UToledo Board of Trustees

June 23, 2004 Minutes

The University of Toledo
403rd Meeting
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Driscoll Alumni Center Board Room 10:00 a.m.

The four hundredth and third meeting of the Board of Trustees of The University of Toledo was held on Wednesday, June 23, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. in the Driscoll Alumni Center Board Room, 2801 W. Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio.

Ms. Joan Uhl Browne, Chair of the Board, presided and Ms. Judy E. Fegley, Interim Coordinator of Board Affairs, recorded the minutes.

The Chair of the Board requested Ms. Fegley call the roll.

Present: Ms. Joan Uhl Browne
  Mr. Daniel J. Brennan
  Mr. C. William Fall
  Judge Richard B. McQuade, Jr.
  Mr. Donovan T. Nichols, Student Trustee
  Mr. Robert C. Redmond
  Mr. Richard Stansley, Jr.
  Ms. Olivia K. Summons
  Mr. James M. Tuschman
  Mr. Hernan Vasquez
A quorum of the Board was constituted.  Student Trustee Rebecca L. Mocniak was absent.

Also present:  Dr. Daniel M. Johnson, President;  Dr. Alan G. Goodridge, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Enrollment;  Mr. William R. Decatur, Senior Vice President for Finance, Technology and Operations;  Ms. Sandra A. Drabik, Vice President and General Counsel, Board Secretary;  Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe, Vice President for Student Life;  Mr. Vernon Snyder, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Ms. Laura Abu-Absi, Vice President of Student Government; Ms. Susan Andrews, Coordinator of Special Projects, Student Services; Mr. Michael Angelini, Assistant Treasurer; Mr. Guy Beeman, President, Student Government; Ms. Paula Braun, UT Graduate Student; Mr. Alvin Comley, Senior Director for Business Services; Mr. Andrew Dier, Public Safety Officer; Dr. Michael Dowd, Chair of Faculty Senate; Mr. Martino Harmon, Director of Freshman Admission; Dr. Stephen Goldman, Director, Environmental & Plant Science Centers; Ms. Elizabeth Griggs, Assistant to the Vice President & General Counsel; Mrs. Elaine Johnson; Mr. Kwabena Kankam, Director, Internal Audit;  Mr. Tobin Klinger, Interim Executive Director for Public Relations; Ms. Lois Kovanda, Senior Business Manager, Education & Information Technology; Ms. Brenda Lee, UT Foundation President; Ms. Joyce McBride, Senior Budget Analyst; Mr. Patrick Okerbloom, Senior Budget Analyst; Mr. Thomas Page, Controller; Mr. Peter Papadimos, Associate General Counsel; Ms. Dawn Rhodes, Associate Vice President for Finance and Planning; Mr. Nicholas Santilli, ACE Fellow; Mr. Joseph Sawasky, Interim Associate VP of EIT; Mr. Jim Sciarini, Associate Vice President, Human Resources; Dr. Robert Sheehan, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs;  Ms. Brianna Shook, UT Student; Mr. Ryan Smith, The Blade; Dr. Ronald Speier, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students;  Ms. Joan Stasa, Executive Secretary to the President;  Ms. Aredenia Jones Terry, Associate Vice President, Student Services; Mrs. Ina Tuschman; Dr. Judith Wilkinson, Director of University Counseling Center; Ms. Julia Wingard, Senior Director, Student Unions; Mr. Harvey Wolff, Faculty Senate Representative; Mr. Harry Wyatt, Associate Vice President, Facilities Management; Media Represented included WNWO, WTOL, Fox News and WSPD Radio.

1.  Call to Order

Chair Browne called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and announced there would be a change in the agenda.  Auditor of State Betty D. Montgomery met this morning with the board of trustees Audit Committee with all other trustees in attendance.  Auditor Montgomery gave a presentation of how her office interacts with university audit committees.  She complimented the University of Toledo as being in the forefront of state institutions for forming a board Audit Committee.  Ms. Montgomery was unable to stay for the full board meeting but Chair Browne remarked it was very helpful to hear Auditor Montgomery's comments.

Chair Browne then called on President Daniel Johnson for his report.

2. President's Report

Thank you and good morning, Madam Chair.

