February 25, 2004 Minutes
The University of Toledo
401st Meeting
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Wednesday, February
25, 2004
Student Union, Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m.
The four hundredth and first meeting of the Board of Trustees of The University of Toledo was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2004 at 8:15 a.m. in Room 2592, Student Union, 2801 Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio.
Ms. Joan Uhl Browne, Chair of the Board, presided and Ms. Judy E. Fegley, Interim Coordinator of Board Affairs, recorded the minutes.
The Chair of the Board requested Ms. Fegley call the roll.
Present: Ms. Joan Uhl Browne
Mr. Daniel J. Brennan
Mr. C. William Fall
Ms. Rebecca Mocniak, Student Trustee
Mr. Robert C. Redmond
Mr. Richard Stansley, Jr.
Mr. Hernan Vasquez
A quorum of the Board was constituted. Student Trustee Donovan Nichols joined the meeting at 8:31 a.m. and Trustee Richard B. McQuade, Jr. joined the meeting at 8:50 a.m. Trustee James Tuschman was absent due to attending a meeting of the Governor's Commission on Higher Education and the Economy. Trustee Olivia Summons was absent due to attending a business meeting in Washington, D.C.
Also present: Dr. Daniel M. Johnson, President; Dr. Alan G. Goodridge, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Enrollment; Mr. William R. Decatur, Senior Vice President for Finance, Technology and Operations; Ms. Sandra A. Drabik, Vice President and General Counsel, Board Secretary; Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe, Vice President for Student Life; Mr. Vernon Snyder, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Dr. Martin Abraham, Dean of the Graduate School; Mr. Jerome Sullivan, Dean, College of Health and Human Services; Dr. William Bischoff, Vice Provost, Academic Programs and Policies; Dr. Frank Calzonetti, Vice Provost for Research, Graduate Education, and Economic Development; Dr. Helen Cooks, Director, EXCEL Program; Dr. Johnnie Early, Dean, College of Pharmacy; Dr. Thomas Gutteridge, Dean of Business Administration; Ms. Pamela Beck, Manager, Controller’s Office; Mrs. Jeanne Eastop; Ms. Lauri Engel, Assistant General Counsel; Dr. Penny Poplin Gosetti, Assistant to the President; Ms. Elizabeth Griggs, Assistant to the Vice President & General Counsel; Mr. Kwabena Kankam, Director, Internal Audit; Mr. Tobin Klinger, Interim Executive Director for Public Relations; Ms. Ruth Kucharewski, Associate Professor, Public Health & Rehabilitation; Dr. David Lindsley; Mr. Cain Myers, Vice President of Student Government; Mr. Michael O’Brien, Director of Athletics; Mr. Peter Papadimos, Associate General Counsel; Mr. Thomas Page, Controller; Dr. Reba Peoples, Toledo EXCEL Program; Mr. Steve Perry, Sr. Director, International Student Services; Ms. Allison Perz, Ohio Council of Community Schools; Ms. Dawn Rhodes, Associate Vice President for Finance and Planning; Mr. George Robinson, II, Toledo EXCEL Program; Ms. Jennifer Rockwood, Director, First Year Experience; Dr. Nick Santilli, ACE Fellow; Mr. John Satkowski, Associate Vice President, Academic Finance & Planning; Mr. Joseph Sawasky, Interim Associate Vice President of Education and Information Technology; Dr. Robert Sheehan, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs; Mr. Ryan Smith, The Blade; Ms. Shawanna Smith, Associate Director, Toledo EXCEL Program; Dr. Ronald Speier, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students; Ms. Joan Stasa, Executive Secretary to the President; Ms. Julia Wingard, Senior Director, Student Union; Mr. Harvey Wolff, Faculty Senate Representative; Dr. Dagmar Morales Vasquez, Director, Hispanic/Latino Program.
1. Call to Order
Chair Browne called the meeting to order at 8:28 a.m. and called on President Daniel M. Johnson for his report.
2. President's Report
Thank you, madam chair, and good morning.
Ithardly seems possible but we are well past the midpoint of the academic year and we are already planning end-of-year activities. I say that knowing all too well that despite the tremendous progress we have made in several areas, we still have a great deal yet to do before we end the year.
However, before getting into the substance of my report, I would like, on behalf of the University of Toledo campus community, to convey to the families who lost loved ones on the I-280 Bridge accident, the profound sadness we feel as a campus over the deaths of our community's ironworkers. This was a tragic loss not only for the families but for the whole community and our region. Would you join me in a moment of silence in memory of these men and their families?
Thank you.
