL, Papas BN, Pirooznia M, Chen YC, Seifuddin F, Li Z, Liu X, Resch W, Wang J, Wu L, Yavas G, Miles C, Ning B, Tong W, Mason CE, Donaldson E, Lababidi S, Staudt LM, Tezak Z, Hong H, Wang C, Shi L. Toward best practice in cancer mutation detection with whole-genome and whole-exome sequencingNat Biotechnol. 2021;39(9):1141-1150. Doi:10.1038/s41587-021-00994-5
  6. Nazir S, Gupta T, Ahuja KR, Minhas AMK, Ariss RW, Gupta R, Goel SS, Kleiman NS. Association of Peri-Procedural Major Bleeding With Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Transcatheter Mitral Edge-To-Edge Repair.Am J Cardiol. 2021;152:172-174. Doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2021.04.025
  7. Sharma S, Weissman S, Mehta TI, Aziz M, Acharya A, Vohra I, Khan Z, Khan A, Nawras A, Sciarra M, Swaminath A. Role of Hospital Teaching Status on Outcomes of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Nationwide AnalysisDig Dis Sci. 2021;66(7):2216-2226. Doi:10.1007/s10620-020-06497-8
  8. Kajy M, Mathew A, Ramappa P. Treatment Failures of Direct Oral AnticoagulantsAm J Ther. 2021;28(1):e87-e95. Doi:10.1097/mjt.0000000000001083
  9. Krittanawong C, Virk HH, Mhanna M, Wang Z, Poommipanit P, Jneid H. Meta-Analysis of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Chronic Total OcclusionsAm J Cardiol. 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2021.08.011

Department of Neurology 

  1. Anadani M, Qureshi AI, Menacho S, Grandhi R, Yaghi S, Jumaa MA, de Havenon A. Race/ethnicity and response to blood pressure lowering treatment after intracerebral hemorrhage. European Stroke Journal. 2021:23969873211046116. Doi: 10.1177/23969873211046116  
  2. Adapa AR, Jumaa MA, Siddiqui FM, Dawod G, Zaidat OO, Gurm HS, Pandey AS. Trends in interventional stroke device utilization during the COVID-19 pandemicClin Neurol Neurosurg. 2021;209:106931.Doi:10.1016/j.clineuro.2021.106931

Department of Neurosciences

1.   Nestor-Kalinoski A, Smith-Edwards KM, Meerschaert K, Margiotta JF, Rajwa B, Davis BM, Howard MJUnique Neural Circuit Connectivity of Mouse Proximal, Middle and Distal Colon Defines Regional Colonic Motor PatternsCell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.jcmgh.2021.08.016

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

1.   Bharadwaz A, Jayasuriya ACFabrication of porous chitosan particles using a novel two-step porogen leaching and lyophilization method with the label-free multivariate spectral assessment of live adhered cellsColloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2021;208:112094. Doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2021.112094 

Department of Pathology

  1. Gunning WT, 3rd, Yoxtheimer L, Smith MRPlatelet Aggregation Assays Do Not Reliably Diagnose Platelet Delta Granule Storage Pool DeficiencyJ Hematol. 2020;10(4):196-201. Doi:10.14740/jh832

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

  1. Cheng X, Manandhar I, Aryal S, Joe BApplication of Artificial Intelligence in Cardiovascular MedicineCompr Physiol. 2021;11(4):1-12. Doi:10.1002/cphy.c200034
  2. Cheon S, Tomcho JC, Edwards JM, Bearss NR, Waigi E, Joe B, McCarthy CG, Wenceslau CFOpioids Cause Sex-Specific Vascular Changes via Cofilin-Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Signaling: Female Mice Present Higher Risk of Developing Morphine-Induced Vascular Dysfunction than Male MiceJ Vasc Res. 2021:1-11. Doi:10.1159/000517555
  3. McCarthy CG, Chakraborty S, Singh G, Yeoh BS, Schreckenberger ZJ, Singh A, Mell B, Bearss NR, Yang T, Cheng X, Vijay-Kumar M, Wenceslau CF, Joe BKetone body β-hydroxybutyrate is an autophagy-dependent vasodilatorJCI Insight. 2021. Doi:10.1172/jci.insight.149037
  4. Smedlund KB, Sanchez ER, Hinds TD, Jr. FKBP51 and the molecular chaperoning of metabolismTrends Endocrinol Metab. 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.tem.2021.08.003

Department of Surgery

  1. Choubey AP, Bullock B, Hoste B, Ortiz A, Khan SA, Mishra A, Pearson T, Koizumi N, Ortiz J. Diversity in American Society of Transplant Surgeons Governance: Equitable but UnequalExp Clin Transplant. 2021. Doi:10.6002/ect.2021.0111
  2. Choubey AP, Choubey AS, Ortiz J. Letter Regarding: Gender Differences in Authorship Among Transplant Physicians: Are We Bridging the Gap? J Surg Res. 2021;266:352. Doi:10.1016/j.jss.2021.02.058

August 2021

Department of Cancer Biology

  1. Becker KN, Pettee KM, Sugrue A, Reinard KA, Schroeder JL, Eisenmann KM. ROCK and mDia have dynamic roles in glioblastoma tumor microtube invasion. Cancer Res. 2021;81(13):2.
  2. Kalpana G, Figy C, Feng J, Tipton C, De Castro JN, Bach VN, Borile C, LaSalla A, Odeh HN, Yeung M, Garcia-Mata R, Yeung KCThe RhoA dependent anti-metastatic function of RKIP in breast cancerSci Rep. 2021;11(1):17455. Doi:10.1038/s41598-021-96709-6 

Department of Emergency Medicine

  1. Moussa M, Hayden K, Shih CH, Khuder S, Safadi Z (former UT student), Parsell C (former UT student). Emergency Medicine Shift Factors Causing the Most Stress Among Emergency Medicine ResidentsJournal of Wellness. 2021;3(2):Article 8.
  2. Roberts A, Jackson A, Bangar S, Moussa MColloid cyst of the third ventricleJ Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2021;2(4):e12503. Doi:10.1002/emp2.12503

Department of Medical Education

  1. Issa R, Devarasetty PP, Menon BUsing microRNAs to improve neuromodulation study quantification.International Journal of Integrative Cardiology. 2021;3(2):1-3. Doi:10.47275/2690-862X-126

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

  1. Burlak C, Taylor RT, Wang ZY, Tector AJ. Human anti-α-fucose antibodies are xenoreactive toward GGTA1/CMAH knockout pigsXenotransplantation. 2020;27(6):e12629. Doi:10.1111/xen.12629

Department of Medicine

  1. Muturi HT, Khuder SS, Ghadieh HE, Esakov EL, Noh H, Kang H, McInerney MF, Kim JK, Lee AD, Najjar SMInsulin Sensitivity Is Retained in Mice with Endothelial Loss of Carcinoembryonic Antigen Cell Adhesion Molecule 1Cells. 2021;10(8):18. Doi:10.3390/cells10082093
  2. Craig DJ, Crawford EL, Massion PP, Morrison T, Willey JC. Low frequency TP53 mutations in airway epithelial cells serve as lung cancer risk biomarker. Cancer Res. 2021;81(13):1.
  3. Crawford EL, Chen T, Craig DJ, Willey JC. Use of a synthetic spike-in ladder to measure NGS library complexity. Cancer Res. 2021;81(13):2. 
  4. Mir T, Uddin M, Shafi O, Qureshi W, Kaur J, Zghouzi M, Lohia P, Soubani A, Burket M, Sheikh M, Saydain G. Thrombotic superior vena cava syndrome: a national emergency department database studyJournal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis.8. Doi:10.1007/s11239-021-02548-7
  5. Changal K, Mack SVerija SPaternite D, Bashir R, Patel M, Ali M, Nazir S, Mir T, Sheikh M, Ramanathan PK. In-hospital outcomes of COVID-19 infection in patients with underlying cardiovascular diseaseExpert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy.6. Doi:10.1080/14779072.2021.1970532
  6. Ariss RW, Minhas AMK, Nazir SMeenakshisundaram CAli MM, Ahuja KR, Grande RD, Ramanathan PK, Kayani WT, Sheikh M. Outcomes and Resource Utilization of Atrial Fibrillation Hospitalizations With Type 2 Myocardial InfarctionAmerican Journal of Cardiology. 2021;152:27-33. Doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2021.04.036
  7. Mohyuddin GR, Hampton J, Aziz M, Khuder S, Malik S, McClune B, Abdallah AO. A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Data on Efficacy of Novel Therapy Combinations in Patients with Lenalidomide-refractory Multiple MyelomaClinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia. 2021;21(7):489-496. Doi:10.1016/j.clml.2021.03.006
  8.  Aziz M, Haghbin H, Sharma S, Weissman S, Saleem S, Lee-Smith W, Kobeissy A, Nawras A, Alastal YSafety and effectiveness of endoluminal vacuum-assisted closure for esophageal defects: Systematic review and meta-analysisEndosc Int Open. 2021;09(09):E1371-E1380. Doi:10.1055/a-1508-5947
  9. Ghazaleh S, Beran A, Khader Y, Nehme C, Chuang J, Sharma S, Aziz M, Khan Z, Elzanaty AM, Burlen J, Nawras AShort versus standard peroral endoscopic myotomy for esophageal achalasia: a systematic review and meta-analysisAnnals of Gastroenterology. 2021;34(5):634-+. Doi:10.20524/aog.2021.0644
  10. Kesireddy N, Khokher W, Chuang J, Zink E, Syed A, Altorok N, Assaly RSuccessful Treatment of Sjogren-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease With RituximabAm J Ther. 2021. Doi:10.1097/mjt.0000000000001438
  11. Pokal M, Sangani V, Balla M, Merugu GP, Konala VM. Local Lung Mass Masquerading a Very Aggressive Extraskeletal Ewing Sarcoma Presenting as Bilateral Paraparesis in a Young AdultJ Med Cases. 2020;11(12):388-393. Doi:10.14740/jmc3582

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

  1. Emmons TR, Giridharan T, Singel KL, Khan ANH, Ricciuti J, Howard K, Silva-Del Toro SL, Debreceni IL, Aarts CEM, Brouwer MC, Suzuki S, Kuijpers TW, Jongerius I, Allen LH, Ferreira VP, Schubart A, Sellner H, Eder J, Holland SM, Ram S, Lederer JA, Eng KH, Moysich KB, Odunsi K, Yaffe MB, Zsiros E, Segal BH. Mechanisms Driving Neutrophil-Induced T-cell Immunoparalysis in Ovarian CancerCancer Immunol Res. 2021;9(7):790-810. Doi:10.1158/2326-6066.Cir-20-0922

Department of Neurology

  1. Sheikh IS, Afreen E, Sheikh AUnusual Movement Disorders and Atypical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Findings in Patients with West Nile Encephalitis: Case Reports of 2 Patients with Evidence of Clinical and Imaging Resolution with IVIGAmerican Journal of Case Reports. 2021;22:9. Doi:10.12659/ajcr.932215
  2. Karim N, Desai H, Henkel N, Castonguay A, Zaidi SF. Safety and Efficacy of Repeat Mechanical Thrombectomy After Early and Delayed Reocclusion- A Case Series From Two Comprehensive Stroke Center and Meta-Analysis. Stroke. 2021;52:2. Doi:10.1161/str.52.suppl_1.P501
  3. Salahuddin H, Dawod G, Zaidi SF, Jumaa MA. Safety of Intravenous Cangrelor in Acute Ischemic Stroke. Stroke. 2021;52:2. Doi:10.1161/str.52.suppl_1.P530

Department of Neurosciences

  1. Correll EA, Ramser BJ, Knott MV, McCullumsmith RE, McGuire JL, Ngwenya LB. Deficits in pattern separation and dentate gyrus proliferation after rodent lateral fluid percussion injuryIbro Neuroscience Reports. 2021;10(1):31-41. Doi:10.1016/j.ibneur.2020.11.005
  2. Margiotta JF, Smith-Edwards KM, Nestor-Kalinoski A, Davis BM, Albers KM, Howard MJSynaptic Components, Function and Modulation Characterized by GCaMP6f Ca2+ Imaging in Mouse Cholinergic Myenteric Ganglion NeuronsFront Physiol. 2021;12:18. Doi:10.3389/fphys.2021.652714
  3. Tomoda T, Sumitomo A, Shukla R, Hirota-Tsuyada Y, Miyachi H, Oh H, French L, Sibille E. BDNF controls GABA(A)R trafficking and related cognitive processes via autophagic regulation of p62Neuropsychopharmacology.11. Doi:10.1038/s41386-021-01116-0
  4. Baawad A, Rice C, Hamil T, Murphy KPark J, Kim DS. Molecular weight effects of low acyl gellan gum on antioxidant capacity and rheological propertiesJ Food Sci. 2021. Doi:10.1111/1750-3841.15887

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

  1. Kumaran Y, Shah A, Katragadda A, Padgaonkar A, Zavatsky J, McGuire R, Serhan HElgafy H, Goel VK.Iatrogenic muscle damage in transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion and adjacent segment degeneration: a comparative finite element analysis of open and minimally invasive surgeriesEuropean Spine Journal.9. Doi:10.1007/s00586-021-06909-x
  2. Elgafy H, Wetzell B, Gillette M, Semaan H, Rowland A, Balboa CA, Mierzwa TA, McLean JB, Dorsch K, Moore MALumbar spine fusion outcomes using a cellular bone allograft with lineage-committed bone-forming cells in 96 patientsBmc Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2021;22(1):10. Doi:10.1186/s12891-021-04584-z
  3. Stokey PJ, Kennedy HV, Cross JM, Sohn DHMedial and Lateral Patellar Instability Leading to Medial Patellofemoral Ligament and Lateral Retinaculum Reconstruction: A Case ReportJBJS Case Connect. 2021;11(3). Doi:10.2106/jbjs.Cc.21.00083
  4. Scheller EL, McGee-Lawrence ME, Lecka-Czernik BReport From the 6(th) International Meeting on Bone Marrow Adiposity (BMA2020)Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021;12:712088. Doi:10.3389/fendo.2021.712088

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

  1. Kim J, Chun K, McGowan J, Zhang YJ, Czernik PJ, Mell B, Joe B, Chattopadhyay S, Holoshitz J, Chakravarti R14-3-3 zeta: A suppressor of inflammatory arthritisProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021;118(34):10. Doi:10.1073/pnas.2025257118
  2. Gan L, Wan X, Ma D, Yang FC, Zhu J, Rogers RS, Wheatley JL, Koch LG, Britton SL, Thyfault JP, Geiger PC, Stanford JA. Intrinsic Aerobic Capacity Affects Hippocampal pAkt and HSP72 Response to an Acute High Fat Diet and Heat Treatment in RatsJ Alzheimers Dis Rep. 2021;5(1):469-475. Doi:10.3233/adr-200289
  3. Ashraf UM, Mell B, Jose PA, Kumarasamy SDeep transcriptomic profiling of Dahl salt-sensitive rat kidneys with mutant form of Resp18Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021;572:35-40. Doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.07.071

Department of Psychiatry

  1. Sampson L, Cohen GH, Fink DS, Conroy C, Calabrese JR, Wryobeck JM, Elhai JD, King AP, Liberzon I, Galea S. Cohort profile: the Ohio Army National Guard Mental Health Initiative (OHARNG-MHI)Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2021. Doi:10.1007/s00127-021-02166-x 

