UToledo Board of Trustees

October 22, 2003 Minutes - Part One

The University of Toledo
399th Meeting
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
(Part 1)
Wednesday, October 22nd, 2003
Student Union, Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m. 

The three hundred and ninety ninth meeting of the Board of Trustees of The University of Toledo was held on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2003 at 8:15 a.m. in Room 2592, Student Union, 2801 Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio. 

Ms. Joan Uhl Browne, Chair of the Board, presided and Ms. Judy E. Fegley, Interim Coordinator of Board Affairs, recorded the minutes. 

The Chair of the Board requested Ms. Fegley call the roll. 

Present:            Ms. Joan Uhl Browne

                        Mr. Daniel J. Brennan

                        Mr. C. William Fall

                        Judge Richard B. McQuade, Jr.

                        Mr. Donovan Nichols, Student Trustee

                        Mr. Robert C. Redmond

                        Mr. Richard B. Stansley, Jr.

                        Ms. Olivia K. Summons

                        Mr. James Tuschman

                        Mr. Hernan A. Vasquez 

A quorum of the Board was constituted.    Ms. Rebecca Mocniak, Student Trustee joined the meeting at 8:30 a.m. 

Also present: Dr. Daniel M. Johnson, President; Dr. Alan G. Goodridge, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Ms. Sandra A. Drabik, Vice President and General Counsel, Board Secretary; Dr. Penny Poplin Gosetti, Executive Assistant to the President; Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe, Vice President for Student Life; Dr. Ronald Speier, Associate Vice President & Dean of Students; Mr. Tobin Klinger, Interim Executive Director for Public Relations; Mr. William R. Decatur, Senior Vice President for Finance, Technology and Operations; Dr. Frank Calzonetti, Vice Provost for Research, Graduate Education, and Economic Development; Dr. Robert Sheehan, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs; Mr. Jerome Sullivan, Dean, College of Health and Human Services; Dr. David Stern, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Ms. Mary Jo Waldock, Interim Dean, University College; Mr. Kwabena Kankam, Director, Internal Audit; Mr. Richard Eastop, Interim Vice President for Enrollment Services; Dr. Johnnie Early, Dean, College of Pharmacy; Mr. Vernon Snyder, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Ms. Brenda Lee, President, UT Foundation; Mr. Michael O’Brien, Director for Intercollegiate Athletics; Dr. Harvey Wolff, Faculty Representative to the Board; Dr. Alvin Compaan, Faculty Senate Representative; Mr. Guy Beeman, President of Student Government; Mr. Cain Myers, Vice President for Student Government; Professor Earl Murry, Faculty Member; Mr. David Hopka, Director of Safety and Risk Management; Mr. Jack Armul, Associate Vice President for Finance; Mr. John Satkowski, Senior Director, Finance and Planning; Mr. John Gaboury, Dean, University Libraries; Mr. Wayne Gates, Assistant Vice President of Student Life; Mr. Harry Wyatt, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management; Ms. Dawn Rhodes, Associate Vice President for Planning and Analysis; Dr. David Lindsley, Interim Vice President Educational & Informational Technology; Ms. Lauri Engel, Assistant General Counsel;  Ms. Elizabeth Griggs, Assistant to the Vice President & General Counsel; Mr. Joe Conley, Paralegal; Mr. John Dauer, Chief of Campus Police; Mr. James Sciarini, Associate Vice President, Human Resources; Dr. William Bischoff, Vice Provost, Academic Programs and Policies; Dr. Nick Santilli, ACE Fellow; Mr. Daniel Klett, Director, Facilities Planning; Ms. Susan Andrews, Student Ombudsperson; Mr. Steve Perry, Sr. Director, International Student Services; Mr. Joseph Sawasky, Sr. Director, Administrative Computing;  Ms. Allison Perz, Ohio Council of Community Schools; Ms. Joan Stasa, Executive Secretary to the President; Ms. Paula Braun, Graduate Assistant to the Executive Assistant to the President; Mr. Ryan Smith, The Blade

Special invited guests included Mayor Jack Ford, Judge Andy Devine, and Judge James Ray. 

1.         Call to Order 

Chair Browne called the meeting to order at 8:25 a.m.   

2.         President's Report 

Ms. Browne called on President Dan Johnson who gave the following report: 

Thank you, madam chair, and good morning. 

Weare well into the academic year and I'm pleased to report that we are making progress on the "major goals" identified by the Board for this academic year.  The six goals, as you know, are to: 

  1. Increase Revenue
  2. Identify Academic Program and Service Priorities
  3. Finalize our program plan for Assessment and Reporting--Dashboard Indicators
  4. Begin implementation of Priorities of the Strategic Plan/Directions
  5. Enhance UT's strategic Engagement with the City of Toledo, Northwest Ohio, and the State, and
  6. Foster greater Diversity. 