Madam chair, there are several matters I would like to discuss with the Board this morning.
Onmy very first day as President of the University of Toledo, I was invited to visit our National Youth Sports Program. Knowing a little about NYSP at other universities, I accepted and walked into a room full of energy, excitement and several hundred young people engaged in recreational instruction and educational programs. I learned that day not only how important this program is to our community and university; I also learned that UT's program was ranked second in the nation behind Yale University!
Well, I am so pleased and proud to tell you today--what you may have already heard--UT's National Youth Sports Program is Number One in the nation. Professor Ruthie Kucharewski, director of the program, was invited to Washington, D.C. a few days ago to accept this coveted award. I invited Ruthie to come this morning so I could convey on behalf of the Board and the Administration our pride and congratulations to her and the entire program staff. Ruthie, would you and your dean, Jerry Sullivan, please stand and let us recognize you and this extraordinary award--Number One in the Nation!
Thank you and congratulations!
Itis also with great pride that I report that three members of our faculty have been selected for Fulbright Scholar grants. We learned of this in early January and we are very pleased and proud that our faculty have been recognized in this substantive and prestigious manner. Our Fulbright Scholars are:
- Dr. James Campbell, Distinguished Professor, Department of Philosophy. He will be lecturing on "The Role of Ideas in the American Experience" at the University of Munich, in Munich Germany.
- Dr. Ioan Marinescu, Professor and Director, Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. He will be lecturing and doing research at the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand.
- Dr. Richard F. Weisfelder, Professor of Political Science and Public Administration. He will be lecturing and doing research on International Relations, Political Economy and African Politics at the University of the North West, Mmabatho, South Africa.
Wecongratulate these distinguished members of our Faculty for the recognition they have brought not only to themselves and disciplines, but also to the University of Toledo. Congratulations!
Asyou know, we are making genuine progress in the development of our First Year Experience program for students. This is a major initiative in our efforts to be a "student-centered" university and one of our goals for the year. We have just completed our search for an outstanding director of the FYE program and we didn't have to go far to find such a person.
I would like to introduce our new director for the UT First Year Experience, Ms. Jennifer Rockwood. Director Rockwood has been a member of the UT Department of Theater and Film for over 15 years and has an impressive career record that includes continuing education, media consulting, acting, board memberships, and numerous other accomplishments that have prepared her for this important position. Jennifer, would you stand and let us welcome you to your role as Director of FYE.
The Office of Academic Affairs has also recently filled a very important position, the Dean of the Graduate School. I would like to ask our Provost, Dr. Alan Goodridge, to introduce our newest Dean, Dr. Martin Abraham. Thank you, Alan.
Itis also with a great deal of pleasure that, based on the nomination by the faculty, Mr. Dick Eastop and Dr. David Lindsley are being recommended for Emeritus status. This is a high honor for any member of an academic community and it is a pleasure for me to make this recommendation to the Board today. Dick Eastop is unable to be with us today but I know his wife, Jeanne, is here. Would Dr. David Lindsley and Mrs. Richard Eastop please come forward so that we can recognize them and present them with certificates of appreciation.
Another important initiative upon which we embarked this year was the development of a new approach to our communications, marketing and public relations. For too long our programs and practices have not been well coordinated nor have we achieved the maximum return for our investment.
I am pleased today to convey to the Board the results of nearly seven months of work, our "Blueprint and Timeline for Integrated Marketing at The University of Toledo." (Exhibit #1) It is a bold plan based largely on the work of our Task Force on Integrated Marketing. Many interested and committed members of our faculty and staff as well as professionals from the community contributed to the development of this plan. Every constituent and stakeholder group had the opportunity to share their perspectives on this important plan.
The plan calls for the creation of a new Office of Marketing and Communications. This new office will be directed by an Executive Director and Special Assistant to the President. The Executive Director will report to the president and be a member of the President's Cabinet. Seven new positions will be added to the Office of Marketing and Communications over a two year period.
Other important features of the "Blueprint" include the requirement that the Executive Director approve all major communications and marketing programs and projects. Other important duties of the new Executive Director will be the creation and refinement of the UT "brand," upgrading the quality of our Websites across the campus, and developing a more coordinated process for building the university's calendar of activities and special events.
There will be several teams created to assist the Office of Marketing and Communications ensuring that the various perspectives of our stakeholder groups are well understood as we develop strategies to achieve our mission and goals.
The operating philosophy that will drive this new office and its operations is "collaboration and teamwork." We are beginning the search for the new Executive Director immediately and the search committee will be chaired by Sr. Vice President, Bill Decatur. Our goal is to have a person in place by the beginning of the fall semester. Tobin Klinger will be developing the "transition plan" that will lead to the successful implementation of the new Office and structure July 1.
