April 30, 2003 Minutes Part One
The University of Toledo
395th Meeting
Board of Trustees
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Union Room 2592 - 10:00 a.m.
The three hundred and ninety-fifth meeting of the Board of Trustees of The University of Toledo was held on Wednesday, April 30, 2003, at 10:00 a.m. in the Student Union Room 2592.
Ms. Joan Uhl Browne, Chair of the Board, presided and Ms. Judy E. Fegley, Interim Executive Coordinator to the Board, recorded the minutes.
1. Call to Order
The Chair of the Board requested Ms. Fegley call the roll:
Ms. Joan Uhl Browne
Mr. Daniel J. Brennan
Mr. C. William Fall
Judge Richard B. McQuade, Jr.
Ms. Megan M. Mamarella, Student Trustee
Ms. Rebecca Mocniak, Student Trustee
Mr. Robert C. Redmond
Ms. Olivia K. Summons
Mr. James M. Tuschman
Mr. Hernan A. Vasquez
constituting a quorum of the Board. Trustee Richard Stansley, Jr. entered the meeting at 11:30 a.m.
Also present: Dr. Daniel M. Johnson, President; Dr. Alan G. Goodridge, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Ms. Sandra A. Drabik, Vice President and General Counsel; Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe, Vice President for Student Affairs; Dr. Joseph Brennan, Executive Director for Public Relations; Mr. William R. Decatur, Vice President for Finance and Administration; Mr. Richard Eastop, Interim Vice President for Enrollment Services; Mr. Vernon Snyder, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Ms. Brenda Lee, President, UT Foundation; Mr. Calvin Lawshe, Assistant to the President for Community Relations; Mr. David Lindsley, Interim Vice President for Information Technology; Mr. Michael O’Brien, Director for Intercollegiate Athletics; Thomas Switzer, Dean of the College of Education; Jerome Sullivan, Dean of Health and Human Services; Ms. Sally Perz, Executive Director for Government Relations; Professor Gerald Sherman, Chair of the Faculty Senate; Professor Penny Poplin Gosetti, Faculty Representative to the Board; Mr. Tobin Klinger, Senior Media Relations Coordinator; Mr. Donovan Nichols, President of Student Government; Ms. Heidi Jenkins, Vice President for Student Government and Mr. Ryan Smith, THE BLADE.
2. Executive Session
At10:05 a.m. Chair Browne requested a motion to enter into an executive session to discuss pending and imminent litigation and employment matters. Upon a motion by Mr. Brennan and seconded by Mr. Tuschman to enter into an executive session for the reason stated, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan
Mr. Fall Yes
McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
At 11:10 a.m. upon the motion of Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Redmond, the board reconvened.
3. President's Report
President Johnson gave the following report:
Thank you Madam Chair and good morning.
Itis hard to believe we are rapidly approaching the end of the Academic year. In a few short days, we will be gathering for our Spring Commencement. We will be graduating more than 2550 students this Spring.
Graduations are one of the most, if not the most, important ceremonies at Universities across the country. The graduates are the products of our labors and the return on our investments in higher education. They are the cornerstone of our growing knowledge economy.
These are times of great hopes and anticipation for our graduates as well as their families. The graduates who walk across the platforms and receive their diplomas in a few days are the symbols of "what we are all about." Students and student success!
These past few weeks we have been celebrating the many honors and accomplishments of our students and faculty. Last Thursday evening we celebrated what I hope will be our "first annual" Faculty Appreciation Day with the Toledo Symphony Orchestra performing a concert in honor of our faculty, the 10th Symphony of Shostakovich. At the end of my report, I would like to ask the Board of Trustees to enter our Resolution (attached as Exhibit #1) in recognition of the Faculty of the University of Toledo into the permanent records of the University with your endorsement.
Friday evening at a reception and dinner, we honored this year's recipients of the Outstanding Teacher Award, the Outstanding Research Award, and the Outstanding Adviser Award. The awards ceremony was especially moving as we heard of the dedication and commitment of our faculty award recipients. It was also very meaningful to go around the room and recognize former award recipients citing their awards and the year in which they received it. Some went back more than 40 years! Like our beautiful campus, these faculty members are a genuine treasure to this university, our students and our community.
Sunday evening our Student Honors Council hosted a celebration dinner to recognize our graduating honors seniors. Dr. David Hoch, Director of the Honors program, led the ceremonies that included a wonderful, extemporaneous keynote address by UT Honors student, Paula Braun. The Students also recognized Dr. Michael Dowd, Associate Professor and Chairman of the Department of Economics as the Honors Professor of the Year.