Inthis period that has been characterized by many as "the most challenging time ever for public higher education," it is important that we have a clear Mission to guide us, a Vision that inspires us, a Plan for determining our Strategic Directions, realistic Goals that will motivate us to progressive actions, and faculty, staff, and administrative team committed to achieving our goals and mission.  

Itis also important that we have effective tools for evaluating our efforts, that we use these tools, and that we share information on our progress on a fairly regular basis.  We must be "mission driven" and "strategic" in our actions if we are to successfully meet the growing challenges facing public higher education.  

This is not easy for universities that, over the past 40 years, have been charged to "meet the needs of our communities, our states and nation."  For nearly a half century, the message to institutions of higher education was, essentially, "to be all things to all people." 

Today, there is a new message and the new message is: "You can't be all things to all people...you need to be mission driven and strategic."  The new message is also calling on us to "be focused...build on our strengths...strive for the highest quality...and don't settle for less than 'excellent.'" 

And, although I don't know of any universities that have received awards for "rapid change," I do know that higher education here in Ohio and in many states across the nation have heard this new message and, at least here at UT, we are responding.  I can't think of anything better to get our attention than major funding cuts three years in a row. 

Weknow much of what we have to do and we are making progress on many fronts.  But, everyone in this room this morning knows, that there is no single remedy nor are there simple answers or easy solutions for these very complex problems. 

And, in this time of declining state revenues and growing fears about the state's capacity or political willingness to support its public universities, it is very important that we don’t sacrifice those qualities that have produced great universities like Ohio State, University of Cincinnati, Bowling Green, Miami University, Ohio University, and yes, the University of Toledo.   

One of those qualities is the autonomy, the independence of each public university.  The individual Boards of Trustees are in the very best position to know what is best for their universities.  Enhancing the statutory authority of the Board of Regents in Columbus to make decisions for the University of Toledo and all the other public universities in Ohio, as has been suggested, would not be helpful or constructive.  In fact, it would be analogous to shifting our state's higher education governance structure into "reverse." 

I have worked in states that have a "systems" approach to governance, two in fact.  The first thing that would happen if the Board of Regents was given enhanced statutory authority would be to hire more "system personnel" to enforce the Regent's new authority...not more faculty, campus computers, and laboratory equipment where those scarce dollars really need to go. 

The second thing that would happen is forcing decisions on campuses that may look right if you are in Columbus, but for those who are responsible for the mission and programs of each campus are clearly wrong.  

Itis not the higher education governance structure that is broken; in fact, that is the one thing about which Ohio should be proud. 

This is a very important state policy question and during this time in which our state is considering different ideas for addressing the challenges facing higher education, I urge this Board to go on record opposing expanded powers for the Board of Regents that would come at the expense of the Boards of Trustees. 

Over the past two years, my colleagues in the administrations of BGSU, MCO and other institutions of higher education have worked to strengthen partnerships and broaden the areas of collaboration.  These efforts are beginning to show genuine results in the areas of instruction, research and outreach and engagement.  Based on what I know, our three universities here in Northwest Ohio--University of Toledo, Bowling Green State University, and Medical College of Ohio--have developed a higher level of inter-institutional collaboration than any other universities in the state. 

The presidents, provosts, deans and faculty are continually exploring opportunities for even more collaboration where it is consistent with our mission, strategic goals, and institutional interests. To assist our campuses in building stronger collaborative ties, our three institutions have created and shared in the funding of a new position called Director of the Office of Research Collaboration.   

And, because of the record of collaboration we have achieved, the Inter-University Council has asked us to catalog the various collaborative projects and programs as a possible model for the state. We have done that in the past for our own information and we are now updating that inventory to share with the IUC and the Commission on Higher Education and the Economy.    We can also expand our collaboration and we will. 

Madam Chair, I would be remiss if I did not mention what will be one of the most significant events of the year with respect to the University's research mission.  As all of you know by now, Governor Taft was here last week to personally present Professors Al Compaan, Xunming Deng, Victor Karpov, and Dean Giolando a check for $2.0 million dollars to support their work in Photovoltaic Electricity and Hydrogen.  This award from the Wright Capital Project Funds will assist them and their colleagues as they continue their research to develop systems that convert solar energy into non-polluting electricity and into hydrogen for fuel cells.  

I would like to ask these professors to stand and be recognized. 

