Board of Trustees

October 30, 2002 Minutes

The University of Toledo
389th Meeting
Board of Trustees
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Student Union Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m. 

The three hundred and eighty-ninth meeting of the Board of Trustees of The University of Toledo was held on Wednesday, October 30, 2002  at 8:15 a.m. in the Student Union Room 2592. 

Ms. Joan Uhl Browne, Chair of the Board, presided and Mrs. Joyce M. Gregory, Executive Secretary to the Board, recorded the minutes. 

The Chair of the Board requested the Executive Secretary to call the roll: 

           Mr. Daniel J. Brennan                                      

           Ms. Joan Uhl Browne

           Mr. C. William Fall

           Ms. Megan M. Mamarella, Student Trustee

           Judge Richard B. McQuade, Jr.

           Ms. Rebecca Mocniak, Student Trustee

           Mr. Robert C. Redmond

           Mr. James M. Tuschman

           Mr. Hernan A. Vasquez 

Constituting a quorum of the Board.  

Dr. Daniel M. Johnson, President; Dr. Alan G. Goodridge, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe, Vice President for Student Affairs; Dr. Joseph Brennan, Executive Director for Public Relations; Mr. William R. Decatur, Vice President for Finance and Administration; Ms. Sandra A. Drabik, Vice President and General Counsel; Mr. Richard Eastop, Interim Vice President for Enrollment Services; Mr. Calvin Lawshe, Executive Director for Community Relations; Mr. David Lindsley, Interim Vice President for Information Technology; Mr. Michael O’Brien, Director for Intercollegiate Athletics; Mr. C. Vernon Snyder, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Professor Gerald Sherman, Chair of the Faculty Senate; Professor Penny Poplin Gosetti, Faculty Representative to the Board; Mr. Donovan Nichols, President of Student Government; Ms. Heidi Jenkins, Vice President for Student Government and Mr. Ryan Smith, THE BLADE were also present.    

1.    President's Report - Exhibit A 

Good morning Madam Chair and Trustees... 

Before I present my brief Report this morning, I would like for us to pause for a moment of silence to reflect on the lives of two individuals that were tragically taken in separate automobile accidents this past weekend.  Mr. Fa Feng Li, a doctoral student in the department of Biology, and Mr. Mike Perry, a referee who officiated at our Saturday evening game with Miami University. We appreciate their lives and their relationship with the University of Toledo.  We also remember their families and mourn their loss. 

Would you join me in a moment of silence in memory of Mr. Li and Mr. Perry?  Thank you. 

One of our traditions is to take time to point with pride to the many accomplishments of our faculty, staff and students since the last meeting of the Board.  Copies of Points of Pride are available and I urge you to pick up a copy and take note of all the great things that are going on across the campus. 

Wesometimes get so caught up with the challenge of the day and our problems that we forget all the great things that are also happening all around us. And while I will not take time to mention all these happenings, I would like to mention a few... 

This past week our Congresswoman, Marcy Kaptur, came to campus along with several distinguished guests including Dr. and Mrs. Harold McMasters, to announce an award from the National Science Foundation to help create and support a partnership of higher education, business and government to make Northwest Ohio a national leader in Alternative Energy research and development.  The award was $600,000. 

Wealso announced the creation of an Alternative Energy Research and Development Council that will help guide us in achieving our goal of making our region a national leader in this important field.   

These announcements were very important because they signal one of the high priority focus areas in the University's research and development.  In the months and years ahead, the University of Toledo will become increasingly recognized as one of the nation's leaders in Alternative Energy R&D.  

Last month we were delighted to announce a $1 million award from the Ohio Board of Regents to fund a Center of Excellence designed to improve K-12 teachers of science and math and to address the shortage of educators who specialize in these very important subjects. This award is also to support collaborative efforts with BGSU, OWENS, and several other colleges, schools and agencies.   

There is no question in my mind that collaborative ventures such as these partnerships, networks, and consortia working together...will produce greater results and have greater impacts than working solo.  