Final meetings and end-of-the-year activities are going on across the campus and will for the next week. Our students and faculty have had a wonderfully productive year, a year in which they and we can and should take great pride. Our professional staff and classified staff have gone the extra mile in supporting these academic achievements and milestones. And, for that, we are very, very appreciative. Thank you!
One of the many performance indicators of the progress being made by the faculty and staff can be found in Student Satisfaction. Periodically, we contract with Noel Levitz to assess student satisfaction at UT and measure it against our past performance and other institutions.
Wehave just received the data and findings from this year's SSI--the Students Satisfaction Inventory--and I have asked John Nutter to prepare a brief report and presentation for the Board. I thought you would want to know how students are feeling about the university and their levels of satisfaction.
John Nutter, Director of Institutional Research, presented the following report:
In Spring Term, 2003, the University administered a Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) to a sample of students. This is a national survey and allows comparison to national norms as well as to the past performance of the University. The faculty graciously permitted the survey to be administered in class sections, and there were 2,347 surveys returned from undergraduates. The Office of Institutional Research analyzed the data.
Of the items identified by students as the ten most important issues, the University significantly increased student satisfaction on nine, while declining on one. Compared to the responses from the 2001 SSI, the University scored higher in student satisfaction on 61 of 73 questions. The University made progress in comparison to the student satisfaction of the national sample of universities, and surpassed the satisfaction performance of a group of similar institutions.
A separate analysis was performed for the data provided by students of color. The data showed that the satisfaction of these students had risen more rapidly than satisfaction of white students, and that the satisfaction of the two groups was now roughly equal.
I am very proud of the progress that we see in this important area. We are going to work very hard to continue our progress in becoming a true "student-centered metropolitan research university."
Inaddition to the many accomplishments, achievements, records and progress of our students and faculty this year, we have also had to deal with and are continuing to deal with on a daily basis the prospects of continuing reductions in state support for higher education. This has been an unfortunate, but necessary, pre-occupation for the past two years and a particularly intense pre-occupation for the past few months.
Wehave invested hundreds of hours in writing letters and in conversations with public officials, business leaders, and our colleagues at other public universities trying to avert the budget cuts that erode our investment in our young citizens and in the future of our state.
These efforts are paying off in the sense that many prominent business and community leaders are now communicating directly with members of the Legislature to convey their views and support for higher education. Just one example here…This business leader wrote nine letters! Quoting from one of these letters, he says, "Long term, the quality of our higher education will have a great impact on Ohio’s economy; the well-being of its people, and its ranking among the states. Let’s not balance the budget by sacrificing our future."
Inanother very strong letter from the President and CEO of one of Northwest Ohio's largest professional services organizations. "I join with all my partners on this matter. We see this as a defining moment for you as our State Representative, to support higher education and create a strong and confident future for Ohio and every student, resident and business...Strong institutions for Higher Education, such as the University of Toledo, are important partners in our success."
These are the kind of letters going to the Governor, the Legislature and other public officials. We are still working and will continue to work to the end of the state budget process to maintain the level of state funding needed to insure the quality of life and quality of education we all want for our communities and need for our economy. At the same time, we are also working very hard at finding ways of achieving greater efficiencies, cutting costs, and generating needed new revenues. For over a year, the Executive Staff has devoted considerable time reviewing models and processes for establishing academic and service priorities for the university. We have had discussions with the leaders of the Faculty Senate about the need and importance of moving forward with a process that will enable UT to clarify its academic priorities.
Tohelp us move ahead with this very important task, I have established a special Task Force on Academic Priorities and University Services. This task force will begin its work within the next few weeks and work through the summer and next year, and beyond, if necessary, to develop and implement processes, criteria and measures to be used in setting priorities. The Task Force has been asked to identify continuing base budget reductions of $5 million, $10 million, and $15 million dollars.
The Task Force will carry out its work within the context of our newly approved Mission Statement, the Values & Commitments statement and Strategic Priorities. Relevant University and Board policies, our Collective Bargaining Agreement, and state policies and statutes will also define the context and parameters of the work of the Task Force.
I have asked for an initial report in late summer/early fall with early action items to be identified as soon as possible to help us with possible mid-year reductions next year.
Wehave also taken a very difficult, painful and unpopular step in reducing the budget for the Department of Athletics and, sadly have announced we are dropping three intercollegiate sports.
The directive I received from our Board of Trustees to make needed reductions and work to increase revenues provided the guidance and support I needed for this difficult decision.
But I also want to be clear as to the broader rationale for this decision. As was pointed out by Athletic Director Mike O’Brien at our recent press conference on this decision and by an independent outside consultant, the University of Toledo also had to make adjustments in its intercollegiate sports to come into compliance with the gender equity requirements of Title IX.
