Board of Trustees

February 25, 2004

The University of Toledo
401st Meeting
Board of Trustees
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Student Union - Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m. 

1.  Call to Order                              

2.  President's Report - Exhibit A 

3.  Consent Agenda Items - Exhibit B
a)      Approval of Minutes - December 17, 2003
b)      Faculty Personnel Actions
c)      Grants Report
d)      Staff Personnel Actions
e)      1994 Bond Refunding
f)       Update on State Capital Budget
g)      Sabbatical Leave Recommendations for 2004-2005
h)      Candidates for Degrees
i)       Proposal for College of Business Administration Reorganization of Depts.
j)       Recommendation for Honorary Degree
k)      Dr. Louis and Sophie Ravin Naming Proposal
l)       The Honorable Richard B. and Jane McQuade Naming Proposal
m)     Pharmacy Centennial Plaza Naming Proposal 

4.  Information Items - Exhibit C 

Academic Affairs Committee Update

Ø      Toledo EXCEL Program - Presentation by Dr. Helen Cooks

Ø      Endorsement of Faculty Hiring Plan 

Trusteeship Committee Update

Ø      Key Performance Indicators and Dashboard Reports                             

5.  Approval Items                                                      

6.  Executive Session (if necessary) 

7.  Adjournment

Last Updated: 7/15/24