Weare going to continue our effort to create and maintain meaningful, outcome-oriented partnerships with BG, Owens, Lourdes, TPS, private, parochial and charter schools, businesses, governmental agencies and NGOs.   

UTis making a difference in our region but increasingly we are doing it through meaningful, strategic partnerships. 

This past week at the Miami Football game, for example, we continued our conversations with business, community and education leaders from Findlay directed at expanding the University's engagement and outreach to that vibrant community to the south. I fully anticipate that these conversations and efforts to extend the University's outreach and engagement--particularly in the areas of transportation, logistics, and bio-technology--will result in significant projects and programs in the future. 

During this political campaign season I have been meeting with candidates for public office here in Northwest Ohio.  These have been very useful conversations that have provided the opportunity to stress, again, the need for leadership on the funding of higher education and to hear from incumbents and challengers their views and opinions on UT and higher education in Ohio. 

Those who understand the importance of a strong and affordable public university system for economic development must bring their views to the candidates.  There are few, if any, issues of greater importance to the future of our state than how higher education is supported.   

Everyone knows we are already close to the bottom in state funding in comparison to other states.  If we continue to follow the course we are on, we could very easily be on the absolute bottom in a few years.   

Mypersonal view is that the state's support of higher education is the strongest possible indicator of its support for economic development.  You can't say you are for economic development and not support higher education.  

There is no "silver bullet" that is going to solve Ohio's higher education funding problem.  It will take strong leadership, political courage and hard work in this environment to fight for higher ed.  It remains to be seen as to whether this leadership, courage and commitment to Ohio's young people, to the state's economic development and to its future is there or not.  

I urge you to support those candidates who are strong on higher education.  

Ona related issue...and this is one we voters decide...Issue 2. This is an important decision for Toledo and its future.  I and my colleagues Presidents Ribeau, Adams, Mathews and Gohara have publicly endorsed Issue 2.  I made this public endorsement because I believe it is not only in the long-term interest of Toledo but is also in the interest of the University of Toledo.  We are working hard here at the University on improving our standards and increasing the quality of our programs.  But in so many ways, we are dependent on the quality of the graduates of Toledo Public Schools.   

Issue 2, if it passes, will send the signal that Toledo values education and recognizes the important relationship between facilities, technology and learning. I believe the passage of Issue 2 is in the interest of  the University of Toledo as well as our entire City.  

Later in our meeting today, I will be presenting an overview of the many planning processes currently underway.  It would be accurate to describe this year at UT as "A Year of Planning."  I do want to say in this regard that these planning activities and projects--strategic planning, enrollment planning, master/facility planning--and all the rest must be and will be "mission driven."

There are numerous interconnections among our planning activities but one thing they all must have in common is the foundation...which is the University Mission.  We are making every effort in these planning activities to truly " the mission." 

I would also like to convey to the full Board the positive comments I've heard regarding the new Committee structure and meeting times.  Although this is our first meeting with this new approach and we are still learning, the sense I have is that it is going to work well.  I appreciate all those committee chairs and our Board Chair for bringing this fresh approach to our deliberations and decision-making.  

Finally, I can't conclude this report without a few comments on our Homecoming and the Orlando trip and our game with University of Central Florida.  

Jamie Farr who came and served as our Grand Marshall honored us.  He gave himself completely to UT the entire day. And, at the end of the day, we prevailed over Ball State.  After being in the President's box at Ball State last year, Elaine and I needed that victory. 

And Orlando.  It was a grand trip in every way.  Our Advancement staff and our Alumni did a fantastic job!  Scores of our Toledo friends and alumni who traveled to Orlando as well as many of our Florida alums commented to me on how much they enjoyed the mini-Florida reunion.  We have over 400 UT alums in the Orlando area alone.  I think we had somewhere between 800 and 1000 Rocket fans cheering in the Citrus Bowl. 

I also had an opportunity to meet several of our strong supporters and several former Trustees while we were there.  They send their greeting to the Board.  They continue to have great interest in the welfare and progress of our University.   

