October 22, 2003 Minutes - Part Three
DRAFT 10/20/03
Proposed Process for Prioritizing University-Wide Services
(1) Define and identify the program units:
Definition= departments defined in FRS or where appropriate a specific function, service, or program
(2) Identify the first cohort of functions/programs that will be reviewed
Methods discussed:
a) Each VP nominates functions/programs for review from their area and has the option to nominate functions/program from another VP area. The Prioritization Task Force would chose which functions/programs would participate in the first round of reviews.
b) Determine a list of candidates based on institutional knowledge of activities.
(3) Program Review Guidelines
Each VP area should identify a cross-functional team that conducts the function/program review. This team will be responsible for answering the questions below, for providing the quantitative supporting data, and for making a rating recommendation to the VP along the following continuum 1 for each function under review:
1 2 3 4 5
Program candidate for continuation Program candidate for phasing out
a. Provide a detail description of the function (service/program). What is the purpose of the functions? Who does the function serve?
b. Is the function legally mandated? Provide the citation of the legal mandate.
c. What is the demand for the services provided?
d. Is the function absolutely essential or critical to fulfilling the UT mission?
e. Is the function being delivered with quality satisfactory to customers?
f. Is the function as cost effective as possible? If not, what can be done to reduce costs (including contracting that function) and transfer the savings to other functions?
g. Is there a duplication of this function on campus?
h. How does productivity compare to peer institutions?
i. Can the service be provided by an external organization? Is this service being provided by outside vendors at peer institutions? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having the service provided by an outside source?
j. What would the affect be if the function were eliminated entirely?
k. How much is UT spending on the function? How does that compared to peer institutions?
l. What is the revenue generation? How does that compare to peer institutions?
m. Add any additional information that would be relevant to the function/program review process.
(4) Divisional Leadership Review
Each VP will then conduct their own review of the materials collected and analyzed by the cross functional team and rate each function/program along the following continuum1 and report those ratings to the Prioritization Task Force as the final rating.
1 2 3 4 5
Program candidate for continuation Program candidate for phasing out
(5) Prioritization Task Force will schedule hearings on Function/Program Review with recommendations proceeding to Executive Council.
1) Characteristics of a program to be continued might include:
a) A legally mandated programs with no option for the function to be performed more economically outside.
b) A robust program with high productivity and quality that is fulfilling a support function that is central to the instructional mission.
2)Characteristics of a program to be phased out might include:
a) The service or program can be provided from outside for lower cost while maintaining or improving quality.
b) There are duplications of services and expenditures on campus and a reasonable solution for eliminating the duplication can be identified.
c) The program has low utilization and is not mission critical.
Exhibit 2A is available here.
The University of Toledo Council on Outreach and Engagement
October 16, 2003
Status Report to the Strategic Issues Committee
of the UT Board of Trustees
Submitted by Mary Jo Waldock, Chair
- This is a new Council, announced by President Johnson at the Fall Convocation.
- President Johnson solicited nominations; many members are self-nominated.
- Invitations and the initial charge were distributed in mid-September.
- The first meeting of the Council will be held on October 28, 2003.
- It is likely that several of the activities will be accomplished through task teams drawn from this council, sometimes supplemented by other individuals.
- UT is rapidly developing in its outreach and engagement mission, and presently participates in a very wide range of outreach and engagement activities.
- The field of outreach and engagement is evolving rapidly, helping to transform the traditional silos concept of outreach and engagement to a more mutually-beneficial, widely-applicable, student-involved and economic impact-generating cycle of learning, innovation and networking.
- UT's initial work toward advancing its mission of outreach and engagement is articulated below in the charge to the council.
