August 29, 2002
Minutes, 387th Meeting. Thursday, August 29, 2002
The University of Toledo. 387th Meeting Board of Trustees
Thursday, August 29, 2002
Student Union Room 2592 - 2:00 p.m.
The three hundred and eighty-seventh meeting of the Board of Trustees of The University of Toledo was held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 29, 2002 in the Student Union Room 2592.
Ms. Joan Uhl Browne, Chair of the Board, presided and Mrs. Joyce M. Gregory, Executive Secretary to the Board, recorded the minutes.
The Chair of the Board requested the Executive Secretary to call the roll:
Mr. Daniel J. Brennan
Ms. Joan Uhl Browne
Mr. C. William Fall
Ms. Megan Mamarella, Student Trustee
Judge Richard B. McQuade, Jr.
Rebecca L. Mocniak, Student Trustee
Mr. Robert C. Redmond
Mr. Richard B. Stansley, Jr.
Mr. James M. Tuschman
Constituting a quorum of the Board.
Dr. Daniel M. Johnson, President; Dr. Alan G. Goodridge, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe, Vice President for Student Affairs; Dr. Joseph Brennan, Executive Director for Public Relations; Mr. William R. Decatur, Vice President for Finance and Administration; Ms. Sandra A. Drabik, Vice President and General Counsel; Mr. Richard Eastop, Interim Vice President for Enrollment Services; Mr. Calvin Lawshe, Assistant to the President for Community Relations; Dr. David Lindsley, Interim Vice President for Information Technology; Mr. Mike O'Brien, Executive Director, Intercollegiate Athletics; Mr. C. Vern Snyder, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Dr. Gerald Sherman, Chair, Faculty Senate; Professor Penny Poplin Gosetti, Faculty Representative to the Board; Mr. Donovan Nichols, Student Government President; Ms. Heidi Jenkins, Student Government Vice President; Mr. Ryan Smith, THE BLADE, and numerous faculty and staff were also present.
The following trustee was absent: Mr. Hernan A. Vasquez.
Ms. Browne announced that the Board would act as a committee of the whole for today’s meeting. She also noted that the Points of Pride will continue and be presented by the President.
1. Approval of Minutes - June 25, 2002
Copies of the minutes of the meeting held on June 25, 2002, having been furnished to all trustees, the reading was waived. Upon the motion of Mr. Stansley, seconded by Mr. Brennan, the minutes were unanimously approved.
2. President's Report
Thank you, Madam Chair, and good afternoon.
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Chair and
also to welcome our newest members to the Board, Trustee Bill Fall and Student Trustee
Rebecca Mocniak. We look forward to the benefits of your
commitments to UT and your leadership as members of the Board.
I also want to welcome all of our Trustees to the new academic year. I
believe it could well be one of the best years ever.
The University of Toledo is clearly in an evolutionary mode. The changes and progress
we witnessed last year combined with the changes and progress we anticipate this year
will put us well along the road toward realizing UT's
up-dated and ambitious mission.
More important than having a new mission statement is living the Mission...aligning
our programs, our
services, our resources and our behavior with what we say we are all about. We are
committed, however, to doing just that Living the Mission.
Yesterday, the University issued its first annual report to the community. We issued
this report because we are and we feel accountable
to the community and the taxpayers whose dollars support UT and higher education generally.
We want our constituents and stakeholders to know
what is happening at the University. We want to do a better job of telling our story…for
it is truly a great story.
I would like to
thank Dr. Joe Brennan, Gina Calcammugio, Internal Communications Manager, Joan Bishop,
Graphic Designer, and all the staff for their commitment
to make this a publication we can all be proud of. I think they achieved their goal.
As I say, this will be an annual report with a
somewhat different theme each year. This year the theme is the "people" of UT. There
are some great stories in the report and I hope you will
take time to read it.
In addition to the stories about students and faculty, there is also an important
message about the economic
impact of UT...a story that is sometimes forgotten. The report makes it very clear
that UT is a major driver in the region's economy. The annual
economic impact of UT is equivalent to:
- Building six new Fifth Third Fields, home of the Mud Hens, every year or
- Building a new
I-280 bridge--the single largest construction project in Ohio's history--every year.
