February 25, 2004 Minutes - Part Two
Blueprint and Timeline for Integrated Marketing at The University of Toledo
February 19, 2004
During the summer of 2003, a task force was brought together to examine issues related to the lack of coordination and integration of marketing communications functions across campus, in the colleges, and in other major divisions of the University. These uncoordinated, non-strategic efforts combined with the absence of clear institutional identity were producing many different images of the University, and costing considerably more for publications, public relations, and marketing than necessary. The charge to the task force was to develop a plan that would successfully integrate printing, publications, public relations, and marketing functions across the University; provide the framework for consistency of the University's image through an institution-wide program of branding and marketing; develop institutional agreement on the marketing functions of the University; achieve a high-level of efficiency and cost-effectiveness in these functions; and benchmark current University "in-house" printing costs.
The Task Force for the Development of an Integrated Structure for University Marketing and Communications took on the issue in a thoughtful and thorough manner, spending considerable time and effort in the collection of data, the discussion of that data, and the preparation of recommendations. Their report was presented to the President in October 2003. The report, which serves as the primary resource for this document, was carefully reviewed by the President, the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Enrollment, the Senior Vice President for Finance, Technology, and Operations, and the Executive Assistant to the President, in addition to several other documents that address the University's move toward integrated marketing structure and strategy. These documents were reviewed for areas of significant agreement and significant disagreement:
- Aproposal from the former Executive Director of Public Relations and Marketing for supporting marketing and communications functions at the University.
- The report of the Task Force for the Development of an Integrated Structure for University Marketing and Communications
- Two minority opinions regarding the Task Force Report
- The Executive Council review of the Task Force Report
- Comments from the Dean's related to the Task Force Report
- The University of Toledo Marketing Communications Analysis conducted by Simpson Communications
The areas of the documents in which significant agreement existed were immediately incorporated into the plan. Areas in which significant disagreement existed were discussed at length to determine if resolution could be reached through options other than those identified in the various reports. The following Blueprint and Timeline for Integrated Marketing at the University of Toledo, set forth by the Office of the President, will help us achieve our goals of increased quality, consistency, effectiveness, and cost efficiency. As a first step toward full integration, the Blueprint and Timeline begins with a collaborative approach and moves towards greater levels of cooperation and integration in the months and years ahead. The structure, staffing, funding, and philosophy of the Blueprint and Timeline are described in the following sections.
Office of Marketing and Communications
The Office of Public Relations and Marketing will become the Office of Marketing and Communications. The programs and activities of this office will be research-based, focused, strategic, collaborative, responsive, creative, and effective.
Executive Director and Special Assistant to the President for Marketing and Communications
The Office of Marketing and Communications will be led by the Executive Director and Special Assistant to the President for Marketing and Communications. This position will report to the President, and will be a member of the President's Cabinet. The Executive Director will be responsible for leadership and direction of the newly created Office of Marketing and Communications. Additional responsibilities may be added in strategic areas.
Additional Responsibilities of the Executive Director and Special Assistant to the President for Marketing and Communications
Toidentify "who we are," we must first create a brand identity based upon the mission and strategic attributes of the university. The Executive Director will lead the University through a process for defining the university's image and for gaining agreement and support of the university community for that image.
The Executive Director will also lead the Office of Marketing and Communication in providing Web strategies and leadership. Unit Web staff members and the central Web team will meet regularly to develop strategies and quality standards, maintain compliance throughout the university, and ensure that those units without Web assistance have Web sites equal to the quality of the Web sites of units with Web assistance.
The Executive Director of the Office of Marketing and Communications also will be charged to develop and recommend a plan for a system-wide scheduling and calendar development process as well as to conduct a thorough analysis leading to recommendations regarding the university's continued provision of printing services.
Marketing Teams
Four teams will be created to coordinate marketing and communications functions: the Integrated Marketing and Leadership Team; the Marketing and Communications Team; the Faculty, Staff, and Students Marketing Advisory Team; and the Alumni Marketing Advisory Team. Each team will have roles and responsibilities distinct from the other teams as described below.