Department of Radiation Oncology

  1.  Xie K, Shvydka D, Sperling N, Parsai E. An Innovative Water-Equivalent Solid Device for Beam Scanning to Replace Computerized 3D Water Scanning Systems. Med Phys. 2021;48(6):1. 
  2.  Akbari F, Shvydka D, Parsai E. Design Considerations for CdTe-Based Radiation Detector for Correction-Less Dosimetry. Med Phys. 2021;48(6):1. 
  3.  Charchi N, Xie K, Ray A, Parsai E, Shvydka D, Nath P. Amplification of Reactive Oxygen Species Generation Under Gamma-Ray Irradiation for Gold Nanoparticle Mediated Radiation Therapy. Med Phys. 2021;48(6):2. 
  4.  Salari E, Shvydka D, Parsai E. Evaluation of Parameters Affecting Gamma Passing Rate in Patient-Specific QA's for Multiple Brain Lesions IMRS Treatments. Med Phys. 2021;48(6):1. 
  5.  Taghizadehghahremanloo S, Parsai E, Shvydka D, Shan A. Experimental Study of An Innovative Thermo-Brachytherapy Seed for Simultaneous Delivery of Radiation and Hyperthermia. Med Phys. 2021;48(6):1. 
  6.  Bittinger K, Sperling N. An Investigation into the Dosimetric Properties of a Three-Dimensional (3D) Printing Material for Potential Use in Radiation Therapy. Med Phys. 2021;48(6):1. 
  7.  Cichewicz E, Salari E, Parsai E. Evaluating a Commercial Electron Monte Carlo Algorithm Using Oblique Incidence and Irregular Surfaces Present On Custom Wax Phantoms. Med Phys. 2021;48(6):1. 
  8.  Cichewicz E, Windsor C, Seekamp J, Pearson D. Recommendations for a Medical Physics Pre-Simulation Breath Hold Consultation: Medical Physics 3.0 in Practice. Med Phys. 2021;48(6):1. 
  9.  DeLuca E, Sperling N. An Evaluation of Complex Plan Quality Using RayStation's Collapsed Cone Convolution (CCC) Algorithm as a Function of Differing Hardware Given a Time Constraint. Med Phys. 2021;48(6):2. 
  10. Shvydka D, Hajduk M. Dosimetric Comparison of VMAT Prostate Plans Designed with 10MV Vs 18MV Photon Beams. Med Phys. 2021;48(6):1. 
  11. Xie K, Ray A, Shvydka D. Monte Carlo Simulation of Enhanced Free Radical Generation Due to Presence of Gold Nanoparticle Under High Energy Photon Irradiation. Med Phys. 2021;48(6):1.

Department of Surgery

  1. Stefanopoulos S, Ayoub S, Qiu Q, Ren G, Osman M, Nazzal M, Ahmed AMachine learning prediction of diabetic foot ulcers in the inpatient populationVascular.9. Doi:10.1177/17085381211040984
  2. Stefanopoulos S, Qiu Q, Alshaibani K, Bauer K, Ahmed A, Nazzal M, Osman MFEvaluation of Current Pressure Ulcer StagingAmerican Surgeon.6. Doi:10.1177/00031348211038574
  3. Choubey AP, Bullock B, Choubey AS, Ortiz J. Diversity among transplant surgery fellowship program directors: a call to actionHPB (Oxford). 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.hpb.2021.07.006
  4. Masroor S, Nasi A. The learning curve of robotic coronary arterial bypass surgery: A report from the STS databaseJ Card Surg.2. Doi:10.1111/jocs.15944

Department of Urology

  1. Salari B, Khalid M, Ivan S, Ekwenna O, Petros F, Saltzman B, Sindhwani PUrine versus stent cultures and clinical UTIsInt Urol Nephrol.6. Doi:10.1007/s11255-021-02964-x
  2. Giffen Z, Ezzone A, Ekwenna ORobotic stapler use: Is it safe?-FDA database analysis across multiple surgical specialtiesPLoS One. 2021;16(6):e0253548. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0253548
  3. Garcia E, Lang J, Oke OU, Reddy K, Ekwenna ORepresentation trends in radiation oncology training programs in the United StatesJournal of Clinical Oncology. 2021;39(15 SUPPL). Doi:10.1200/JCO.2021.39.15-suppl.11043

July 2021

Department of Cancer Biology

  1. Clemens KS, Pertiwi YG, Viera J, Murray AB, O'Brien K, Fasse K, Yeung V, Kleinstauber M, Gyasi-Gyamerah A, Yang Q, Seligman L, Papp-Zipernovszky O, Oikawa M, Ocansey RT, Patria B, Minza WM, Helfer SG, Geers AL. Using a cultural lens to explore the theory of planned behavior and sedentary lifestyle: Results from 10 unique cultural contexts. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2021;28(SUPPL 1):S53-S53. 
  2. Len JM, Hussein N, Malla S, McIntosh K, Patidar R, Elangovan M, Chandrabose K, Moorthy N, Pandey M, Raman D, Trivedi P, Tiwari AK. A Novel Dialkylamino-Functionalized Chalcone, DML6, Inhibits Cervical Cancer Cell Proliferation, In Vitro, via Induction of Oxidative Stress, Intrinsic Apoptosis and Mitotic CatastropheMolecules. 2021;26(14). Doi:10.3390/molecules26144214 

Department of Emergency Medicine

  1. Kenney K, Nguyen K, Konecki E, Jones C, Kakish E, Fink B, Rega PP. What Do Emergency Department Patients and Their Guests Expect From Their Health Care Provider in an Active Shooter Event? Wmj. 2020;119(2):96-101.

Department of Medical Education

  1. Menon B, Patel R, Kovacs K, Prevette C, Chen T, Matus CDIntegration of E-learning into the Physiology Education of Medical Students in their Pre-clinical Curriculum : E-learning in Medical Phyiology EducationTranslation: The University of Toledo Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021;9(1). Doi:10.46570/utjms.vol9-2021-463
  2. Menon B, Miller J, DeShetler LQuestioning the questions: Methods used by medical schools to review internal assessment itemsMedEdPublish. 2021;10(1):37-. Doi:10.15694/mep.2021.000037.1
  3. DeShetler L, Gangadhar M, Battepati D, Koffman E, Mukherjee RK, Menon BLearning on Lockdown: A Study on Medical Student Wellness, Coping Mechanisms and Motivation during the COVID-19 PandemicMedEdPublish. 2021;10(1):50-. Doi:10.15694/mep.2021.000050.1

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

  1. Lad AC, Presloid J, Wooten M, Mukundan D, Huntley J, Kennedy DJ, Haller ST. The harmful algal bloom toxin microcystin-lr induces an antibody response: implications for monitoring exposure. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2021;69(5):1137-1138. Doi:10.1136/jim-2021-MW.76 Meeting Abstract.
  2. Meikle CKS, Creeden JF, McCullumsmith C, Worth RGSSRIs: Applications in inflammatory lung disease and implications for COVID-19Neuropsychopharmacol Rep. 2021. Doi:10.1002/npr2.12194

Department of Medicine

  1. Sheikh T, Shuja H, Zaidi SR, Haque A. Glucocorticoid-induced cardiomyopathy: unexpected conclusionBMJ case reports. 2020;13(11). Doi:10.1136/bcr-2020-237173
  2. Sheikh T, Tomcho JC, Awad MT, Zaidi SR. Candida albicans endocarditis involving a normal native aortic valve in an immunocompetent patientBMJ case reports. 2020;13(11). Doi:10.1136/bcr-2020-236902
  3. Nguyen S, Chan KHR, Cadena J, Soper B, Kiszka P, Womack L, Work M, Duggan J, Haller ST, Hanrahan J, Kennedy DJ, Mukundan D, Ray P. Early prediction of adverse outcomes for covid-19 patients under cost constraints. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2021;69(5):1112-1114. Doi:10.1136/jim-2021-MW.49 Meeting Abstract
  4. Soper B, Cadena J, Nguyen S, Chan KHR, Kiszka P, Womack L, Work M, Duggan J, Haller ST, Hanrahan J, Kennedy DJ, Mukundan D, Ray P. DYNAMIC STRATIFICATION OF DISEASE SEVERITY AND PROGNOSIS OF HOSPITALIZED COVID-19 PATIENTS USING HIDDEN MARKOV MODEL. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2021;69(5):1111-1112. Doi:10.1136/jim-2021-MW.48 Meeting Abstract
  5. Dube P, Khalaf FK, Patel M, DeRiso A, Khatib-Shahidi B, Mohammed CJ, Soehnlen S, Connolly J, Lad AC, Kleinhenz A, Malhotra D, Haller ST, Kennedy DJ. Modulation of cardiotonic steroid activation of na/k-atpase-src signaling via pnaktide decreases cardiac inflammation and fibrosis in a dahl salt sensitive model of chronic kidney disease. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2021;69(5):1079-1079. Doi:10.1136/jim-2021-MW.12 Meeting Abstract
  6. Faleel D, Khalaf FK, Zhang SG, Dube P, Malhotra D, Haller ST, Kennedy DJ. Activation of na/k-atpase signaling by the arachidonic acid metabolite 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2021;69(5):1124-1124. Doi:10.1136/jim-2021-MW.58 Meeting Abstract
  7. Mohammed CJ, Dube P, Soehnlen S, Connolly JA, Kleinhenz AL, Gohara A, Malhotra D, Haller ST, Kennedy DJ. Targeting cardiotonic steroid activation of na/k-atpase-src signaling via pnaktide reduces renal injury and dysfunction in a dahl salt sensitive model of chronic kidney disease. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2021;69(5):1124-1125. Doi:10.1136/jim-2021-MW.59 Meeting Abstract
  8. Lad AC, Hunyadi J, Connolly J, Khalaf FK, Dube P, Zhang SG, Kleinhenz A, Baliu-Rodriguez D, Isailovic D, Malhotra D, Kennedy DJ. Antioxidant therapy restores hepatic phase i & phase ii metabolic enzymes altered by exposure to microcystin-lr in a murine model of diet-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2021;69(5):1140-1141. Doi:10.1136/jim-2021-MW.79 Meeting Abstract
  9. Wang YQ, Sun J, Kahaleh B. Epigenetic down-regulation of microRNA-126 in scleroderma endothelial cells is associated with impaired responses to VEGF and defective angiogenesisJournal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. Doi:10.1111/jcmm.16727
  10. Aziz M, Mehta TI, Weissman S, Sharma SFatima R, Khan Z, Dasari CS, Lee-Smith W, Nawras A, Adler DG. Do Water-aided Techniques Improve Serrated Polyp Detection Rate During Colonoscopy? A Systematic Review With Meta-AnalysisJ Clin Gastroenterol. 2021;55(6):520-527. Doi:10.1097/mcg.0000000000001386
  11. Fan XM, Zhang XL, Zhang SG, Liu LJ, Gupta R. Circulating hemopexin accumulates in kidneys and worsens renal injury in cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2021;69(5):1125-1126. Doi:10.1136/jim-2021-MW.60 Meeting Abstract
  12. Elsaghir H, Adnan G. Best Practices For Administering Monoclonal Antibody Therapy For Coronavirus (COVID-19). In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Copyright © 2021, StatPearls Publishing LLC.; 2021.
  13. Kichloo A, Aljadah M, Grubb B, Kanjwal K. Management of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome in the Absence of Randomized Controlled TrialsJ Innov Card Rhythm Manag. 2021;12(7):4607-4612. Doi:10.19102/icrm.2021.120705
  14. Matucci-Cerinic M, Hughes M, Taliani G, Kahaleh BSimilarities between COVID-19 and systemic sclerosis early vasculopathy: A "viral" challenge for future research in sclerodermaAutoimmun Rev. 2021;20(10):102899. Doi:10.1016/j.autrev.2021.102899
  15. Fang Y, Chen B, Gong AY, Malhotra D, Gupta R, Dworkin LD, Gong RThe ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate mitigates the senescence response of glomerular podocytes to diabetic insultsKidney Int. 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.kint.2021.06.031
  16. Raj SR, Bourne KM, Stiles LE, Miglis MG, Cortez MM, Miller AJ, Freeman R, Biaggioni I, Rowe PC, Sheldon RS, Shibao CA, Diedrich A, Systrom DM, Cook GA, Doherty TA, Abdallah HI, Grubb BP, Fedorowski A, Stewart JM, Arnold AC, Pace LA, Axelsson J, Boris JR, Moak JP, Goodman BP, Chémali KR, Chung TH, Goldstein DS, Darbari A, Vernino S. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS): Priorities for POTS care and research from a 2019 National Institutes of Health Expert Consensus Meeting - Part 2Auton Neurosci. 2021:102836. Doi:10.1016/j.autneu.2021.102836
  17. Aziz M, Mehta TI, Weissman S, Sharma SFatima R, Khan Z, Dasari CS, Lee-Smith W, Nawras AAdler DGDo Water-aided Techniques Improve Serrated Polyp Detection Rate During Colonoscopy?: A Systematic Review With Meta-AnalysisJ Clin Gastroenterol. 2021;55(6):520-527. Doi:10.1097/mcg.0000000000001386
  18. Sangani V, Pokal M, Balla M, Merugu GP, Adapa S, Naramala S, Konala VM. Pembrolizumab related Guillain barre syndrome, a rare presentation in a patient with a history of lupus and bladder cancerJ Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. 2021;11(3):388-392. Doi:10.1080/20009666.2021.1903133

Department of Neurology

  1. Malaiyandi D, James E, Peglar L, Karim NHenkel N, Guilliams K. Neurocritical Care of the Pregnant PatientCurrent Treatment Options in Neurology. 2021;23(7). Doi:10.1007/s11940-021-00676-2
  2. Harwayne-Gidansky I, Zurca A, Maa T, Bhalala US, Malaiyandi D, Nawathe P, Sarwal A, Waseem M, Kenes M, Vennero M, Emlet L. Defining Priority Areas for Critical Care Simulation: A Modified Delphi Consensus ProjectCureus. 2021;13(6). Doi:10.7759/cureus.15844
  3. Jumaa MA, Castonguay ACSalahuddin H, Jadhav AP, Limaye K, Farooqui M, Zaidi SF, Mueller-Kronast N, Liebeskind DS, Zaidat OO, Ortega-Gutierrez S. Middle Cerebral Artery M2 Thrombectomy in the STRATIS RegistryStroke. 2021:Strokeaha120033951. Doi:10.1161/strokeaha.120.033951
  4. Sheikh IS, Afreen E, Sheikh AUnusual Movement Disorders and Atypical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Findings in Patients with West Nile Encephalitis: Case Reports of 2 Patients with Evidence of Clinical and Imaging Resolution with IVIGAm J Case Rep. 2021;22:e932215. Doi:10.12659/ajcr.932215 

Department of Neurosciences

  1. Barbano AC, Tull MT, Christ NM, Xie H, Kaminski B, Wang XFear of pain as a predictor of concurrent and downstream PTSD symptomsJ Anxiety Disord. 2021;82:102441. Doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2021.102441 