Itwas a great weekend!   

Madam Chair, that concludes my report.  In closing, I would like to convey my appreciation for all you are doing and the deep commitment of this Board to the welfare and progress of UT.   

Thank you all very much.

President Johnson recognized David Jex and Jon Henricks presenting them with framed letters for being chosen ASCAP award recipients this year.  He stated that their contributions to American music and to The University of Toledo are recognized widely and appreciated by our campus community, as well as the broader community here in Northwest Ohio.  Jon Henricks was unable to attend today's meeting as he was performing in Washington, DC.    

2.   Consent Items - Exhibit B
a)   Approval of Minutes - September 11, 2002
b)   Resolution for Rhonda L. Brooks         
c)   Faculty Personnel
d)   Grants Report
e)   Candidates for Degrees
f)    Proposal for Master of Arts in Criminal Justice Program
g)   Staff Personnel
h)   Approval of Second Reading - Statement of Investment Policy:  
      -Operating Cash Funds
i)    Contract Award Recommendations

Banking Services Agreement

High Resolution Magnet (NMR Spectrometer)   

Ms. Browne commented that the Consent Items would be posted on the web site two weeks prior to the Board meeting.   Any member of the Board can request an item be pulled for further discussion. 

Mr. Brennan moved to approve the consent items as listed on the agenda a) through i).  The motion of Mr. Brennan, seconded by Judge McQuade, to approve the consent items as described in Exhibit B, a roll call vote was taken:                       

Mr. Brennan        Yes
Ms. Browne        Yes
Mr. Fall               Yes
Judge McQuade  Yes
Mr. Redmond      Abstain
Mr. Tuschman      Yes
Mr. Vasquez        Yes 

Motion passed. 

3.   Approval Items - Exhibit C 

a)   Presentation of Capital Campaign Process  

Vice President Vern Snyder provided an overhead presentation on the capital campaign process as described in Exhibit C.  The following resolution was presented for Board approval. 

RESOLUTION NO.  3 - 2003 

WHEREAS, The University of Toledo has identified a Capital Campaign as an institutional priority; and  

WHEREAS, the Capital Campaign will require the assistance of all of the University Board, Faculty and Staff, Alumni, Students and Friends; and  

WHEREAS, the successful completion of the Capital Campaign will provide opportunities for the institution to enhance education, and 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that The University of Toledo Board of Trustees hereby approves the planning and implementation of a Capital Campaign. 

Upon the motion of Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Brennan, to approve Resolution No. 3 - 2003, a roll call vote was taken: 

Mr. Brennan                             Yes
Mrs. Browne                            Yes
Mr. Fall                                    Yes
Judge McQuade                       Yes
Mr. Redmond                           Yes
Mr. Tuschman                          Yes
Mr. Vasquez                            Yes

Motion passed. 

b)         General Receipts Bonds, Series 2002 Resolution

Resolution No. 4 - 2003

Vice President Bill Decatur explained that the Series 2002 Resolution authorizes the issuance of General Receipts Bonds of The University of Toledo in a principal amount not to exceed $57,000,000 to pay costs of University Facilities, authorizes the consolidation of those Bonds for sale with refunding obligations of the University, and authorizing related matters.    Approval of the General Receipts Bonds will allow for the construction of a new residence hall, the renovation of dining facilities, and replacement of surface parking.     

Vice President Decatur added that the University received an A2 rating from Moody’s and that the bonds would probably be sold by the end of November.  He answered questions regarding the breakdown of the $57 million.

Mr. Stansley arrived at 8:55 a.m.

Mr. Brennan said the Committee on Finance recommends approval of the Resolution.

Upon the motion of Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Stansley, to approve the General Receipts Bonds, Series 2002 Resolution No. 4 – 2003, a roll call vote was taken:

Mr. Brennan                             Yes
Ms. Browne                             Yes
Mr. Fall                                    Yes
Judge McQuade                       Yes
Mr. Redmond                           Yes
Mr. Stansley                             Yes
Mr. Tuschman                          Yes
Mr. Vasquez                            Yes 

Motion passed. 

