Faculty: J.D. Smith

Ph.D., 2001, Cornell University
Professor and Director, Ritter Astrophysical Research Center (RARC)
RO 3000A | 419.530.8528
Research and Teaching Interests
Before joining the UToledo faculty in 2008, he was part of the Spitzer/IRS instrument team, a postdoc at the University of Arizona, and a research astronomer at Steward Observatory. He is a major user of infrared and sub-mm observing facilities from the ground and space. His research focuses on the physical conditions of interstellar material as a tool for understanding galaxy evolution.
areas of expertise
- Galaxy evolution
- Gas and dust in interstellar matter
- The abundance of heavy elements
- Infrared instrumentation
View Dr. Smith's NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) page for bibliography.