October 22, 2003 Minutes - Part Two
The University of Toledo399th Meeting
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
(Part 2)
Wednesday, October 22nd, 2003
Student Union, Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m.
FY2005 - FY2006 Biennial Capital Request and FY2005 - FY2010 Six Year Capital Plan
Mr. Stansley stated the Finance Committee heard a detailed presentation at their meeting yesterday and that the committee recommends approval of the FY2004 - FY2006 Biennial Capital Request and FY2005 - FY2010 Six Year Capital Plan.
Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Mr. Brennan, to approve the FY2005 - FY2006 Biennial Capital Request and FY2005 - FY2010 Six Year Capital Plan, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed.
Emergency Phone Replacements and Improvements Capital Request
Mr. Stansley stated the Finance Committee heard a report on the emergency phone replacements and improvements capital request and the committee recommends approving the awarding of contracts and proceeding to completion this project.
Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Mr. Fall, to approve the awarding of contracts for the emergency phone replacements, Trustee Brennan added a recommendation that the committee continue to look at evolving technology in this area. A roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed.
Award Recommendation - High Brilliance X-Ray Diffractometer
Mr. Stansley stated the Finance Committee heard a report on the request for an award recommendation for the high brilliance x-ray equipment and the committee recommends approving the request.
Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Mr. Redmond, to approve the request to purchase a high brilliance x-ray diffractometer, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed
Named Gift Policy
Mr. Tuschman stated the Institutional Advancement Committee heard a presentation at their meeting last week and recommends approval of the Named Gift Policy as outlined in the board packet.
Upon a motion by Mr. Tuschman, seconded by Mr. Fall, to approve the Named Gift Policy, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed
Upon a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Fall to suspend the requirement for the second reading for the enactment of the Named Gift Policy, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed
Amendment to Board Bylaw/Process for Public Comment
Judge McQuade reviewed paragraph by paragraph the Trusteeship
Committee's recommendation regarding an amendment to board bylaw/process for public
comment. The proposed amendment to board bylaw/process
for public comment had been provided in the board agenda materials and is attached
to these minutes as Exhibit #5.
Judge McQuade stated it is the unanimous recommendation of the Trusteeship Committee to approve the board bylaw as amended.
Upon a motion by Judge McQuade, seconded by Mr. Stansley, to approve the board bylaw as amended, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed
Upon a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Stansley to suspend the requirement for the second reading for the enactment of the amendment to the board bylaw, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed
Chair Browne stated she had one additional agenda item and asked Trustee Brennan to report on the Presidential Assessment Committee.
Mr. Brennan reported the ad hoc Presidential Assessment Committee met yesterday to finalize the goal portion of the presidential assessment. The outcome of this meeting was the preparation of the "Presidential Goals & Mileposts for FY 2003 - 2004" which was distributed at the meeting and is attached to these minutes as Exhibit # 6. This document originally contained six items; the committee subsequently added the seventh.
Upon a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Fall, to approve the recommendation of the Presidential Assessment Committee that the Presidential Goals & Mileposts for FY 2003 - 2004 be approved with the addition of a seventh goal as described by Mr. Brennan, a unanimous voice vote was taken and the motion passed.
The committee asked that the President report on the marketing efforts at the December board meeting.
President Johnson asked that David Lindsley, Interim Vice President for Education and Information Technology stand and be recognized. Dr. Johnson said this is Dr. Lindsley's last board meeting and thanked him for his contributions to the University.
2. Adjournment
There being no further business before the Board, upon the motion duly made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:17 a.m.
The University of Toledo "Points of Pride" - October 2003
§ The Rockets football team is in the middle of another great season. They
are one of four teams
tied for first place in the West Division of the Mid-American Conference, with a 4 -
2 record. This year’s accomplishments include a
35-31 win over Pittsburgh and a 24-17 win over Marshall.