These two factors--the need to reduce expenditures in Athletics and the requirement to comply with Title IX--led to this decision.
Speaking personally, I hope and believe there will be a time in the future when the University of Toledo can rebuild and expand intercollegiate sports programs. But for the present, we have the fiscal realities and regulatory requirements that must be met and we will meet them.
Wehave also initiated a careful review of the University's administrative structure with the objective of making it smaller, more efficient and cost-effective, and mission focused. I invited Dr. Don Langenberg, former Chancellor of the University Maryland System and a national authority on "university administration" as well as "metropolitan universities" to help us with this effort.
Dr. Langenberg was here last week and met with members of the Executive Staff and others. He will be preparing his assessment and recommendations and suggestions to help us achieve this objective. I plan to complete my review soon and seek the Board's endorsement for modifications in the administrative structure at the June Board meeting. The new structure will be smaller, more efficient and cost-effective, mission-centered, more entrepreneurial and focused on our strategic goals.
This, too, will require some very difficult decisions but, as in Athletics, we will make these decisions.
One of the most important decisions this Board makes every year is the price of tuition. University's are put in a very difficult position because we want to give our students, their families and prospective students as much advanced information on tuition costs as early as possible, ideally before they leave for the summer; however, because our tuition is directly linked to the level of state support and subsidy, it is prudent to wait until the state budget is set. We won't know what that budget is until late May or early June or later.
However, based on the budget bill passed by the House, we are aware that unless the Senate takes leadership on this very important issue, does the right thing for our State and adopts a budget that reflects a faith in the future, we will have no choice but to turn to the students and their families, once again, for significant increases in tuition.
Asstated in an article in the Sunday Columbus Dispatch and repeated in The Blade and every other newspaper, "The state is spending less on universities, leaving parents and students to pay more."
Not knowing exactly what to expect from the Legislature, we are asking the Board of Trustees to entertain two scenarios as first readings on tuition increases: One scenario would be a 6% increase and the other scenario would be a 9.9% increase.
Wewill also be recommending increasing differential tuition for our professional programs. Vice President Bill Decatur has outlined these scenarios for the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Strategic Issues and Planning. We will present the scenarios for the full Board today.
Madam Chairman, as we approach the end of this academic year, I take tremendous pride, as do you and the Board, in the accomplishments of our students, faculty, staff and administration. I want to acknowledge with special pride those students and faculty who were called up to join their military units in the war against Saddam Hussein. I understand that there were approximately 40-50 students and faculty who were called up. To all of them and their families, we say a heartfelt "Thank you."
I also want to acknowledge, with genuine appreciation and affection, our two student leaders this year, Donovan Nichols and Heidi Jenkins. They have done a fantastic job. And while we may not have agreed on every issue, I have the greatest respect for their integrity and leadership. They will be a tough act to follow. Thank you, Donovan and Heidi!
I would like to acknowledge and thank Jerry Sherman and Alice Skeens for their leadership of the Faculty Senate. They attended and participated in every meeting of the Executive Staff and that alone warrants a special award of some kind. Thanks.
Megan Mamarella, thank you for your service to the University. We appreciate your contributions as a Student Trustee.
I want to also mention that Dr. Joe Brennan has accepted a position at the University of the Pacific in Stockton California and will be leaving UT May 16. Joe has done a great job and we will miss him. UP's gain is UTs loss. Joe, good luck and God speed to you and your family.
Thank you, Madam Chairman. In concluding my report, I want to convey the Resolution on Faculty Appreciation for adoption and inclusion in the permanent record of the University. Also attached is the April 2003 University of Toledo Points of Pride (Exhibit #2). Thank you.
4. Chair's Remarks and Award Presentations
Chair Browne thanked President Johnson for his report. She stated she is aware that the swimming team members would like to speak today, however the board meeting is not a hearing. The board is not a legislative body. The board is not a forum for airing stakeholder concerns. The board is not an audience for constituent bodies, and the board is not the institution's chief management group. The board meetings are not hearings where we receive public oral reports. First and foremost, the board serves the public trust. It serves the institution as a whole. It is responsible for ensuring the long-term viability of the University, and therefore, it must keep its eyes on the future. As part of the institution's leadership system, the board’s role is to provide strategic governance. The board has a special responsibility to focus on matters of longer term, strategic importance to the University's future. Our responsibility is to concern ourselves with the issues and decisions that will determine the future financial and academic health of the University. Certainly, the financial picture is bleak. The weak economy has led to decreased state revenues and ongoing cuts to higher education. The budget picture continues to change. It continues to worsen. The uncertainty makes planning difficult. The board is awaiting receipt of the budget, which must be balanced. This board met in a special meeting on April 9 to discuss the budget planning scenarios and their potential implications on the University. Strategic reviews are underway. It is clear that cuts will be made. This is not easy. The board is asking the administration to make difficult decisions, decisions that we know affect peoples' lives and academic and professional careers, and our hearts go out to these individuals. She emphasized that the board supports the administration's decisions.
