December 17, 2003
The University of Toledo
400th Meeting
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Wednesday, December
17, 2003
Student Union, Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m.
The four hundredth meeting of the Board of Trustees of The University of Toledo was held on Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 8:20 a.m. in Room 2592, Student Union, 2801 Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio.
Ms. Joan Uhl Browne, Chair of the Board, presided and Ms. Judy E. Fegley, Interim Coordinator of Board Affairs, recorded the minutes.
The Chair of the Board requested Ms. Fegley call the roll.
Present: Ms. Joan Uhl Browne
Mr. Daniel J. Brennan
Mr. C. William Fall
Judge Richard B. McQuade, Jr.
Mr. Donovan Nichols, Student Trustee
Mr. Robert C. Redmond
Ms. Olivia K. Summons
Mr. James Tuschman
A quorum of the Board was constituted. Student Trustee Rebecca Mocniak joined the meeting at 8:27 a.m. and Trustee Hernan Vasquez joined the meeting at 8:29 a.m. Trustee Richard Stansley, Jr. was absent due to illness.
Also present: Dr. Daniel M. Johnson, President; Dr. Alan G. Goodridge, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Enrollment; Mr. William R. Decatur, Senior Vice President for Finance, Technology and Operations; Ms. Sandra A. Drabik, Vice President and General Counsel, Board Secretary; Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe, Vice President for Student Life; Mr. Vernon Snyder, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Mr. Jack Armul, Associate Vice President for Finance; Dr. William Bischoff, Vice Provost, Academic Programs and Policies; Mr. Guy Beeman, President of Student Government; Dr. Frank Calzonetti, Vice Provost for Research, Graduate Education, and Economic Development; Ms. Paula Compton, Associate Vice President, Enrollment Services; Dr. Charlene Czerniak, Professor, Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education; Dr. Johnnie Early, Dean, College of Pharmacy; Mr. Richard Eastop, Interim Vice President for Enrollment Services; Ms. Lauri Engel, Assistant General Counsel; Ms. Deithra Glaze, Director of Benefits; Ms. Elizabeth Griggs, Assistant to the Vice President & General Counsel; Ms. Lisa Hasselschwert, Senior Associate Director, Office of Student Financial Aid; Ms. Carrie Herr, Director, Continuing Education; Dr. Ardenia Jones-Terry, Associate Vice President, Enrollment Services; Mr. Kwabena Kankam, Director, Internal Audit; Mr. James Klein, Professor of Law; Mr. Daniel Klett, Director, Facilities Planning; Mr. Tobin Klinger, Interim Executive Director for Public Relations; Ms. Brenda Lee, President, UT Foundation; Ms. Sandy Manton, Assistant to Senior Vice President for Finance, Technology and Operations; Dr. Linda Murphy, Professor Emeritus and Former Interim Dean, College of Education; Mr. Peter Papadimos, Associate General Counsel; Mr. Steve Perry, Sr. Director, International Student Services; Ms. Allison Perz, Ohio Council of Community Schools; Ms. Julie Quinonez, Assistant Registrar; Ms. Dawn Rhodes, Associate Vice President for Planning and Analysis; Dr. Nick Santilli, ACE Fellow; Mr. John Satkowski, Associate Vice President, Academic Finance & Planning; Mr. James Sciarini, Associate Vice President, Human Resources; Dr. Robert Sheehan, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs; Mr. Ryan Smith, The Blade; Dr. Ronald Speier, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students; Ms. Joan Stasa, Executive Secretary to the President; Dr. Thomas Switzer, Dean, College of Education; Mr. Tom Trimble, Associate Director of Student Unions; Ms. Norine Wasliewski, Senior Director of Health and Wellness; Mr. Harry Wyatt, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management.
1. Call to Order
Chair Browne called the meeting to order at 8:20 a.m. and called on President Dan Johnson for his report.
2. President's Report
Thank you, madam chair, and good morning everyone.
The curtain is coming down on 2003 and over the next few weeks we will be looking back at a year that has been marked by many "mileposts." On the inter-national level, clearly, one of the major mileposts for the year is the capture of Saddam Hussein. On the national level, the renewed growth and increasing strength of our nation's economy is another important milepost and one that all of us hope will be sustained.