§ UT senior Brianna Shook capped off an incredibly successful year with a 10th-place finish at the USA Track and Field 10,000-meter Road Racing Championships in Boston. Running her first-ever 10,000-meters, Shook finished as the 10th American and 12th overall.
College of Arts and Sciences
§ Dr. Alvin Compaan, Dr. Xunming Deng, and Dr. Victor Karpov were awarded a $2 million
Wright Capital Project Fund by Gov. Bob Taft to establish the Center for Photovoltaic
Electricity and Hydrogen. The center will focus on
developing systems that convert solar energy into non-polluting electricity and hydrogen
for fuel cells.
§ Dr. Jiquan Chen has been awarded a $319,000 grant from the USDA Forest Service to install flux
towers in forests in the United States and China to quantify the role of terrestrial
ecosystems in global carbon and water budget.
§ Students in the American Chemical Society Student Affiliates chapter traveled to New York in September to report on their numerous chapter activities to the American Chemical Society board. They are the first student organization in nine years invited to present in front of the board of the largest scientific association in the world.
College of Business Administration
§ Dr. Mark Vonderembse and the University's Intermodal Transportation Institute have begun work on the first Upper Midwest Freight Corridor Study. Vonderembse is working with researchers from the University of Illinois-Chicago and the University of Wisconsin Madison to determine how to increase the efficiency of moving freight across the Midwest.
College of Education
§ The College of Education has been chosen by the Ohio Board of Regents (OBOR)
to be the new home of the
College Tech Prep Curriculum Service Center. The center, previously housed at Ohio
State University, develops curriculum for Ohio high school
students enrolled in technical occupation preparation courses that will help them
transition smoothly into community colleges or universities.
§ Dr. William McInerney and Dr. Laurie Dinnebeil have received $275,000 from the U.S. Department of Education to establish Project ASSURE, a program that focuses on preparing teachers to work with young children who have low incidence disabilities.
College of Engineering
§ Dr. Theo Keith, is part of a team of researchers from NASA Glenn Research Center and Texas A&M
University that have been awarded a Research and Development 100 Award by R&D Magazine
for their work on a High Temperature, High Load Radial
Magnetic Bearing system. Winning an R&D 100 Award provides a mark of excellence known
to industry, government and academia as proof
that the product is one of the most innovative ideas of the year.
§ Dr. Kami (Sam) Makki has co-edited a book titled, Mobile and Wireless Internet: Protocols, Algorithms and Systems. The book is on display in the first floor textbook cabinet in the College of Engineering.
College of Health and Human Services
§ Dr. James Price and Dr. Timothy Jordan have been awarded a three-year grant totaling
$186,000 from the Northwest Ohio Tobacco Control Strategic Alliance for their work
in program evaluation. They helped develop survey instruments
and other tests to measure the effectiveness of various tobacco education programs.
§ Dr. Suzanne Wambold, associate professor and chair of health professions, has been named a Fellow of the American Society of Echocardiography. The designation recognizes physicians and sonographers who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the field of echocardiography in addition to achieving certain training and performance requirements.
College of Law
§ The College of Law's third annual Mikhail Memorial Lecture featured distinguished legal scholar and author David Cole. Cole discussed the impact of the Patriot Act and other legal and national security initiatives since 9-11.
§ The college also hosted historic civil right attorney Jack Greenberg. Greenberg discussed the Brown v. Board of Education case, in which he argued for the plaintiffs before the United States Supreme Court in the momentous case that ruled the "separate but equal" doctrine did not apply to public education.
College of Pharmacy
§ The College of Pharmacy hosted the fifth annual Mid-American Critical Care Symposium in October. During the event more than 100 critical care experts from around the country convened at UT to discuss current issues and trends in patient critical care approaches and treatment.
University College
§ The University of Toledo Coalition to Access Technology and Networking (CATNet) received national recognition for its effort to provide information technology training to disadvantaged groups. CATNet received the Education Technology Think Tank TEC Champion Award for Outstanding Community Technology Leaders from the Community Technology Centers Network during a ceremony at the Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Conference held in Washington, D.C.