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

  1. Hanna M, Whicker EA, Traub B, Allam E, Labib SA. Sport activity levels following ankle fusionInt Orthop.Doi:10.1007/s00264-021-05100-7
  2. Gaihre B, Bharadwaz A, Unagolla JM, Jayasuriya ACEvaluation of the optimal dosage of BMP-9 through the comparison of bone regeneration induced by BMP-9 versus BMP-2 using an injectable microparticle embedded thermosensitive polymeric carrier in a rat cranial defect modelMater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 2021;127:112252. Doi:10.1016/j.msec.2021.112252

Department of Pathology

  1. Breidenbach J, Blomquist T, Kleinhenz A, Lad AC, Su R, Willey J, Hammersley J, Gohara A, Wooten M, Crawford E, Modyanov N, Malhotra D, Haller ST, Kennedy DJAerosolized microcystin-lr induces type 1 inflammation of the airwaysJournal of Investigative Medicine. 2021;69(5):1131-1132. Doi:10.1136/jim-2021-MW.71 

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

  1. Schwarzer M, Molis A, Schenkl C, Schrepper A, Britton SL, Koch LG, Doenst T. Genetically determined exercise capacity affects systemic glucose response to insulin in ratsPhysiol Genomics. 2021. Doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00014.2021
  2. Mäkinen E, Lensu S, Honkanen M, Laitinen P, Wikgren J, Koch LG, Britton SL, Kainulainen H, Pekkala S, Nokia MS. Rats bred for low intrinsic aerobic exercise capacity link obesity with brain inflammation and reduced structural plasticity of the hippocampusBrain Behav Immun. 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2021.06.017

Department of Radiation Oncology

  1. Saul-McBeth J, Dillon J, Lee A, Launder D, Kratch JM, Abutaha E, Williamson AA, Schroering AG, Michalski G, Biswas P, Conti SR, Shetty AC, McCracken C, Bruno VM, Parsai EI, Conti HR. Tissue Damage in Radiation-Induced Oral Mucositis Is Mitigated by IL-17 Receptor SignalingFront Immunol. 2021;12. Doi:10.3389/fimmu.2021.687627

Department of Surgery

  1. Nasif A, Masroor SReadmissions, mortality, and HRRP: The bane of a cardiac surgeon's existence! J Card Surg. Doi:10.1111/jocs.15750
  2. Loss LKelly G, Koizumi N, Siddique AB, Shreve JMarkowiak SF, Nazzal M, Ortiz JRankings From US News and World Report Have Minimal Correlation With Kidney and Liver Transplant Recipient Survival Results From Retrospective DataExp Clin Transplant. 2021. Doi:10.6002/ect.2021.0043

Department of Urology

  1. Deshmukh A, Cox Z, Garcher D, Saltzman B, Sindhwani PRenal Displacement with Supine to Prone Positional Change: Effect of Sex and BMIJ Endourol. 2021. Doi:10.1089/end.2021.0217
  2. Pletcher JP, Bhattacharjee S, Doan JP, Wynn R, Sindhwani P, Nadiminty N, Petros FGThe Emerging Role of Poly (ADP-Ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors as Effective Therapeutic Agents in Renal Cell CarcinomaFront Oncol. 2021;11:681441. Doi:10.3389/fonc.2021.681441

June 2021

Department of Cancer Biology

  1. Li ZK, Wang-Heaton H, Cartwright BM, Makinwa Y, Hilton BA, Musich PR, Shkriabai N, Kvaratskhelia M, Guan SH, Chen Q, Yu XC, Zou YATR prevents Ca2+ overload-induced necrotic cell death through phosphorylation-mediated inactivation of PARP1 without DNA damage signalingFaseb J. 2021;35(5):18. Doi:10.1096/fj.202001636RRR
  2. Balaji S, Terrero D, Tiwari AK, Ashby CR, Jr., Raman DAlternative approaches to overcome chemoresistance to apoptosis in cancerAdv Protein Chem Struct Biol. 2021;126:91-122. Doi:10.1016/bs.apcsb.2021.01.005
  3. Ren G, Zheng X, Sharma V, Letson J, Nestor-Kalinoski AL, Furuta SLoss of Nitric Oxide Induces Fibrogenic Response in Organotypic 3D Co-Culture of Mammary Epithelia and Fibroblasts-An Indicator for Breast CarcinogenesisCancers. 2021;13(11). Doi:10.3390/cancers13112815

Department of Family Medicine

  1. Sangani V, Pokal M, Balla M, Merugu GP, Adapa S, Naramala S, Konala VM. A case of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder with coexisting systemic lupus erythematosusJ Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. 2021;11(4):531-535. Doi:10.1080/20009666.2021.1915533

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

  1. Zhou J, Horton JR, Blumenthal RM, Zhang X, Cheng X. Clostridioides difficile specific DNA adenine methyltransferase CamA squeezes and flips adenine out of DNA helixNature communications. 2021;12(1). Doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23693-w
  2. Nemati M, Zhang H, Sloma M, Bekbolsynov D, Wang H, Stepkowski S, Xu KS. Predicting Kidney Transplant Survival using Multiple Feature Representations for HLAsArtif Intell Med Conf Artif Intell Med (2005-). 2021;12721:51-60. 
  3. Oliva Chávez AS, Wang X, Marnin L, Archer NK, Hammond HL, Carroll EEM, Shaw DK, Tully BG, Buskirk AD, Ford SL, Butler LR, Shahi P, Morozova K, Clement CC, Lawres L, Neal AJO, Mamoun CB, Mason KL, Hobbs BE, Scoles GA, Barry EM, Sonenshine DE, Pal U, Valenzuela JG, Sztein MB, Pasetti MF, Levin ML, Kotsyfakis M, Jay SM, Huntley JF, Miller LS, Santambrogio L, Pedra JHF. Tick extracellular vesicles enable arthropod feeding and promote distinct outcomes of bacterial infectionNat Commun. 2021;12(1):3696. Doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23900-8

Department of Medicine

  1. Wang CJ, Li DR, Danielson JA, Zhang EH, Dong ZZ, Miller KD, Li L, Zhang JTLiu JYProton pump inhibitors suppress DNA damage repair and sensitize treatment resistance in breast cancer by targeting fatty acid synthaseCancer Lett. 2021;509:1-12. Doi:10.1016/j.canlet.2021.03.026
  2. Hasnie A, Hasnie A, Khuder SEltahawy E. In hospital mortality of depressed tavr patients does not differ significantly from non-depressed tavr patients. Results from the national inpatient sample. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(18):997-997. Published Meeting Abstract
  3. Nazir S, Ahuja KR, Ariss R, Changal K, Khuder S, Moukarbel G. Home health care utilization following transcatheter aortic valve replacement is associated with increased rehospitalization rates. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(18):993-993. Published Meeting Abstract
  4. Royfman R, Whiteley E, Noe O, Morand S, Creeden J, Stanbery L, Hamouda D, Nemunaitis J. BRCA1/2 signaling and homologous recombination deficiency in breast and ovarian cancerFuture Oncol.14. Doi:10.2217/fon-2021-0072
  5. Park S, Doan J, Sheikh I, Sheikh AAIgLON 5 Antibody Syndrome: Isolated Case of a Patient With Indolent Disease Progression and Unusual MRI FindingsCureus. 2021;13(2):e13386. Doi:10.7759/cureus.13386
  6. Millar EV, Bennett JW, Barin B, Carey PM, Law NN, English CE, Schwartz MM, Cochrane T, Ellis MW, Tribble DR, Cooke MT, Hennessey JP. Safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of NDV-3A against Staphylococcus aureus colonization: A phase 2 vaccine trial among US Army Infantry traineesVaccine. 2021;39(23):3179-3188.Doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.04.031
  7. Changal K, Syed MA, Atari E, Nazir S, Saleem S, Gul S, Salman FNU, Inayat A, Eltahawy ETransradial versus transfemoral access for cardiac catheterization: a nationwide pilot study of training preferences and expertise in The United StatesBMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2021;21(1):9. Doi:10.1186/s12872-021-02068-5
  8. Eljack AF, Al-Azizi K, Khuder S. Using rna-seq datasets from geo database identification of potential genetic biomarkers for dilated cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(18):845-845. Published Meeting Abstract
  9. Elzanaty A, Khalil M, Elballat A, Sajdeya O, Elsheikh E, Ghazaleh S, Patel NMhanna MBeran AEltahawy E. Moderate to high dose omega 3 supplementation for cardiovascular risk reduction: a systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(18):25-25. PublishedMeeting Abstract
  10. Elzanaty A, Elsheikh E, Bhuta SPatel N, Khalil M, Nazir SMhanna M, Ghazaleh S, Beran A, Eltahawy E. Crushed versus integral p2y12 inhibitors loading in management of stemi patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: a systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(18):1232-1232. Published Meeting Abstract
  11. Mhanna M, Beran A, Nazir S, Srour O, Sajdeya O, Elzanaty A, Eltahawy E. A systematic review and metaanalysis of adjunctive ethanol infusion into the vein of marshall during catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(18):315-315. Published Meeting Abstract
  12. Mhanna M, Beran A, Nazir S, Sajdeya O, Srour O, Ayesh H, Elzanaty A, Eltahawy E. A systematic review and metaanalysis of lung ultrasound guided therapy of ambulatory patients with chronic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(18):718-718. Published Meeting Abstract
  13. Mhanna M, Beran A, Nazir S, Sajdeya O, Srour O, Eltahawy E. Efficacy and safety of intravascular lithotripsy in calcified coronary artery disease; a systematic review and metaanalysis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(18):910-910. Published Meeting Abstract
  14. Patel M, Patel N, Elzanaty A, Burmeister C, Tomcho J, Bhuta S, Patel S, Patel A, Singh S. Single antiplatelet versus dual antiplatelet therapy in patients after transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(18):942-942. Published Meeting Abstract
  15. Patel M, Patel N, Burmeister C, Tomcho J, Elzanaty A, Bhuta S, Patel S, Singh S, Patel A. The effect of aspiration thrombectomy compared to conventional pci in patients with nstemi: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(18):1033-1033. 
  16. Grubb BPHigh Sodium Intake in Patients With Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia SyndromeJ Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(17):2185-2186. Doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2021.03.229
  17. Nazir S, Nesheiwat Z, Syed MA, Gupta R. Severe radial artery spasmcausing entrapment of the Terumo radial to peripheral destination slender sheath: a case reportEur Heart J-Case Rep. 2020;4(2):4. Doi:10.1093/ehjcr/ytaa038
  18. Vernino S, Bourne KM, Stiles LE, Grubb BP, Fedorowski A, Stewart JM, Arnold AC, Pace LA, Axelsson J, Boris JR, Moak JP, Goodman BP, Chémali KR, Chung TH, Goldstein DS, Diedrich A, Miglis MG, Cortez MM, Miller AJ, Freeman R, Biaggioni I, Rowe PC, Sheldon RS, Shibao CA, Systrom DM, Cook GA, Doherty TA, Abdallah HI, Darbari A, Raj SR. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS): State of the science and clinical care from a 2019 National Institutes of Health Expert Consensus Meeting - Part 1Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical. 202110.1016/j.autneu.2021.102828. Doi:10.1016/j.autneu.2021.102828
  19. Ayesh H, Beran A, Mhanna M, Hejeebu SSecondary Immune Thrombocytopenia Associated With Asymptomatic COVID-19 Successfully Managed With Intravenous Immunoglobulin and GlucocorticoidsCureus. 2021;13(5):e15153. Doi:10.7759/cureus.15153
  20. Aziz M, Ahmed Z, Weissman S, Ghazaleh SBeran A, Kamal F, Lee-Smith W, Assaly RNawras A, Pandol SJ, McDonough S, Adler DG. Lactated Ringer's vs normal saline for acute pancreatitis: An updated systematic review and meta-analysisPancreatology. 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.pan.2021.06.002
  21. Beran A, Mhanna M, Wahood W, Ghazaleh S, Sajdeya O, Kalifa M, Ayesh H, Srour O, Mhanna AS, Altorok N, Assaly R. Colchicine Treatment in SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisAm J Ther. 2021. Doi:10.1097/mjt.0000000000001397
  22. Ilagan DJC, Eitniear L, Cole K, Duggan J, Sahloff E. Time between diagnosis and achievement of virologic suppression in people living with HIVAm J Health Syst Pharm. 2021. Doi:10.1093/ajhp/zxab269
  23. McDermott JP, Sánchez G, Mitra A, Numata S, Liu LC, Blanco G. Na,K-ATPase α4, and Not Na,K-ATPase α1, is the Main Contributor to Sperm Motility, But its High Ouabain Binding Affinity Site is Not Required for Male Fertility in MiceJ Membr Biol. 2021. Doi:10.1007/s00232-021-00181-2
  24. Mir T, Uddin M, Changal KH, Perveiz E, Kaur J, Sattar Y, Ullah W, Sheikh M. Long-term outcomes of ischemic post-conditioning primary PCI and conventional primary PCI in acute STEMI: a meta-analysis of randomized trialsExpert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2021:1-8. Doi:10.1080/14779072.2021.1941874
  25. Nazir S, Gupta T, Ahuja KR, Minhas AMK, Ariss RWGupta R, Goel SS, Kleiman NS. Reader's Comments Association of Peri-Procedural Major Bleeding With Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Transcatheter Mitral Edge-To-Edge RepairAm J Cardiol. 2021;152:172-174. Doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2021.04.025
  26. Sharif S, Chen BBrewster P, Chen T, Dworkin LGong RRationale and Design of Assessing the Effectiveness of Short-Term Low-Dose Lithium Therapy in Averting Cardiac Surgery-Associated Acute Kidney Injury: A Randomized, Double Blinded, Placebo Controlled Pilot TrialFront Med (Lausanne). 2021;8:639402. Doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.639402
  27. Balasubramaniam D, Gottwald L, Dominiak N, Rettig N, Bedford-Lyon N, Ahmed M. Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome: a rare autoimmune entityInt J Dermatol. 2020;59(12):e480-e481. Doi:10.1111/ijd.15061

Department of Neurology

  1. Karim N, Sheikh AAA Rare, Unreported Cognitive Side Effect of Topiramate: Do We Know It All Yet? Cureus. 2020;12(11):e11342. Doi:10.7759/cureus.11342
  2. Park S, Doan J, Sheikh I, Sheikh AA. IgLON 5 Antibody Syndrome: Isolated Case of a Patient With Indolent Disease Progression and Unusual MRI FindingsCureus. 2021;13(2):e13386. Doi:10.7759/cureus.13386
  3. Park S, Majoka H, Sheikh A, Ali IA presumed case of new-onset focal seizures as a delayed complication of COVID-19 infectionEpilepsy Behav Rep. 2021;16:100447. Doi:10.1016/j.ebr.2021.100447
  4. De A, Chen W, Li H, Wright JR, Lamendella R, Lukin DJ, Szymczak WA, Sun K, Kelly L, Ghosh S, Kearns DB, He Z, Jobin C, Luo X, Byju A, Chatterjee S, San Yeoh B, Vijay-Kumar M, Tang JX, Prajapati M, Bartnikas TB, Mani S. Bacterial Swarmers Enriched During Intestinal Stress Ameliorate DamageGastroenterology. 2021;161(1):211-224. Doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2021.03.017
  5. Salahuddin H, Dawod G, Zaidi SF, Shawver J, Burgess R, Jumaa MASafety of Low Dose Intravenous Cangrelor in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Case SeriesFront Neurol. 2021;12:636682. Doi:10.3389/fneur.2021.636682
  6. Anto M, Jaffee S, Tietjen G, Mendizabal A, Szperka C. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Frequent Headache by Adolescent Self-ReportPediatr Neurol. 2021;121:51-55. Doi:10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2021.04.004

Department of Neurosciences

  1. Bronstone GJ, Bauer DE, Harling M, Muldowney M, Funk AJ, Reigle J, Meller J, O'Donovan SM, McCullumsmith RE. How glutamate transporter deletion influences behavior, longevity, and protein expression in Caenorhabditis elegans. Integr Comp Biol. 2021;61:E1069-E1069. Meeting Abstract
  2. Lin B, Alganem K, O'Donovan SM, Jin Z, Naghavi F, Miller OA, Ortyl TC, Ruan YC, McCullumsmith RE, Du J. Activation of acid-sensing ion channels by carbon dioxide regulates amygdala synaptic protein degradation in memory reconsolidationMol Brain. 2021;14(1):78. Doi:10.1186/s13041-021-00786-7
  3. Chadha R, Alganem K, McCullumsmith RE, Meador-Woodruff JH. mTOR kinase activity disrupts a phosphorylation signaling network in schizophrenia brainMol Psychiatr. Doi:10.1038/s41380-021-01135-9 

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

  1. Van Hook CL. Normal Labor. In: Manual of Obstetrics. 9th ed. The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer; 2021:12-34.

