April 28, 2004 Minutes
The University of Toledo
402nd Meeting
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Union, Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m.
The four hundredth and second meeting of the Board of Trustees of The University of
Toledo was held on Wednesday, April 28, 2004 at 8:15 a.m.
in Room 2592, Student Union, 2801 Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio.
Ms. Joan Uhl Browne, Chair of the Board, presided and Ms. Judy E. Fegley, Interim Coordinator of Board Affairs, recorded the minutes.
The Chair of the Board requested Ms. Fegley call the roll.
Present: Ms. Joan Uhl Browne
Mr. C. William Fall
Ms. Rebecca Mocniak, Student Trustee
Richard B. McQuade, Jr.
Mr. Donovan T. Nichols, Student Trustee
Mr. Robert C. Redmond
Mr. Richard
Stansley, Jr.
Ms. Olivia K. Summons
Mr. James M. Tuschman
Mr. Hernan Vasquez
quorum of the Board was constituted. Trustee Daniel J. Brennan was absent.
Also present: Dr. Daniel M. Johnson, President; Dr. Alan G. Goodridge, Provost and
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and
Enrollment; Mr. William R. Decatur, Senior Vice President for Finance, Technology
and Operations; Ms. Sandra A. Drabik, Vice
President and General Counsel, Board Secretary; Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe, Vice President
for Student Life; Mr. Vernon Snyder, Vice
President for Institutional Advancement; Dr. Ganapathy Naganathan, Dean of Engineering;
Dr. Thomas Switzer, Dean, College of Education; Dr. Frank
Calzonetti, Vice Provost for Research, Graduate Education, and Economic Development;
Dr. Johnnie Early, Dean, College of Pharmacy; Ms.
Susan Andrews, Coordinator of Special Projects, Student Services; Mr. Michael Angelini,
Assistant Treasurer; Mr. Guy Beeman, President, Student
Government; Mr. Alvin Comley, Senior Director for Business Services; Mr. David Dyser,
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments; Ms. Lauri
Engel, Assistant General Counsel; Mr. Terry Fell, Computer Graphics Design Artist;
Dr. John Gaboury, Dean, University Libraries; Mr. Wayne
Gates, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs; Dr. Stephen Goldman, Director,
Environmental & Plant Science Centers; Ms. Elizabeth
Griggs, Assistant to the Vice President & General Counsel; Mr. James Hartung, Director
of the Toledo/Lucas County Port Authority; Dr.
Lloyd Jacobs, President, Medical College of Ohio; Mr. Chris Kaiser; Mr. Kwabena Kankam,
Director, Internal Audit; Mr. Tobin Klinger,
Interim Executive Director for Public Relations; Mr. Thomas Kovacik, Transportation
Advocacy Group of Northwest Ohio; Ms. Lois Kovanda, Senior
Business Manager, Education & Information Technology; Ms. Joyce McBride, Senior Budget
Analyst; Mr. Michael McCullough; Ms. Patricia Murphy,
Visiting Professor of Disability Studies; Mr. Ed Nagle, the Nagle Companies; Mr. Patrick
Okerbloom, Senior Budget Analyst; Mr. Peter Papadimos,
Associate General Counsel; Ms. Maria Peng, Budget Analyst; Ms. Dawn Rhodes, Associate
Vice President for Finance and Planning; Ms. Jennifer
Rockwood, Director, First Year Experience; Mr. John Satkowski, Associate Vice President,
Academic Finance & Planning; Mr. Jim Sciarini,
Associate Vice President, Human Resources; Ms. Rebecca Shell, Media Relations Coordinator;
Dr. Robert Sheehan, Senior Vice Provost for Academic
Affairs; Mr. Ryan Smith, The Blade; Dr. Ronald Speier, Associate Vice President and
Dean of Students; Ms. Joan Stasa, Executive
Secretary to the President; Dr. Mark Vonderembse, Interim Director, Intermodal Transportation
Institute; Ms. Norine Wasielewski, Senior
Director of Health and Wellness; Mr. Harvey Wolff, Faculty Senate Representative.
1. Call to Order
Chair Browne called the meeting to order at 8:25 a.m. and gave the following opening remarks:
Today this board will be asked to consider tuition and fees for the next fiscal year.
Itis unfortunate that we, as trustees, appear to be left with no option than to raise tuition and fees 9.9 percent yet again. However, the state has left us with no other choice.