Just saying those words reminds me that this is the last time you, in your role as Board Chair, will be introducing me.  I would like to publicly convey my thanks and appreciation for your leadership, the innovations you brought to the board, your support and advocacy for a stronger UT, and your personal engagement as Chair in the life of the University.
You should feel a great sense of pride and accomplishment as you end your term of service as the Chair of the Board of Trustees. On behalf of all of us--staff, faculty, administration and the students--I want to thank you for the wonderful job you performed as our Chair.
With your permission (or even without your permission) I would like for the Board, the administration and our friends here today to join me in recognizing you for your service as our Madam Chair.
Also today, we take special note of the fact that Trustee Jim Tuschman is fulfilling his nine-year commitment to the Governor, the State and the University as a Trustee.  Jim Tuschman was Chairman of the Board when I was selected as President. The relationship between a President and his first Chairman is special.  There is a natural "co-dependency" that defines that relationship. In that first year there are literally hundreds of meetings, phone calls, early morning breakfasts and evening dinners, special and not-so-special events, issues, and even a few emergencies.
Jim, not only did we survive but we thrived and enjoyed many successes.  On behalf of the entire University community--students, faculty, staff and administration, I want to thank you for your service, your commitment, and your love of the University of Toledo.
I would like to ask the members of the campus community here this morning to join me in expressing our appreciation and gratitude to you and Ina.
The June Board meeting is always an especially important meeting.  There are many issues and decisions to make and significant ceremonial traditions we follow. And our meeting today is no exception. However, before jumping into the major Board issues, I would like to make special note of our "points of pride" as well as mention a few special events of the past few weeks.  (Exhibit #1)
It was great to have First Lady Hope Taft and Governor Taft here to help us launch our new National Center for Parents.  Hope Taft was our keynote speaker and what a great job she did.  We also appreciated and enjoyed the visit of Dr. Myles Brand, President of NCAA.  His lecture and visit, sponsored by the Strategic Issues and Planning Committee of the Board, was an important part of our year-long focus on the role of athletics at UT.  Just last week, we hosted MAC Commissioner, Rick Chryst, to campus.  Again, the Strategic Issues and Planning Committee heard the Commissioners presentation on major conference issues.  This, too, was part of our year-long focus on athletics.  One of our student-athlete "superstars," Briana Shook, literally "shook" the NCAA Track and Field Championships earlier this month where she took second in the 3000 meter steeplechase. She was the only American among the four top finishers.
By now you know from the recent front page story in the Blade that our own Distinguished Professor of Jazz, Jon Hendricks, was the recipient of the "Legion of Honor" Award, the highest civilian award given by the nation of France.  UT may well be the only university in the country that has a Legion of Honor recipient on its faculty.  Jon Hendricks was also highly recognized during Toledo's Art Tatum Jazz Festival this past weekend.  UT was an important player in helping the city and the Toledo Jazz Society make this a very successful community event.  Our UT Stranahan Professor of Leadership and Organizational Management, Clint Longenecker, was recognized a few weeks ago by Ernst and Young with the Supporter of Entrepreneur Award. This is a very well-deserved award for a person who does so much in the community and on our campus.   As we have for the past several years, we hosted the Valedictorians from high schools across  Northwest Ohio. Last year 16 of these Valedictorians selected UT.  This year, 30 chose UT as  their university.  These are young people who could choose nearly any university...and I am proud they are coming to the University of Toledo. I believe that number will continue to grow.
There have been other significant events and changes on campus that I would like to mention.
This past week Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe announced his resignation as Vice President of Student Life effective July 1.  He will, with the Board's approval today, become Special Assistant to the President for Diversity Affairs where he will work with me and the Commission on Diversity to help us advance this important mission of the University.

Today I am also asking for the Board's approval of the recommendation from the Finance Committee authorizing expanded responsibilities for Sr. Vice President for Finance, Technology and Operations, Bill Decatur, with commensurate adjustments in his compensation. As you know, we eliminated the position of Vice President for Educational and Instructional Technology last year.  This is a division of more than 70 staff and plays an enormously important role at the University. I asked Bill to accept responsibility for this unit.  Bill's new title, reflecting his significantly expanded responsibilities, will be--with your approval--Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the University.

Likewise, in recognition of substantially increased responsibilities accepted by Alan Goodridge, our Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs & Enrollment Services, when he took over the Division of Enrollment Services--a Division of over 100 staff members--I am asking for your support of an adjustment in his compensation.

IfI may, Madam Chair, I would like to take a minute to share with you why I think these adjustments in compensation are justified and appropriate and are being recommended:

This is part of a reorganization that we began last year in which we eliminated two Vice Presidencies.  The duties and responsibilities of these Vice Presidents did not go away once the positions were eliminated but rather were re-assigned to Bill Decatur and Alan Goodridge.  This change has enabled the University to achieve a net savings of over $250,000. Just as we would not ask a faculty member or staff member to take on major additional duties and responsibilities and work longer hours without appropriate adjustments in compensation, so too it would not be right or fair for the University or fair to ask these two individuals to do that.
o Second, it is important that we continue to make every effort to retain individuals--in the faculty, staff and administration--who are doing outstanding work in important roles and who are also being actively recruited by other universities. If we are not competitive, we will lose outstanding people.

o Third, to lose quality people in key positions is very costly to a University.  UT has had that experience and we know better than most institutions how costly it can be. Search and relocation costs at the VP level can easily run $125,000 to $150,000. That, combined with the lost momentum and lost opportunities, is substantial.

o Beyond the financial implications, these administrators and leaders of our University serve as a strong and stabilizing force during these very difficult, challenging and troubling times in higher education. A loss of either one of these two campus leaders would cost us much, much more than the increases I am recommending.

o The recommended increases will also help address the fact that both are working at salaries below those at institutions with whom we are competing for executive leadership.

o I should also note that I have not only studied the costs and benefits of this recommendation, I have studied its financial impact on our students.  The financial impact of adjusting the compensation for both individuals will cost each student $1.75 for the academic year. This is .87 cents a semester or .06 cents a week, less than a penny a day.

o The cost of just a search to replace one of these positions would cost students $6.25 for the academic year, more than three and a half times the cost of the adjustment in compensation.

o I will just conclude my comments on this by saying that if I did not believe this was the right thing to do or if it was not in the best interest of the students and the University, I would be the last one to make such a recommendation.