Also, today you will be taking action on a proposal from the College of Health and Human Services to create a Center for Parents.  So far as we are able to tell, this is the first center of this type in the nation and I know will be a model for many universities.  (MIT has already inquired about this and is interested in establishing a similar center.) 

The inspiration behind this proposal is Judge Andy Devine.  Our state's First Lady, Hope Taft, has also been a strong advocate and supporter of this initiative.  Our Mayor, Jack Ford and his wife, Cynthia, have also been very active in supporting the College and University as we have developed this proposal.  Dean Sullivan and his faculty deserve tremendous credit for taking these ideas and turning them into a proposal that will put the University of Toledo in a leadership position in its research, instruction and engagement in support of families.  

I am excited by the prospect of this proposal and recommend it to you for approval.   

I also want to comment on our Task Force Report on Integrated Marketing and Communications.  I know several members of the Board have been interested in the progress of the Task Force and wanted to know where it stands today.  I have received the Report as well as two minority reports.  It is not too surprising that there were "minority reports" because of the difficult and controversial nature of the Charge given to this group.  They--the members--have worked hard and well.  The report is important to this campus and future direction of University marketing and communications. It is also important that we move toward implementation but to do that we need a broader base of consensus.  To help us move toward a consensus-based implementation action plan, I am seeking the assistance of a nationally recognized authority on integrated marketing for universities. My goal--even though we are somewhat behind schedule--is to gain a better understanding of the issues related to implementation and how we can address them, hopefully in a way the campus can support. 

Today, following consultation with the President's Cabinet and members of the Presidential Assessment Committee, I am conveying to the Board of Trustees the agreed-upon Goals and Priorities for 2003-04.  This document includes "mileposts" by which we can monitor and report our progress.  I don't need to tell the Board or the Cabinet that this is a very ambitious set of goals and priorities for the year but working together I’m confident that we can accomplish these strategic objectives. 

The President concluded his remarks by congratulating Tom Amstutz and the Rockets for a great season so far.   The President's Points of Pride is attached to these minutes as Exhibit #1. 

Chair Browne thanked President Johnson for his report.   

Proposal for Center for Parents

Chair Browne requested Item 5.d in the board packet under "Approval Items" be moved up in the agenda.  She called on Provost Alan Goodridge to introduce Dean Jerome Sullivan who gave an overview of the proposal for the Center for Parents.  Dean Sullivan stated a community-based group led by Judge Andy Devine had a long held belief of the need for a Center for Parents.  Judge Devine, along with others in the community, have been the driving force behind the Center.   

Dean Sullivan called on Dr. Barbaranne Benjamin, Associate Dean, College of Health and Human Sciences, to introduce the executive committee members in attendance:  Mr. Jeff Deckebach, CEO of Connecting Point; Mr. David Kontur, Director, Lucas County Family Council; Ms. Barbara Laraway, Executive Director, Parents Helping Parents; Mr. Danny Edmon, Community Outreach Worker, The Community Partnership; Professor Laurie Dinnebeil, Associate Professor, College of Education. 

Dean Sullivan introduced Mayor Jack Ford who stated he was pleased to be present to support the Center for Parents.  A university-based center will involve research as well as application. This idea has been discussed for 25-30 years in this area and Judge Andy Devine is the heart and soul of the project.  Mayor Ford thanked Judge Devine for his leadership in this important community project. 

Dean Sullivan introduced Judge Andy Devine who stated this was his first appearance before the Board of Trustees.  He stated it’s been a long ten years for this project; that when discussions first began supporters did not have important leaders such as President Johnson, Mayor Ford, First Lady Hope Taft as part of the community partnership.  Judge Devine thanked President Johnson for taking on this very needed, very important project.  Judge Devine hoped the Board will approve the proposal presented today and get behind it so that it can be a success story for the state and the entire country. 

Chair Browne thanked Mayor Ford, Judge Devine and Judge Ray for coming to support the University and serving as advocates of community support for parents.  She requested a motion to approve the proposal for the Center for Parents. 

Upon a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Fall, to approve the Proposal for the Center for Parents, a roll call vote was taken: 

            Ms. Browne                 Yes

            Mr. Brennan                 Yes

            Mr. Fall                        Yes

            Judge McQuade           Yes

            Mr. Redmond               Yes

            Mr. Stansley                 Yes

            Ms. Summons              Yes

            Mr. Tuschman              Yes

            Mr. Vasquez                Yes 

            Motion passed. 