Through hard and diligent work, this University has managed to cope with millions and millions of dollars in reductions without sacrificing the quality of the student experience. In fact we have managed to move forward despite our fiscal challenges. Virtually no department or division of this institution has gone untouched by these difficult decisions...and sadly, it is not yet over.
Assoon as the fees are adopted, the administration will have to go back to the drawing board to find a way to absorb an additional shortfall of more than $500,000 and come back with a balanced budget in June. One begins to wonder, "when will it all end?"
Weshare the concern of our students and their families as they are asked to pick up more and more of the financial burden of higher education. However, we have no choice if we are to maintain the value and integrity of a University of Toledo degree.
Chair Browne then called on President Daniel Johnson for his report.
2. President's Report
Thank you and good morning, Madam Chair.
Itis hard to believe that this is our last Board of Trustees meeting of the academic year, and the second to the last for the fiscal year.
I must say, this is always a busy, but exciting time of year. In just a few days our students and faculty will be into finals week, and I would like to wish everyone success during this important time.
Wealso have much to celebrate at this time of year and we will focus our attention on the accomplishments of our faculty and staff at this year's Convocation, which will be held this afternoon at 3 p.m. in Doermann Theater. I hope you can all attend.
Aspart of our Points of Pride, I would like to congratulate and thank this year's UT outstanding advisers, researchers and teachers for their commitment to students, excellence and to the University. This year's Outstanding Advisers are: Debbie Jones from the College of Business Administration and Dr. Elliot Tramer from the College of Arts and Sciences. The Outstanding Researchers are Dr. Jacques G. Amar, Dr. Glenn J. Ames and Dr. Biao Zhang from the College of Arts and Sciences, and Dr. Mohamed Samir Hefzy from the College of Engineering. This year's Outstanding Teachers are Larry Cook and Deborah Orloff from the College of Arts and Sciences, and Laura Frisbie from the College of Business Administration. The Faculty Senate has elected Michael Dowd as Chair and Gerald Sherman as Vice Chair and we look forward to working with them in the months ahead.
Just yesterday, we had the good fortune of hosting a presentation by Dr. Myles Brand, president of the NCAA. His visit was hosted by our Trustee Committee on Strategic Issues and Planning. Many of you were able to attend and heard him discuss some of the significant issues that the NCAA is working on. It was clear to me that The University of Toledo is not alone as we work to find the balance between intercollegiate athletics and our academic mission. This year the Board's Committee on Strategic Issues and Planning started these important conversations, but there is still much to be done on this important issue.
Last week The University of Toledo was involved in a news conference held by Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur. The event was centered around Earth Day and was used to announce a series of alternative energy initiatives to promote the development of alternative fuel for our area bus fleets, fund research of on-demand Photovoltaic Hydrogen power and for the continued funding for development of an electric/diesel transit bus engine here at The University of Toledo and BGSU. We appreciate Congresswoman Kaptur's efforts on behalf of UT. This is indicative of Marcy Kaptur’s commitment, not only to important environmental issues, but also to The University of Toledo.
The University of Toledo is also tied to an award that has become a source of pride for the entire City of Toledo. As I'm sure you already know, the Toledo Blade earned a Pulitzer Prize for their investigative report "Tiger Force: Buried Secrets, Brutal Truths." What you may not know is that reporters Mitch Weiss and Michael Sallah, are Research Associates in our department of communication. Sallah, an alumnus of the department, is giving the College of Arts and Sciences commencement address on May 7. Currently, they are under contract with Little, Brown & Company to write a book about their investigation. We're very proud of our Research Associates!
Asmost of you know, the College of Law has been named one of the top 100 law schools in the country in the U.S. News and World Report's annual rankings. The college tied with five other universities for the 94th spot on the list. This ranking moved the college to the second tier. For the last several years, the College of Law has been in the third tier and just missed the top 100, by being ranked 101 last year. Congratulations to Dean Phil Closius and the entire college for their hard work and dedication.
Please take a look at our "Points of Pride" to get a sense of all that is going on. There are many other things that we all should be proud of. Please take time to review this; I know you will be impressed. (Exhibit #1).
Today you will be taking up several important topics and acting on recommendations from your committees. As you indicated, Madam Chair, we were notified just two days before our Finance Committee meeting last week that our state subsidy was to be reduced by more than $500,000. This will obviously require some adjustments to our final budget recommendation to you. I would like to ask your permission to remove this action item under finance in today's agenda in order to give the administration time to make whatever adjustments are needed before you act. This will eliminate the need to amend the budget once these adjustments are made.
