College of Nursing

Giving to the College of Nursing


Ways to Give

When you make a gift to the College of Nursing, your dollars help support current programs as well as new initiatives. Moreover, your gift sends a message that you believe in what we do and in what the College of Nursing and your nursing education have done for you. Make a gift or learn about giving opportunities below. 

Give Now

Unrestricted Gifts

Unrestricted gifts, given with no restricted purpose, are especially encouraged. These give the University the flexibility to take advantage of special opportunities and to meet emergency needs. Income from unrestricted endowment funds will be used for priority needs determined by the University.

Designated Gifts

Donors may designate gifts, including those for unrestricted use, for a particular academic division of the University. Gifts that are restricted for a specific use, such as scholarships, may also be designated for a particular college, department or program.

Outright Gifts

  • Credit Card Gifts: Contact
  • Checks: Gifts by check should be made payable to:
    The University of Toledo Foundation
    P. O. Box 586
    Toledo, OH 43697-0586
  • Pledges: Donors may make their pledge commitments payable over several years. Contact
  • Securities: Gifts of stocks and bonds may be made to the Foundation. Please contact to learn more about how securities can be transferred to the Foundation. 
  • Real Estate and Other Personal Property: Gifts of real estate, equipment, art, jewelry and other personal property may be made to the Foundation. Such gifts will be counted at fair market value as determined by a qualified third-party appraiser, subject to IRS rules and regulations. 
  • Matching Gifts: Corporate matching gifts count toward a donor’s total giving and may significantly increase the gift’s value.

Planned Gifts

Planned or deferred gifts allow donors to make a significant gift that will benefit UToledo in the future, typically at the donor’s or beneficiary’s death. The University of Toledo Foundation welcomes the opportunity to work with donors and their legal and financial advisers to establish planned gift arrangements.

In many cases, planned gifts offer donors substantial tax advantages and financial benefits, such as lowered estate tax liability or increased spendable income.  Donors should consult with their own advisers as to the specific tax consequences.

For more information on Planned Giving please email

Last Updated: 7/15/24