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

  1. Liu J, Zhang XL, Chen T, Wu T, Lin T, Jiang L, Lang S, Liu L, Natarajan L, Tu JX, Kosciolek T, Morton J, Nguyen TT, Schnabl B, Knight R, Feng C, Zhong Y, Tu XM. A semiparametric model for between-subject attributes: Applications to beta-diversity of microbiome dataBiometrics. Doi:10.1111/biom.13487
  2. Lee JS, Curnutte B, Pan K, Liu J, Ebraheim NABiomechanical comparison of suture-button, bioabsorbable screw, and metal screw for ankle syndesmotic repair: A meta-analysisFoot Ankle Surg. 2021;27(2):117-122. Doi:10.1016/j.fas.2020.03.008 

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

  1. Farrash WF, Phillips BE, Britton SL, Qi N, Koch LG, Wilkinson DJ, Smith K, Atherton PJ. Myokine Responses to Exercise in a Rat Model of Low/High Adaptive PotentialFront Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021;12:645881. Doi:10.3389/fendo.2021.645881
  2. Singh V, Yeoh BSAbokor AA, Golonka RM, Tian Y, Patterson AD, Joe B, Heikenwalder M, Vijay-Kumar MVancomycin prevents fermentable fiber-induced liver cancer in mice with dysbiotic gut microbiotaGut Microbes. 2020;11(4):1077-1091. Doi:10.1080/19490976.2020.1743492

Department of Psychiatry

  1. Magalhaes C, Knox MA Multi-Site Study of the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program in PortugalJ Aggress Maltreatment Trauma. Doi:10.1080/10926771.2021.1933287
  2. Andari E, Massa NM, Fargotstein MD, Taylor NB, Halverson DM, Owens AV, Currin DL, Bhattacharya A, Gitman D, Cuthbert BC, Young LJ, Duncan EJ. Effects of Oxytocin on Emotion Recognition in Schizophrenia A Randomized Double-Blind Pilot StudyJ Clin Psychopharmacol. 2021;41(2):103-113. Doi:10.1097/jcp.0000000000001367

Department of Surgery

  1. Qiu Q, Stefanopoulos S, Kaissieh D, Wandtke M, Ren G, Osman M, Nazzal M, Ahmed AA comparison of revascularization methods for peripheral arterial disease in diabetics: Changing trends in lower extremity revascularization from 2008 to 2014Vascular.9. Doi:10.1177/17085381211012564
  2. Stefanopoulos S, Parsikia A, Kaissieh D, Sutton JM, Ortiz JA Limitation of Administrative Datasets Kidney Transplant Recipients Had Double the Incidence of Benign Pathology After PancreatectomyPancreas. 2021;50(3):E32-E33. Doi:10.1097/mpa.0000000000001764
  3. Nasif A, Masroor SCardiac surgery and healthcare quality: Is the right question being asked? Journal of cardiac surgery. Doi:10.1111/jocs.15709
  4. Chiodo Ortiz A, Choubey AP, Pai K, Khan S, Mishra A, Bullock B, Sureddi S, James R, Siddique AB, Koizumi N, Ortiz J. Kidney transplant surgical director training: Urologists represent a functional alternative to general surgeonsClinical transplantation. 2021:e14385. Doi:10.1111/ctr.14385
  5. Choubey AP, Ortiz J. Donation after circulatory death liver recovery-Time for consensusClinical transplantation. 2021;35(2):e14168. Doi:10.1111/ctr.14168

Department of Urology

  1. Turner KA, Fishman EL, Asadullah M, Ott B, Dusza P, Shah TRA, Sindhwani P, Nadiminty N, Molinari E, Patrizio P, Saltzman BS, Avidor-Reiss TFluorescence-Based Ratiometric Analysis of Sperm Centrioles (FRAC) Finds Patient Age and Sperm Morphology Are Associated With Centriole QualityFront Cell Dev Biol. 2021;9:16. Doi:10.3389/fcell.2021.658891

May 2021

Department of Emergency Medicine

  1. Rega PP, Fink B, Sexton M, Schneiderman J, Kakish E, McKenzie N, Kenney K, Jones C. Improving the improvisational pelvic circumferential compression technique for open-book pelvic fractures using a simulation model and a sphygmomanometerBMJ Mil Health. 2020;166(E):e21-e24.

Department of Medical Education

  1. Trivedi A, Mehrotra A, Baum CE, Lewis B, Basuroy T, Blomquist T, Trumbly R, Filipp FV, Setaluri V, de la Serna ILBromodomain and extra-terminal domain (BET) proteins regulate melanocyte differentiationEpigenetics Chromatin. 2020;13(1):14.

Department of Medicine

  1. Ariss RW, Elzanaty AM, Minhas AMK, Nazir S, Gul S, Patel N, Ahuja KR, Mochon A, Eltahawy EASex-based differences in clinical outcomes and resource utilization of type 2 myocardial infarctionInt J Cardiol. 2021.
  2. Balla M, Merugu G, Nesheiwat Z, Patel M, Sheikh T, Fatima R, Kotturi VK, Bommana V, Pulagam G,Kaminski B. Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of 217 COVID-19 Patients in Northwest Ohio, United StatesCureus. 2021;13(4):e14308.
  3. Changal K, Syed MA, Atari E, Nazir S, Saleem S, Gul S, Salman FNU, Inayat A, Eltahawy ETransradial versus transfemoral access for cardiac catheterization: a nationwide pilot study of training preferences and expertise in The United StatesBMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2021;21(1):250.
  4. Harnish PR, Shastri P, Grubb BPSick Sinus Syndrome Can Be Associated with Postural Tachycardia Syndrome and Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia SyndromeJ Innov Card Rhythm Manag. 2021;12(5):4526-4531.
  5. Mhanna M, Beran A, Nazir S, Sajdeya O, Srour O, Elzanaty A, Eltahawy EAEfficacy and safety of intravascular lithotripsy in calcified coronary lesions: A systematic review and meta-analysisCardiovascular revascularization medicine : including molecular interventions. 2021.
  6. Millar EV, Bennett JW, Barin B, Carey PM, Law NN, English CE, Schwartz MM, Cochrane T, Ellis MW, Tribble DR, Timothy Cooke M, Hennessey JP. Safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of NDV-3A against Staphylococcus aureus colonization: A phase 2 vaccine trial among US Army Infantry traineesVaccine. 2021;39(23):3179-3188.
  7. Nazir S, Ahuja KR, Ariss RWChangal KKhuder SAMoukarbel GVHome health care utilization trend, predictors, and association with early rehospitalization following endovascular transcatheter aortic valve replacementCardiovascular revascularization medicine : including molecular interventions. 2021.
  8. Nazir S, Ahuja KR, Khan Minhas AM, Ariss RW, Goel SS, Gupta R. Association of Peri-Procedural Major Bleeding With Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage ClosureThe American journal of cardiology. 2021.
  9. Nesheiwat Z, Daboul J, Merugu GP, Adapa S, Balla MMembranous nephropathy and autoimmune hepatitis in the setting of acute Helicobacter pylori infection: a case reportJournal of medical case reports. 2021;15(1):308.

Department of Medical, Microbiology, and Immunology

  1. Emmons TR, Giridharan T, Singel KL, Khan ANH, Ricciuti J, Howard K, Silva-Del Toro SL, Debreceni IL, Aarts CEM, Brouwer MC, Suzuki S, Kuijpers TW, Jongerius I, Allen LH, Ferreira VP, Schubart A, Sellner H, Eder J, Holland SM, Ram S, Lederer JA, Eng KH, Moysich KB, Odunsi K, Yaffe MB, Zsiros E, Segal BH. Mechanisms driving neutrophil-induced T-cell immunoparalysis in ovarian cancerCancer Immunol Res. 2021.
  2. Yu D, Horton JR, Yang J, Hajian T, Vedadi M, Sagum CA, Bedford MT, Blumenthal RM, Zhang X, Cheng X. Human MettL3-MettL14 RNA adenine methyltransferase complex is active on double-stranded DNA containing lesionsNucleic acids research. 2021.

Department of Neurology

  1. Miller WK, Becker KNCaras AJ, Mansour TR, Mays MTRashid M, Schwalb J. Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound treatment for essential tremor shows sustained efficacy: a meta-analysisNeurosurgical review. 2021.

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

  1. Liu JCORR Insights®: An Unrecognized Ligament and its Ossification in the Craniocervical Junction: Prevalence, Patient Characteristics, and Anatomic EvidenceClinical orthopaedics and related research. 2021.
  2. Liu J, Pathak G, Joshi M, Andrews K, Lee J. A meta-analysis comparing the outcomes of syndesmotic injury treated with metal screw, dynamic fixation, and bioabsorbable screwJournal of orthopaedics. 2021;25:82-87.
  3. Sohn DH. CORR Insights®: Influenza Vaccination Is Not Associated with Increased Number of Visits for Shoulder PainClinical orthopaedics and related research. 2020;478(10):2349-2350. 

Department of Pathology

  1. Helal RA, Russo L, Ghadieh HE, Muturi HT, Asalla S, Lee ADGatto-Weis CNajjar SMRegulation of hepatic fibrosis by Carcinoembryonic Antigen-related Cell Adhesion Molecule 1Metabolism. 2021:154801.
  2. Hummel K, Meawad H, Gunning WT, Gohara AFNegative Fat Pad Biopsy in Systemic AL: A Case Report Analyzing the Preferred Amyloidosis Screening TestDiseases. 2021;9(2).
  3. Von Suskil M, Sultana KN, Elbezanti WO, Al-Odat OS, Chitren R, Tiwari AK, Challagundla KB, Srivastava SK, Jonnalagadda SC, Budak-Alpdogan T, Pandey MK. Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Targeting in Multiple Myeloma.International journal of molecular sciences. 2021;22(11).

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

  1. Bodine SC, Brooks HL, Bunnett NW, Coller HA, Frey MR, Joe B, Kleyman TR, Lindsey ML, Marette A, Morty RE, Ramirez JM, Thomsen MB, Yosten GLC. An American Physiological Society cross-journal Call for Papers on "Inter-Organ Communication in Homeostasis and Disease". Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2021.
  2. Civil R, Brook MS, Elliott-Sale KJ, Santos L, Varley I, Lensu S, Kainulainen H, Koch LG, Britton SL, Wilkinson DJ, Smith K, Sale C, Atherton PJ. A collagen extraction and deuterium oxide stable isotope tracer method for the quantification of bone collagen synthesis rates in vivoPhysiol Rep. 2021;9(10):e14799.
  3. Davis AE, Smyers ME, Beltz L, Mehta DM, Britton SL, Koch LG, Novak CM. Differential weight loss with intermittent fasting or daily calorie restriction in low- and high-fitness phenotypesExperimental physiology. 2021.
  4. Golonka RM, Cooper JK, Issa R, Devarasetty PP, Gokula V, Busken J, Zubcevic J, Hill J, Vijay-Kumar M, Menon B, Joe BImpact of Nutritional Epigenetics in Essential Hypertension: Targeting microRNAs in the Gut-Liver AxisCurr Hypertens Rep. 2021;23(5):28.
  5. Singh V, Galla S, Golonka RM, Patterson AD, Chassaing B, Joe B, Vijay-Kumar MLipocalin 2 deficiency-induced gut microbiota dysbiosis evokes metabolic syndrome in aged micePhysiological genomics. 2020;52(8):314-321.
  6. Zhuang H, Karvinen S, Törmäkangas T, Zhang X, Ojanen X, Velagapudi V, Alen M, Britton SL, Koch LG, Kainulainen H, Cheng S, Wiklund P. Interactive effects of aging and aerobic capacity on energy metabolism-related metabolites of serum, skeletal muscle, and white adipose tissueGeroscience. 2021.

Department of Surgery

  1. Choubey AP, Choubey AS, Ortiz J. Letter Regarding: Gender Differences in Authorship Among Transplant Physicians: Are We Bridging the Gap? The Journal of surgical research. 2021;266:352.
  2. Choubey AP, Ortiz J. Letter Regarding: Gender Equity at Surgical Conferences: Quantity and QualityThe Journal of surgical research. 2021;266:319.
  3. Choubey AP, Reilly M, Bullock B, Ireland M, Brown M, Ortiz A, Pai KSureddi SKhan SAMishra A, Koizumi N, Pearson T, Ortiz J. The Academic Footprint of Women in Transplantation: Leaky Pipeline PersistsTransplantation. 2021.
  4. Pak S, Valencia D, Lee C, Lach J, Ortiz GIngestion of food grade hydrogen peroxide with resultant gastrointestinal and neurologic symptoms treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy: case report and review with emphasis on the therapeutic value of HBO2 in vascular gas embolismUndersea Hyperb Med. 2021;48(2):177-186.
  5. Perdue JM, Ortiz AC, Parsikia A, Ortiz JKidney-Pancreas Transplant Recipients Experience Higher Risk of Complications Compared to the General Population after Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass GraftingInt J Angiol. 2021;30(2):107-116.