President Johnson's initial charge to the Council includes:
Ø Increase the identity of UT as an engaged metropolitan university
Ø Recommend to appropriate bodies how engagement activities should be recognized in merit, promotion and tenure decisions
Ø Identify "best practices" and models of "engaged metropolitan universities" and recommend initiatives for UT
Ø Study and recommend the needed and appropriate administrative structure and institutional infrastructure for advancing our engagement mission
Ø Study and recommend ways of advancing the engagement mission through faculty professional development
Ø Conduct an inventory of current outreach and engagement activities in each college and across the university
Ø Recommend ways of advancing and integrating service learning into the general curriculum at UT
Ø Identify innovative ways in which UT can serve as an effective supporter and leader in strengthening the economy of NW Ohio
Ø Establish criteria and mode of evaluating UT's progress toward being a truly engaged metropolitan university
Ø Provide a brief report to the President in December and May outlining the activities and accomplishments of the Commission
Council Members - AY 2004
- Dr. Rebecca Bennett, associate professor of management;
- Dr. Frank Calzonetti, vice provost for research, graduate education and economic development
- Dr. Linda Carr, director of institutional initiatives and community college relations in the Office of the Provost;
- Joseph Christen, director of organizational and leadership development in human resources;
- Paula Compton, associate vice president of enrollment services;
- Dr. Cynthia de Saint Victor, lecturer and adviser in the Honors Program;
- Dr. Daryl Dwyer, associate professor of earth, ecological and environmental sciences;
- Louis Escobar, interim coordinator of the Multicultural Student Center;
- Dr. Alan Goodridge, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and enrollment;
- Hugh Grefe, senior program director of Local Initiatives Support Corp.;
- Carrie Herr, director of the Division of Continuing Education;
- Dr. Wayne Hoss, executive associate dean in the College of Pharmacy;
- Dr. Virginia Keil, interim associate dean in the College of Education;
- James Klein, professor of law;
- Terry Lentz, academic adviser in post-secondary enrollment options;
- Joel Lipman, professor of art and English;
- Dr. Nagi Naganathan, dean of the College of Engineering;
- Dr. Penny Poplin Gosetti, executive assistant to the president;
- Dr. Nick Santilli, American Council on Education Fellow;
- Dr. Rob Sheehan, senior vice provost for academic affairs;
- Dr. Alice Skeens, chair of Faculty Senate and associate professor of psychology;
- Sammy Spann, UT's Camp Adventure coordinator;
- Angela Wynn-Stewart, manager of administrative services, Human Resources, The City of Toledo;
- Jerome Sullivan, dean of the College of Health and Human Services;
- Mary Jo Waldock, interim dean of University College; and
- Charles Weinblatt, director of the Division of Organizational Development and Leadership.
An undergraduate representative also will be named to the council.
Charge to the Audit Committee:
The Audit Committee is charged with providing oversight with respect to the University's financial practices, internal controls, financial management, and standards of conduct. Its role is to help the board carry out its fiduciary duties; specifically, it is responsible for 1) reviewing and understanding financial statements, 2) assuring the board that the statements reflect the University's financial condition, 3) determining the adequacy of internal controls surrounding financial information systems, 4) ensuring adherence to the policies of the Board of Trustees, and 5) conducting special investigations. The Audit Committee is not intended to be a policy-making body. Its responsibility is to help the full board carry out its fiduciary duties, and not to replace the board in developing and approving financial policy.
For the academic year 2003 - 2004, the Audit Committee is charged with:
1) Receipt and review of the University's annual financial report.
2) Receipt and review of all outside audit reports and management letters addressing the system of internal controls.
3) Receipt and review of specific internal audit reports.
4) Review of management's recommendations with the full board regarding actions to be taken in response to findings in audit reports.
5) Receipt and review of pending litigation to assess the aggregate impact on the financial statements.
Proposed Amendment
Bylaws of the Board of Trustees of The University of Toledo
Article I-1-1 Article 1
Section 6. Business to be Considered at Meetings
...Any matter coming to the board other than from a board member or from the president of the University shall be presented by written notice to the secretary of the board at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered by the board or upon such written notice as is determined to be reasonable by the chairperson of the board. The written notice shall include information requested by the secretary, including but not limited to the purpose of the matter and a summary of the topic to be addressed.
The chairperson of the board shall determine the reasonable date, time, place, and manner on which such matter shall be presented to the board or the board committee.
Inthe event the chairperson determines not to schedule the matter on the agenda of the board or committee of the board, the chairperson shall direct the secretary of the board to provide notice of said matter to members of the board for their information.
FY 2003-2004
1. Increase Revenue
a. Launch the Capital Campaign
December Milepost(s) - Complete the following: approval of the campaign case for support, implementation of database screening, the kick-off the family gifts division, and determination of the scope of the capital campaign.
June Milepost(s) - Complete implementation of the solicitation and enlistment of campaign General Chair, the faculty and staff campaign, and regional prospect review and cultivation. Complete small group cultivation meetings and top donors one-on-one cultivations.
b. Increase External Funding for Research - Doubling the amount of external funding in the next five years will require, initially, the assessment and development of existing research structures and support.
December Milepost(s) - Initiate process for design or acquisition and implementation of a secure, Web-based system to aid faculty and administrators with the grant proposal submission process and with retrieving award information. Provide an update on the collaborative efforts between the university and local business and government leaders in the development of a research infrastructure that will support the growth of academic, industrial, and federal research in Northwest Ohio.
June Milepost(s) - Assess current research program space and determine the space needed to support the doubling of research funding. Provide support and cost-sharing that encourage the submission of proposals to major national and state competitions. Compare the results of those efforts to previous years. Complete an assessment of the need for additional research centers and a review of the current research centers' capacity for increasing their productivity and contribution.
2. Academic Program and Service Prioritization - Identify high priority academic programs and services together with potential internal re-allocation funding levels of $5 million, $10 million, and $15 million.
December Milepost(s) - Develop plan for identifying high and low priority academic programs and services. Implement process of program and service review for short-term targets (academic year 03-04).