Here in our own state of Ohio, there is some very cautious optimism among our representatives in the Legislature that we, too, may see more positive economic signs and mileposts in the coming year.
Here on the University of Toledo campus we have set our aim high for the Academic Year, 2003-04. As I reported at the October meeting of the Board of Trustees, we are making progress on our major goals. And, as we approach the end of the calendar year, I want to report to the Board that we continue to be on course toward achieving our goals for the year.
The cabinet and I have reviewed in some detail our progress and mileposts together with their many components. Based on our continuing and most recent reviews, I am optimistic that we will achieve the goals for the year. However, having said that, I have to add that each of our now seven goals is very labor-intensive and, not withstanding our progress, we have a great deal to do in the last half of the academic and fiscal year to achieve success in each of these important areas.
This past weekend we visited many of our alums and donors in New York City. This trip was designed to continue our efforts to build a strong alumni chapter on the East Coast and to help lay the foundation for a successful Capital Campaign in that area. We were gratified with the response and the enthusiasm of our New York alums and friends.
Wegathered for lunch at the West Bank Café, announced the $1.0 million dollar gift to the University from John and Lilli Neff, and following lunch and a fun program, we all walked over to the theater to see the very successful play about two young women from Ohio, "A Wonderful Town" in which our friend, Tim Shew from Toledo plays a leading role.
This trip and others that are planned clearly demonstrate that our Capital Campaign will be national in scope. These trips also raise important policy and programmatic questions about the nature and scope of our student recruitment efforts. For example, in the 1960s and 1970s, UT recruited students from the East Coast. Those students returned to New York and New Jersey following graduation and many have become very, very successful by world-class standards. And now, they are a very important part of our Alumni and Capital Campaign network.
Inmore recent years, we have limited the bulk of our student recruitment efforts to Ohio and especially Northwest Ohio. We may, however, want to revisit our recruitment strategies to help ensure that UT has a national and even international alumni and donor base in the future. It is clearly evident that those student recruitment efforts in New York in the 60s and 70s are now beginning to pay huge dividends for the University.
Following the UT-Pittsburgh post-game celebration activities and the resulting injuries to two students, I formed a Student and Spectator Safety Team. The charge to this team was 1) to examine existing UT policies governing crowd behavior and control associated with athletic and other large audience events; 2) determine best practices according to NCAA and other institutions; and 3) recommend areas in which policy development and coordination may be needed. I am pleased to report that this Team has completed their work and has forwarded to me through its Chair, Professor Jim Klein, their findings and recommendations. This is an important report and I will bring it to the President's Cabinet at our next meeting.
I have copies of this report for your review. I know of your interest in this matter and want you to be aware of the Team's findings and recommendations. New or modified policies emanating from this report will be developed following established University procedures. While it is too early for me to comment on the specifics of the report, we will be able to do so in the very near future. I want to thank Professor Klein and the members of the Team that performed this valuable service.
This fall the College of Education was visited by the NCATE accreditation team as the final step in the review process for our teacher education program. This is a very rigorous review, it is a demanding process, and there are new and more difficult standards to meet for full accreditation. I am very pleased to report that the College met or exceeded the NCATE accreditation standards.
I was very excited and pleased by the very positive comments of the accreditation team when they left, but that was "unofficial." Now it is close to being official. We have received their written report and I want to publicly offer my congratulations to the College, the faculty, the Dean and Dr. Linda Murphy, the person who had the responsibility for overseeing the accreditation preparation and review processes. I’ve asked Dean Switzer and Dr. Murphy to come this morning so that the Board of Trustees could also convey its congratulations as well. Would Dean Tom Switzer and Dr. Linda Murphy please stand and be recognized.
I am also excited that the major institutions of higher education here in Northwest Ohio are formally launching a joint venture today designed to foster research and educational collaboration between and among our three universities--UT, BGSU and MCO. Our universities have come together, pooled resources and faculty expertise, to create the Office of Inter-Institutional Collaboration.