A copy of the Blueprint and Timeline is in your packet. The details of the plan are outlined in this document. One of our very knowledgeable community leaders in the communications industry said recently that "UT is a sleeping 900 pound gorilla." I believe this new structure, philosophy and higher level of integration and coordination will "awaken" this gorilla and help us achieve our goal of telling the UT story more effectively and efficiently.
I want to thank Vice President Vern Snyder and Gina Calcamuggio for their leadership of the Task Force, all the members of the Task Force, the deans, and the several divisions that participated in the development of this new approach for the University's marketing and communications. Thank you.
Another goal for this year is to develop the University's programs of outreach and engagement. One important aspect of this initiative is to engage our governmental and public officials to improve communication and interaction for the benefit of our students.
Earlier this week we hosted our second Legislative Briefing for members of the Ohio Legislature in our new McQuade Mock Jury Room in the College of Health and Human Services. I'd like to take a moment to thank Judge and Mrs. Richard McQuade for their generous contribution to our Capital Campaign and for allowing us to honor them with the naming of the McQuade Mock Jury Room. Many of our senators and representatives responded to our invitation and we were able to share with them important information about the University of Toledo and how we compare with other institutions of higher education in Ohio. It was a very successful meeting and we will continue these Legislative Briefings each semester.
Inthat same vein, Senator John Kerry, Democratic candidate for President, is on our campus today and will be speaking to students and community members. Mrs. John Edwards was on campus yesterday and candidate Jerry Springer will also be on campus some time in the near future.
Myhope is that these visits will help stimulate greater interest and civic engagement on the part of our students, faculty and staff. I also hope that these visits will help us promote among legislators and candidates for public office greater understanding of the importance of public higher education and the need to support adequate funding for our universities.
Madam chair, over the next 45 days or so, the Governor's Commission on Higher Education and the Economy will issue its report. There will be many important recommendations in this report as well as ideas and suggestions for achieving greater efficiencies and effectiveness in our programs and operations. I have met and discussed the report with Trustee Jim Tuschman, a member of the Commission, and want the Board to know that we are active as a campus in our efforts to take advantage of the opportunities this report will provide our universities.
One of the major themes of the Commission is greater collaboration. We are working hard to take full advantage of closer collaboration with our neighboring institutions and we are making significant progress. In fact, we may well be or become a model of collaboration for the State.
I am very pleased and excited about the growing collaboration between UT and MCO. But we have only scratched the surface in what we can accomplish working together. This week, the new president of MCO, Dr. Lloyd Jacobs, spent an afternoon on our campus talking to deans, faculty, researchers, graduate students and others about his desire to further our joint efforts in research and academic program development. It was a very successful visit and you can look forward to exciting new developments in our relationship with MCO.
Finally, I hope you will all take time to read our latest "Points of Pride" which is attached to these minutes. (Exhibit #2)
Thank you, Madam Chair. That concludes my report.
3. Consent Agenda Items
Chair Browne noted the December 17, 2003 board meeting minutes were provided in advance and requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the minutes and the materials contained in the consent agenda items a) through m):
a) Approval of Minutes - December 17, 2003
b) Faculty Personnel Actions
c) Grants Report
d) Staff Personnel Actions
e) 1994 Bond Refunding
f) Update on State Capital Budget
g) Sabbatical Leave Recommendations for 2004 - 2005
h) Candidates for Degrees
i) Proposal for College of Business Administration Reorganization of Departments
j) Recommendation for Honorary Degree
k) Dr. Louis and Sophie Ravin Naming Proposal
l) The Honorable Richard B. and Jane McQuade Naming Proposal
m) Pharmacy Centennial Plaza Naming Proposal
Upon a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Stansley, to approve the consent agenda items a) through m) as listed, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Brennan Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Mr. Stansley Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed.
4. Information Items
Toledo EXCEL Program
Chair Browne called on Provost Goodridge to introduce the Toledo EXCEL Program presenter. Provost Goodridge introduced Dr. Helen Cooks, Director of the Toledo EXCEL Program.
Dr. Cooks reviewed the history of the EXCEL Program and presented a detailed PowerPoint presentation on the current scope and variety of EXCEL activities. She described the EXCEL program as an outreach effort designed to increase the likelihood of minority students, from elementary grades through high school, attending college. She then reported the noteworthy fact that the EXCEL program is base-budget funded by The University of Toledo and is particularly active with students from disadvantaged schools. Success rates for the program are extremely high, with a large majority of these school-aged children attending college, matriculating to The University of Toledo, and graduating from college in a timely fashion.