3.     Chair's Remarks 

Chair Browne stated due to the full agenda for today's meeting, her remarks would be brief.  She added her congratulations to the University researchers mentioned by Dr. Johnson for the two million dollar award presented by Governor Taft.  She stated that the establishment of the new Center for Photovoltaic Electricity and Hydrogen is a demonstration of the visionary research being conducted at this University as well as the development of crucial partnering and engagement efforts, and this Center has the potential of transforming northwest Ohio into a national leader in alternative energy.  She stated the University is very proud of these efforts and looks forward to learning about the Center's progress. 

Trustee Tuschman asked for permission to respond to the President's comments regarding the Board of Regents.  He stated he serves on the Governor's Commission on Higher Education and wanted to clarify remarks attributed to him in a recent Columbus Dispatch article.  A comment attributed to him that the Board of Regents would get more power was the only accurate statement in the article but this quote was taken out of context.  The committee was charged six months ago and possibly has another six months of work.  The committee is trying to deal with issues and there will be changes, which may be bold but not necessarily destructive.  The cost of higher education has gone up significantly; the Governor has charged the committee with making recommendations.  The committee is hearing testimony from individuals all over the country.  Mr. Tuschman invited University leaders to call the Executive Director of the commission should they wish to make an appointment to testify. 

Hesummarized that the committee will be making recommendations; that is all they are charged to do.  He hopes that this board will not make precipitous decisions and that they will wait for the results of the committee's work. 

4.      Consent Agenda Items 

Chair Browne noted the August 27th, 2003 board meeting minutes were provided in advance and requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the minutes and the materials contained in the consent agenda items a) through g): 

a)  Approval of Minutes - August 27th, 2003

b) Faculty Personnel Actions

c)  Grants Report

d)  Recommendation for Honorary Degree

e)  Staff Personnel Actions

f)  Revised Tuition Resolution

g)  Naming of Craft House Property to "328 Westwood Building" 

Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Ms. Summons, to approve the consent agenda items a) through g) as listed, a roll call vote was taken: 

                        Ms. Browne                 Yes

                        Mr. Brennan                 Yes

                        Mr. Fall                        Yes

                        Judge McQuade           Yes

                        Mr. Redmond               Yes

                        Mr. Stansley                 Yes

                        Ms. Summons              Yes

                        Mr. Tuschman              Yes

                        Mr. Vasquez                Yes 

                        Motion passed.


5.     Information Items 

Emergency Response Program

Chair Browne called on Bill Decatur, Senior Vice President for Finance, Technology and Operations, to introduce the Emergency Response Program.  Mr. Decatur introduced Mr. John Dauer, Chief of Campus Police and Mr. David Hopka, Director of Safety and Risk Management, who provided a summary of the University's Emergency Response Program. 

Mr. Dauer provided a brief recent history of emergency planning activities.  The Emergency Planning Committee was re-formed in 2001 and the first priority identified was to update the existing plan.  The plan was revised and received VP approval during calendar 2002.  Late in 2002 the University Parks Apartments fire event occurred and the plan was activated.  The plan was revised as a result of lessons learned from the actual event. 

The basic plan purpose is to establish clear lines of Command, Control and Authority that are essential to rapidly respond to emergency situations.  Decision making by consensus is not the process of choice during critical events. 

The plan structure follows a four-step process:

    • Incident occurs
    • Reporting of the incident through the organization
    • Response by internal and external resources/agencies as necessary
    • Debriefing to determine what went right or wrong or opportunities for improvement 

David Hopka discussed future objectives, which include expanding the scope to include business recovery or continuity and involvement of more University organizational units.  Plans also include implementation of document & project controls and continued emphasis on education, training and drills as the best means to prepare responsible persons to fulfill their roles.  Finally, in view of changes to resources, processes, people and priorities the Emergency Planning process was characterized as an activity to which principles of continuous improvement would apply. 

After their presentation, Chair Browne opened the floor for questions: 

Chair Browne questioned the chain of command.  A list of positions in the chain of command was summarized including what happens if a position in the chain is vacant. 

Chair Browne asked how students would be notified if the emergency required it?  It was noted that there are a number of mechanisms at the University's disposal; notification would depend on the type of emergency. 

Trustee Summons asked if the University is part of the Homeland Security Task Force for Communities and who is the Incident Commander?  Chief Dauer responded that the University is part of the Lucas County Homeland Security Task Force and that there is a clear chain of command, and that the Incident Commander would be designated based on the type of the emergency. 

Trustee Brennan asked if the Campus Police Chief has the authority to call for outside resources from the mutual aid pacts.  Chief Dauer responded yes. 

Trustee Vasquez asked if the chain of command is identified by individual names or by positions.  The response was the chain is identified by position, not people. 