The Office, the first of its kind in Ohio, will be led by Dr. Charlene Czerniak, UT Professor of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education. Dr. Czerniak has a strong record of inter-institutional collaboration and has been recognized by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities with the prestigious Christa McAuliffe Award for innovation in science education. This NSF-funded project is a major collaborative effort with Bowling Green State University and several public schools in our region. The Office of Inter-Institutional Collaboration is a major step forward in bringing together the great minds of northwest Ohio for the benefit of the region, the state and beyond.
There are very few people who serve an institution for a quarter century or more. Still fewer serve for 30 or 35 years. At the end of this month, Interim Vice President Dick Eastop will retire (again) from the University of Toledo with nearly 37 years of service. (Dick says he “flunked” retirement the first time.)
Dick has done a wonderful job of restructuring and leading the University's Enrollment Services division for the past three years. He has been a close advisor and colleague, and all the while, breaking new ground in building relationships with area community colleges, high school counselors, public school superintendents, parents, and others. Dick also distinguished himself and his University through his leadership on the University Beautification Committee. As you know, Dick came out of retirement to serve UT when called on by Interim President Bill Decatur.
Dick, I would like for you to stand and allow us to recognize and thank you for dedicating your career to the University of Toledo. The University is a better place because of you...Thank you.
Finally, I would like each member of the Board of Trustees as well as those in our audience this morning to have the first copies of our new "calling card," A FUTURE IN FOCUS. This attractive calling card was designed and produced by UT's Office of Public Relations and Marketing. It highlights the "impact" the University of Toledo is having on our students and the community on several key indicators. I know you will find it useful.
Finally, I just received in my mail yesterday a final accounting for the 2003 UT Community Charitable Campaign and I'm very pleased to announce that we exceeded our goal. This year's goal was $138,000 and the total amount raised was $164,382.20. I'd like to thank the entire campus community for participating in this very worthwhile campaign.
Aswe enter this holiday season, I would like to thank our Trustees and all those here and across campus who are working to make UT a premier, student centered metropolitan university.
Thank you.
3. Consent Agenda Items
Chair Browne noted the October 22, 2003 board meeting minutes were provided in advance and requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the minutes and the materials contained in the consent agenda items a) through h):
a) Approval of Minutes - October 22, 2003
b) Faculty Personnel Actions
c) Grants Report
d) Staff Personnel
e) Summer Fee Increase for Law School
f) Parks Tower Fire Suppression and Alarm System Improvements (Phase IV)
g) Parking
Facilities Improvements (Phase III)
h) Audited Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003
Upon a motion by Mr. Tuschman, seconded by Ms. Summons, to approve the consent agenda items a) through h) as listed, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed.
4. Information Items
Enrollment Services Quality Team
Chair Browne called on Provost Goodridge to introduce the Enrollment Services Quality Team presenters. Provost Goodridge then called on Dick Eastop, Interim Vice President for Enrollment Services who introduced Julie Quinonez, Assistant Registrar and Lisa Hasselschwert, Senior Associate Director, Office of Student Financial Aid.
Ms. Hasselschwert and Ms. Quinonez presented a summary of the Customer Focused Quality (CFQ) team project conducted during 2001 - 2003. Ms. Hasselschwert stated the Division of Enrollment Services is committed to providing quality services. This commitment led the division to seek new ways to review and improve the delivery of its services. In March, 2001 the division launched a formal training in the tools and concepts associated with CFQ - a data driven approach to quality that focuses on customer needs and expectations. This is a unique approach that has provided many opportunities to explore the root causes of problems for UT students and make adjustments based on student feedback. Since March 2001 the division has been devoted to reviewing its processes to find areas of improvement to better serve students, better utilize its resources and find better ways to continually seek input from students and measure success. The division will continue to work in unison with the University's initiatives to find ways in which to continually improve processes and services.
Chair Browne thanked Ms. Hasselschwert and Ms. Quinonez for their presentation and commented that the information provided is very useful as the University continues to strive to be more of a student-centered institution.