This morning, while we are in this meeting, there will be between 600 and 750 young people attending our second annual Latino Youth Summit here at the University of Toledo. These young people are being bussed in from all over Northwest Ohio and are here to begin learning about college and the importance of going on to higher education once they complete high school. This has been a great success and we are very excited over the success of the Summit.
Tomorrow, the Governor's Commission on Higher Education and the Economy will release its report. The Commission, as we know from up-dates from Trustee Tuschman, will be offering many suggestions and several recommendations to help steer the Legislature and the higher education community in a direction that will help prepare it for the growing economic challenges ahead.
Itis unlikely that everyone will agree with all the recommendations in the report. but I know from talking to several members of the Commission that there is one theme that runs through the Report that is clear and "on target" and that is this: Our universities can be more productive, achieve greater accomplishments, function more efficiently, and garner greater public support through collaboration and working together than we can working independently in our own institutional silos.
Yes, we will and should continue to compete for the best students and best faculty. We will continue to compete on the court and on the field through our athletic programs. And we will continue to compete for grants, positive media coverage, and in other ways. But in all this, we should be looking for, experimenting with and institutionalizing increased partnerships, increase collaboration, shared services, and more joint programs.
Weare doing just that here in Northwest Ohio. BGSU, MCO and UT are increasingly engaged in serious efforts to find ways of working more efficiently, more collaboratively and more productively. And we are beginning to see some success through these efforts. Our three universities will seek Legislative recognition and support to help strengthen our efforts and to help us develop a model of inter-institutional collaboration that can be used by other universities here in Ohio and elsewhere. I believe there are some exciting possibilities ahead. We are honored to have the new president of the Medical College of Ohio, Dr. Lloyd Jacobs here with us today.
Some of the important groundwork for this collaboration was laid by Dr. Frank McCullough, former President of the Medical College of Ohio. As you know, Dr. McCullough passed away on March 15, 2004. It is fitting for the University of Toledo to recognize the important role that Dr. McCullough played in the life of this institution. Elaine and I had the pleasure to get to know Frank and Lynne shortly after we arrived in Toledo.
Today, we are honored by the presence of Dr. McCullough's son, Michael, and current MCO president, Dr. Lloyd Jacobs. I would ask them to join me and the Chair of our Board of Trustees, Joan Browne, here at the front of the room to receive from our Board, faculty, staff, students and administration a sincere statement of our appreciation, our admiration and respect for President Frank McCullough.
President Johnson then read a resolution (Exhibit #2) honoring Dr. Frank McCullough and presented the resolution to his son, Michael.
Thank you, Madame Chair that concludes my report.
Chair Browne thanked President Johnson for his report and asked Student Trustee Rebecca Mocniak to come forward. She read and presented to Student Trustee Mocniak a resolution thanking her for her contributions to the University over the past two years. (Exhibit #3) Student Trustee Mocniak remarked that her two years on the board has been time very well spent, that she has learned much and felt her experience as a student trustee will serve her well in the future.
Harvey Wolff accepted a plaque on behalf of Alice Skeens, Chair of the Faculty Senate, in recognition of her service this past academic year. Dr. Skeens was unable to attend the meeting due to a teaching commitment.
Guy Beeman, student government president was presented a plaque in appreciation of his contributions this past year. Mr. Beeman also accepted a plaque on behalf of Cain Myers, vice president of student government, for his contributions this past year.
Chair Browne welcomed the student government leadership for 2004 - 2005, Guy Beeman,
who was re-elected as president and Laura Abu Absi, the
newly elected vice president.
3. Consent Agenda Items
Chair Browne noted the February 25, 2004 board meeting minutes were provided in advance and requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the minutes and the materials contained in the consent agenda items a) through g):
a) Approval of Minutes - February 25, 2004
b) Faculty Personnel Actions
c) Grants Report
d) Tenure and
Promotion Recommendations for 2004 - 2005
e) Recommendations for Honorary Degrees
f) Staff Personnel Actions
g) Parks
Tower Fire Suppressions and Alarm System Improvements, Phase IV
Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Mr. Fall, to approve the consent agenda items a) through g) as listed, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Stansley Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed.