Chair Browne asked if a mock disaster drill would be planned?  Mr. Decatur responded a disaster drill was planned for October 1st but has been postponed to a later date due to the goal post incident on the football field. 

Chair Browne thanked Mr. Decatur, Chief Dauer and Mr. Hopka for their presentation.

Task Force on Program Prioritization Update

Chair Browne called on Dr. Rob Sheehan to provide an update on the Task Force on Program Prioritization.  Dr. Sheehan introduced Jim LeSage, Professor of Economics Co-Chair of the Task Force.  An update of the process to be followed is attached to these minutes as Exhibit #2. 

Dr. LeSage reviewed with the Trustees the academic programs suggested for the first review process.  These include all 45 associate degree programs and a subset of masters programs - those that do not have a doctoral component and an additional criteria is degree production of less than 6 graduates per year over the past 5 years. Dr. LeSage pointed out two examples of such masters programs, foreign languages and music performance and indicated that regional data from BGSU indicate UT's programs may be duplicative and non-viable.   

Dr. LeSage also reviewed the specific process and timeline to be followed in the Program review.  Dr. LeSage then invited questions on this part of the process (the academic program review component) 

Trustee Tuschman questioned if the Faculty Senate had been consulted as to what programs will be eliminated or enhanced.     

Trustee Redmond stated that the Faculty Senate needs to be a strong partner in reviewing the programs to be cut or enhanced.   

Dr. LeSage responded the Graduate Council has been consulted and the reception was good, that this committee will be working with the leadership of the Graduate Council and will touch base with the Faculty Senate.   

Chair Browne stated there would be updates scheduled for every board meeting 

Judge McQuade asked if the same review process is being used to look at baccalaureate degrees.  Jim LeSage responded baccalaureate programs have not yet been looked at. 

Trustee Fall said his concern relates to academic excellence and hoped that the committee will not take their eye off the target of providing the best educational value to the state and our students. 

Trustee Redmond asked if the University would ensure that we have the cooperation and collaborative effort of other institutions?  Dr. Sheehan responded the University is working closely with the Chief Academic Officers of other regional institutions. 

Trustee Tuschman applauded the work of the Task Force Prioritization Committee and said this could be an example for other universities; that universities that can demonstrate cost savings could possibly receive incentives from the Board of Regents. 

Judge McQuade stated this was a very important presentation today by the Provost's Office.  He stated he was not certain that universities are represented on the Governor’s Commission on Higher Education and that it is very important the University of Toledo does the work that the Task Force Prioritization Committee is doing to demonstrate our independence. 

Dr. Sheehan stated the trustee concerns will be shared with the Task Force members.  The Task Force members have worked closely with members of the Faculty Senate and they have not met with resistance. 

Trustee Brennan stated historically the relationship with the Faculty Senate has been good and an acceptable compromise has always been reached. 

Inthe interest of time, Dr. Sheehan suggested that discussion of the second component to the review process - review of University-Wide Services might be postponed to the December Board meeting. This suggestion was accepted. 

Commission on Diversity Update

Dr. Sheehan suggested the update on the Commission on Diversity be postponed until the December board meeting.  Chair Browne agreed and asked if other trustees had any objections.  Hearing none, this report will be scheduled for the December board meeting.

Council on Engagement Update

Chair Browne called on Interim Dean Mary Jo Waldock, University College, to provide an update on the Council on Engagement.  This update is attached to these minutes as Exhibit #3.  Dean Waldock reviewed the Council’s charge as outlined in the attached exhibit.  She stated there is much enthusiasm from the members on the council.   The Council will provide reports outlining activities and accomplishments to the President in December and May. 

Chair Browne thanked Dean Waldock for her report.   

President Johnson added he would like to publicly acknowledge and thank Dean Waldock for her leadership.  He is excited about the work of this Council and looks forward to its reports. 

6.   Approval Items 

Audit Committee Charge and Reporting Structure 

Chair Browne noted the Audit Committee was appointed last August.  She thanked Judge McQuade for agreeing to chair this committee and asked for his comments. 

Judge McQuade reviewed the Audit Committee charge, which had been provided in the board agenda materials.  The charge is attached to these minutes as Exhibit #4. 

Judge McQuade stated that at the Audit Committee meeting yesterday, a resolution was adopted regarding the reporting structure for the internal auditor.  The internal auditor will report to the chair of the Audit Committee but day-to-day supervision will be provided by the office of the Vice President and General Counsel. 

Upon a motion by Judge McQuade, seconded by Mr. Stansley, to approve the charge of the Audit Committee, a unanimous voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Last Updated: 11/4/24