Sothere is a lot in the Report and we hope you like it.
Included in your Board agenda today is a report on Enrollment. This is a very important report in that we have achieved and surpassed our enrollment base for this year's budget. Dick Eastop and the Enrollment Service staff have done the job. Our Full Time Equivalent enrollment (FTE) is 6% higher than last year at this point in time. We are hopeful and reasonably confident that this increase will hold. Official figures will be released on September 9.
Many of our students--in fact over 600--are living in our newly opened residence hall, The Crossings. This is a tremendous facility and a great addition to the campus. All reports are that students are really pleased with The Crossings. I'm anxious to get our next residence hall underway which we will be doing very soon. We need it badly. And, I suspect we will need even more after that.
Asyou know, the University has been engaged in developing and implementing its Strategic Planning process and they are making genuine progress. A very important part of this effort, of course, is the administrative support. We are all very pleased that Dr. Robert Sheehan, former associate vice chancellor for performance reporting and analysis for OBOR, has joined the University as the Vice Provost for Academic Assessment and Strategic Planning.
One of the Board's priorities last year and one I’m certain will continue into the
future, is developing meaningful partnerships that advance UT
and strengthen higher education. This week, I was proud to join Mayor Jack Ford at
a news conference in which he announced the City of Toledo's
support for a five year, $1.25 million dollar initiative at UT to develop a new center
that will increase the capacity of minorities and women to
play meaningful and profitable roles in the construction industry.
Major construction projects that have been approved and some that
are still in the proposal stage will bring several billion dollars to the Toledo area.
The Mayor, city council and leaders in the construction
business do not want to go to Canada, Illinois, Kentucky or elsewhere for qualified
workers. They want to train area residents to fill the many
new, good paying jobs. The mayor and city council turned to the University and University
College for this important partnership. I appreciate
and am very proud of the confidence they have placed in the University for performing
this important role for the city and our community's
Ken Dobson, director for community and economic development, will lead this project.
I told Ken that the only thing I ask is
that they exceed their goals and expectations. I believe he and the others in this
Center will do just that...exceed their own goals and
And speaking of "exceeding goals and expectations," Dr. Johnnie Early, dean of our
College of Pharmacy, received one of the highest awards in
pharmacy last month when the National Pharmaceutical Association, gave him its Chauncey
I. Cooper award, recognizing his sustained and positive
efforts in the profession. Dean Early, if you are here, would you stand and allow
us to recognize you for this truly outstanding award...are you
I would also like for you to take special note that the Journal of Science Teacher
Education, an important and prestigious journal
in the field of teacher education, will come to UT's College of Education from the
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee in 2003. Dr. Charlene
Czerniak has been selected as Editor, and Drs. Rebecca Schneider and Mark Templin
will serve as Associate editors. Congratulations to the College
and to Dr. Czerniak!
Every college has had significant accomplishments over the past few months and we
have recorded them for your
information in "Points of Pride." [It should be in front of you] Points of Pride will
also be included in the record of each Board meeting. I've
cited just a few to whet your curiosity about the other major achievements of faculty
and students across the university. Please take time to
read Points of will make you proud.
This evening the Rockets will have its football season opener with Cal Poly in the
Glassbowl. I've been out on the turf with Coach Amstutz and heard him speak at the
Downtown Coaches Association about the upcoming season. It's
going to be an exciting fall season and I hope you will all join us tonight at the
Glassbowl--See you at the game!
Every new academic
year brings its own rewards and challenges. And just as I asked Ken Dobson to "exceed
his goals and expectations" I'm asking myself, the
executive staff and all of us to set high goals for ourselves and UT and that we work
hard and work together to exceed them.
I think we
have a great mission is one that inspires me and that, if we achieve
this mission, will bring out the very best in all of us. But
it won't come easy. To be successful in achieving our mission we first have to know
what it is and what it is not. I'm asking every division,
every college, every department, every program and service area to be
make UT a "student-centered" metropolitan university.
And I think we are well on our way to clarifying and living our mission.
