Board of Trustees

October 30, 2002

389th Meeting. Wednesday
October 30, 2002
The University of Toledo
Board of Trustees
Student Union Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m.

1.Call to Order

2.President's Report - Exhibit A

3.Consent Items - Exhibit B
a) Approval of Minutes - September 11, 2002
b) Resolution for Rhonda L. Brooks
c) Faculty Personnel
d) Grants Report
e) Candidates for Degrees
f) Proposal for Master of Arts in Criminal Justice Program
g) Staff Personnel
h) Approval of Second Reading - Statement of Investment Policy: Operating Cash Funds
i) Contract Award Recommendations
j)Banking Services Agreement
k)High Resolution Magnet (NMR Spectrometer)

4.Approval Items - Exhibit C
a) Presentation of Capital Campaign Process - Vice President Snyder
b) General Receipts Bonds, Series 2002 Resolution - Vice President Decatur


Emerging Picture of Facilities Master Planning - Vice President Decatur

6.Reporting - Exhibit D

a)Faculty Senate Report
b) Student Government Report
c) Summary of Various UT Groups Currently Engaged in Planning Work - President Johnson
d) Conducting Peer Urban and Metropolitan University Comparative Analyses - President Johnson
e) Charter Schools Transition - Vice President Drabik and Interim Dean Waldock (no attachment)


"Facing Up to the Conflict Between Athletics and Academics" - President Johnson

8.Executive Session - To discuss personnel, real estate and legal matters.

9.Other Business


Last Updated: 7/15/24