4. Information Items
Key Performance Indicators and Dashboard Reports
Chair Browne called on Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Dr. Robert Sheehan, to present the Key Performance Indicators and Dashboard Reports. Senior Vice Provost Sheehan reviewed the Benchmark Indicator System presented at the April 21, 2004 Trusteeship Committee meeting. He described the indicators system as having been developed with the input from a wide range of people on campus - and under the oversight of the board of trustees. He added that though the indicator system was developed at the encouragement of the board, it was adopted wholeheartedly by the administration. Dr. Sheehan stated the project is close to completion. He reported that the indicator system will be moved to the web after it has been finalized.
Chair Browne thanked Senior Vice Provost Sheehan for his presentation and also thanked
everyone involved in this process.
5. Approval
Proposal for Intermodal Transportation Institute
Chair Browne called on Trustee Redmond to present the proposal for the Intermodal Transportation Institute. Mr. Redmond asked that Provost Alan Goodridge introduce Dr. Mark Vonderembse, Interim Director, Intermodal Transportation Institute. Dr. Vonderembse announced that a $1,500,000 TARTA grant written by Dr. Martin Abraham, Dean of the Graduate School and himself has recently been approved. The University of Toledo's share of this grant will be approximately $400,000. Two other grants, totaling approximately $500,000 are currently underway. Additional grant proposals are under review. Dr. Vonderembse introduced several Institute board members: Mr. James Hartung, Director of the Toledo/Lucas County Port Authority; Mr. Tom Kovacik, Transportation Advocacy Group of Northwest Ohio; Mr. Dave Dyser, Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments; Mr. Ed Nagel, The Nagle Companies and Mr. Chris Kaiser. Trustee Rick Stansley also sits on the Institute board.
Dr. Vonderembse answered several questions from trustees and then asked that Mr. Hartung say a few words. Mr. Hartung thanked the board for the opportunity to present to the board a brief summary of how the Intermodal Transportation Institute will work in conjunction with public and private sector partners in the region including the Toledo/Lucas County Port Authority.
After several questions from trustees, Chair Browne thanked Dr. Vonderembse for this presentation of the Proposal for Intermodal Transportation Institute and asked for a motion to approve the proposal as presented.
Upon a motion by Mr. Vasquez, seconded by Mr. Tuschman to approve the Proposal for Intermodal Transportation Institute as presented, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Stansley Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed.
Fiscal Year 2005 Fee Recommendations
Chair Browne called on Trustee Stansley to present the fiscal year 2005 fee recommendations. Mr. Stansley stated staff from the finance division gave a summary of the fiscal year 2005 fee recommendations at last week's finance committee meeting. Because of questions raised during the committee meeting, the committee decided to postpone making their recommendation until the full board meeting. These questions have now been answered and the Finance Committee recommends approving the fiscal year 2005 fee recommendations.
Chair Browne asked for a motion to approve the resolution, with the exception of Table 1B, the fee recommendations for fiscal year 2005.
Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Mr. Fall to approve the resolution, with the exception of Table 1B, the fee recommendations for fiscal year 2005, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Stansley Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Yes
Motion passed.
Chair Browne requested a motion to approve the resolution for the fee recommendations set forth in Table 1B.
Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Mr. Fall to approve the resolution for the fee recommendations set forth in Table 1B, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond Yes
Stansley Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez Abstain
Motion passed.
Fiscal Year 2005 Budget Recommendations
AtPresident Johnson's request, action on the fiscal year 2005 budget recommendations was postponed in order to give the administration time to make whatever adjustments are needed before the board acts.
Student Health Insurance Premium for Policy Year 2004 - 2005
Chair Browne called on Trustee Stansley to present the information regarding the student health insurance premium for policy year 2004 - 2005. Mr. Stansley stated the finance committee heard a presentation at last week's committee meeting from Associate Vice President Ronald Speier. Dr. Speier stated the Student Health Insurance Committee and the University’s Student Health Insurance broker recommend The University of Toledo renew the student health insurance plan contract with the Chickering Group/Aetna for another year at an annual student renewal rate of $1,221. This is an increase of 15% or $159 over the 2003 - 2004 year premium. The adjustment supports an 11% increase in medical and prescription cost trends and a 4% increase to provide voluntary continuous coverage for spring students who wish to continually enroll in the plan over the summer, but who will not be taking classes during the summer semester.