As I end this report, I want to add a comment about
how our lives changed this past year. In a few days we will stop to remember the events
of September 11. We never have really figured out how to
describe the terrible events of that day...words fail us in times like these. For
many of us, we simply say "9-11."
Wewill be holding a "Noontime Reflection" on September 11. Faculty members earlier
in the day are encouraged to pause for a moment of silence in
their classes.
Before moving into the business of this meeting today, I would like to ask that we
pause for a few moments to remember--even
though it has not been far from our minds these last 12 months--and reflect on what
this means not only for the world and our nation but for our
university and each of us as members of the university community.
Would you pause with us for a moment of silence?
Thank you. Madam Chair, that concludes my report.
(The President distributed his Points of Pride, which are included as an addendum).
3. Bylaws Change - Exhibit A
Chair Browne introduced the Bylaws change to the Board as described in Exhibit A. She noted that General Counsel has reviewed the change on how the committees are appointed. The change eliminates the definition of the standing committees.
Chair Browne requested a motion to rescind the current Board of Trustees Bylaw I-1-2, Committees, and enact the Bylaw as described in Exhibit A. Upon the motion of Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Tuschman, to rescind the current Board of Trustees Bylaw I-1-2, Committees and enact the Bylaw as described in Exhibit A, a roll call vote was taken:
Mr. Brennan Yes
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Chair Browne requested a motion to suspend the requirement for the second reading
for the rescission and enactment of the Bylaw
on Committees. Upon the motion of Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Tuschman, to suspend
the requirement for the second reading for the rescission and
enactment of the Bylaw on Committees, a roll call vote was taken:
Mr. Brennan Yes
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Motion passed.
Chair Browne announced the committees of the Board for the 2003-2003 academic year and the chair of each committee. They are as follows: Academic Affairs – Mr. Redmond; Finance, Administration & Facilities - Mr. Stansley; Institutional Advancement - Mr. Tuschman; Planning & Strategic Issues - Mr. Brennan; Student Affairs - Mr. Vasquez; and Trusteeship - Judge McQuade. She noted that members have not been appointed to the committees as she is waiting on the governor's appointment to replace Rhonda Brooks who resigned.
Chair Browne presented the following report:
For the last four years, we have had a conversation on this board about the way that the board can best serve this University. We have addressed it in retreats, and in our committee on Trusteeship. But with all the very pressing matters that we've been dealing with in the last few years, we have not been able to turn the attention to this subject.
Now, thanks to the work that's been accomplished, and particularly to the leadership of Jim Tuschman, this board, and the University, are at a point where we can focus our attention on the question of how we can most effectively fulfill our role as a board.
Today I will present a plan for accomplishing that. This plan is based on the work that we've done already, and it is based on the principles and best practices identified by the Association of Governing Boards.
I will begin by reviewing with you the role of a public university board. I will touch
on the duties and responsibilities of the chair and the
individual board members. Then I will turn to the specific procedures and processes
that we will use in accomplishing our work. My goal today is
to offer a clear road map for our future direction.
"What is the role of the board?"
I thought it would be helpful for you
if I clarified what I see as the duties of the board. We have certainly addressed
this question in the past with consultants, and Jim Tuschman
presented it to the board last year. But with two new trustees it bears repeating.
In developing this list of duties, I have drawn heavily on a
booklet called "Effective Trusteeship," written by Richard T. Ingram and published
by the AGB.
First and foremost, the board serves the public trust. It serves the institution as a whole. It is responsible for ensuring the long-term viability of the University. Therefore, it must keep its eyes on the future.
Aspart of the institution's leadership system, the board's role is to provide strategic governance. This means that the board has a special responsibility to focus on matters of longer term, strategic importance to the University's future - and not on matters of institutional management. These routine matters are the president's responsibility. Our responsibility is to concern ourselves with the issues and decisions that will determine the future financial and academic health of the University.
Inaddition to these duties, the board selects, monitors and supports the president. The president - not the board - is responsible for overseeing the management and day-to-day operations of the University. The board delegates authority to him and in turn holds the president responsible for achieving agreed-upon goals.