Looking ahead to the coming year, I am pleased to submit to the Board today for its consideration my proposed goals.  You have had an opportunity to review these goals and I appreciate your feedback. This has enabled us to work together to identify and prioritize the issues that need to be addressed. This is a very ambitious set of goals but each is important and deserves our attention.  I would be pleased if you could act on this proposal today.  This would help us set the stage this summer for our work in the coming year.  

Finally, I would like to comment on the recommended tuition increases you will act on today. We have sought to maintain our tuition position relative to the other Ohio public universities. This proposal will accomplish that goal.  However, having said that, I know that every one in the administration and, I believe, on this Board is very concerned about tuition rates Ohio public universities are forced to charge to maintain and increase academic quality due to inadequate support from the state.

There is little question in my mind, as I have said before, that Ohio is failing the test of affordable quality higher education.   It is with regret but out of necessity that I support the adoption of recommended tuition increases you have before you today.  Our students and their families as well as our state, deserve better and I will do all I can to continue calling attention to this important public policy issue in Columbus and across the state. I believe it is the most important public policy question facing our state.

Madam Chair that concludes my report.  I apologize for its length.  

Chair Browne thanked President Johnson for his report and asked Trustee Jim Tuschman to come forward.  Ms. Browne presented Trustee Tuschman with a resolution thanking him for his contributions to the University over the past nine years.  (Exhibit #2)  Trustee Tuschman remarked that his nine years on the board has been time very well spent, that he will miss most the friendships built over the last nine years.  He stated UT is in good hands, that growth will continue with the stewardship of a great board and a very competent president.

Chair Browne welcomed the new Faculty Senate representatives at the meeting today, Dr. Michael Dowd, Faculty Senate Chair and Mr. Harvey Wolff, Faculty Senate Representative to the Board.  The new Student Government leaders, President Guy Beeman and Vice President Laura Abu-Absi were also welcomed.

Chair Browne then asked Athletic Director Michael O'Brien to introduce a distinguished student athlete of the University of Toledo, Brianna Shook and her coach, Mr. Kevin Hadsell.  Mr. O'Brien told the trustees that Brianna graduated this past May with a degree in communications with a 3.5 GPA.  Ms. Shook is from Tiffin, Ohio and has won 11 MAC titles in her career, nine in track and two in cross country.  She became the first woman in Mid-American Conference history to win an indoor title three consecutive times when she won the 3,000 meters at the 2004 MAC Indoor Championship.  She also won the 5,000 meter run at the Indoor MAC for the second straight year, setting the MAC Championship record.  Brianna was named by the United States Track Coaches Association the 2004 outdoor women's track Athlete of the Year for the Great Lakes Region.

Chair Browne stated the entire University family is proud of Brianna Shook’s accomplishments; that her achievements in sports, as well as her 3.5 GPA are exemplary.  Chair Browne also recognized Brad Heaven, who could not be present today, stating the board is proud of his accomplishments also.

3. Chair's Year End Summary

The Board of Trustees Committees had an extremely productive year, and I want to review Committee accomplishments.   We continued our work with a different committee structure and committee process compared to previous years.

I want to thank each of the committee members for their hard work.  Two significant changes occurred with regard to Committees.  First, I suggested last June that the entire Board operate as a Committee-of-the-Whole for the Finance, Administration and Facilities Committee. The stakes are simply too high in the current fiscal climate for any board member to miss any of this important discussion and planning.

That plan was implemented throughout the year.  Additionally, the Audit Committee was created to assist the board carry out its fiduciary duties.

Wehad seven committees and I offer specific thanks to each chair of the committees. These include: 

1. Academic Affairs: Bob Redmond 
2. Audit:  Judge McQuade
3. Finance, Administration & Facilities: Rick Stansley
4. Institutional Advancement:  JimTuschman
5. Strategic Issues and Planning:  Dan Brennan
6. Student Affairs: Hernan A. Vasquez
7. Trusteeship: Judge McQuade

Last August, in my address to the board, I began the year with quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson:  this time, like all times, is a very good time, if we but know what to do with it.  I am proud to say that this year we built on the numerous accomplishments from the previous year.  At that time the Committees were asked to gather information and develop recommendations to bring back to the board on specific strategic issues.   In brief, the strategic issues with which we charged our committees were as follows:

1. The desired student experience;
2. The desired first year student experience;
3. Services for transfer and adult students;
4. The capital campaign;
5. The role of athletics;
6. The Prioritization Task Force;
7. Development of the technology corridor;
8. The Facilities Master Plan; and
9. Campus-wide risk assessment and management

Wemade considerable progress on these strategic issues, and we added a few more throughout the course of the year. 