April 2021

Department of Cancer Biology

  1. Borie AM, Dromard Y, Guillon G, Olma A, Manning M, Muscatelli F, Desarménien MG, Jeanneteau F. Correction of vasopressin deficit in the lateral septum ameliorates social deficits of mouse autism modelThe Journal of Clinical Investigation. 01/19/ 2021;131(2) doi:10.1172/JCI144450
  2. Su S, Li XH. Dive into Single, Seek Out Multiple: Probing Cancer Metastases via Single-Cell Sequencing and Imaging Techniques. ReviewCancers. Mar 2021;13(5):17. 1067. doi:10.3390/cancers13051067
  3. Sharma V, Fernando V, Letson J, Walia Y, Zheng X, Fackelman D, Furuta SS-Nitrosylation in Tumor MicroenvironmentInternational journal of molecular sciences. Apr 27 2021;22(9)doi:10.3390/ijms22094600 

Department of Family Medicine 

  1. Merugu GP, Nesheiwat Z, Balla M, Patel M, Fatima R, Sheikh T, Kotturi V, Bommana V, Pulagam G, Kaminski B. Predictors of mortality in 217 COVID-19 patients in Northwest Ohio, United States: A retrospective studyJ Med Virol. May 2021;93(5):2875-2882. doi:10.1002/jmv.26750

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

  1. Gould JR, Qiu SH, Shang Q, Dokland T, Ogino T, Petit CM, Green TJ. Consequences of Phosphorylation in a Mononegavirales Polymerase-Cofactor System. Article. J Virol. Apr 2021;95(7):12. e02180-20. doi:10.1128/jvi.02180-20
  2. Rao JS, Matson AW, Taylor RT, Burlak C. Xenotransplantation Literature Update 2020-2021.Xenotransplantation. Apr 21 2021:e12685. doi:10.1111/xen.12685
  3. Yang J, Horton JR, Akdemir KC, Li J, Huang Y, Kumar J, Blumenthal RM, Zhang X, Cheng X. Preferential CEBP binding to T:G mismatches and increased C-to-T human somatic mutationsNucleic acids research. Apr 20 2021;doi:10.1093/nar/gkab276

Department of Medicine

  1. Ahuja KR, Nazir S, Jain V, Isogai T, Saad AM, Verma BR, Shekhar S, Kumar R, Eltahawy EA, Madias JE. Takotsubo syndrome: Does "Diabetes Paradox" exist? Article. Heart & Lung. Mar-Apr 2021;50(2):316-322. doi:10.1016/j.hrtlng.2021.01.005
  2. Bigelow GS, Benafan O, Garg A, Noebe RD. Effect of Hf/Zr Ratio on Shape Memory Properties of High Temperature Ni50.3Ti29.7(Hf,Zr)(20) Alloys. Article. Scr Mater. Mar 2021;194:6. 113623. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.11.008
  3. Jones W, Gong B, Novoradovskaya N, Li D, Kusko R, Richmond TA, Johann DJ, Jr., Bisgin H, Sahraeian SME, Bushel PR, Pirooznia M, Wilkins K, Chierici M, Bao W, Basehore LS, Lucas AB, Burgess D, Butler DJ, Cawley S, Chang CJ, Chen G, Chen T, Chen YC, Craig DJ, Del Pozo A, Foox J, Francescatto M, Fu Y, Furlanello C, Giorda K, Grist KP, Guan M, Hao Y, Happe S, Hariani G, Haseley N, Jasper J, Jurman G, Kreil DP, Łabaj P, Lai K, Li J, Li QZ, Li Y, Li Z, Liu Z, López MS, Miclaus K, Miller R, Mittal VK, Mohiyuddin M, Pabón-Peña C, Parsons BL, Qiu F, Scherer A, Shi T, Stiegelmeyer S, Suo C, Tom N, Wang D, Wen Z, Wu L, Xiao W, Xu C, Yu Y, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Zheng Y, Mason CE, Willey JC, Tong W, Shi L, Xu J. A verified genomic reference sample for assessing performance of cancer panels detecting small variants of low allele frequencyGenome Biol. Apr 16 2021;22(1):111. doi:10.1186/s13059-021-02316-z
  4. Chen B, Wang P, Liang X, Jiang C, Ge Y, Dworkin LD, Gong R. Permissive effect of GSK3β on profibrogenic plasticity of renal tubular cells in progressive chronic kidney diseaseCell Death Dis. Apr 30 2021;12(5):432. doi:10.1038/s41419-021-03709-5
  5. Khader Y, Burmeister C, Patel D, Ambati A, Altorok NHenoch-Schonlein Purpura Presenting as Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed in an Adult Patient. Article. Cureus. Mar 2021;13(3):6. e13879. doi:10.7759/cureus.13879
  6. Hollingshead C, Luttmann K, Georgescu CBilateral emphysematous pyelonephritis. Article. IDCases. 2021;23:2. e01042. doi:10.1016/j.idcr.2020.e01042
  7. Gong B, Li D, Kusko R, Novoradovskaya N, Zhang Y, Wang S, Pabón-Peña C, Zhang Z, Lai K, Cai W, LoCoco JS, Lader E, Richmond TA, Mittal VK, Liu LC, Johann DJ, Jr., Willey JC, Bushel PR, Yu Y, Xu C, Chen G, Burgess D, Cawley S, Giorda K, Haseley N, Qiu F, Wilkins K, Arib H, Attwooll C, Babson K, Bao L, Bao W, Lucas AB, Best H, Bhandari A, Bisgin H, Blackburn J, Blomquist TM, Boardman L, Burgher B, Butler DJ, Chang CJ, Chaubey A, Chen T, Chierici M, Chin CR, Close D, Conroy J, Coleman JC, Craig DJCrawford E, Del Pozo A, Deveson IW, Duncan D, Eterovic AK, Fan X, Foox J, Furlanello C, Ghosal A, Glenn S, Guan M, Haag C, Hang X, Happe S, Hennigan B, Hipp J, Hong H, Horvath K, Hu J, Hung LY, Jarosz M, Kerkhof J, Kipp B, Kreil DP, Łabaj P, Lapunzina P, Li P, Li QZ, Li W, Li Z, Liang Y, Liu S, Liu Z, Ma C, Marella N, Martín-Arenas R, Megherbi DB, Meng Q, Mieczkowski PA, Morrison T, Muzny D, Ning B, Parsons BL, Paweletz CP, Pirooznia M, Qu W, Raymond A, Rindler P, Ringler R, Sadikovic B, Scherer A, Schulze E, Sebra R, Shaknovich R, Shi Q, Shi T, Silla-Castro JC, Smith M, López MS, Song P, Stetson D, Strahl M, Stuart A, Supplee J, Szankasi P, Tan H, Tang LY, Tao Y, Thakkar S, Thierry-Mieg D, Thierry-Mieg J, Thodima VJ, Thomas D, Tichý B, Tom N, Garcia EV, Verma S, Walker K, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Y, Wen Z, Wirta V, Wu L, Xiao C, Xiao W, Xu S, Yang M, Ying J, Yip SH, Zhang G, Zhang S, Zhao M, Zheng Y, Zhou X, Mason CE, Mercer T, Tong W, Shi L, Jones W, Xu J. Cross-oncopanel study reveals high sensitivity and accuracy with overall analytical performance depending on genomic regionsGenome Biol. Apr 16 2021;22(1):109. doi:10.1186/s13059-021-02315-0 
  8. Dube P, DeRiso A, Patel M, Battepati D, Khatib-Shahidi B, Sharma H, Gupta R, Malhotra D, Dworkin L, Haller S, Kennedy DVascular Calcification in Chronic Kidney Disease: Diversity in the Vessel WallBiomedicines. Apr 8 2021;9(4). doi:10.3390/biomedicines9040404
  9. Fatima R, Assaly AR, Aziz M, Moussa M, Assaly RThe United States Medical Licensing Exam Step 2 Clinical Skills Examination: Potential Alternatives During and After the COVID-19 PandemicJMIR medical education. Apr 30 2021;7(2):e25903. doi:10.2196/25903
  10. Hanrahan J, Kammeyer J, Sievert D, Naylor B, Khuder S, Kaminski B. Implementation of SHEA/CDC Outbreak Response Training Program Tools to Develop a Dedicated COVID-19 Hospital in Lucas County, OhioInfection control and hospital epidemiology. Apr 15 2021:1-8. doi:10.1017/ice.2021.158
  11. Burmeister C, Beran A, Mhanna M, Ghazaleh S, Tomcho JC, Maqsood A, Sajdeya O, Assaly REfficacy and Safety of Direct Oral Anticoagulants Versus Vitamin K Antagonists in the Treatment of Left Ventricular Thrombus: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisAmerican journal of therapeutics. Apr 7 2021;doi:10.1097/mjt.0000000000001351
  12. Ayesh H, Burmeister C, Tomcho JC, Fatima R, Hejeebu SKPembrolizumab-Induced ThyroiditisAmerican journal of therapeutics. Apr 8 2021;doi:10.1097/mjt.0000000000001367
  13. Deveson IW, Gong B, Lai K, LoCoco JS, Richmond TA, Schageman J, Zhang Z, Novoradovskaya N, Willey JC, Jones W, Kusko R, Chen G, Madala BS, Blackburn J, Stevanovski I, Bhandari A, Close D, Conroy J, Hubank M, Marella N, Mieczkowski PA, Qiu F, Sebra R, Stetson D, Sun L, Szankasi P, Tan H, Tang LY, Arib H, Best H, Burgher B, Bushel PR, Casey F, Cawley S, Chang CJ, Choi J, Dinis J, Duncan D, Eterovic AK, Feng L, Ghosal A, Giorda K, Glenn S, Happe S, Haseley N, Horvath K, Hung LY, Jarosz M, Kushwaha G, Li D, Li QZ, Li Z, Liu LC, Liu Z, Ma C, Mason CE, Megherbi DB, Morrison T, Pabón-Peña C, Pirooznia M, Proszek PZ, Raymond A, Rindler P, Ringler R, Scherer A, Shaknovich R, Shi T, Smith M, Song P, Strahl M, Thodima VJ, Tom N, Verma S, Wang J, Wu L, Xiao W, Xu C, Yang M, Zhang G, Zhang S, Zhang Y, Shi L, Tong W, Johann DJ, Jr., Mercer TR, Xu J. Evaluating the analytical validity of circulating tumor DNA sequencing assays for precision oncologyNat Biotechnol. Apr 12 2021;doi:10.1038/s41587-021-00857-z 
  14. Khader Y, Ghazaleh S, Nehme C, Burlen J, Nawras AEsophagopericardial Fistula After Esophagectomy.Cureus. Mar 7 2021;13(3):e13753. doi:10.7759/cureus.13753
  15. Mhanna M, Beran A, Nazir S, Sajdeya O, Srour O, Ayesh H, Eltahawy EALung ultrasound-guided management to reduce hospitalization in chronic heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysisHeart Fail Rev. Apr 9 2021;doi:10.1007/s10741-021-10085-x
  16. Ammari Z, Hasnie AA, Ruzieh M, Dasa O, Al-Sarie M, Shastri P, Ashcherkin N, Brewster PS, Cooper CJ, Gupta RPrognostic Value of Computed Tomography Versus Echocardiography Derived Right to Left Ventricular Diameter Ratio in Acute Pulmonary EmbolismThe American journal of the medical sciences. Apr 2021;361(4):445-450. doi:10.1016/j.amjms.2020.07.008
  17. Sharma SAziz M, Vohra I, Kamal F, Acharya A, Khan Z, Weissman S, Nawras ARates and Predictors of 30-Day Readmissions in Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery in the US: a Nationwide StudyObes Surg. Jan 2021;31(1):62-69. doi:10.1007/s11695-020-04884-8
  18. Nesheiwat Z, Eid J, Soni R, Harnish P, Sabbagh E, Eltahawy EA single, shared origin for all three coronary arteries from the right coronary cusp: a case reportJournal of medical case reports. Jul 10 2020;14(1):94. doi:10.1186/s13256-020-02422-9

Department of Neurology

  1. Park S, Majoka H, Sheikh A, Ali I. A presumed case of new-onset focal seizures as a delayed complication of COVID-19 infectionEpilepsy Behav Rep. 2021;16:100447. doi:10.1016/j.ebr.2021.100447

Department of Neurosciences

  1. Smail MA, Reigle JK, McCullumsmith REUsing protein turnover to expand the applications of transcriptomics. Article. Scientific reports. Feb 2021;11(1):9. 4403. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-83886-7

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

  1. Agarwal A, Mooney M, Agarwal AG, Jayaswal D, Saakyan G, Goel V, Wang JC, Anand N, Garfin S, Shendge V, Elgafy HHigh Prevalence of Biofilms on Retrieved Implants from Aseptic Pseudarthrosis CasesSpine Surg Relat Res. 2021;5(2):104-108. doi:10.22603/ssrr.2020-0147 

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

  1. Alves de Souza RW, Gallo D, Lee GR, Katsuyama E, Schaufler A, Weber J, Csizmadia E, Tsokos GC, Koch LG, Britton SL, Wisløff U, Brum PC, Otterbein LESkeletal muscle heme oxygenase-1 activity regulates aerobic capacityCell reports. Apr 20 2021;35(3):109018. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109018 
  2. Aradhyula V, Waigi E, Bearss NR, Edwards JM, Joe B, McCarthy CG, Koch LB, Wenceslau CFIntrinsic exercise capacity induces divergent vascular plasticity via arachidonic acid-mediated inflammatory pathways in female ratsVascul Pharmacol. Apr 16 2021:106862. doi:10.1016/j.vph.2021.106862 
  3. Spires DR, Palygin O, Levchenko V, Isaeva E, Klemens CA, Khedr S, Nikolaienko O, Kriegel AJ, Cheng X, Yeo JY, Joe B, Staruschenko A. Sexual dimorphism in the progression of type 2 diabetic kidney disease in T2DN ratsPhysiological genomics. Apr 19 2021;doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00009.2021
  4. Wikgren J, Nokia MS, Mäkinen E, Koch LG, Britton SL, Kainulainen H, Lensu S. Rats with elevated genetic risk for metabolic syndrome exhibit cognitive deficiencies when youngPhysiol Behav. Apr 7 2021;236:113417. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2021.113417

Department of Radiation Oncology

  1. Tukaramrao DB, Malla S, Saraiya S, Hanely RA, Ray A, Kumari S, Raman D, Tiwari AKA Novel Thienopyrimidine Analog, TPH104, Mediates Immunogenic Cell Death in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells.Cancers. Apr 18 2021;13(8)doi:10.3390/cancers13081954

March 2021

Department of Emergency Medicine

  1. O'Brien AJ, Moussa MAUsing ultrasound to diagnose long bone fracturesJAAPA. Feb 2020;33(2):33-37. doi:10.1097/01.JAA.0000651736.02537.ef

Department of Family Medicine

  1. Rose SC, Weldy DL, Zhukivska S, Pommering TL. Acquired stuttering after pediatric concussionActa Neurol Belg. Mar 20 2021;doi:10.1007/s13760-021-01653-x

Deparment of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

  1. Glanz A, Chakravarty S, Varghese M, Kottapalli A, Fan S, Chakravarti R, Chattopadhyay STranscriptional and Non-Transcriptional Activation, Posttranslational Modifications, and Antiviral Functions of Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 and Viral Antagonism by the SARS-CoronavirusViruses. Mar 29 2021;13(4)doi:10.3390/v13040575
  2. Chen X, Liu Y, Dolin H, Liu J, Jiang Y, Pan ZK. Pinaverium Bromide Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Excessive Systemic Inflammation via Inhibiting Neutrophil Priming.Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md : 1950). Mar 26 2021;doi:10.4049/jimmunol.1900975
  3. Moore SR, Menon SS, Cortes C, Ferreira VPHijacking Factor H for Complement Immune EvasionFrontiers in immunology. 2021;12:602277. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2021.602277