Financial Statements for Period Ending October 31, 2003
Chair Browne noted the October 31, 2003 Financial Statements were reviewed and approved at the December 10 Finance Committee meeting requiring no further review today.
Task Force on Program Prioritization Update
Dr. Robert Sheehan, Co-Chair of the Prioritization Task Force shared with trustees’ copies of the task force charge and an update on the first stage of prioritizing the University of Toledo's academic programs. Forty-five (45) associate degree programs are currently under review for possible elimination. Additionally, 10 masters programs are under review - these are masters programs with a low measure of degree-granting productivity. Yet another group of academic programs under review will be degree programs that are currently inactive - with the goal of eliminating many of these programs. The review process is taking into account measures of productivity and quality that go beyond simply looking at the number of graduates per year.
Dawn Rhodes, Co-Chair of the Prioritization Task Force shared with trustees' processes underway to prioritize administrative services at the University of Toledo. Each Vice-Presidential area has been asked to provide a comprehensive description of the functions services (and programs) in their areas. This list will be used by the Co-Chairs of the Prioritization Task Force to prepare a review and prioritization document to be completed by Executive Council. This review will result in a rank ordered listing of functions ranging from high ratings to low ratings. Those functions identified by the Executive Council as being in the bottom quartile of the prioritization process will be forwarded to the Prioritization Task Force for detailed review and subsequent recommendation to the administration.
Commission on Diversity Update
Dr. Robert Sheehan reviewed the composition as well as the workings to-date of the
Commission on Diversity. He presented to trustees the
definition of diversity that had been drafted by the Commission and endorsed by President
Johnson. He reviewed many of the outcomes to date
of the Commission including:
Developed a Draft Definition of Diversity for The University of Toledo
- Reversed previous year policy to eliminate funding for Diversity Faculty Hiring Fund
- Identified several areas of need to commence work on:
- Diversity Scholarships for students - re: Michigan Case
- Absence of persons with disabilities in major UT images
- Planning for ways to carry through on presidential commitment regarding Latino student enrollment.
Heindicated that the Commission on Diversity is working on the development of a University of Toledo Diversity Plan.
5. Approval Items
Stop Loss Health Insurance Coverage
InTrustee Stansley's absence, Chair Browne called on Senior Vice President for Finance, Technology and Operations Decatur to review the Stop Loss Health Insurance Coverage. Vice President Decatur called on Mr. Jim Sciarini, Associate Vice President for Human Resources who stated requests for proposals were sent to 22 carriers, 17 of whom declined to quote. Renewal quotes were obtained from five (5) carriers, including the incumbent, Standard Security.
Associate Vice President Sciarini reported that after careful analysis, consideration and review of the quote responses, consultants recommended, and the Human Resources Department concurred, that Standard Security Life Insurance Company of New York be awarded a one-year contract subject to any contingencies which may arise from the final disclosure review. In the event the final disclosure review results in any material change in projected premium costs, authorization is requested for the Vice President of Finance, Technology and Operations, subject to consultation with the Chair of the Board of Trustee's Finance Committee, to contract with Standard Security or, if appropriate, another vendor who responded to the RFP.
Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Vasquez, to approve the resolution regarding stop loss insurance as recommended by the Financer Committee, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed.
Chair Browne announced the board's intention to go into executive session but before doing so, she asked that Dr. Charlene Czerniak, Professor, Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, who joined the meeting late and who President Johnson recognized in his report as the head of the newly created Office of Inter-Institutional Collaboration, stand and be recognized. Chair Browne also asked that Carrie Herr, Director of Continuing Education, who was not able to be present during the Enrollment Services Quality Team presentation also stand and be recognized.
Chair Browne thanked everyone for a terrific year and expressed her appreciation to President Johnson and the entire faculty and staff. She stated she is really pleased at the work done this past year and pleased with the direction the University of Toledo is headed.
5. Executive Session
Chair Browne requested a motion to enter into an executive session to discuss collective bargaining strategy. Upon a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Vasquez to enter into an executive session to discuss collective bargaining strategy, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed.
At9:48 a.m. the board reconvened.
6. Adjournment
There being no further business before the Board, upon the motion duly made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:49 a.m.