And I believe the board also has a special role to defend and protect the institution against inappropriate pressures from special interests, inside and outside the institution, which may seek to exploit it for their own ends and do it harm.
The board is not a legislative body. The board is not a forum for airing stakeholder concerns. The board is not an audience for constituent bodies, and the board is not the institution's chief management group.
The board's most important function is to focus on the strategic issues - the big-picture issues that determine the long-term viability of the institution. And it is essential that the board have a solid platform of knowledge for making decisions. The board must be data-driven.
How should the board accomplish its work?
I believe we should do it:
· Through an effective committee structure,
· Through
effective board meetings that allow sufficient time to focus on strategic issues,
· Through careful collaborative work with the
I will return to these ideas in more detail in a few minutes. First, let me go over the specific duties and responsibilities of the board chair and of the individual members.
What are the duties of individual trustees?
Many of these points on the individual trustees are also based on the AGB booklet
"Effective Trusteeship" - I believe Jim gave us all a copy last year, but if you’d
like another one just let Joyce know.
Individual trustees must recognize that the board works collectively. As individuals, we have no special authority. We are not empowered as individuals to give orders to the president, faculty or staff, to commission reports or demand information. We must not advance personal agendas or pursue objectives separate from what has been agreed upon collectively by the entire board or by one of the board committees as charged. The president works for the board, which can only decide and act as a collective group. He does not work for any one of us as individuals.
Wehave a responsibility to serve the institution as a whole and to serve the public trust. In doing so, we must not represent special interest groups. We are expected to bring good judgment and the perspectives that we have gained from our professional and personal experience. It is appropriate to bring to the discussion any knowledge we may have of how various special interests may view a decision of the board. Nevertheless, we are not here to be representatives of particular special interest groups or constituencies, and we must always make decisions based on our responsibility to serve the public trust and the institution as a whole.
Itis the responsibility of the chair, or the chair's designee, to speak for the board as a whole. And once the majority of the board has made a decision, after listening to input from all board members, then it is important for all of us to publicly support those majority decisions, even if we do not agree with them personally.
Weall must be careful to avoid even the appearance of using the trusteeship for personal or political gain. Using the position in this way would demean the institution as well as the individual board member.
What are the duties of the chair?
I attended a seminar at the AGB conference this spring on chairmanship. In developing
comments, I've drawn on information presented there and on an AGB publication about
The chair plans board meeting agendas in conjunction with the president. The chair is responsible for keeping the institutional strategic direction visible, and helping the board to use it as the context for decision-making. Specifically, that means ensuring that the institutional direction is clearly stated and "owned" by the board. That direction is expressed through the institution's vision, mission, values, and strategic initiatives. It also means ensuring that the board uses these statements of direction to build its meeting agendas, set its priorities, form its questions, frame its discussions, and guide its decisions and work plans.
The chair sets committee accountabilities and responsibilities and ensures that committee work plans flow from and support the goals, objectives and work plans established by the board as a whole. The chair speaks for the board. And finally, the chair is the primary liaison between the board and the president.
Reflections on the past
I'd like to use the last few minutes of my presentation to share with you a specific
action plan for
accomplishing the role of the board that I have outlined. Before I do that, I need
to say something important.
I think we would all agree that we are at a moment in the history of the University when we can at last turn our attention to this important question. And we are at this point largely because of the extraordinary work of Jim Tuschman. He did something that no one else could have done. His commitment, his dedication, and his leadership were truly extraordinary. Jim faced an incredibly challenging situation, and he led this board through it with courage, with patience, with vision and hope. He did what needed to be done, and he did it well. And this institution will forever be in his debt. Jim, you have inspired this board and you have challenged it to rise to the occasion. And I thank you very much for the work you have done.
And to the rest of the board, I also want to recognize your efforts. As a result of what has been accomplished in the last few years, we are finally at a point where we can turn our energies toward something we've been talking about and hoping to do for a long time now. I also want to thank the administration, the faculty, the staff and the students, because they've also worked hard with us to get to this point.