Chair Browne requested a motion to approve the student health insurance premium for policy year 2004 - 2005 as presented.
Upon a motion by Stansley, seconded by Mr. Fall to approve the motion as presented, a roll call vote was taken:
Ms. Browne Yes
Mr. Fall Yes
Judge McQuade Yes
Mr. Redmond No
Stansley Yes
Ms. Summons Yes
Mr. Tuschman Yes
Mr. Vasquez No
Revisions to the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees
Chair Browne called on Trustee McQuade to present the information regarding the revisions to the bylaws of the board. Judge McQuade reviewed the suggested revisions as presented at last week's trusteeship committee meeting. He pointed out the Association of Governing Boards statements regarding what a good set of bylaws should accomplish, and briefly summarized the process, including benchmarking and garnering extensive feedback from the President, President's Cabinet, and Executive Council on the portion of the bylaws pertinent to the University administration.
Each proposed revision was reviewed at length and after much discussion, it was decided to ask the Trusteeship Committee to look at several proposed bylaw changes at their next committee meeting and return with final recommendations. Judge McQuade encouraged trustees to contact him directly with any questions or concerns. It was agreed to consider this the first reading of the bylaws as presented.
Chair Browne thanked Judge McQuade and the Trusteeship Committee for their hard work in preparing these recommended revisions to the board bylaws. She requested a motion to approve the first reading of the bylaws as presented.
Upon a motion by Judge McQuade, seconded by Mr. Redmond to approve the first reading of the bylaws as presented, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed.
Appointment of Special Committees by Chair
Chair Browne announced the appointment of two special committees. A nominating committee consisting of Olivia Summons, Chair; William Fall, and Jim Tuschman is charged with presenting a slate of officers at the June board meeting.
Secondly, Chair Browne appointed an annual presidential assessment committee consisting of Judge McQuade, Chair; William Fall, and Rick Stansley. The charge to this committee is to ensure that the annual presidential review is carefully designed and professionally conducted so that outcomes of the review would be: clear expectations and realistic goals; strengthened communication; mutual trust, respect, and support between the board and the president; renewed campus confidence in good governance; and a keener understanding of the University's agenda and ways to address it.
The committee is charged with following the process and steps proposed by the committee on trusteeship or the president's annual assessment. She especially urged the review and careful consideration of the components of the president's self-assessment and its role in the committee's review. A more in-depth review is planned to take place at the three to five year point which will be next year. The whole campus community will be invited to participate in this in-depth review.
Chair Browne stated that this board is a strong and committed board with a depth and breadth of talents that has served the University well in defining the strategic issues for the University. Trustees have chosen a strong and committed president to manage the execution of the strategic plan and the president’s annual assessment will enhance trustees' ability to go forward together in carrying out mutual responsibilities to the university and the public that it serves. The final report of the president's annual assessment will take place at the June board meeting.
Dr. Johnson stated he wished to thank Trustee Tuschman for his assistance in drafting the board's resolution for Dr. Frank McCullough. Dr. Johnson called attention to the university's mission statement on display at the meeting and informed those present that copies of the statement are available on a first come, first serve basis.
Finally, Dr. Johnson offered his thanks for the very good work done by Judge McQuade
and the staff of the trusteeship committee on the bylaws.
6. Executive
There was no need for an executive session.
7. Adjournment
There being no further business before the Board, upon the motion duly made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:29 a.m.
The University of Toledo "Points of Pride" - April 2004
I would like to congratulate and thank this year's UT outstanding advisers, researchers and teachers for their commitment to students, excellence and to the University. This year's Outstanding Advisers are: Debbie Jones from the College of Business Administration and Dr. Elliot Tramer from the College of Arts and Sciences. The Outstanding Researchers are: Dr. Jacques G. Amar, Dr. Glenn J. Ames and Dr. Biao Zhang from the College of Arts and Sciences, and Dr. Mohamed Samir Hefzy from the College of Engineering. This year's Outstanding Teachers are: Larry Cook and Deborah Orloff from the College of Arts and Sciences, and Laura Frisbie from the College of Business Administration.
Mitch Weiss and Michael Sallah, research associates in the department of communication, have been awarded the Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting for their report "Tiger Force: Buried Secrets, Brutal Truths" that originally ran in the Toledo Blade. Sallah, an alumnus of the department, is giving the College of Arts and Sciences commencement address on May 7. Currently, they are under contract with Little, Brown & Company, a subsidiary of Time Warner, to write a book about their investigation.