DRAFT 10/20/03
Proposed Process for Prioritizing Academic Programs to Be Phased Out
The Proposed Approach to Guide Academic Program Review in Autumn, 2003
Itis proposed that UT would immediately undertake a review of its 45 current two-year degree programs. The goal of the review is to recommend phase out of programs judged to be:
· duplicative of program offerings in the region,
· non-competitive with regard to student demand,
· disconnected from UT's mission.
The 45 programs to be reviewed are attached.
The Proposed Approach to Guide Academic Program Review in Spring, 2004
Itis proposed that UT would, beginning Spring term 2004, undertake a review of about half its 29 current masters-degree programs that do not lead to doctoral programs. The programs selected for initial review might be those programs graduating less than 6 graduates per year for the past 5 years. The goal of the review is to recommend phase out of programs judged to be:
· duplicative of program offerings in the region,
· non-competitive with regard to student demand,
· disconnected from UT's mission.
There are approximately 29 masters programs that do not lead to doctoral programs. We expect 8-12 of these programs to be producing fewer than 6 graduates per year.
Note: further discussion with academic programs will be necessary to ensure quantitative accuracy of programs appearing to graduate fewer than 6 graduates in past 5 years.
General Approach
Done: Describe the universe of academic programs leading to degrees at UT.
Done: Identify departments associated with academic programs to be reviewed.
Done: Obtain multi-year comparison data on measures of degree productivity within UT - 5 years.
- Request College level recommendation regarding whether the program should be eliminated without university-wide review. A reason for such a recommendation may be that the program is already being phased
· If College recommendation = phase out, then develop process for phase-out/elimination of program
If College Level recommendation = review, continue with process as described below
- Provost Office & IR will obtain cost and productivity data for UT program and comparison data for other colleges and universities. Use these data to compute UT baseline, regional baseline, and state baseline rates.
- UT Graduate Council will be consulted regarding their role in this process and the process itself. Done : October 7, 2003
- Department/College will form a committee (perhaps chaired by a Graduate Council member outside the department) to undertake Program Review –Program Review due to College Level leadership by: insert date here .
Program Review Guidelines
- Introduction: Program description – qualitative & quantitative
- Program/Enrollment history
i. Origins of Program
ii. Enrollment History
- Program peers (What programs in the nation are like the UT program?)
- Program competition (regional and, if appropriate national)
- Program cost (What are the direct and indirect costs associated with the program?
- What is the revenue generation of the program?
- Program quality
i. Measures of student quality
ii. External evidence of program quality
- Connection of program to UT mission and Strategic Plan
- College Level Leadership rate each program along following continuum and report ratings Prioritization Task Force by: insert date here:
1 2 3 4 5
Program candidate for continuation Program candidate for phasing out
Operational criteria: program candidate for continuation:
· Clearly established market
· Competitor institutions identified and validated
· Program sufficiently distinguishable from competition
· Direct instructional costs of program met by revenue generated by program – or if not, alternative argument of program's centrality and viability for overall-university missions.
Operational criteria: program candidate for phasing out:
· No clearly established market for program
· Competitor institutions not identified or not validated
· Program indistinguishable from competition
· Direct instructional costs of program exceed revenue generated by program - or lacking this argument, program appears peripherally connected to university mission and goals.
- Prioritization Task Force Schedule Hearings on Program Review with recommendations proceeding to Provost.
- Recommendations from Provost go to Faculty Senate and Executive Council.
Note: The Prioritization Task Force also recommends development of a process for Deans and others in academic areas to nominate 2-3 additional programs for focused review with the goal of elimination or discontinuation of programs. In this case, the term "programs" includes baccalaureate degree programs, centers, institutes, and so forth. The Task Force further recommends develop of some type of incentive program that would encourage nominations to come forward.