4.  Recommendation

Emerging Picture of Facilities Master Planning 

Vice President Decatur introduced Harry Wyatt, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Mr. Dan Klett, Director for Facilities Planning.  Messrs. Wyatt and Klett gave an overview of the progress of the facilities master planning efforts, outlining the breath and depth and scope of facilities planning and a summary of the proposed schedule.  The plan will include the Bancroft Campus, Scott Park Campus, and other satellite campuses in the appropriate detail.  Land use, traffic and parking, utility infrastructure, landscape and site development, new building locations, additions and renovations, space allocation, and capital planning will be addressed. 

Mr. Tuschman commented that the presentation was good and complete but did not include parameters, the borders of the campus.  He indicated that this must not be overlooked as we consider the University's needs and growth.  He stressed the importance of the committee to focus on these issues. 

Vice President Decatur noted that the committee would be working on these areas and land we own.  These areas would be included as the process continues. 

Mr. Tuschman stressed the importance of keeping on schedule with the target dates for each stage of the master plan, as the information is imperative when making decisions regarding real estate.    

Vice President Decatur noted that the Board of Trustees will be engaged in the process and involved in a number of avenues.  They will receive regular updates and communication on status and issues. 

 Mr. Stansley said Board involvement was discussed at the committee meeting and members of the Board will be engaged in this process. 

Judge McQuade noted that is was important they receive regular updates with more detail.

Chair Browne said that the Board members do receive information regarding items for Board decision two weeks before the Board meeting.  If you feel an item should be pulled from the Agenda for further discussion or for additional information, this can be done.  She encouraged everyone to read and identify items from the Committee agendas that need full Board discussion. 

Members of the Board discussed the committee structure and their fiscal responsibility.  Chair Browne stated that the committee structure allows Board members to question and discuss items with the Chair of that particular committee and to request additional information and detail from that committee chair.  If a member of the Board is still not satisfied or does not understand how something is being handled then that individual can request the Board Chair to withdraw the item from the agenda.  Chairs of the Board committee will be responsible for obtaining additional information as requested and scheduling additional meetings if necessary.

Mr. Brennan said this is a new structure whereby the Board committees review and have oversight of the items brought forward.  This new plan allows the Board to seek more information and detail.  Committee chairs will take a more active roll for items brought forward to the full Board and for strategic issues and planning. 

5.  Reporting - Exhibit D

a)         Faculty Senate Report

b)         Student Government Report 

Chair Browne announced that the Faculty Senate and the Student Government Reports are enclosed with the Agenda and will be posted on the web before the Board meeting.

c)         Summary of Various UT Groups Currently Engaged in Planning Work

Chair Browne said as part of the Board's charge to the Committee on Strategic Issues and Planning is to provide information on issues as part of the planning process for the University.   The Board has requested a presentation on the summary of the various UT groups currently engaged in planning work and asked President Johnson to provide that summary. 

President Johnson distributed a copy of the planning process that is attached in Exhibit D.  He explained the importance of communication between all groups involved in the planning effort and the importance of working in close alignment with each other.  Dr. Johnson said it is the year of planning for the University as we address strategic issues.

Mr. Rob Sheehan, Vice Provost for Academic Assessment and Strategic Planning, said this is a campus-wide planning effort and strategic planning is the hub of all these efforts.   Input both internally and externally need to be factored in these decisions and that facilities master planning will be closely tied to strategic planning.  Mr. Sheehan noted that there are different kinds of relationships to coordinate.  Joint committees will identify and share common data, bi-monthly meetings will be held to report the progress of these committees.  More communication and coordination will be required as planning is addressed.