During the 2003-2004 academic year the Board of Trustees Committees:

     1. Developed our own new Board bylaws, which we will approve today.
     2. Initiated development of new Board processes.
     3. Undertook policy and practice reviews.
     4. Engaged in stewardship through review, edit, & endorsement of administration planning efforts.
     5. Reviewed, edited, & approved budgets  -and-
     6. Provided Statewide leadership and advocacy efforts

Here is a sample of Committee accomplishments during the 2003-2004 Academic Year.

The Academic Affairs Committee completed a conceptual model for the First Year Experience that was endorsed by the Deans, and Faculty Senate.  Of the academic components, nine projects were funded beginning in January 2004 with full implementation to 8 projects beginning Fall 2004.  A strategic plan for the recruitment of transfer student is under development.   The Center for Parents and the Intermodal Transportation Institute were brought forth this year, as well as the faculty hiring plan.

The Audit Committee was established this year and reviewed the internal audit process, reviewed the internal audit plans and special projects, and of course, gained insight from the visit with State Auditor Betty Montgomery this morning.

The Finance, Administration & Facilities Committee presented the emerging picture of facilities planning, reviewed and defined principles and objectives regarding revenue enhancement, and led a discussion of outreach program for local and small business wanting to work with UT.  

The Institutional Advancement Committee presented the naming policy for board approval and completed a review of the public relations and marketing at UT, recommending for approval the new design of a more cost effective, impact enhanced approach. 

The Student Life Committee received the results of the student survey, with the results related to the principles of the desired student experience; in addition, the committee discussed the first year experience and methods for assessing the effectiveness of the program.  This will be updated next year.

The Strategic Issues and Planning Committee undertook a discussion of the role, impact, and future direction of university technology; focused on several areas regarding the role and status of athletics at the University; discussed the master planning process and the planning and development of a technology corridor; and continued efforts to bring about greater collaboration with other institutions of higher education.

The Committee on Trusteeship initiated development of a new process for public comment, provided a revision of the Board’s bylaws, and discussed the Performance Indicators - Dashboard Indicators, moving that the Board adopt the Benchmark Indicator System developed by the administration.

Almost all committees discussed the benchmark indicator system with relevant data and assessment plans.

I want to thank the vice presidents who facilitated the work of the Committees of the Board. Much of our committee work begins and ends with The University of Toledo administration.  President Johnson, the support of you and your staff have made this year's committee work productive.  Thank you.

I have been honored to have served as the Chair of The University of Toledo Board of Trustees for the past two years.  In my original charge to the Board, I said my goal was to offer a clear road map for our future direction.  The Association of Governing Boards book, "Effective Trusteeship" by Richard T. Ingram, helps to clarify the role of a board of trustees.  First and foremost, the board serves the public trust.  It serves the institution as a whole.  It is responsible for ensuring the long-term viability of the University.  Therefore, it must keep its eyes on the future.  The board's role is to provide strategic governance.  This means that the board has a special responsibility to focus on matters of longer term, strategic importance to the University's future - and not on matters of institutional management.  These routine matters are the president's responsibility.  Our responsibility is to concern ourselves with the issues and decisions that will determine the future financial and academic health of the university.

Inaddition to these duties, the board selects, monitors and supports the president.  The president - not the board - is responsible for overseeing the management and day-to-day operations of the University.  The board delegates authority to him and in turn holds the president responsible for achieving agreed-upon goals.

Webegan our journey by focusing our attention on the question of how we can most effectively fulfill our role as a board.  We suggested that the board should accomplish its role through effective committee structure, effective board meetings, and collaborative work with the administration. 

Weworked with a very different committee structure and process than in previous years.  The board committees have been extremely productive.

I appreciate the willingness of the Board of Trustees to hear new ideas and to be responsive to those ideas. This was a new concept that worked.  I believe we advanced the cause of the University by doing so.  Thank you. 

I also want to extend my thanks to the following:
o The vice presidents for their willingness to serve as administrative contacts and work to facilitate the committees. 
o The Office of Public Relations; Joe Brennan and Tobin Klinger who have provided excellent support, strategic assistance, sometimes at a moment's notice, during the past two years.

o Faculty Senate, and in particular Jerry Sherman and Alice Skeens as well as the Student Government leadership, for being responsive and supportive of the changes in reporting information to the Board. 

o The board office staff, Sandra Drabik, Elizabeth Griggs, Judy Fegley and Joyce Gregory for all of their support these past two years.

o UT Foundation President Brenda Lee and Vice President for Institutional Advancement Vern Snyder for their help and assistance. Also, Gary Smith, Dale Seymor.

o UT Alumni Affairs Office - Dan Saevig, Rob Robinson and Karen Fraker.

With the foundation we built as a board, with the leadership of Dan Johnson and our University administration, with the dedication of our excellent faculty and staff, and with the help of our students, I know that we will continue to envision and shape the University's direction and ensure a strategic approach to the future. 

Anexample of this is the budget that will be presented today.  This budget is an accomplishment.  In an era of declining resources, we have maintained the mission as our beacon and held a steady course true to the strategic plan.  It is critically important that we retain highly qualified, dedicated administrators, faculty and staff to maintain and enhance the stability and strength of our University.  We will adhere to the faculty hiring plan endorsed by the board.  We accomplish that today.