It's important to remember that the board has done much significant prior work on this question. I have reviewed the output of our 1998 board assessment and planning session. I have reviewed the output of the retreats that we have held since then. I have talked with the president and the executive staff, and I have talked with all of you individually. This board has worked hard to get us to where we are today, and I know that you are now ready, willing and able to move forward with the next phase of our work.
So, what does this mean?
Specifically, how will the board accomplish its work? Earlier, I mentioned that
there are three
main ways that boards fulfill their role as part of the institution's leadership system.
They are an effective committee structure, an effective
meeting process, and close mutual work with the administration. Let me explain in
detail what this means to me.
Committees: Our
committees will be charged with focusing on specific strategic issues. The committees
will be asked to gather information and develop
recommendations to bring back to the board on these important matters. In brief, the
strategic issues we will charge our committees to focus on
this year are:
· a capital campaign,
· the role of athletics,
· the desired student experience,
· the question of selective and
open admissions,
· the University's "brand" and "message" and
· the development of a trustee code of ethics and conflict of interest
Inthe next few weeks, the committee chairs and I will work with the president and his executive staff to stake out the scope of work of each committee in greater detail. I have asked William Weary to assist us in this task on September 10th and 11th. We will create a detailed written charge collaboratively, and it will be included in the packet of materials for the October board meeting.
Inaddition to board members, I will appoint non-board members to our committees. We are a relatively small board, so bringing others into our committees will strengthen our efforts and enrich our perspectives. Just like the trustees, the non-board members will not represent various constituent groups; rather, they are expected to serve the institution as a whole by offering perspectives gained from their professional experience. In the near future, I will be in touch with various constituent groups to help me place individuals on the committees as appropriate.
Beginning in October, our committees will be meeting one week prior to the board meetings. This schedule change will allow time for reflection and discussion as needed on agenda items. The schedule will be available on the board’s web site.
Dashboard indicators: We will assemble a set of "dashboard indicators" and use them to enhance the board's collective understanding. "Dashboard indicators" are key measures of the University's health and its performance in areas that are vital to institutional success or failure. These indicators will give us truly meaningful knowledge and a far greater understanding of the institution and its needs. They will help us become data-driven and equip us to make important decisions on matters that affect the long-term viability of this institution. We will be working with the leading expert in designing board information systems, Lawrence Butler, a senior fellow and former chairman of The Cheswick Center, a charitable trust dedicated to improving governance in non-profit organizations. He will be working with the administration and all of our committees to identify and design key indicators and reports before the October meeting.
Board meetings: Our meeting structure will change to become strategy-oriented rather
than report-oriented. At each meeting:
· We will consider
and resolve one major issue, using the knowledge and recommendations developed by
a committee.
· We will discuss at least one major issue of
relevance to the board and our work.
· We will compress routine items of business into a consent agenda, and we are starting
with that today.
And starting in October, we will receive all reports, except for the president’s,
in writing, not orally.
These last two changes in our meeting procedures are essential for the board to be able to focus on the strategic issues. There is simply not enough time in the day for both strategy and reports. The board cannot fulfill its strategic responsibilities to the institution if it spends all of its time on listening to reports from constituent groups and dealing with routine management matters.
AsI mentioned earlier, university boards are not legislative bodies, and board meetings are not public hearings. Our University has well-defined mechanisms for shared governance and channels for two-way communication with stakeholder groups. Those mechanisms and channels provide the most effective and appropriate means for the University's leadership to consult with the leaders of constituent groups and keep them informed of administration and board decisions. Providing sufficient time for the board to focus on strategic issues is necessary for this board to serve the public trust and fulfill its unique role as part of the University's leadership system.
I recognize that shifting from a report orientation to a strategy orientation requires a departure from our past practice. We will need the help of the administration, faculty, staff and students in making this change. I've had conversations with the leaders of these areas, I know that we can count on getting that support, and I want to thank all of you for it.
Annual goals and assessment: We will set annual goals for the board, for our committees and the president, and we will conduct an annual assessment to measure our progress toward achieving those goals. We will do this at a board retreat in June of each year.