Integrated Marketing Leadership Team - The members of the current Executive Council, plus student, community, and staff members selected by the President, will serve on the Integrated Marketing Leadership Team. Chaired by the President or his designee, this group will set long-term marketing goals and objectives, and participate in and guide the image-building process. Initially, this group will meet on a regular basis to determine strategies regarding communications goals and objectives and to create the university's image. Once the initial phase of image setting and marketing goal-setting and strategic planning is completed, the group will meet once or twice a year.
Marketing and Communications Team - This team, led by the Executive Director, will implement campus-wide integrated marketing, establish policies and procedures, and develop incentives to ensure unit compliance with those policies and procedures. This team will be comprised of members of the Office of Marketing and Communications, college communicators, and representatives from Alumni, Development, Athletics, Enrollment Services, Institutional Technology, and Student Life.
Faculty, Staff, and Student Marketing Advisory Team - This team, also led by the Executive Director, will assist the Marketing and Communications Team in research planning/designing and message testing. Members of this team, who will be selected by the Executive Director in consultation with Faculty Senate, Student Government, and the Professional Staff Association, should have expertise in marketing or research design and analysis.
Alumni Marketing Advisory Team - This team, also led by the Executive Director, will review the Integrated Marketing Communications Plan once or twice a year and recommend how to enhance these efforts at the strategic level. Members of this team, who will be selected by the Executive Director in consultation with the President of the Alumni Association and the Executive Director of Alumni Relations, should have backgrounds in marketing, journalism, public relations, advertising, and/or technology and should represent key geographic recruitment and outreach locations.
Staffing Arrangements
The Office of Marketing and Communications will retain the current Office of Public Relations and Marketing staff and, in addition, will be expanded by seven new positions over a two-year period. Base-budgeted funding for these additional staff members will be allocated.
College communicators will retain their current job functions and their current reporting relationships. Additionally, the college communicators will serve on the Marketing and Communications Team, and, as part of their public relations function, will work collaboratively with the Office of Marketing and Communications. The salaries of the college communicators will remain within their units.
The media and marketing staff of Athletics will remain in the Athletics' Public Relations area and creative staff members (e.g., graphic designers, writers, editors) will be retained in Enrollment Services, Alumni Relations, and the Print Shop. The salaries of these staff members will remain within their units.
This staffing model will help facilitate effective and efficient collaboration in university marketing and communication efforts and will help move the Office of Marketing and Communications toward a centralized services model.
Resource Allocation
Individual campus units (e.g., colleges, athletics, enrollment services, alumni, print shop) will retain their marketing/public relations budgets. This will be done to facilitate effective and efficient collaboration between the Office of Marketing and Communications and individual campus units in the marketing and communication of university programs and services. The marketing/public relations budgets will be used to purchase the services of the Office of Marketing and Communications, or, when deemed appropriate in consultation and collaboration with the Executive Director, the services of external vendors. The Executive Director, in providing leadership for the marketing and communications of university programs and services, will be responsible for consolidating and managing all (external) university media accounts.
Operating Philosophy
The Office of Marketing and Communications will work collaboratively with the communications, public relations, marketing, and media staff, along with graphic designers, writers, and editors within individual campus units to ensure that all strategies and marketing/communication materials are consistent in quality, image, and with the strategic direction set by the Marketing and Communication Leadership Strategy Team. This collaboration will include a review of all major marketing materials by the Executive Director, the use of central marketing services of the Office of Marketing and Communications, and an observance of University policies regarding advertising and competitive bidding.
The overall success of integrated marketing at The University of Toledo will be measured by our ability to develop a sharpened image of the institution through collaboration and team work. The plan described above provides for the coordination of university marketing and communications activities through a collaboration and team work structure. It is anticipated that as the marketing and communications activities become more coordinated, and the processes and products become more effective and efficient, the provision of services will become more centralized. Ongoing evaluation of the phase-in of centralized services will provide feedback regarding our success in achieving goals of quality, efficiency, and cost effectiveness in our marketing and communications activities.
Timeline for Implementation
The implementation of the Blueprint and Timeline for Integrated Marketing at the University of Toledo will begin immediately with a search for the Executive Director and Special Assistant to the President for Marketing and Communications. Discussions of strategic direction and long term goals and objectives will occur while the search is in progress. The new Office of Marketing and Communications and new staffing arrangements will become effective on July 1, 2004, the beginning of FY05.
