August 27, 2003 Minutes
The University of Toledo
398th Meeting
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Wednesday, August
27, 2003
Student Union, Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m.
The three hundred and ninety eighth meeting of the Board of Trustees of The University of Toledo was held on Wednesday, August 27, 2003 at 8:15 a.m. in Room 2592, Student Union, 2801 Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio.
Ms. Joan Uhl Browne, Chair of the Board, presided and Ms. Judy E. Fegley, Interim Coordinator of Board Affairs, recorded the minutes.
The Chair of the Board requested Ms. Fegley call the roll.
Present: Ms. Joan Uhl Browne
Mr. Daniel J. Brennan
Mr. C. William Fall
Judge Richard B. McQuade, Jr.
Ms. Rebecca L. Mocniak, Student Trustee
Mr. Robert C. Redmond
Mr. Richard B. Stansley, Jr.
Ms. Olivia K. Summons
Mr. Hernan A. Vasquez
A quorum of the Board was constituted. Trustee James Tuschman was absent; Student Trustee Donovan Nichols joined the meeting at 8:40 a.m.
Also present: Dr. Daniel M. Johnson, President; Dr. Alan G. Goodridge, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Ms. Sandra A. Drabik, Vice President and General Counsel, Board Secretary; Dr. Penny Poplin Gosetti, Executive Assistant to the President; Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe, Vice President for Student Affairs; Dr. Ronald Speier, Associate Vice President & Dean of Students; Mr. Tobin Klinger, Interim Executive Director for Public Relations; Mr. William R. Decatur, Vice President for Finance and Administration; Dr. Frank Calzonetti, Vice Provost for Research, Graduate Education, and Economic Development; Dr. Robert Sheehan, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs; Dr. Joseph Christen, Director of Organizational and Leadership Development; Mr. Richard Eastop, Interim Vice President for Enrollment Services; Dr. Johnnie Early, Dean, College of Pharmacy; Mr. Vernon Snyder, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Ms. Brenda Lee, President, UT Foundation; Mr. Michael O’Brien, Director for Intercollegiate Athletics; Dr. Alice Skeens, Faculty Senate Chair; Dr. Harvey Wolff, Faculty Representative to the Board; Mr. Guy Beeman, President of Student Government; Mr. Cain Myers, Vice President for Student Government; Mr. Jack Armul, Associate Vice President for Finance; Mr. John Satkowski, Senior Director, Finance and Planning; Mr. John Gaboury, Dean, University Libraries; Mr. Wayne Gates, Assistant Vie President of Student Life; Ms. Ardenia Terry, Associate Vice President, Student Services; Mr. Harry Wyatt, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management; Ms. Dawn Rhodes, Associate Vice President for Planning and Analysis; Ms. Rebecca Maggard, Media Relations Coordinator; Mr. David Lindsley, Interim Vice President Educational & Informational Technollgy; Mr. Peter Papadimos, Associate General Counsel; Ms. Lauri Engel, Assistant General Counsel; Ms. Elizabeth Griggs, Assistant to the Vice President & General Counsel; Ms. Norine Wasielewski, Senior Director of Health & Wellness; Ms. Joan Stasa, Executive Secretary to the President; Ms. Paula Braun, Graduate Assistant to the Executive Assistant to the President; Mr. Ryan Smith, The Blade.
1. Call to Order
Chair Browne called the meeting to order at 8:25 a.m. noting Trustee Jim Tuschman was absent due to a meeting of the Governor’s Commission on Higher Education and the Economy.