Department of Medicine

  1. Steiger D, Siddiqi MF, Yip R, Yankelevitz DF, Henschke CI, I-ELCAP investigators (Willey JC). The importance of low-dose CT screening to identify emphysema in asymptomatic participants with and without a prior diagnosis of COPDClin Imaging. Mar 20 2021;78:136-141. doi:10.1016/j.clinimag.2021.03.012
  2. Changal K, Paternite DMack SVeria S, Bashir R, Patel M, Soni R, Ali M, Mir T, Sheikh M, Ramanathan PK. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and QTc prolongationBMC Cardiovasc Disord. Mar 30 2021;21(1):158. doi:10.1186/s12872-021-01963-1
  3. Beran A, Zink E, Mhanna M, Abugharbyeh A, Hanrahan J, Duggan J, Assaly RTransmissibility and viral replication of SARS-COV-2 in immunocompromised patientsJ Med Virol. Mar 30 2021;doi:10.1002/jmv.26970
  4. Nguyen TN, Haussen DC, Qureshi MM, Yamagami H, Fujinaka T, Mansour OY, Abdalkader M, Frankel M, Qiu Z, Taylor A, Lylyk P, Eker OF, Mechtouff L, Piotin M, Lima FO, Mont'Alverne F, Izzath W, Sakai N, Mohammaden M, Al-Bayati AR, Renieri L, Mangiafico S, Ozretic D, Chalumeau V, Ahmad S, Rashid U, Hussain SI, John S, Griffin E, Thornton J, Fiorot JA, Rivera R, Hammami N, Cervantes-Arslanian AM, Dasenbrock HH, Vu HL, Nguyen VQ, Hetts S, Bourcier R, Guile R, Walker M, Sharma M, Frei D, Jabbour P, Herial N, Al-Mufti F, Ozdemir AO, Aykac O, Gandhi D, Chugh C, Matouk C, Lavoie P, Edgell R, Beer-Furlan A, Chen M, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Pereira VM, Nicholson P, Huded V, Ohara N, Watanabe D, Shin DH, Magalhaes PS, Kikano R, Ortega-Gutierrez S, Farooqui M, Abou-Hamden A, Amano T, Yamamoto R, Weeks A, Cora EA, Sivan-Hoffmann R, Crosa R, Möhlenbruch M, Nagel S, Al-Jehani H, Sheth SA, Lopez Rivera VS, Siegler JE, Sani AF, Puri AS, Kuhn AL, Bernava G, Machi P, Abud DG, Pontes-Neto OM, Wakhloo AK, Voetsch B, Raz E, Yaghi S, Mehta BP, Kimura N, Murakami M, Lee JS, Hong JM, Fahed R, Walker G, Hagashi E, Cordina SM, Roh HG, Wong K, Arenillas JF, Martinez-Galdamez M, Blasco J, Rodriguez Vasquez A, Fonseca L, Silva ML, Wu TY, John S, Brehm A, Psychogios M, Mack WJ, Tenser M, Todaka T, Fujimura M, Novakovic R, Deguchi J, Sugiura Y, Tokimura H, Khatri R, Kelly M, Peeling L, Murayama Y, Winters HS, Wong J, Teleb M, Payne J, Fukuda H, Miyake K, Shimbo J, Sugimura Y, Uno M, Takenobu Y, Matsumaru Y, Yamada S, Kono R, Kanamaru T, Morimoto M, Iida J, Saini V, Yavagal D, Bushnaq S, Huang W, Linfante I, Kirmani J, Liebeskind DS, Szeder V, Shah R, Devlin TG, Birnbaum L, Luo J, Churojana A, Masoud HE, Lopez CY, Steinfort B, Ma A, Hassan AE, Al Hashmi A, McDermott M, Mokin M, Chebl A, Kargiotis O, Tsivgoulis G, Morris JG, Eskey CJ, Thon J, Rebello L, Altschul D, Cornett O, Singh V, Pandian J, Kulkarni A, Lavados PM, Olavarria VV, Todo K, Yamamoto Y, Silva GS, Geyik S, Johann J, Multani S, Kaliaev A, Sonoda K, Hashimoto H, Alhazzani A, Chung DY, Mayer SA, Fifi JT, Hill MD, Zhang H, Yuan Z, Shang X, Castonguay AC, Gupta R, Jovin TG, Raymond J, Zaidat OO, Nogueira RG. Decline in subarachnoid haemorrhage volumes associated with the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemicStroke Vasc Neurol. Mar 26 2021;doi:10.1136/svn-2020-000695
  5. Nogueira RG, Qureshi MM, Abdalkader M, Martins SO, Yamagami H, Qiu Z, Mansour OY, Sathya A, Czlonkowska A, Tsivgoulis G, Aguiar de Sousa D, Demeestere J, Mikulik R, Vanacker P, Siegler JE, Kõrv J, Biller J, Liang CW, Sangha NS, Zha AM, Czap AL, Holmstedt CA, Turan TN, Ntaios G, Malhotra K, Tayal A, Loochtan A, Ranta A, Mistry EA, Alexandrov AW, Huang DY, Yaghi S, Raz E, Sheth SA, Mohammaden MH, Frankel M, Bila Lamou EG, Aref HM, Elbassiouny A, Hassan F, Menecie T, Mustafa W, Shokri HM, Roushdy T, Sarfo FS, Alabi TO, Arabambi B, Nwazor EO, Sunmonu TA, Wahab K, Yaria J, Mohammed HH, Adebayo PB, Riahi AD, Ben Sassi S, Gwaunza L, Ngwende GW, Sahakyan D, Rahman A, Ai Z, Bai F, Duan Z, Hao Y, Huang W, Li G, Li W, Liu G, Luo J, Shang X, Sui Y, Tian L, Wen H, Wu B, Yan Y, Yuan Z, Zhang H, Zhang J, Zhao W, Zi W, Leung TW, Chugh C, Huded V, Menon B, Pandian JD, Sylaja PN, Usman FS, Sr., Farhoudi M, Hokmabadi ES, Horev A, Reznik A, Hoffmann RS, Ohara N, Sakai N, Watanabe D, Yamamoto R, Doijiri R, Tokuda N, Yamada T, Terasaki T, Yazawa Y, Uwatoko T, Dembo T, Shimizu H, Sugiura Y, Miyashita F, Fukuda H, Miyake K, Shimbo J, Sugimura Y, Yagita Y, Takenobu Y, Matsumaru Y, Yamada S, Kono R, Kanamaru T, Yamazaki H, Sakaguchi M, Todo K, Yamamoto N, Sonoda K, Yoshida T, Hashimoto H, Nakahara I, Kondybayeva A, Faizullina K, Kamenova S, Zhanuzakov M, Baek JH, Hwang Y, Lee JS, Lee SB, Moon J, Park H, Seo JH, Seo KD, Sohn SI, Young CJ, Ahdab R, Wan Zaidi WA, Aziz ZA, Basri HB, Chung LW, Ibrahim AB, Ibrahim KA, Looi I, Tan WY, Yahya NW, Groppa S, Leahu P, Al Hashmi AM, Imam YZ, Akhtar N, Pineda-Franks MC, Co CO, Kandyba D, Alhazzani A, Al-Jehani H, Tham CH, Mamauag MJ, Venketasubramanian N, Chen CH, Tang SC, Churojana A, Akil E, Aykaç O, Ozdemir AO, Giray S, Hussain SI, John S, Le Vu H, Tran AD, Nguyen HH, Pham TN, Nguyen TH, Nguyen TQ, Gattringer T, Enzinger C, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Bellante F, De Blauwe S, Vanhooren G, De Raedt S, Dusart A, Lemmens R, Ligot N, Rutgers MP, Yperzeele L, Alexiev F, Sakelarova T, Bedeković MR, Budincevic H, Cindrić I, Hucika Z, Ozretic D, Saric MS, Pfeifer F, Karpowic I, Cernik D, Sramek M, Skoda M, Hlavacova H, Klecka L, Koutny M, Vaclavik D, Skoda O, Fiksa J, Hanelova K, Nevsimalova M, Rezek R, Prochazka P, Krejstova G, Neumann J, Vachova M, Brzezanski H, Hlinovsky D, Tenora D, Jura R, Jurák L, Novak J, Novak A, Topinka Z, Fibrich P, Sobolova H, Volny O, Christensen HK, Drenck N, Iversen HK, Simonsen CZ, Truelsen TC, Wienecke T, Vibo R, Gross-Paju K, Toomsoo T, Antsov K, Caparros F, Cordonnier C, Dan M, Faucheux JM, Mechtouff L, Eker O, Lesaine E, Ondze B, Peres R, Pico F, Piotin M, Pop R, Rouanet F, Gubeladze T, Khinikadze M, Lobjanidze N, Tsikaridze A, Nagel S, Ringleb PA, Rosenkranz M, Schmidt H, Sedghi A, Siepmann T, Szabo K, Thomalla G, Palaiodimou L, Sagris D, Kargiotis O, Klivenyi P, Szapary L, Tarkanyi G, Adami A, Bandini F, Calabresi P, Frisullo G, Renieri L, Sangalli D, Pirson AV, Uyttenboogaart M, van den Wijngaard I, Kristoffersen ES, Brola W, Fudala M, Horoch-Lyszczarek E, Karlinski M, Kazmierski R, Kram P, Rogoziewicz M, Kaczorowski R, Luchowski P, Sienkiewicz-Jarosz H, Sobolewski P, Fryze W, Wisniewska A, Wiszniewska M, Ferreira P, Ferreira P, Fonseca L, Marto JP, Pinho EMT, Nunes AP, Rodrigues M, Cruz VT, Falup-Pecurariu C, Krastev G, Mako M, Alonso de Leciñana M, Arenillas JF, Ayo-Martin O, Culebras AC, Tejedor ED, Montaner J, Pérez-Sánchez S, Tola Arribas MA, Vasquez AR, Mazya M, Bernava G, Brehm A, Machi P, Fischer U, Gralla J, Michel PL, Psychogios MN, Strambo D, Banerjee S, Krishnan K, Kwan J, Butt A, Catanese L, Demchuk A, Field T, Haynes J, Hill MD, Khosravani H, Mackey A, Pikula A, Saposnik G, Scott CA, Shoamanesh A, Shuaib A, Yip S, Barboza MA, Barrientos JD, Portillo Rivera LI, Gongora-Rivera F, Novarro-Escudero N, Blanco A, Abraham M, Alsbrook D, Altschul D, Alvarado-Ortiz AJ, Bach I, Badruddin A, Barazangi N, Brereton C, Castonguay A, Chaturvedi S, Chaudhry SA, Choe H, Choi JH, Dharmadhikari S, Desai K, Devlin TG, Doss VT, Edgell R, Etherton M, Farooqui M, Frei D, Gandhi D, Grigoryan M, Gupta R, Hassan AE, Helenius J, Kaliaev A, Kaushal R, Khandelwal P, Khawaja AM, Khoury NN, Kim BS, Kleindorfer DO, Koyfman F, Lee VH, Leung LY, Linares G, Linfante I, Lutsep HL, Macdougall L, Male S, Malik A, Masoud H, McDermott M, Mehta BP, Min J, Mittal M, Morris JG, Multani SS, Nahab F, Nalleballe K, Nguyen CB, Novakovic-White R, Ortega-Gutierrez S, Rahangdale RH, Ramakrishnan P, Romero JR, Rost N, Rothstein A, Ruland S, Shah R, Sharma M, Silver B, Simmons M, Singh A, Starosciak AK, Strasser SL, Szeder V, Teleb M, Tsai JP, Voetsch B, Balaguera O, Pujol Lereis VA, Luraschi A, Almeida MS, Cardoso FB, Conforto A, De Deus Silva L, Giacomini LV, Lima FO, Longo AL, Magalhães PS, Martins RT, Mont'alverne F, Mora Cuervo DL, Rebello LC, Valler L, Zetola VF, Lavados PM, Navia V, Olavarría VV, Almeida Toro JM, Ricardo Amaya PF, Bayona H, Corredor-Quintero AB, Rivera Ordonez CE, Mantilla Barbosa DK, Lara O, Patiño MR, Diaz Escobar LF, Dejesus Melgarejo Farina DE, Villamayor AC, Zelaya Zarza AJ, Barrientos Iman DM, Kadota LR, Campbell B, Hankey GJ, Hair C, Kleinig T, Ma A, Martins RT, Sahathevan R, Thijs V, Salazar D, Yuan-Hao Wu T, Haussen DC, Liebeskind D, Yavagal D, Jovin TG, Zaidat OO, Nguyen TN. Global Impact of COVID-19 on Stroke Care and Intravenous ThrombolysisNeurology. Mar 25 2021;doi:10.1212/wnl.0000000000011885
  6. Hughes M, Kahaleh B, Denton CP, Mason JC, Matucci-Cerinic M. ANCA in systemic sclerosis, when vasculitis overlaps with vasculopathy: a devastating combination of pathologiesRheumatology (Oxford). Mar 21 2021;doi:10.1093/rheumatology/keab278
  7. Craig DJ, Nanavaty NS, Devanaboyina M, Stanbery L, Hamouda D, Edelman G, Dworkin L, Nemunaitis JJ. The abscopal effect of radiation therapyFuture Oncol. Mar 17 2021;doi:10.2217/fon-2020-0994
  8. Chang M, Chen B, Shaffner J, Dworkin LD, Gong RMelanocortin System in Kidney Homeostasis and Disease: Novel Therapeutic OpportunitiesFrontiers in physiology. 2021;12:651236. doi:10.3389/fphys.2021.651236
  9. Attar BM, Vohra I, Wang Y, Agrawal R, Mutneja H, Katiyar V, Baig MA, Sharma S, Gopakumar H, Moturi KR, Lingamaneni P, Haque Z, Gandhi S. The Cook Score: A Novel Assessment for the Prediction of Liver-Associated Clinical Events in a Diverse PopulationJournal of gastrointestinal cancer. Mar 8 2021;doi:10.1007/s12029-021-00620-2
  10. Nazir S, Elzanaty AM, Moukarbel GVA simplified technique for converting antegrade femoral access to retrograde access for catheterizationVascular. Feb 2021;29(1):143-145. doi:10.1177/1708538120939730 

Department of Neurosciences

  1. Creeden JF, Imami AS, Eby HM, Gillman C, Becker KN, Reigle J, Andari E, Pan ZK, O'Donovan SM, McCullumsmith RE, McCullumsmith CBFluoxetine as an anti-inflammatory therapy in SARS-CoV-2 infectionBiomed Pharmacother. Feb 25 2021;138:111437. doi:10.1016/j.biopha.2021.111437
  2. O'Donovan SM, Imami A, Eby H, Henkel ND, Creeden JF, Asah S, Zhang X, Wu X, Alnafisah R, Taylor RT, Reigle J, Thorman A, Shamsaei B, Meller J, McCullumsmith REIdentification of candidate repurposable drugs to combat COVID-19 using a signature-based approachScientific reports. Feb 24 2021;11(1):4495. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-84044-9 

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

  1. Baroi S, Czernik PJ, Chougule A, Griffin PR, Lecka-Czernik BPPARG in osteocytes controls sclerostin expression, bone mass, marrow adiposity and mediates TZD-induced bone lossBone. Mar 16 2021;147:115913. doi:10.1016/j.bone.2021.115913 

Department of Pediatrics

  1. Myers RE, Thoreson L, Howell HB, Weedon K, Bevington J, Poitevien P, Wroblewski MB, Ponitz K, Lewis J. Impact of X+Y Scheduling on Pediatric Resident and Faculty Perceptions of Education and Patient CareAcad Pediatr. Mar 11 2021;doi:10.1016/j.acap.2021.02.018

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

  1. Ashraf UM, Abokor AA, Edwards JM, Waigi EW, Royfman RS, Hasan SA, Smedlund KB, Hardy AMG, Chakravarti R, Koch LGSARS-CoV-2, ACE2 expression, and systemic organ invasionPhysiological genomics. Feb 1 2021;53(2):51-60. doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00087.2020
  2. Yang T, Chakraborty S, Mandal J, Mei X, Joe BMicrobiota and Metabolites as Factors Influencing Blood Pressure RegulationCompr Physiol. Apr 1 2021;11(2):1731-1757. doi:10.1002/cphy.c200009

Department of Psychiatry

  1. Chen J, Christ NM, Shih CH, Xie H, Grider SR, Lewis C, Elhai JD, Wang XDispositional optimism mediates relations between childhood maltreatment and PTSD symptom severity among trauma-exposed adultsChild Abuse Negl. May 2021;115:105023. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.105023

Department of Radiology

  1. Semaan H, Curnutte B, Cooper M, Obri J, Elsamaloty M, Obri T, Elgafy H. Overreporting of the disc herniation in lumbar spine MRI scans performed for patients with spondylolisthesisActa Radiol. Mar 2021;62(3):388-393. doi:10.1177/0284185120925483
  2. Youssef E, Macbeth R, Liu X, Elsamaloty L, Ibrahim D, Elsamaloty H. Mammary myofibroblastoma in a male patient. Article. Applied Radiology. 2021;50(2):44-45.  