Strategic annual agenda: Based on that assessment and planning, we will establish a strategic agenda for the following year's board meetings. We will have this in place by the start of each academic year so that we will know the major items of business for the year and the timing for them. The annual agenda will identify the strategic issues that we will discuss, consider and resolve, and it will provide a roadmap for other major items of annual business, like consideration of the University's budget. I will present this year's strategic agenda at the October meeting for the board to review and approve. This will give us time for the committee chairs and the administration to work with Bill Weary to develop the major strategic issues that will be on the agenda.
In conclusion
We have a strong and committed board with a depth and breadth of talents that will
serve the university well in defining the
strategic issues for the university. The board has chosen a strong and committed president
to manage the execution of the strategic plan. We can
now go forward together in carrying out our mutual responsibilities to the university
and the public that it serves.
4. Information Items - Exhibit B
The Board listened to the following presentations: Strategic Planning Update - Dr. Goodridge; 2001-2002 Grants Report - Dr. Calzonetti; Fall Semester 2002 Enrollment Update - Mr. Eastop; and New Military Service Center - Mr. Schroeder, Ms. Henderson;
Ms. Browne requested that the Board move to the consent items because of time constraints. If time allows we will return to hear the remainder of the information items.
5. Consent Items - Exhibit C
a) Faculty Personnel
b) Staff Personnel
c) Grants
d) Approval of second reading -
Rules governing participation in companies commercializing university intellectual
property by university inventors
e) Approval of First
Reading - Statement of Investment Policy: Operating Cash Funds
f) Approval of Second Reading - Education and Information Technology
Ms. Browne stated that the idea of consent items is to approve routine items requiring Board approval. One vote would apply to all items listed. She noted that the members of the Board will receive agendas one week prior to the meeting and must notify the Chair of the Board to remove any consent item needing additional information.
Ms. Browne announced that item 5d) would be removed and referred to committee for further discussion.
Ms. Browne requested a motion to approve the consent items as presented in Exhibit C. Upon the motion of Judge McQuade, seconded by Mr. Stansley, to approve the consent items as follows: Faculty Personnel; Staff Personnel; Grants; Approval of first reading - Statement of Investment Policy: Operating Cash Funds and Approval of Second reading - Education and Information Technology, a roll call vote was taken:
Mr. Brennan Yes
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond No
Mr. Stansley Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Motion passed.
6. Approval Items - Exhibit D
a)Response to Board Resolution No. 23 - 02, Charter Schools
President Johnson presented a report on Charter Schools that is attached in Exhibit D.
Ms. Browne reiterated that there are two options: The Board can receive the President's action plan and treat as a first reading and have a Board meeting in early September to vote on the plan, or the Board can receive and vote today on the President's plan.
Mr. Stansley moved to accept the President's report and table until a special meeting on September 11, 2002 to discuss or act on information presented today. Upon the motion of Mr. Stansley, seconded by Mr. Redmond, to accept the President's report into the record and table until a special meeting on September 11, 2002, a roll call vote was taken:
Mr. Brennan Yes
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Motion passed.
b)Expansion of Parking Lot 25
Ms. Browne requested a motion to approve the expansion of Parking Lot 25 as described in Exhibit D. Upon the motion of Judge McQuade, seconded by Mr. Tuschman, to approve the expansion of parking lot 25, a roll call vote was taken:
Mr. Brennan left
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Motion passed.
7. Student Government Report
Mr. Nichols and Ms. Jenkins reported on student government activities in progress for this semester. They also reported on new initiatives they are proposing for the coming year. They extended congratulations and expressed gratitude to Dean Ed Willis who will be leaving the University to accept another position.
8. Faculty Senate Report
Chair Dr. Gerald Sherman read the following report:
The Faculty Senate wishes to applaud the Board of Trustees and its chair Joan Browne, for the welcomed changes in the operating procedures of the Board. These changes will bring greater clarity to the role of this Board in the shared governance of the University of Toledo as well as enhance accountability by those who share in the governance. It is clear that the Board of Trustees has made an enormous investment in time and effort in bringing these changes forward. Furthermore we understand that there will be glitches in implementing these changes - we will remain patient, tolerant and offer constructive suggestions to make this period of transition as smooth as possible. The micromanagement of the University exercised by past Boards will remain in the past. The departure from this past practice is welcomed by faculty.