A member of the public interrupted the meeting and began speaking to the board from the audience and was ruled out of order but continued to speak. At 11:20 a.m. upon a motion by Mr. Brennan, the board recessed and reconvened at 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Richard Stansley, Jr., arrived and joined in the discussion at 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Tuschman commented the board is a public body and must do its work; that there are many emotions surrounding decisions that have been made but that the board has obligations and rules that must be followed. He commended Chair Browne for her management of this difficult situation.
Chair Browne requested a motion to accept and endorse President Johnson’s report. Upon a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Fall, there was a unanimous voice vote to accept and endorse the President's report.
Chair Browne asked Student Trustee Megan Mamarella to come forward. A resolution recognizing Ms. Mamarella for having served on the board July 2001 through July 2003 was unanimously adopted and shall be recorded in the official minutes of today’s meeting (Exhibit #3).
Chair Browne asked Professor Gerald Sherman to come forward. Professor Sherman was presented with a plaque in appreciation of his services this past year as Faculty Senate Chair.
Chair Browne asked Student Government President Donovan Nichols and Vice President Heidi Jenkins to come forward. Each was presented with a plaque recognizing their contribution as leaders of Student Government this past year. Chair Browne recognized and welcomed the incoming Student Government leaders, Guy Beeman, President and Cain Myers, Vice President.
Chair Browne recognized Dr. Joseph Brennan, Executive Director of Public Relations. Dr. Brennan has accepted the position of Executive Director of University Relations and Marketing at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California. Dr. Brennan’s last day at the University of Toledo will be May 16, 2003. She commented he would be greatly missed by everyone at UT.
5. Consent Agenda Items
a) Approval of Minutes - February 26,
March 24 and April 9, 2003
b) Faculty Personnel Actions
c) Grants
d) Tenure and Promotion Recommendations
Additional Sabbatical Leave Recommendations for 2003 - 2004
f) Staff
Personnel Actions
g) Annual Presidential Assessment
h) Sports
and Recreation Facility Improvements
i) Parking Facilities Improvements
j) Student
Recreation Center Natatorium Repairs and Improvements
k) Parking Relocations &
Additions for FY 2006 Housing
l) Parks Tower Fire Suppression and Alarm System
m) Libbey Hall Renovation Project
n) Master
Planning Principles
Upon a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Ms. Summons to approve the consent items a) through n) as listed on the agenda a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan
Mr. Fall Yes
McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Vasquez Abstain
Motion passed.
6. Information Items
Academic Affairs Committee Update - A. Goodridge
· Strategic Planning Committee Phase 2 Update
Chair Browne asked Provost Alan Goodridge to present the update on the strategic planning committee phase 2. Dr. Goodridge summarized that the strategic plan has 29 strategies, many of which have been clustered into five high priority groups and tasked to implementation committees:
1) Admission standards for direct from high school students
2) Creation of first year experience
3) Selective investment of doctoral programs
4) Promotion of diversity among faculty, staff and students
5) Develop a culture of shared governance and communication
The committees are being named and will begin work immediately.
Dr. Goodridge stated the committee would continue to meet over the summer months and provide a final report on implementation progress in the fall.
Finance, Administration & Facilities Committee Update - B. Decatur
· Update on Budget Development
Chair Browne called upon the Vice President for Finance and Administration, William Decatur, to provide a brief update on budget development. Mr. Decatur expressed his gratitude to the Provost, Deans, staff and student representatives who participated in the budget planning. To understand the budget planning for FY 04, Mr. Decatur first presented a summary of the FY 03 budget and explained why the University is beginning FY 04 with a $5.8 million deficit. He then reviewed the new expenditures totaling $11,135,000 or greater depending on the fee caps imposed by the State. Mr. Decatur presented three scenarios for the FY 04 budget and reviewed the impact of each: (1) the Governor's proposed budget with minimal growth in the State Share of Instruction (SSI) and reinstates a fee cap of 6%. This scenario results in approximately $8.8 million budget gap (2) the House proposed budget with a 4.6% reduction in SSI and reinstates a fee cap of 6% . This scenario results in approximately $12.9 budget gap; and (3) an Alternative Fee Cap of 9.9% with the same 4.6% reduction in SSI that is reflected in the House version. This scenario results in approximately $9.6 budget gap.