Toour students and their parents or significant others:  The increase in fees is regrettable; but the trustees are responsible for maintaining the financial and academic integrity of the University, and we take this responsibility very seriously.  We promise that we will make every effort to maximize our resources and provide excellence in education and opportunity to you.  We will keep the mission as our beacon.

Ithas been a privilege and an honor to serve as the Chairman of the Board of the University of Toledo over the past two years.  Thank you.

I started these comments with a "thank you" to Jim Tuschman.  I'd like to conclude them with another thank you to someone who provides countless volunteer hours on behalf of the University.

I want to take a moment to say a special thank you to Elaine Johnson.  Elaine, I am really glad to see you here today; would you please come forward.

Elaine has provided countless hours on behalf of the University as a volunteer.  She graciously represents the President when he cannot attend events.  She hosts a variety of campus and community groups, and serves on UT committees and community boards, freely giving of her time and energy.  She travels across the country meeting potential UT benefactors and alumni, contributing to events and activities, lending her own gracious personal touch to all that she does. 

Elaine, thank you and on behalf of the board I would like to present this small token of our appreciation to you for serving graciously as a distinguished ambassador for the University.

Vice Chair Dan Brennan said it was appropriate at this time to interrupt.  He stated that Chair Browne had provided exceptional vision and leadership over the term of her chairmanship and then presented her with a token of the board’s appreciation.  The board, Faculty Senate Representatives, Student Government representatives and public in the room all applauded.

Concluding her remarks, Chair Browne then moved on to the consent agenda items.

4. Consent Agenda Items

Chair Browne noted the April 28, 2004 board meeting minutes were provided in advance and requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the minutes and the materials contained in the consent agenda items a) through e):

a) Approval of Minutes - April 28, 2004
b) Grants Report
c) Distance Learning Center Name Change
d) Additional Fee Recommendation
e) Southwest Mechanical Utilities Project

Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Judge McQuade, to approve the consent agenda items a) through e) as listed, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

5. Information Items

There were no information items brought forward at this meeting

6. Approval Items

Faculty Personnel Actions

Chair Browne called on Trustee Redmond to present the Academic Affairs items recommended for approval by the board.  Mr. Redmond stated the faculty personnel actions were reviewed by the Academic Affairs Committee and the recommendation was made to forward the actions to the full board for approval.  Upon a motion by Mr. Redmond, seconded by Mr. Tuschman to approve the Faculty Personnel Actions, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

Policy on Confidentiality of Student Records

Trustee Redmond stated the Policy on Confidentiality of Student Records was presented at the Academic Affairs Committee meeting and it was recommended the policy be forwarded to the board for their approval.  Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Ms. Summons to approve the Policy on Confidentiality of Student Records, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

Chair Browne requested a motion to suspend the requirement for the second reading for the enactment of the Policy on Confidentiality of Student Records.  Upon a motion by Judge McQuade, seconded by Mr. Vasquez, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

Audit Process Communication

Chair Browne called on Trustee McQuade to present information from the Audit Committee regarding the process for communication.  Judge McQuade stated the Audit Committee recommends that a process be developed whereby the Audit Committee chairman is the first point of communication regarding an event triggering an audit. The chair of the Audit Committee will in turn keep the full board informed. 

Upon the recommendation of the Audit Committee that the chair of the Audit Committee be the first point of communication regarding an event triggering an audit, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Staff Personnel Actions

Chair Browne called on Trustee Stansley to present the Finance Committee items recommended for approval.  Mr. Stansley reported that the Finance Committee reviewed the proposed Staff Personnel Actions at their meeting last week.  At the meeting they listened to the concerns of Faculty Senate regarding pay raises for the Provost and the Vice President for Finance.  After thorough discussion at that meeting, including comments opposing the pay raises from Dr. Michael Dowd, Faculty Senate Chair and Mr. Guy Beeman, Student Government President, it was recommended the Staff Personnel Actions be forwarded to the board for their approval. 

Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Mr. Fall to approve the Staff Personnel Actions, Chair Browne asked for further discussion.  A number of trustees spoke in support of the proposed pay raises.  Mr. Stansley stated that in addition to hearing the concerns of Faculty Senate and Student Government, just today the board received a copy of a letter addressed to President Johnson from the Black Student Union opposing the pay raises.  Mr. Stansley asked that the letter be included with the meeting minutes.  (Exhibit #3)  Mr. Stansley stated Faculty Senate Chair Dowd raised issues of fairness and requested that this issue be further discussed in the appropriate board committee.

Atthe conclusion of the discussion, Chair Browne called for a vote on the motion to approve the Staff Personnel Actions.  A roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Abstain

  Motion passed.

Fiscal Year 2005 Budget Recommendations

Trustee Stansley presented a recommendation from the Finance Committee to approve the Fiscal Year 2005 Budget Recommendations as discussed at the Finance Committee meeting last week. 

Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Mr. Fall to approve the Fiscal Year 2005 Budget Recommendations as presented, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Abstain

  Motion passed.