Dr. Johnson said enrollment planning is currently underway regarding open admissions vs selective admissions.  He said ad hoc committees are anticipated. 

d)         Conducting Peer Urban and Metropolitan University Comparative Analyses 

Dr. Johnson distributed a report by Victor Borden which is attached in Exhibit D and a plan for developing Performance Benchmark Indicators for UT.  He noted that popular ratings do not reflect a metropolitan university.  In addition to U.S. World Report, there are many other rankings unique to our mission. 

Dr. Johnson provided a presentation with a plan for developing performance benchmark indicators for UT. The plan will oversee these dashboard indicators and provide a clear strategic indicator that is mission driven and relying on the work of Larry Butler, which includes trends, comparison, and market.  Another component to the plan is the staff/management team developing performance indicators.  A timeline is underway with possible implementation by April or end of the fiscal year. 

Dr. Johnson explained UT is being compared to inappropriate institutions.  We have a different mission and history.  The measures of other ranking systems are not intended for ranking urban and metropolitan universities.  We need to develop indicators relevant to our program, scholarship and research.  The purpose of the indicators is to monitor and achieve our goals and continuous improvement.  He said we are accountable to the public.   

e)         Charter Schools Transition 

Chair Browne said pursuant to the Board's action of September 11, 2002, Sandra Drabik and Mary Jo Waldock will present a report on the Charter Schools transition.

Interim Dean Waldock reported that the transition team is complete and Chair Browne has been provided detail on each school in an executive summary document.   The document describes the schools sponsored. 

Vice President Drabik said they continue to oversee the activity of the transition.  She described the major accomplishments and issues-in-progress of the transition team, including the delegation of authority to the UTCSC; records management and retention issues; transfer of funds; and monitoring relecant enabling legislation. 

Dr. Johnson commended Vice President Drabik and Interim Dean Waldock on this project as directed by the Board.   

6.   Discussion

"Facing Up to the Conflict Between Athletics and Academics"

Chair Browne said as part of the Board’s charge to the Committee on Strategic Issues and Planning, we have requested that the committee lead a discussion on "Facing Up to the Conflict Between Athletics and Academics."  She announced that the Committee will not be discussing this topic today. 

7.   Executive Session 

At10:10 a.m. Chair Browne requested a motion to enter executive session to discuss the compensation of an official.  Upon the motion of Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Brennan, to enter an executive session to discuss the compensation of an official, a roll call vote was taken: 

Mr. Brennan                             Yes
Ms. Browne                             Yes
Mr. Fall                                    Yes
Judge McQuade                       Yes
Mr. Redmond                           Yes
Mr. Stansley                             Yes
Mr. Tuschman                          Yes
Mr. Vasquez                            Yes 

Motion passed. 

The Board reconvened at 11:20 a.m.  with no actions being taken.

Mr. Tuschman commented that the evaluation of the President has now been completed and with respect to his evaluation Dr. Johnson has met and in most instances exceeded goals and expectations set by this Board.  He said the Board is keenly aware that there are some out there who would prefer the Board not compensate him because of the financial environment.   This Board unanimously has the highest confidence in his ability as a leader to carry out the mission of this university and to take the university to new levels.  Upon the motion of Mr. Tuschman, seconded by Mr. Redmond to increase Dr. Johnson’s salary to $240,000 for the next year and extend his contract for an additional two years, according to the terms of his appointment, to June 30, 2006, a roll call vote was taken:

Mr. Brennan                             Yes
Ms. Browne                             Yes
Mr. Fall                                    Yes
Judge McQuade                       Yes
Mr. Redmond                           Yes
Mr. Stansley                             Yes
Mr. Tuschman                          Yes
Mr. Vasquez                            Yes 

Motion passed. 

Mr. Fall said he appreciates what Dr. Johnson is doing.  It is an excellent reflection that he portrays and the accomplishments going forward in the future.   

8.    Adjournment 

There being no further business before the Board, upon the motion duly made and carried the meeting was adjourned.  

____________________________                _________________________________

Chair, Board of Trustees                                   Executive Secretary, Board of Trustees

Last Updated: 7/15/24