Dr. Cooks then presented three alumni from the program and asked them to describe how the EXCEL Program had contributed to their success in entering and graduating from college. The former EXCEL students were: Shawanna Smith, George Robinson, and Dr. Reeba Peoples. All three of the students reported that their success in college was greatly enhanced by the EXCEL program. They also affirmed that their involvement with the EXCEL Program left them with a deep attachment to the program and the social causes of equity and higher education attainment for minority students.
Trustee Fall asked Dr. Cooks what the EXCEL Program budget is and also the size of the staff. Dr. Cooks responded the program has a budget of $900,000 and a full-time staff of six.
Trustee Brennan asked how students are selected. Dr. Cooks responded that criteria is sent to school counselors who then recommend students for the program. Students are required to commit to be drug free.
Chair Browne asked if there is an attendance requirement. Dr. Cooks responded students are required to attend a minimum of 85% of EXCEL activities during their four years in the program. Dr. Cooks also stated students must have a minimum of 19 on the ACT and that the average ACT score for EXCEL students is 22.
Chair Browne thanked Dr. Cooks for her presentation and called on President Johnson to present her with a board resolution. (Exhibit #3)
Endorsement of Faculty Hiring Plan
Chair Browne called on Provost Goodridge to present the proposed Faculty Hiring Plan. Provost Alan Goodridge stated the proposed faculty hiring plan calls for The University of Toledo to distinguish itself as a premier university by committing to hire ten additional tenure-track faculty every year for the next ten years. The faculty would be hired in disciplines in which UT can achieve greater national prominence in research. Many of these areas have been identified by previous planning processes. The plan also includes an added requirement in the expectations of these tenure-track faculty, that each faculty member will develop opportunities for undergraduate students to be involved in their research. A second component of the plan is the proposal to hire five additional full-time lecturers every year for the next ten years to teach first-year students. These new faculty would be hired into disciplines in which UT is currently relying on part-time faculty - and into areas of academic challenge for students. The goal of this second component is to increase the success rate of first-year students at UT.
Trustee McQuade asked if these new hires will be additional instructors or replacements for those retiring or resigning. Vice provost Sheehan responded these will be additional instructors; that we now have 650 and hope to reach 800. Dr. Sheehan stated the university will be looking for individuals who are research oriented.
Chair Browne thanked Provost Goodridge and Vice Provost Sheehan for their presentation of the proposed faculty hiring plan and asked for a motion to endorse the plan as presented.
Upon a motion by Mr. Redmond, seconded by Mr. Vasquez to endorse the proposed faculty hiring plan, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed ananimously.
Key Performance Indicators and Dashboard Reports
Chair Browne called on Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Dr. Robert Sheehan, to present the Key Performance Indicators and Dashboard Reports. Senior Vice Provost Sheehan stated this would be a two-part presentation today; that he would be reviewing the Benchmark Indicator System presented at the February 18, 2004 Trusteeship Committee meeting and Dawn Rhodes, Associate Vice President for Finance and Planning, would follow with a presentation of the financial benchmark indicators presented at the February 24, 2004 Finance Committee meeting.
Senior Vice Provost Sheehan presented a draft set of performance indicators to the board of trustees asking for their input in hopes of finalizing the indicators by the April 2004 board meeting. He described the indicators system as having been developed with the input from a wide range of people on campus - and under the oversight of the board of trustees. He added that though the indicator system was developed at the encouragement of the board, it was adopted wholeheartedly by the administration. He reviewed many of the indicators for the board. He reported that the indicator system will be moved to the web after it has been finalized.
Associate Vice President for Finance and Planning Dawn Rhodes then gave a presentation entitled "Ratio Analysis." She noted this presentation is an indication of the continued research being done relative to the Key Financial Performance Indicators.
Chair Browne thanked Senior Vice Provost Sheehan and Associate Vice President Rhodes for their presentations and also thanked everyone involved in this process. She asked Finance Committee Chair Stansley for comments. Trustee Stansley stated the Ratio Analysis presented was discussed at yesterday's committee meeting. He commented the university is better off than we were three to four years ago and everyone needs to be commended for their work in this area.
Chair Browne request a motion to adopt the Key Performance Indicators and Dashboard Reports. Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Vasquez, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
5. Approval Items
There were no approval items brought before the board.
6. Executive Session
There was no need for an executive session.
7. Adjournment
There being no further business before the Board, upon the motion duly made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:56 a.m.