Salary Increase Resolution for Fiscal Year 2005

Trustee Stansley reported the Finance Committee reviewed the proposed salary increases for Fiscal Year 2005 and recommends approval to the board.

Upon a motion by Stansley, seconded by Mr. Brennan to approve the Salary Increase Resolution for Fiscal Year 2005 as presented, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

Need-Based Aid Quasi-Endowment Fund

Trustee Stansley reviewed the Need-Based Aid Quasi-Endowment Fund which was discussed at the Finance Committee meeting.  Mr. Stansley stated the Finance Committee recommends the establishment of the fund. 

Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Judge McQuade to approve establishing the Need-Based Aid Quasi-Endowment Fund, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

Enterprise Resource Planning Project

Trustee Stansley reviewed the Enterprise Resource Planning Project which was presented to the Finance Committee last week by Mr. Joe Sawasky, Associate Vice President of Information Technology and Mr. Brian Bushong, Director, ERP Implementation Project.  Mr. Stansley stated it was a very good, thorough presentation and that the Finance Committee recommends granting authority to the president to approve the purchase as stated.

Upon a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Tuschman to grant authority to the president to approve the purchase of ERP software, associated database and other software, related hardware, and the related professional implementation services in consultation with the chairperson of the board of trustees, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

Proposed Policies

Chair Browne asked Trustee Stansley to present the recommendation of the Finance Committee regarding the Concealed/Dangerous Weapons, Violence in the Workplace, and Operational Contingency and Continuity Planning Policies.  Trustee Stansley stated all three policies were reviewed by the Finance Committee and that the committee recommends the board approve all three policies.  Chair Browne asked trustees if they would like to discuss each individual policy or vote on the three as a group.  The consensus was to vote on all three policies as a group.

Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Judge McQuade to approve the Concealed/Dangerous Weapons, Violence in the Workplace, and Operational Contingency and Continuity Planning Policies, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Tuschman to suspend the requirement for the second reading for the enactment of the Concealed/Dangerous Weapons, Violence in the Workplace and Operational Contingency and Continuity Planning Policies, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

Residence Hall Policy

Chair Browne called on Trustee Vasquez to present the Residence Hall Policy that was reviewed by the Student Life Committee.  Mr. Vasquez asked that Dr. Ronald Speier, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students be permitted to present the policy as reviewed by the Student Life Committee.  Dr. Speier presented the policy and after several questions from trustees, Chair Browne requested a motion to approve the policy as recommended by the Student Life Committee.

Upon a motion by Mr. Vasquez, seconded by Mr. Fall to approve the Residence Hall Policy as stated, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Tuschman to suspend the requirement for the second reading for the enactment of the Residence Hall Policy, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

Revisions to the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees

Chair Browne called on Trustee McQuade to present the information regarding the revisions to the bylaws of the board.  Judge McQuade stated the Trusteeship Committee recommends that the board approve the bylaws as amended and as contained in the meeting agenda under Exhibit D.

Trustee Stansley asked that the Presidential Assessment Committee be removed as a standing committee and in lieu of that, there be reports by the President regarding the status of his goals at each board meeting.  It was agreed that the Presidential Assessment Committee not be a standing committee.

Upon a motion by Judge McQuade, seconded by Mr. Tuschman to approve the second reading of the bylaws as presented, with the exception of removing the Presidential Assessment Committee as a standing committee, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

Presidential Assessment Committee

Chair Browne asked that Trustee McQuade present the results of the Presidential Assessment Committee. Judge McQuade stated that the committee consisting of himself, Trustee Fall, and Trustee Stansley first formulated questions to ask President Johnson.  They then met with the president and assessed his skills in the following areas:  the institutional agenda; academic leadership; general management and planning; fiscal management and budgeting; fund raising; internal relationships; and finally, external relationships.  Judge McQuade reviewed the committee’s findings in each area and summarized that the committee feels President Johnson has fulfilled all of the board’s expectations.  Finally, the board was presented with President’s Johnson’s 2004 – 2005 goals.  (Exhibit #4)

Upon the motion of Judge McQuade, seconded by Mr. Fall to accept the 2004 – 2005 goals for President Johnson as presented, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Chair Browne thanked Judge McQuade for the report and also thanked Trustees Fall and Stansley for their work.  She especially appreciated that the committee followed the process for the annual assessment outlined by the Trusteeship Committee.  Chair Browne stated this assessment provides the foundation for the comprehensive presidential assessment which is scheduled to take place next year.  Chair Browne added that the board selected a strong and committed president who has accomplished significant progress and that the board looks forward to achieving the mutually agreed upon goals since, with President Johnson at the helm, the University of Toledo can and will accomplish significant progress towards achieving the mission as a student centered public metropolitan research university.

6. Executive Session

Chair Browne requested a motion to go into an executive session at to discuss compensation of a public official.

Upon the motion by Ms. Summons, seconded by Mr. Tuschman to go into an executive session to discuss compensation of a public official, a roll call vote was taken:

  Ms. Browne  Yes
  Mr. Brennan  Yes
  Mr. Fall  Yes
  Judge McQuade Yes
  Mr. Redmond  Yes
  Mr. Stansley  Yes
  Ms. Summons  Yes
  Mr. Tuschman  Yes
  Mr. Vasquez  Yes

  Motion passed.