Moving toward the FY 05 Budget, Mr. Decatur said the president has created a task force for the Prioritization of Academic Programs and University-wide Services. The Task force is charged with developing and implementing process, criteria and measures for setting priorities. They are also charged with identifying $5 million, $10 million and $15 million of base budget reductions.
Mr. Decatur concluded his presentation stating the final budget is dependent upon the State budget and fee caps. Major expenditure items continue to be reviewed and each Vice President and Executive Director have been charged with identifying strategic opportunities for cost reduction.
Trustee Stansley ask if a priority list for additional reductions has been developed. Mr. Decatur responded that his office is in the process of finalizing the items and expects to have the information available the end of May.
Trustee Stansley ask Mr. Decatur whether the Senate Bill 6 reserve was still intact. Mr. Decatur stated the reserve is still in the base budget, but it has been used one-time in each of the last two years to help cover revenue shortfalls.
Chair Browne thanked Mr. Decatur for his update on budget development and requested an update on the Charter School Council.
· Charter School Council Update
Mr. Stansley stated that Interim Dean Mary Jo Waldock's update was included in the Trustees’ packets and stands as written. He noted that there has not been anything unanticipated on Charter Schools.
Trusteeship Committee Update - Judge McQuade
· Key Performance Indicators and Dashboard Reports
Chair Browne requested that, due to time constraints, Judge McQuade hold Trusteeship Committee’s Key Performance Indicators and Dashboard Reports until the June meeting. Judge McQuade agreed.
7. Approval Items
Academic Affairs Committee
· Resolution Regarding Admission & Advisement Standards for Direct from High School Students (Exhibit #4)
Chair Browne requested Trustee Redmond lead the discussion and provide a brief background on the proposed resolution regarding admission and advisement standards for direct from high school students. Mr. Redmond stated there is a need to address under-prepared students. By law, The University of Toledo is one of an open admission University. He commented there is a need to assist students on the front end of their college careers in order for them to be successful. The board is being asked today to endorse a resolution that the University move toward conditional versus unconditional admissions of Direct-From-High School students. Rob Sheehan, Vice Provost for Academic Assessment and Strategic Planning, clarified that test scores cut offs would not be used when determining if a student is granted conditional or unconditional status.
Mr. Redmond made a motion that the board endorse developing a conditional admittance policy for direct-from-high school students to be phased in beginning in the Fall of 2004. Judge McQuade asked that a clarification be made that the board is endorsing that the study be continued and that there be ongoing reporting on this to the board; after a positive response, Judge McQuade seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Trustee Redmond commended the Office of the Provost and his staff for a job well done.
Finance, Administration & Facilities Committee
· Fiscal Year 2004 Fee Recommendations - First Reading
Chair Browne asked Trustee Stansley to present the fiscal year 2004 fee recommendations for a first reading. Mr. Stansley stated board members all received this document in their packets and moved that the board approve a first reading of the fiscal year 2004 recommendations as presented. Upon a second by Mr. Redmond, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan
Mr. Fall Yes
McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Vasquez Yes
Motion passed.
8. Appointment of Special Committees by Chair
Chair Browne announced the appointment of two special committees: a Nominating Committee consisting of Judge McQuade, Chairman; Ms. Summons and Mr. Stansley. This committee is charged with presenting a slate of officers at the June board meeting.
Secondly, Chair Browne appointed an Annual Presidential Assessment Committee consisting of Mr. Brennan, Chairman; Mr. Fall; and Judge McQuade. The charge to this committee is to ensure that the annual presidential review is carefully designed and professionally conducted, so that outcomes of the review would be clear expectations and realistic goals; strengthened communication; mutual trust, respect, and support between the board and the president; renewed campus confidence in good governance and a keener understanding of the University's agenda and ways to address it. In addition, the committee is charged with following the process and steps proposed by the committee on trusteeship for the president's annual assessment. She urged their review and careful consideration of the components of the president's self-assessment and its role in the committee's review. The final report to the board should take place at the June board meeting.
9. Executive Session
At12:05 p.m., Chair Browne requested a motion to enter into executive session to discuss collective bargaining strategy. Upon a motion made by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Stansley to enter into an executive session for the reason stated, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan
Mr. Fall Yes
McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Vasquez Yes
Motion passed
At1:50 p.m., upon the motion of Mr. Tuschman, seconded by Mr. Stansley, the board reconvened.
10. Adjournment
There being no other business before the Board, upon the motion duly made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 1:51p.m.