June Milepost(s) - Identify for possible elimination, effective academic year 03-04, degree programs that are inactive and degree programs that are both low-incidence and redundant with regional offerings. Implement process of program and service review for long term targets (academic year 04-05).
3. Assessment and Reporting - Finalize the assessment of the student learning program and the dashboard indicators program.
a. Student Learning
December Milepost(s) - Complete the assessment plan for undergraduate student learning that includes the core curriculum as well as majors.
June Milepost(s) - Obtain approval of the student assessment plan from the Faculty Senate and Board of Trustees. Submit the assessment plan to NCA.
b. Dashboard Indicators - Key performance indicators
December Milepost(s) - Develop operational definitions of 3-5 indicators for each of the following areas: Student Affairs, Enrollment Services/Admission, Retention, Financial Aid, Academic Affairs, Research, Financial Planning, Space Utilization, Development, Athletics, Technology, Alumni, Public Perception. Obtain historical data and comparison-institution data. Present a mock-up of indicators to the Board of Trustees.
June Milepost(s) - Present to the Board of Trustees a full set of indicators for the 03-04 academic year and submit a plan for the refinement of the system for the 04-05 academic year.
4. Implementation of Priorities of Strategic Plan
a. First-Year Experience
December Milepost(s) - Obtain endorsement from appropriate groups for the completed First Year Experience plan for FY 03-04 and 04-05. Begin implementation of the plan.
June Milepost(s) - Present to the Board of Trustees the finalized FYE program and begin assessing the effectiveness of the program.
b. Implement Admissions Standards and Create Enrollment Model Based on Program Capacities and Demands
December Milepost(s) - Communicate changes in admission standards to high schools in the community, the region, and the state as well as to other relevant community partners. Establish timeline for implementing extended portions of the plan (e.g., advisement changes for developmental students). Present a progress report on the development of a University enrollment model to the appropriate Board of Trustee committees.
June Milepost(s) - Present to the Board of Trustees the finalized University enrollment model and report on its implementation.
c. Identify Doctoral and Research Programs for Selective Investment
December Milepost(s) - Complete the development of a review system of doctoral and graduate programs for selective investment.
June Milepost(s) - Complete the identification of high priority programs. Establish a continuing process for aligning resource allocation decisions with these priorities.
d. Enhance Culture of Shared Governance and Open Communications Between Faculty, Staff, and Administration
December Milepost(s) - Complete the identification of exemplary practices from comparison and peer institutions. Present to the Board of Trustees (at the December or February meeting) a report on the nature and characteristics of shared governance at colleges and universities.
June Milepost(s) - Implement the strategies and activities developed by the strategic planning shared-governance implementation committee.
5. Engagement - Significantly enhance UT's strategic "engagement" with the City of Toledo, Northwest Ohio and the State through:
a. Economic Development with a Focus on the Toledo Science and Technology Corridor
December Milepost(s) - Present to the Board of Trustees a progress report on the development of a business plan for the science and technology corridor. Complete the development of a plan for a conference that brings together University and community leaders in the discussion of the proposed science and technology corridor.
June Milepost(s) - Present to the Board of Trustees a completed business plan for the science and technology corridor.
b. Service Learning: Expand, recognize, and reward service learning activities
December Milepost(s) - Identify and charge with specific responsibilities a Council on Engagement comprised of University and community members. Involving the Council on Engagement and the Office of Service Learning, compile an inventory of current service learning requirements, options, and activities; develop a method for recognition and reward of service learning activities on campus; and establish goals for increased service learning activities.
June Milepost(s) - Complete the development and implementation of strategies in support of service learning activities. Continue to monitor the implementation strategies.
c. Government: Strengthen ties and improve effectiveness of relations with local, state, and federal governments.
December Milepost(s) - Complete the development of and begin the implementation of a plan for strengthened ties among the President's Office, State Governmental Relations Consultant, and the Office of Research Services that leads to strengthened ties between the University and local, state, and federal government units.
June Milepost(s) - Complete an assessment of University communication with government units at all levels, the level of exposure of government officials to the campus and research community, the level of awareness of government officials on issues related to the university mission.
6. Diversity - Define, set goals and methods of evaluating progress as well as work to foster greater diversity.
December Milepost(s) - Involving the Commission on Diversity, define diversity, establish goals for fostering greater diversity for academic year 03-04, and determine procedures for assessing goal achievement.
June Milepost(s) - Complete the development of a plan to broaden the scope and increase the effectiveness of the current Multicultural Student Center. Report to the Board of Trustees a report on the progress in achieving diversity goals, including reports from the African American and Latino advisory groups.
7. Integrated Marketing - Finalize a plan for coordinating marketing communications functions across campus, in the colleges, and within other major divisions of the University.
December Milepost(s) - Complete a plan for implementing the reports resulting from the work of the Task Force for the Development of an Integrated Marketing Structure for University Marketing and Communications.
June Milepost(s) - Successfully recruit and hire the individual who will direct the implementation of the integrated marketing plan.