Department of Surgery

  1. Dawod G, Henkel N, Karim N, Caras A, Qaqish H, Mugge L, Medhkour ACorrigendum to 'Does the Setting of External Ventricular Drain Placement Affect Morbidity? A Systematic Literature Review Comparing Intensive Care Unit versus Operating Room Procedures' [World Neurosurgery 141 (2020) 131-141]World neurosurgery. Feb 26 2021;doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2021.02.017

February 2021

Department of Cancer Biology

  1. Ma SJ, Dong ZZ, Cui QB, Liu JY, Zhang JTeIF3i regulation of protein synthesis, cell proliferation, cell cycle progression, and tumorigenesis. Article. Cancer letters. Mar 2021;500:11-20. doi:10.1016/j.canlet.2020.12.009
  2. Tumia R, Wang CJ, Dong TH, Ma SJ, Beebe J, Chen J, Dong ZZ, Liu JYZhang JTeIF3a Regulation of NHEJ Repair Protein Synthesis and Cellular Response to Ionizing Radiation (vol 8, 753, 2020). Correction. Front Cell Dev Biol. Jan 2021;8:2. 629218. doi:10.3389/fcell.2020.629218

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

  1. Glanz A, Chawla K, Fabry S, Subramanian G, Garcia J, Jay B, Ciricillo J, Chakravarti R, Taylor RT, Chattopadhyay SHigh Throughput Screening of FDA-Approved Drug Library Reveals the Compounds that Promote IRF3-Mediated Pro-Apoptotic Pathway Inhibit Virus ReplicationViruses. Apr 14 2020;12(4) doi:10.3390/v12040442

Department of Medicine 

  1. Abu Sitta E, Hollingshead C, Luttmann K, Elsaghir HGardener with primary lymphocutaneous nocardiosisBMJ case reports. Dec 15 2019;12(12) doi:10.1136/bcr-2019-233586
  2. Elsaghir H, Al Khalili Y. Septic EmboliStatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. 
  3. Elsaghir H, Reddivari AKR. Bacteroides FragilisStatPearls.
  4. Hollingshead C, Luttmann K, Abu Sitta E, Elsaghir HAspergillus niger fungemia secondary to chronic pulmonary aspergillosis in a patient with invasive squamous cell carcinomaBMJ case reports. Mar 17 2020;13(3) doi:10.1136/bcr-2020-234843
  5. Hendrix ANesheiwat Z, Towheed A, Brar V, Grubb BPAdalimumab as a potential treatment for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndromeHeartRhythm Case Rep. Jan 2021;7(1):56-58. doi:10.1016/j.hrcr.2020.11.003
  6. Zhang JH, Anshul F, Malhotra DK, Jaume J, Dworkin LD, Gong RJMicrodose Lithium Protects against Pancreatic Islet Destruction and Renal Impairment in Streptozotocin-Elicited Diabetes. Article. Antioxidants. Jan 2021;10(1):17. 138. doi:10.3390/antiox10010138
  7. Ahmed ZHart BHassan M, Arif SF. Duodenal Metastasis of Stage 4 Lung Cancer Leads to Massive GI Bleed and Death. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S1795-S1796. 
  8. Elzanaty AM, Patel N, Sabbagh E, Eltahawy EAPatent foramen ovale closure in the management of cryptogenic stroke: a review of current literature and guideline statements. Review; Early Access. Curr Med Res Opin.8. doi:10.1080/03007995.2021.1876648
  9. Beran A, Burlen J, Ghazaleh S, Aburayyan K, Patel D, Nehme C, Sharma S, Ahmed Z, Srour O, Kobeissy A. A Late-Delayed Periodic Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy and Normal Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis Secondary to Ureterosigmoidostomy. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S870-S870. 
  10. Nehme C, Burlen J, Ghazaleh S, Aburayyan K, Shah J, Sharma S, Javaid T, Nawras A, Hassan M. Splenic Artery Pseudoaneurysm Presenting as Gastric Mass With Gastrointestinal Bleed. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S1147-S1148. 
  11. Nehme C, Ghazaleh S, Burlen J, Patel D, Beran A, Al Abboodi Y, El Zein M, Sodeman T, Hassan M. Hemochromatosis in a Young Female Presenting With Abdominal Distension. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S1273-S1273. 
  12. Patel D, Aburayyan K, Ghazaleh S, Beran A, Nehme C, Burlen J, Sodeman T, Nawras A. Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Presenting With Melena: Case Report and Brief Literature Review. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S698-S699. 
  13. Aziz M, Sharma S, Fatima R, Lee WM, Sodeman T, Nawras A, Adler DG. The impact of water based techniques compared to air/co2 insufflation on proximal adenoma detection rate: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Meeting Abstract. Gastrointestinal endoscopy. Jun 2020;91(6):AB571-AB571. 
  14. Ali MMK, Sabha MMMustafa SKBanifadel MGhazaleh SAburayyan KMGhanim MTAwad MTGekonde DNAmbati ARRamahi AElzanaty AMNesheiwat ZShastri PMAl-Sarie M, McGready J. Hospitalization and Post-hospitalization Outcomes Among Teaching Internal Medicine, Employed Hospitalist, and Locum Tenens Hospitalist Services in a Tertiary Center: a Prospective Cohort Study. Article; Early Access. J Gen Intern Med.12. doi:10.1007/s11606-020-06578-4
  15. Masood K, Redfern RE, Duggan JM, Georgiadis GM, Suleyman G. Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Staphylococcus lugdunensis Prosthetic Joint Infections: A Multicenter Retrospective Analysis. Article. Orthopedics. Nov-Dec 2020;43(6):345-+. doi:10.3928/01477447-20200923-03
  16. Aburayyan K, Patel D, Beran A, Ghazaleh S, Nehme C, Burlen J, Hassan M. Massive Gastrointestinal Bleeding From a Epiphrenic Diverticulum: A Case Report and Brief Review of the Literature. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S978-S979. 
  17. Aburayyan K, Burlen J, Ghazaleh S, Nehme C, Khader Y, Hassan M. Hold the Scalpel: Pneumoperitoneum as a Result of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S1339-S1339. 
  18. Beran AHaghbin HSample JGhazaleh SAburayyan K, Matar R, Burlen JJavaid TNawras A. A Case of Hepatitis B Virus Reactivation Triggered by an Acute Epstein-Barr Virus Infection. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S1813-S1813. 
  19. Ghazaleh S, Awad MT, Sharma S, Patel D, Beran A, Aburayyan K, Hammad F, Nawras A. Crohn's Disease Hiding Behind a Norovirus Infection. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S1801-S1801. 
  20. Goyal T, Goyal A, Burlen JEl Zein MNawras A. Metastatic Diffuse B-Cell Lymphoma Presenting With Gastrointestinal (GI) Bleeding. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S1789-S1790. 
  21. Goyal T, Goyal A, Burlen J, El Zein M, Nawras A. A Case of Small Bowel Amyloidosis Presenting With Melena. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S1472-S1473. 
  22. Khader Y, Ghazaleh S, Aburayyan K, Nehme C, Burlen J, Nawras A. Esophagopericardial Fistula - A Rare Complication of Esophagectomy. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S1018-S1018. 
  23. Nehme CGhazaleh SBurlen JPatel DAburayyan KBeran ASharma SAwad MTHassan M. Streptococcus intermedius Liver Abscesses in a Patient Presenting With Fatigue. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S1436-S1437. 
  24. Sample J, Hammad F, Ghazaleh S, Nehme C, Aburayyan K, Burlen J, Nawras A. Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Celiac Plexus Neurolysis (EUS-Guided CPN)-An Unexpected Complication. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S817-S817. 
  25. Shah H, Vohra I, Attar B, Mutneja H, Almoghrabi A, Sharma S, Baig M, Jaiswal P, Flores E, Katiyar V, Vettiankal G, Demetria M. Predictors of 30-Day Readmission in Ulcerative Colitis: A Nationwide Analysis. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S412-S413. 
  26. Sharma S, Weissman S, Aziz M, Vohra I, Nawras A, Sciarra M, Tabibian J. Acute, Chronic, and End-Stage Kidney Disease Are Independent Predictors of 30-Day Readmission in Patients With Variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Findings From a Nationwide Analysis. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S301-S302. 
  27. Sharma S, Vohra I, Aziz MWeissman SAcharya ASharma SNawras A. Patient Comorbidities Are Important Predictors of 30-Day Readmission in Patients With NonVariceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Insights From a Nationwide Analysis. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S301-S301. 
  28. Sharma SGhazaleh SAziz MAcharya ANehme C, Vohra I, Khan A, Haghbin H, Weissman S, Aburayyan K, Ghimire S, Beran ANawras A. Impact of Obesity on Outcomes of Patients Admitted With Acute Pancreatitis in the US: A Nationwide Analysis. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S19-S20. 
  29. Sharma SAziz M, Weissman S, Vohra I, Ghazaleh S, Nehme CHaghbin HAcharya AAburayyan KNawras A. Incidence and Predictors of 30-Day All Cause Readmission in Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery: A Nationwide Analysis. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S605-S606. 
  30. Sharma S, Vohra I, Aziz MAcharya A, Weissman S, Khan A, Nawras A. Advancing Age Leads to Worse Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients With Clostridium difficile Colitis: A Nationwide Database Study. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S82-S83. 
  31. Sharma S, Weissman S, Mehta TI, Aziz MAcharya A, Vohra I, Nawras A, Sciarra M, Swaminath A. Outcomes of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Teaching vs Non-Teaching Hospitals: A Nationwide Analysis. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S1691-S1691. 
  32. Sheikh T, bin Waqar SH, Ghazaleh SBurlen JJavaid TNawras A. Acute Obstructive Suppurative Pancreatic Ductitis (AOSPD) as Initial Presentation for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S729-S730. 
  33. Soni J, Burlen J, Sodeman T. Gastrointestinal Manifestations of IgA Vasculitis in an Adult. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S1112-S1112. 
  34. Vohra I, Shah H, Attar B, Mutneja H, Flores E, Katiyar V, Almoghrabi A, Vettiankal G, Sharma S, Baig M, Jaiswal P, Demetria M. Is 30-Day Readmission of Ulcerative Colitis More Expensive and Severe?: A Nationwide Analysis. Meeting Abstract. Am J Gastroenterol. Oct 2020;115:S429-S430. 
  35. Aziz M, Mehta TI, Weissman S, Sharma SFatima R, Khan Z, Dasari CS, Lee WM, Nawras A, Adler DG. The utility of water-based techniques for improving serrated lesion detection rate during colonoscopy: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Meeting Abstract. Gastrointestinal endoscopy. Jun 2020;91(6):AB566-AB566. 
  36. Sharma SAziz M, Khan Z, Chandrasekar VT, Weissman S, Vohra I, Argueta PP, Nawras A. Does early ercp affect outcomes in patients with acute biliary pancreatitis without acute cholangitis? Analysis of nationwide database. Meeting Abstract. Gastrointestinal endoscopy. Jun 2020;91(6):AB347-AB348. 
  37. Barnett WR, Radhakrishnan M, Macko J, Hinch BT, Altorok N, Assaly RInitial MEWS score to predict ICU admission or transfer of hospitalized patients with COVID-19: A retrospective studyJ Infect. Feb 2021;82(2):282-327. doi:10.1016/j.jinf.2020.08.047
  38. Giacomelli R, Afeltra A, Bartoloni E, Berardicurti O, Bombardieri M, Bortoluzzi A, Carubbi F, Caso F, Cervera R, Ciccia F, Cipriani P, Coloma-Bazán E, Conti F, Costa L, D'Angelo S, Distler O, Feist E, Foulquier N, Gabini M, Gerber V, Gerli R, Grembiale RD, Guggino G, Hoxha A, Iagnocco A, Jordan S, Kahaleh B, Lauper K, Liakouli V, Lubrano E, Margiotta D, Naty S, Navarini L, Perosa F, Perricone C, Perricone R, Prete M, Pers JO, Pitzalis C, Priori R, Rivellese F, Ruffatti A, Ruscitti P, Scarpa R, Shoenfeld Y, Triolo G, Tzioufas A. The growing role of precision medicine for the treatment of autoimmune diseases; results of a systematic review of literature and Experts' ConsensusAutoimmun Rev. Feb 2021;20(2):102738. doi:10.1016/j.autrev.2020.102738
  39. Moustafa A, Khan MS, Saad M, Siddiqui S, Eltahawy EImpella support versus intra-aortic balloon pump in acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock: A meta-analysisCardiovascular revascularization medicine : including molecular interventions. Jan 29 2021; doi:10.1016/j.carrev.2021.01.028
  40. Nesheiwat Z, Towheed A, Eid JTomcho JShastri POostra CKarabin BGrubb BSupraventricular Tachycardia and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Overlap: A Retrospective StudyJ Innov Card Rhythm Manag. Feb 2021;12(2):4385-4389. doi:10.19102/icrm.2021.120201
  41. Sharma S, Nehme C, Aziz M, Weissman S, Khan A, Acharya A, Vohra I, Ghazaleh S, Nawras A, Adler DG. Acute biliary pancreatitis has better outcomes but increased resource utilization compared to acute alcohol-induced pancreatitis: insights from a nationwide studyAnnals of gastroenterology. 2021;34(2):253-261. doi:10.20524/aog.2020.0559
  42. Towheed A, Sabbagh E, Gupta R, Assiri S, Chowdhury MA, Moukarbel GV, Khuder SA, Schwann TA, Bonnell MR, Cooper CJ, Khouri SRight Ventricular Dysfunction and Short-Term Outcomes Following Left-Sided Valvular Surgery: An Echocardiographic StudyJournal of the American Heart Association. Feb 16 2021;10(4):e016283. doi:10.1161/jaha.120.016283

Department of Neurology 

  1. Ravindra VM, Alexander M, Taussky P, Bollo RJ, Hassan AE, Scoville JP, Griauzde J, Awad A, Jumaa MZaidi S, Lee JJ, Hafeez MU, Nascimento FA, LoPresti MA, Couldwell WT, Hetts SW, Lam SK, Kan P, Grandhi R. Endovascular Thrombectomy for Pediatric Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Multi-Institutional Experience of Technical and Clinical Outcomes. Article. Neurosurgery. Jan 2021;88(1):46-54. doi:10.1093/neuros/nyaa312 