Senior economics major Michelle Bensi has been awarded a $30,000 a year graduate research fellowship from the National Science Foundation. In addition to the stipend, the award covers tuition and fees at Bensi's institution of choice as well as access to the foundation’s super-computing facilities. Bensi will graduate from UT in May with a bachelor's degree in economics and was featured in the 2002 President's Report to the Community.
The department of biological sciences hosted the 20th anniversary of the UT-Salford Exchange Program. Almost 100 people participated in the two-day celebration including UT and University of Salford students, faculty and staff, as well as alumni from the exchange program. More than 130 UT science students have exchanged at the University of Salford, England, since 1984, and 150 Salford students have exchanged to UT.
Dr. Bruce Averill, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, has been awarded the U.S. State Department's Jefferson Science Policy Fellowship. Averill will spend a year in the department learning how scientific, technical and engineering knowledge can contribute to the nation's foreign policy. Following is one-year appointment, Averill will serve in a consultancy position for five years.
The College of Business Administration awarded their Pacemaker Award this year to
entrepreneur and UT benefactor Edward Kinsey. Kinsey, who
graduated from the college in 1979, is the co-founder and former chief financial officer
of Ariba Inc. Along with Kinsey, 14 student Pacemakers
were honored during a recognition dinner held on April 2.
A new pilot program intended to increase future work options for secondary students with disabilities in conjunction with enhancing the training given to current and future Ohio teachers will begin this summer. The program is the result of a partnership between the College of Education and Lott Industries/ MRDD.
InMarch a group of graduate students in the College of Education's Educational Theory
and Social Foundations Program delivered papers at the Joan
B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies Conference at the University of
Notre Dame.
Dr. Steven N. Kramer was selected as the recipient of the 2004 Faculty Advisor Award for the American Society of Mechanical Engineering Region V. This award is given annually to the faculty adviser in each of the twelve regions for their contributions to their students, as well as for their lifelong contributions to the profession of mechanical engineering. The award was presented at the annual ASME Regional Student Conference in April, and Kramer is now being considered with the eleven other recipients for the national award that will be announced in November.
OnMay 17, Dr. Theo G. Keith will be in Toronto at the annual Society of Tribologists
and Lubrication Engineers meeting. Keith and his students are
receiving an award for the best paper published in the Tribology Transactions Journal
during the past year.
The College of Health and Human Services speech-language pathology program recently hosted a conference titled "Learning to Listen--Listening to Learn" and introduced a Language Enriched Playgroup that will begin at UT this spring. Speech-language pathology graduate students and faculty member Dr. Lori Pakulski will supervise the playgroup. Channel 13 ABC News and Fox Toledo News covered the event.
InMarch, the Toledo City Council voted to approve a resolution acknowledging the National
Youth Sports Program for reaching a milestone by being
named "Best in the Nation for 2003" by the NYSP National Committee. This past February,
UT's program received the Silvio O. Conte Award of
Excellence at the 2004 NYSP National Convention in Washington, D.C.
The College of Law has been named one of the top 100 law schools in the country in the U.S. News and World Report's annual rankings. The college tied with five other universities for the 94th spot on the list. This ranking moved the college to the second tier. For the last several years, the College of Law has been in the third tier and just missed the top 100, by being ranked 101 last year. Congratulations to Dean Phil Closius and the entire college for their hard work and dedication.
Professor David A. Harris was interviewed during NBC's Dateline for their 14-month investigation of racial profiling in Cincinnati. The program aired on Friday, April 9. Harris worked with Dateline NBC producers for more than a year on the program, and his book, "Profiles In Injustice: Why Racial Profiling Cannot Work" served as a guide for everyone involved in the project.
The College of Law recently hosted U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
O'Connor spoke to a standing-room only crowd in the
Doermann Theatre as part of the college's Distinguished Lecture Series.
Dr. Ezdihar Hassoun has been appointed by U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Tommy Thompson to serve a three-year term on a special advisory committee for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The committee will study possible long-term health effects of phenoxy herbicides and contaminants.