The University of Toledo "Points of Pride" - February 2004
The University of Toledo recently received national media exposure recently when senior communication major Donovan Nichols, along with three other Toledo community members, were interviewed by CNN's Jeff Flock about their opinion of President George W. Bush’s State of the Union Address. The interview aired live on CNN from the Driscoll Alumni Center's Schmakel Room after the State of the Union Address.
The University hosted its second annual Faculty Appreciation Day on Wednesday, February 4. The day was marked by a full-page advertisement in the Toledo Blade thanking all of the University’s faculty members for their work and dedication, and a reception that was followed by a performance by the Toledo Symphony in Doermann Theater. The Office of the President sponsored the event.
College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Patricia Murphy was awarded a 2004 Milestone Award by the YWCA of Greater Toledo recently. She was awarded the honor because of the far-reaching influence her work with the disabled community has had on northwest Ohio. The Milestone Awards are awarded annually to seven area women that have had a significant impact on the Toledo-area community.
Three Columbus papers have honored Sue Ott Rowlands, professor and chair of the department of theatre and film, and her one-woman show, "Mercury Seven With Signs Following." The Other Paper named her work in the play as the 2003 "Best Dramatic Performance, Female.' Columbus Alive writer Jay Weitz also honored her work as co-best female performance and co-best new work. And a Columbus Dispatch critic named "Mercury Seven With Signs Following" as one of the best productions of 2003.
College of Business Administration
Drs. Fred Post and Subba Rao have received 2004 MBAA McGraw-Hill/Irwin Distinguished Paper Awards. Post’s article "Use of the Stakeholder Paradigm to Achieve Ethical, Accountable and Socially Responsible Corporate Governance," appeared in the journal of the Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business. Rao, along with Ph.D. candidate Mei Cao, published "E-Commerce Web Site Quality: A Conceptual Framework" in the Society for the Advancement of Information Systems journal.
Congratulations go to the College of Business Administration's Human Resources Team for winning first place in the State Human Resources Games. This is the second consecutive year they have won the honor. This year's team of Amanda Cogan, Sarah Huff and Sarah Burcin, took first place in the games held recently at Capital University. A second team, Amity Woirol, Mark Gifford and Lindsey Howell, came in third place. On April 17, the two teams will travel to Eastern Michigan University to compete in the North Central regional games. Drs. Dale Dwyer and Nancy Waldeck have been working with both teams.
College of Education
Dr. Charlene Czerniak, professor of curriculum and instruction, was chosen to oversee the new Office of Inter-Institutional Collaboration. The office is a joint venture of UT, Bowling Green State University, and the Medical College of Ohio and was formed to foster research and educational collaboration among the three schools.
Paul Hubaker, director of career and technical education, was elected to the Board of Director's of Ohio SkillsUSA. Ohio SkillsUSA is a career-technical student organization serving more than 31,512 students and advisors in Ohio. Ohio SkillsUSA is affiliated nationally with SkillsUSA, a national organization serving more than 264,000 students and professional members.
Dr. Lisa Linnenbrink, assistant professor of educational psychology in foundations of education, was awarded the American Psychological Association Division 15 Outstanding Dissertation Award for her dissertation, "The Dilemma of Performance Goals: Promoting Students' Motivation and Learning in Cooperative Groups."
College of Engineering
The College of Engineering received more than $1.5 million in sponsored research awards over the last three months. One of the awards went to Dr. Ken DeWitt, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, who was awarded a $202,896 grant from the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field for his project "Ignition Characteristics of Aviation Fuels." The study measures ignition characteristics and vapor pressures of individual fuels and their mixtures present in aviation fuels.
Dr. Ella Fridman, associate professor of engineering technology, gave a presentation, "Institutional Challenges: Establishing Online Degree Programs in Engineering Technology," at the Ninth Sloan-C International Conference on Asynchronous Learning Networks in Orlando, Florida recently.
Dr. Mohamed Samir Hefzy, Professor of MIME was awarded the ASME Fellow Award. This award is the highest ranking award a mechanical engineer can receive from this professional organization.
College of Health and Human Services
UT's National Youth Sports Program (NYSP) was recognized as best in the nation during the NYSP National Convention in Washington, D.C. Representatives from the College of Health and Human Services accepted the Silvio O. Conte Award of Excellence, which is the highest award presented to an institution that sponsors NYSP. The federally funded program enables more than 500 economically disadvantaged youths to come to UT's campus for five weeks during the summer for recreational instruction and educational programs.