At12:00 p.m. the board reconvened.

Chair Browne stated that President Johnson has requested, due to the financial situation of the university, that he receive no raise in salary this year.  Because of this request, Chair Browne proposed:

1. The President be granted the same raise that faculty will receive, 1.5%
2. President Johnson's contract be extended to 2007
3. The board offer the president a 90 day sabbatical to be used to study a special project

Upon a motion by Judge McQuade, seconded by Ms. Summons to approve the proposal recommended by Chair Browne, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

7. Nominating Committee Report

Chair Browne asked that Trustee Summons report the recommendation of the Nominating Committee.

Trustee Summons stated the Nominating Committee consisting of herself, Trustee Fall and Trustee Tuschman proposes the following slate of officers to be elected to serve 2004 - 2005:

 Chair - Trustee Daniel J. Brennan
 Vice-Chair - Trustee Richard B. Stansley, Jr.

Upon the motion by Mr. Tuschman, seconded by Mr. Vasquez to elect the slate as presented, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Chair Browne announced as stipulated by the new bylaws, Vice President and General Counsel Sandra A. Drabik will serve as board secretary for 2004 - 2005.

Chair Browne congratulated the new officers and stated she believes this will be an excellent transition for the board; that she and Dan Brennan have been meeting regularly with President Johnson to discuss the board’s work and establish the agenda.

8. Adjournment

There being no further business before the Board, upon the motion duly made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 12:06 p.m.



The University of Toledo "Points of Pride" - June 2004

Senior Briana Shook represented the University well at the NCAA Track and Field Championships on Saturday, June 12, where she took second place in the 3,000-meter steeplechase. Shook ran a MAC-record time of 9:49.44. She was the only American among the top four finishers, which should bode well for her chances at the U.S. Olympic Trials (July 9-18).  Thanks to Shook's second-place finish, the Rockets finished in a tie for 28th place, the best team finish in school history.

Congratulations to all of our student-athletes for their performances both on the playing field and in the classroom during the spring semester.  More than 52 percent of UT student-athletes achieved a 3.0 grade point average or better for the 2004 spring semester.  In addition, 8 of the 15 sport programs had team GPA's of 3.0 or above, and 13 student-athletes earned perfect 4.0 GPAs. Collectively, UT's 304 student-athletes earned a 2.907 GPA, an increase from 2.810 for the fall semester.

Congratulations are in order for Jon Hendricks, Distinguished Professor of Jazz, who has been awarded a French Legion of Honor in the class of knight or chevalier. The Legion of Honor is France's highest civilian commendation.  Hendricks was honored on Sunday, June 6, during a tribute concert to him as part of the D-Day Jazz Festival at the Théâtre d'Hérouville-St.-Clair. The honor is bestowed on French or foreign men and women for outstanding accomplishments in military or civilian life.

Dr. Bruce Averill, Distinguished University Professor of Chemistry, has been awarded a Jefferson Science Fellowship in the U.S. Department of State for the 2004-05 academic year. As part of the program, Averill will be one of five senior United States scientists that will spend a year at the U.S. State Department in Washington, D.C., and possibly U.S. foreign embassies providing expertise in areas of science and technology that impact U.S. foreign policy decisions. After returning to UT, Averill will act as a consultant to the department for five years.

Dr. Clint Longenecker, Stranahan Professor of Leadership and Organizational Management, was honored with the Supporter of Entrepreneurship Award at the recent Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards.  Judging was based on six criteria: leadership, impact of entrepreneurship, transferability, giving back, originality and degree of difficulty.  Longenecker is eligible for the national competition that culminates in an awards event in November in Palm Springs, California. 
Dr. Gary Moore, associate professor of business administration, was recently awarded the Volunteer of the Year Award by the UT Alumni Association. He was presented the award for assisting with the financials, setting the membership dues and estimating the actuarial reserves for the life memberships of the association.

Dr. Lisa Kovach, assistant professor of foundations in education, was honored in May at the Oregon City Schools' Adopt A Partner Luncheon for her work on the PEERS program at Starr Elementary School. Kovach developed PEERS as an anti-violence program that attempts to prevent bullying among fourth- and fifth-graders at area elementary schools. 

Dr. Vijay Goel, chair and professor of bioengineering, and his research team won the Special Emphasis Best Poster Award at the 31st annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Lumbar Spine in May.  The poster, "Biomechanical basis for using signal changes of pedicle on MRI as an indicator for early diagnosis of spondylolysis," was a collaborative effort between researchers from the bioengineering department, the Medical College of Ohio and Tokushima University.

Dr. Brian Randolph, associate dean of undergraduate studies, was named American Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE) of the Year for the society's Toledo chapter. In addition, College of Engineering graduate and Randolph’s advisee, Matt Choma, was named ASCE Young Engineer of the Year for the chapter.