A major challenge to the University of Toledo as well as to the other public universities in Ohio is the shift in the funding paradigm for public higher education with the student asked to shoulder a larger burden of the costs. With this paradigm shift the state of Ohio appears to no longer view higher education as a benefit for the public good or welfare but rather a choice for individual improvement. This paradigm shift and funding for public higher education is a political issue and not solely attributed to the current downturn in the economy. This has been an ongoing problem in Ohio even in times of plenty. The so-called education governors of Ohio prided themselves in the largest surpluses they left behind while support to higher education continued to decline. Our current plight is a result of years of neglect. At a time when this Board is redefining its role - we are asking that it aggressively embrace this issue of public higher education funding as a part of its role. The Board of Trustees collectively and individually posess greater political savvy and are better networked to the decision makers and political power brokers than faculty and students. I urge this Board to accept this challenge as one of its highest priorities.
The basic elements of a university are students and faculty without either of whom a university would not exist. Our mission statement rightfully - states with clarity that we are a "student centered public metropolitan research university"; however this Board along with President Johnson needs to state with no uncertain clarity and demonstrate by actions the value of faculty. Simply stated don’t just talk the talk but walk the walk.
The Faculty Senate Executive Committee has met throughout the summer and has forwarded its recommendations for faculty appointments to University committees and has nearly completed filling its standing committees. We have created a sub committee of the undergraduate curriculum committee to specifically address core curriculum issues. This sub committee will monitor the courses, scheduling of the courses and methods to the core. The core as originally envisioned has yet to be fully implemented due to a lack of resources. The Faculty Senate is committed to working with the administration; staff and Board of Trustees to meet the many challenges of this coming academic year.
9. Other Business
Ms. Browne announced that the following members of the Board did an informal Presidential Assessment of Dan Johnson as he concludes his first year as President. The members included Mr. Tuschman, Mr. Brennan, Mr. Redmond and Ms. Browne.
Mr. Tuschman commented on the Presidential assessment. He said they wanted to make the review constructive and both thorough and fair. The review was to assure the Board that the University mission, goal and agendas were being advanced in an effective manner. We would look at ways in which adjustments and improvements could be helpful.
What were we trying to accomplish:
- To foster improved institutional performance;
- To inform the President how appropriate stakeholders, constituents and those who
will report
to him are reacting to his skills, accomplishments and decisions as well as how the
Board sees his performance;
- We would supply feedback
and constructive suggestions for the future.
- We have reviewed the stakeholders who were in a position to provide information
and constructive suggestions.
Wethereafter set criteria for the review of the President. The criteria included: (1) the tasks the Board expected him to undertake, (2) the Board's expectations, (3) what the President tried to do, (4) what he accomplished, (5) the challenges he faced next, (6) the strengths he brought to the tasks, (7) the steps in his professional development he needed to continue to improve, and (8) the steps he needed to increase his effectiveness.
Itwas our conclusion the President met all of the Board's expectations, that he effectively pursued and helped others pursue the institution's mission and goals, and that he was effective in facilitating and implementing strategic planning, the development and maintenance of an appropriate organization and effectively utilized University resources in carrying out the University's mission.
Wealso found him an effective steward of institutional resources in budget construction, in allocation of resources and in physical control and oversight.
Accordingly the committee concluded that the President met or exceeded the Board’s expectations.
Ms. Browne thanked Mr. Tuschman for his remarks and returned to the remainder of the Information Items as listed on the agenda. It was decided that the following items were described in Exhibit B for the Board to review.
Mandatory Student Health Insurance Update - Dr. Bledsoe; 24-Hour Visitation Update - Dr. Bledsoe; Student Affairs Strategic Plan - Dr. Bledsoe; Off-Campus Discipline Plan - Dr. Bledsoe; Savage Hall Study - Mr. O'Brien; Project Status Report.
Mr. Decatur presented a budget update, which is included in Exhibit B
The Capital Campaign Overview and Tentative Campaign Timeline will be discussed at the October meeting.
10. Adjournment:
There being no further business before the Board, upon the motion duly made and carried,
the meeting
was adjourned.