The National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. (NBRC) elected Dr. Robert A. May, medical director for the respiratory care program, as president of its board of trustees making UT the first institution to have three people chosen to the lead the professional credentialing organization. May, an anesthesiologist, has been the medical director for the program since 1995. As president of NBRC, he will lead the 31-member voluntary health certifying board that provides credentialing examinations for practitioners of respiratory therapy and pulmonary function technology.
College of Law
United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger spoke at the College of Law last week. Gettelfinger's visit marks the third appearance at the college by a major union leader over the last several years. The college has also been visited by Richard Trumka, secretary-treasurer of the AFL-CIO, and John Sweeny, president of the AFL-CIO.
The College of Law is proud to announce the publication of a significant new work by Joseph Slater, associated professor of law. Published by Cornell University Press next month, Slater's Public Workers is an important new book that explores the relationship of public sector workers, policy and law.
College of Pharmacy
Dr. William Messer, professor and chair of pharmacology, has authored a chapter in the book Cognitive Enhancing Drugs, which was published recently. Messer and his research team have worked for the past 19 years at UT to understand the biochemical basis of memory function. They have worked on developing drugs for Alzheimer's disease since 1989, and have focused on schizophrenia for about two years.
University College
Thanks to a gift of $111,520 from lifetime Toledo resident Edith Rathbun, more scholarship money will be available to women enrolled in University College. Rathbun's gift will potentially triple the number of scholarships awarded annually to women enrolled in the college. The scholarship fund awards scholarships to female students, age 25 or older that are pursuing a degree through University College.
UT's Capacity-Building in Construction Program for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) will hold its first graduation ceremony of 53 students on Wednesday, February 25. The program, which has received more than $2 million in support from the city of Toledo and Gov. Taft, works to increase the number and role of technology-trained professionals and disadvantaged minorities in northwest Ohio. This will help to strengthen the construction and engineering workforce shortage in Toledo as it undertakes $2 billion in construction projects over the next 15 years.
University Libraries
The Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections has been awarded the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies’ Disability Award for their work in establishing a Northwest Ohio Disability History Archive. The annual award recognizes an innovative and well-organized project that has developed or expanded services for people with disabilities. The archive contains materials from the Ability Center of Greater Toledo, the Toledo Chapter of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, the Sight Center, Assistance Dogs of America and others.
A Resolution
Dr. Helen C. Cooks
WHEREAS your research as a University of Toledo doctoral student into why minority students were underrepresented in college led to holding the first Conference for Aspiring Minority Youth two decades ago; and
WHEREAS more than 200 junior high and high school students and their parents from the Toledo area attended that first conference; and
WHEREAS the success of that conference led to the establishment of programs to attract minority students interested in pursuing higher education to The University of Toledo; and
WHEREAS one of those programs, TOLEDO EXCEL, was created in 1989 to prepare students who are members of groups underrepresented in higher education -- African American, Asian, Hispanic and Native American -- for success in college; and
WHEREAS you are director of TOLEDO EXCEL, which offers high school students pre-college academic programs, including Saturday school, summer institutes, tutoring, academic retreat weekends, campus visits, and ethnographic field studies in the United States and around the world; and
WHEREAS thanks to your dedication, more than 750 students have been enrolled in TOLEDO EXCEL since it began; and
WHEREAS nearly 95 percent of TOLEDO EXCEL scholars have enrolled in college -- 75 percent at The University of Toledo -- and 90 percent have received degrees or are matriculating toward graduation; and
WHEREAS more than 1,000 people attended the 20th annual Conference for Aspiring Minority Youth, thus continuing the circle of success that you started; and
WHEREAS after receiving three degrees from The University of Toledo, you joined the faculty in 1988 and have advanced to Associate Professor of Education and Assistant Vice President for EXCELlence Programs, dedicating your life to helping students continue to learn.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees expresses its gratitude and indebtedness of the entire University community for your service; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be conveyed to you; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Resolution, adopted unanimously, be spread upon the minutes of this Board, to become a part of the permanent records of The University of Toledo.
Done this 25th day of February 2004.
Joan Uhl Browne, Chair of the Board of Trustees
Daniel M. Johnson, President of The University of Toledo