The Center for Drug Design and Development (CD3) has been awarded $15,000 from the International Union of Pharmacology (IUPHAR) as a carry-over grant to continue its work on a comprehensive human drug metabolism database. In addition to technical aspects associated with the project, the CD3 is pursuing a copyright agreement on behalf of UT, the IUPHAR and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
Faculty members Dr. Martin Ohlinger and Dr. Steve Martin along with alumna Dr. Sandy Kane-Gill have received Presidential Citations from the Society of Critical Care Medicine.
Congratulations are in order for Kathleen Fitzpatrick from University College. She has been named a Sam M. Walton Free Enterprise Fellow for UT's Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) team. Under her direction, the SIFE team coordinated several projects this school year, including: presenting credit workshops at local high schools and organizing a Personal Finance Fair for UT students.
Thanks to a generous gift by the late Ralph Cline and family in honor his wife, Joanne L. Cline, the Joanne L. Cline Scholarship was established on February 18. The scholarship is for female students 30 years of age or older who demonstrate financial need, and are enrolled in University College with a 3.0 GPA. Mrs. Cline was killed and Mr. Cline was critically injured July 20, 2001, when their vehicle was hit by a drunken driver. This scholarship was established to provide support for women who have the same drive, persistence and dedication to success and to making a positive difference.
The Ward M. Canaday Center's spring exhibit, "Till Death Do Us Part: Courtship, Marriage, and Family in 19th Century America," opened on March 29 to an overflow crowd. Using books from the Canaday Center's extensive collection of manuals and guidebooks written for women between 1830 and 1900, the exhibit focuses on society's perceptions of women's roles in Victorian America. The free, public exhibit is on display in the Canaday Center through August 27.
A Resolution Honoring the Life of Dr. Frank S. McCullough
WHEREAS, Frank S. McCullough was born in Toledo, Ohio - graduated from Scott High School, earned degrees from Baldwin Wallace College and the Ohio State University College of Medicine and thereafter served his country for five years in the United States Air Force; and
WHEREAS, he came to the Medical College of Ohio in 1978 as a Professor and Chief of the Section of Gastroenterology - and served on numerous hospital committees and participated in the historic move of patients into the new MCO hospital in 1979 and
WHEREAS, in 1996 the Board of Trustees of the Medical College of Ohio names Frank S. McCullough, M.D. its fifth President. In that capacity he helped shape the College's development through his vision, his leadership and his character. Among his many accomplishments was obtaining recognition for MCO as a "leader in health care education." Additionally, his leadership resulted in the revision of the curriculum in the school of medicine, the completion of several major renovation and construction projects at the College and the growth of MCO's Advance Technology Park of Northwest Ohio; and
WHEREAS, he worked tirelessly to promote and improve the Medical College of Ohio at a very critical time in its history; and
WHEREAS his focus on excellence and his strategy of collaboration led MCO and The University of Toledo to establish numerous partnerships that engaged their faculty, staff and students in efforts that strengthened our community through academic excellence, research and community outreach; and
WHEREAS, his family, friends and colleagues described him as an avid fisherman and duck hunter, a great husband, father and friend, a man who always considered himself a physician first and an administrator second and a man who strived valiantly in all that he did, always worked hard at work worth doing and achieved success in all his efforts and all his endeavors; and
WHEREAS, The University of Toledo, the Medical College of Ohio, the medical community, and our community at large has lost a good friend, an outstanding physician and a compassionate and caring human being.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The University of Toledo Board of Trustees expresses its gratitude and respect on behalf of the entire University community for his lifetime of service, his devotion to his profession and his family, and passes this Resolution in celebration of his life.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be conveyed to the family of Dr. Frank S. McCullough.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Resolution, adopted unanimously, be spread upon the minutes of this Board to become part of the permanent records of The University of Toledo.
Done this 28th day of April, 2004.
A Resolution
Rebecca L. Mocniak
WHEREAS you were appointed by Governor Bob Taft in July 2002 to serve as one of two University of Toledo student representatives on the Board of Trustees; and
WHEREAS you earned your bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering from The University of Toledo in May 2002 and are working towards a master's degree in biomedical engineering from The University of Toledo; and
WHEREAS your term on The University of Toledo Board of Trustees will end July 1, 2004;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees expresses its gratitude and indebtedness of the entire University community for your service.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be conveyed to you.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Resolution, adopted unanimously, be spread upon the minutes of this Board, to become a part of the permanent records of The University of Toledo.
Done this 28th day of April 2004.
Joan Uhl Browne, Chair of the Board of Trustees
Daniel M. Johnson, President of The University of Toledo