Department of Neuroscience

  1. Smail MA, Wu XJHenkel NDEby HM, Herman JP, McCullumsmith REShukla RSimilarities and dissimilarities between psychiatric cluster disorders. Article; Early Access. Mol Psychiatr.11. doi:10.1038/s41380-021-01030-3 

Department of Neurology

  1. Sarva H, Patino GA, Rashid M, Owens JWM, Robbins MS, Sandrone S. The status of neurology fellowships in the United States: clinical needs, educational barriers, and future outlooksBMC Med Educ. Feb 17 2021;21(1):108. doi:10.1186/s12909-021-02536-8

Department of Orthopedic Surgery

  1. Agarwal ALin BR, Agarwal AG, Elgafy HSchultz CAgarwal AKGoel VKVon S, Karas C, Gidvani S, Wang JC, Anand N, Garfin SR. A Multicenter Trial Demonstrating Presence or Absence of Bacterial Contamination at the Screw-Bone Interface Owing to Absence or Presence of Pedicle Screw Guard, Respectively, During Spinal Fusion. Article. Clin Spine Surg. Oct 2020;33(8):E364-E368. 
  2. Elgafy H, Lempert N, Stirton J, Zak P, Semaan H. Pedicle Screw Track Augmentation With Fibular Allograft for Significant Bone Loss in Revision FixationGlobal Spine J. Feb 25 2021:2192568221997076. doi:10.1177/2192568221997076

Department of Pathology

  1. Gunning WT, 3rd, Stepkowski SM, Kramer PM, Karabin BL, Grubb BPInflammatory Biomarkers in Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome with Elevated G-Protein-Coupled Receptor AutoantibodiesJ Clin Med. Feb 6 2021;10(4) doi:10.3390/jcm10040623

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

  1. Vanderheyden WM, Kehoe M, Vanini G, Britton SL, Koch LGRat models for low and high adaptive response to exercise differ for stress-related memory and anxietyPhysiol Rep. Feb 2021;9(4):e14716. doi:10.14814/phy2.14716

Department of Psychiatry

Rapport D, McGrady A, Saju L, Lynch DA Naturalistic Study of Outcomes for Durable Remission in Patients With Bipolar DisorderJ Psychiatr Pract. Mar 5 2021;27(2):86-91. doi:10.1097/pra.0000000000000530

Department of Surgery

  1. Choubey AP, Ortiz J. Women's footprint in hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery. HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association. Jan 29 2021; doi:10.1016/j.hpb.2021.01.008
  2. Martinez BD, Albeshri H, Chulkov M, Alharthi S, Munier, Nazzal, Sferra JDevelopment and Evolution of a Robotic Surgical Technique for the Treatment of Thoracic Outlet SyndromeJournal of vascular surgery. Feb 24 2021; doi:10.1016/j.jvs.2021.02.013
  3. Nandedkar-Kulkarni NEsakov E, Gregg B, Atkinson MA, Rogers DG, Horner JD, Singer K, Lundy SK, Felton JL, Al-Huniti T, Kalinoski ANMorran MPGupta NKBretz JDBalaji S, Chen T, McInerney MFInsulin Receptor-Expressing T Cells Appear in Individuals at Risk for Type 1 Diabetes and Can Move into the Pancreas in C57BL/6 Transgenic MiceJournal of immunology (Baltimore, Md : 1950). Mar 3 2021; doi:10.4049/jimmunol.1900357

Department of Urology

  1. Agarwal N, Ashlagi I, Rees MA, Somaini P, Waldinger D. Equilibrium allocations under alternative waitlist designs: evidence from deceased donor kidneys. Article. Econometrica. Jan 2021;89(1):37-76. doi:10.3982/ecta17017
  2. Talbot B, Lang J, Nkansah-Amankra K, Rees M, Cuffy M, Ekwenna O. A Quality Analysis of Donor Nephrectomy-Related Information on YouTube; Education or Misinformation? Meeting Abstract. Am J Transplant. Jan 2021;21:64-64. 
  3. Demeter J, Deshmukh A, Salari B, Sindhwani P, Khan O. An improbable trifecta: Occurrence of xanthogranulomatous prostatitis, prostate cancer, and prostatic abscess in a single patient. Article. Urol Case Rep. Mar 2021;35:3. 101526. doi:10.1016/j.eucr.2020.101526
  4. Ekwenna O, Lang JC, Thomas I. APOL1 screening of potential living kidney donors in resource-limited countries: an initial experience in Antigua & Barbuda and Nigeria. Letter; Early Access. Transpl Int.3. doi:10.1111/tri.13815

January 2021

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology 

  1. Zellner B, Mengin-Lecreulx D, Tully BGunning WT, 3rdBooth RHuntley JFA Francisella tularensis L,D-carboxypeptidase plays important roles in cell morphology, envelope integrity, and virulenceMol Microbiol. Jan 20 2021;doi:10.1111/mmi.14685
  2. Yu D, Kaur G, Blumenthal RM, Zhang X, Cheng X. Enzymatic characterization of three human RNA adenosine methyltransferases reveals diverse substrate affinities and reaction optimaThe Journal of biological chemistry. Jan 8 2021:100270. doi:10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100270
  3. Shortridge C, Akbari Fakhrabadi E, Wuescher LM, Worth RG, Liberatore MW, Yildirim-Ayan EImpact of Digestive Inflammatory Environment and Genipin Crosslinking on Immunomodulatory Capacity of Injectable Musculoskeletal Tissue ScaffoldInternational journal of molecular sciences. Jan 24 2021;22(3)doi:10.3390/ijms22031134

Department of Medicine

  1. Fan XM, Gao YY, Zhang XL, Lughmani HY, Kennedy DJ, Haller ST, Pierre SV, Shapiro JI, Tian J. A strategic expression method of miR-29b and its anti-fibrotic effect based on RNA-sequencing analysis. Article. PloS one. Dec 2020;15(12):16. e0244065. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0244065
  2. Pichavaram P, Shawky NM, Hartney TJ, Jun JY, Segar L. Imatinib improves insulin resistance and inhibits injury-induced neointimal hyperplasia in high fat diet-fed mice. Article. Eur J Pharmacol. Jan 2021;890:10. 173666. doi:10.1016/j.ejphar.2020.173666 
  3. Paul S, Arudra SKC, Safi F, Anandan VAssaly RRapidly Progressive Respiratory Failure in Patient With Late Onset Pulmonary Capillary Hemangiomatosis. Letter. American journal of therapeutics. Jan-Feb 2021;28(1):E141-E142. doi:10.1097/mjt.0000000000000559
  4. Aziz M, Haghbin H, Gangwani MK, Sharma S, Nawras Y, Khan Z, Chandan S, Mohan BP, Lee-Smith W, Nawras AEfficacy of Endocuff Vision compared to first-generation Endocuff in adenoma detection rate and polyp detection rate in high-definition colonoscopy: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. ReviewEndoscopy international open. Jan 2021;09(01):E41-E50. doi:10.1055/a-1293-7327
  5. Ghazaleh SBeran AAburayyan KNehme CPatel DKhader YSharma SAziz M, Abdel-Aziz Y, Hammad T, Nawras AEfficacy and safety of anticoagulation in non-malignant portal vein thrombosis in patients with liver cirrhosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Review. Annals of gastroenterology. 2021;34(1):104-+. doi:10.20524/aog.2020.0544

Department of Neurology

  1. Zaidi SF, Castonguay AC, Zaidat OO, Mueller-Kronast N, Liebeskind DS, Salahuddin HJumaa MAIntra-Arterial Thrombolysis after Unsuccessful Mechanical Thrombectomy in the STRATIS RegistryAJNR Am J Neuroradiol. Jan 28 2021;doi:10.3174/ajnr.A6962
  2. Kaesmacher J, Meinel TR, Kurmann C, Zaidat OO, Castonguay AC, Zaidi SF, Mueller-Kronast N, Kappelhof M, Dippel DWJ, Soudant M, Bracard S, Hill MD, Goyal M, Strbian D, Heiferman DM, Ashley W, Anadani M, Spiotta AM, Dobrocky T, Piechowiak EI, Arnold M, Goeldlin M, Seiffge D, Mosimann PJ, Mordasini P, Gralla J, Fischer U. Safety and efficacy of intra-arterial fibrinolytics as adjunct to mechanical thrombectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational dataJournal of neurointerventional surgery. Jan 29 2021;doi:10.1136/neurintsurg-2020-016680

Department of Neurosciences

  1. Zhang XL, Alnafisah RS, Hamoud ARA, Shukla R, Wen ZX, McCullumsmith REO'Donovan SMRole of Astrocytes in Major Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Article; Early Access. Neurochem Res.16. doi:10.1007/s11064-020-03212-x
  2. Wright CM, Schneider S, Smith-Edwards KM, Mafra F, Leembruggen AJL, Gonzalez MV, Kothakapa DR, Anderson JB, Maguire BA, Gao T, Missall TA, Howard MJ, Bornstein JC, Davis BM, Heuckeroth RO. scRNA-Seq Reveals New Enteric Nervous System Roles for GDNF, NRTN, and TBX3Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. Jan 11 2021;doi:10.1016/j.jcmgh.2020.12.01 
  3. Wang M, Zhang C, Lin S, Wang Y, Seicol BJ, Ariss RW, Xie R. Biased auditory nerve central synaptopathy is associated with age-related hearing lossThe Journal of physiology. Jan 15 2021;doi:10.1113/jp281014

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

  1. Pontasch JSahlani M, Nandi S. Rapid Recovery Is Feasible for Aseptic Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty at an Academic Medical Center. Article. Arthroplasty today. 2021;7:109-113. doi:10.1016/j.artd.2020.11.001
  2. Agarwal A, Lin BR, Agarwal AG, Elgafy H, Schultz C, Agarwal AK, Goel VK, Von S, Karas C, Gidvani S, Wang JC, Anand N, Garfin SR. A Multicenter Trial Demonstrating Presence or Absence of Bacterial Contamination at the Screw-Bone Interface Owing to Absence or Presence of Pedicle Screw Guard, Respectively, During Spinal Fusion. Article. Clin Spine Surg. Oct 2020;33(8):E364-E368. 
  3. Bharadwaz A, Jayasuriya ACOsteogenic differentiation cues of the bone morphogenetic protein-9 (BMP-9) and its recent advances in bone tissue regenerationMaterials science & engineering C, Materials for biological applications. Jan 2021;120:111748. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2020.111748
  4. Siegel MA, Chen JY, Hanna MR, Farid YR. Proximal Femoral Bone Cyst After Single Screw Fixation for Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis: A Case ReportJBJS Case Connect. Dec 21 2020;10(4):e20.00408. doi:10.2106/jbjs.Cc.20.00408

Department of Pathology 

  1. Symes E, Dominiak NPrimary Cutaneous B-Cell Lymphoma Complicated by Clonal T-Cell Populations: A Diagnostic DilemmaAm J Dermatopathol. Jan 19 2021;doi:10.1097/dad.0000000000001906

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

  1. Aon MA, Cortassa S, Juhaszova M, González-Reyes JA, Calvo-Rubio M, Villalba JM, Lachance AD, Ziman BD, Mitchell SJ, Murt KN, Axsom JEC, Alfaras I, Britton SL, Koch LG, de Cabo R, Lakatta EG, Sollott SJ. Mitochondrial health is enhanced in rats with higher vs. lower intrinsic exercise capacity and extended lifespanNPJ Aging Mech Dis. Jan 4 2021;7(1):1. doi:10.1038/s41514-020-00054-3
  2.  Evans MC, Hill JW, Anderson GM. Role of insulin in the neuroendocrine control of reproductionJ Neuroendocrinol. Feb 1 2021:e12930. doi:10.1111/jne.12930
  3. Manandhar I, Alimadadi A, Aryal S, Munroe PB, Joe B, Cheng X. Gut microbiome-based supervised machine learning for clinical diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseasesAmerican journal of physiology Gastrointestinal and liver physiology. Jan 13 2021;doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00360.2020
  4. Watts SW, Alexander BT, Baylis C, Brown NJ, Cassis LA, Denton KM, Joe B, Lerman LO, Oparil S, Reckelhoff JF, Sandberg K, Touyz RM. Connecting Generations of Scientists in the Council on Hypertension Through Harriet DustanHypertension (Dallas, Tex : 1979). Feb 2021;77(2):296-307. doi:10.1161/hypertensionaha.120.16623
  5. West DWD, Doering TM, Thompson JM, Budiono BP, Lessard SJ, Koch LG, Britton SL, Steck R, Byrne NM, Brown MA, Peake JM, Ashton KJ, Coffey VG. Low responders to endurance training exhibit impaired hypertrophy and divergent biological process responses in rat skeletal muscleExperimental physiology. Jan 24 2021;doi:10.1113/ep089301

Department of Psychiatry

  1. Rilling JK, Richey L, Andari E, Hamann S. The neural correlates of paternal consoling behavior and frustration in response to infant crying. Article; Early Access. Dev Psychobiol.14. doi:10.1002/dev.22092
  2. Tate DF, Dennis EL, Adams JT, Adamson MM, Belanger HG, Bigler ED, Bouchard HC, Clark AL, Delano-Wood LM, Disner SG, Eapen BC, Franz CE, Geuze E, Goodrich-Hunsaker NJ, Han K, Hayes JP, Hinds SR, Hodges CB, Hovenden ES, Irimia A, Kenney K, Koerte IK, Kremen WS, Levin HS, Lindsey HM, Morey RA, Newsome MR, Ollinger J, Pugh MJ, Scheibel RS, Shenton ME, Sullivan DR, Taylor BA, Troyanskaya M, Velez C, Wade BSC, Wang X, Ware AL, Zafonte R, Thompson PM, Wilde EA. Coordinating Global Multi-Site Studies of Military-Relevant Traumatic Brain Injury: Opportunities, Challenges, and Harmonization Guidelines. Article; Early Access. Brain Imaging Behav.29. doi:10.1007/s11682-020-00423-2

Department of Surgery

  1. Baugh RF, Baugh AD. Cultural influences and the Objective Structured Clinical ExaminationInternational journal of medical education. Jan 28 2021;12:22-24. doi:10.5116/ijme.5ff9.b817

Department of Urology

  1. Giffen ZC, Cairl N, Ortiz JSindhwani PEkwenna ORobotic-assisted Donor Nephrectomy: As Safe as Laparoscopic Donor NephrectomySurg Technol Int. Nov 2020;37:4. 1310. 
  2. Pandruvada S, Royfman R, Shah TASindhwani P, Dupree JM, Schon S, Avidor-Reiss TLack of trusted diagnostic tools for undetermined male infertility. Review; Early Access. J Assist Reprod Genet.12. doi:10.1007/s10815-020-02037-5
  3. Damodaran S, Bullock B, Ekwenna O, Nayebpour M, Koizumi N, Sindhwani P, Ortiz JRisk factors for delayed graft function and their impact on graft outcomes in live donor kidney transplantation. Article; Early Access. International urology and nephrology.8. doi:10.1007/s11255-020-02687-5

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Last Updated: 7/15/24