On Wednesday, June 2, President Dan Johnson and the National Center for Parents inaugural governing board hosted a reception in the newly renovated atrium of the Health and Human Services Building with special guests Gov. Bob Taft and First Lady Hope Taft. The center will serve as the catalyst for outreach efforts both locally and nationally to focus on the importance of the role of parents, and will provide research developed by UT faculty that will be used to inform decision-makers as they enact policies that affect parents. In addition to the Tafts, retired Lucas County Juvenile Court Judge Andy Devine, Toledo Mayor Jack Ford and Lucas County Juvenile Court Judge James Ray spoke during the program.

UT's National Youth Sports Program, winner of the Silvio O. Conte Award of Excellence for 2003, started its summer season on Sunday, June 6, by presenting Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur with a University of Toledo Presidential Citation. Kaptur was recognized for her continued support in securing funding for the program. NYSP meets weekdays on UT's campus from June 7 until July 9 and is housed in UT's College of Health and Human Services.

UT law students are hitting the books - the College of Law ranked second in the state for students taking the Ohio bar exam for the first time. Eighty-nine percent of UT first-time test takers passed the February exam, according to figures released last month.

Dr. Marcia McInerney, professor and chair of medicinal and biological chemistry, has co-authored a paper titled "A Spontaneous Model for Autoimmune Myocarditis Using the Human MHC Molecule," which was published in the most recent edition of the Journal of Immunology.  McInerney's paper is based on experiments conducted during her sabbatical leave while she was an Iacocca Fellow at the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard University.

Dr. William S. Messer Jr., professor and chair of pharmacology, has been awarded a research grant by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) providing $229,863 to UT for the first year and $919,452 for four years to develop new treatments for Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia. This represents a competitive renewal for Messer, who has received continuous funding from the NIH for the past 17 years.

The Capacity-Building in Construction Program was honored with the 2004 Partner Award at the Regional Growth Partnership's Seventh Annual Partners in Progress Awards. The award was received in recognition of excellence in service to building a high-tech, high-performance economy in Toledo and northwest Ohio.

The University’s fall 2004 freshman class will feature 30 valedictorians from area high schools. This is nearly a 50 percent increase in the number of area valedictorians that attended UT two years ago. These students, along with more than 200 high school valedictorians from northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan, are featured in this year's "Best of the Class" commercials, which have been taped on UTs campus for more than 20 years.  The commercials will air on WTOL-TV Ch. 11 throughout June.


A Resolution

James M. Tuschman

WHEREAS you were appointed by Governor Bob Taft in July 1995 to serve
a nine-year term on The University of Toledo Board of Trustees; and

WHEREAS you graduated from Miami University in 1963 with a bachelor's degree in business and received your law degree from The Ohio State University in 1966; and

WHEREAS you were chairman of the Board of Trustees from 2000 to 2002;

WHEREAS over your nine-year term you have served as chair of the Academic Affairs and Institutional Advancement Committees and as a member of the Building and Grounds, Finance, Institutional Advancement, Nominating and Student Affairs Committees; and

WHEREAS in June 2003 you were appointed by Governor Taft to serve as a member of the Governor’s Commission on Higher Education and the Economy and
co-chaired the Governance, Structure and Finance Subcommittee; and

WHEREAS your term on The University of Toledo Board of Trustees will end July 1, 2004.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees expresses its gratitude and indebtedness of the entire University community for your service.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be conveyed to you.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Resolution, adopted unanimously, be spread upon the minutes of this Board, to become a part of the permanent records of The University of Toledo.

Done this 23rd day of June 2004.
Joan Uhl Browne, Chair of the Board of Trustees            
Daniel M. Johnson, President of The University of Toledo       


The University of Toledo
Student Union 312
2999 W. Bancroft
Toledo, Ohio 43606

June 23, 2004

President Dan Johnson
The University of Toledo
University Hall 3500

Re:  Salary Increases and new student life delegation

Dear Dr. Johnson,

We, the Black Student Union, have read over the letter that was sent to you by Student Government President Guy Beeman and we wholeheartedly share his sentiment in regards to this matter.  We are 100% against the salary increases of the VP of Finance, Dr. Decatur, and the Provost, Dr. Goodrich.  The timing of such a raise is completely inappropriate in the midst of tuition increases for students and budget cuts for several auxiliaries in the university and sets a bad precedent as to the priorities of the university administration.  Since I began my efforts with the Black Student Union, I have always felt that I have had the support of you and most of your administration.  I have always considered this administration's philosophy of a "student-centered" university to be genuine.  These actions are a direct ntradiction of that creed and I feel it damages the administration's credibility with students.  To be fair, I understand the contention that spending this money to keep one of the university's key officers is more feasible than hiring a new one and that the new duties delegated to both these officials justifies their raise, however, as I am sure it has already been expressed to you, other departments dealing with both faculty and staff have had to deal with increased responsibility without necessarily increase our sensation because it was for the greater good of our university during trying times.  The burden of the budget crisis is felt by every part of this university especially the students.  We, the Black Student Union, do not feel that these new duties justify such a pay increase in the midst of a budget crisis.  This action among others in the past leads us to believe that the administration fails to take students and our input seriously.  In the past three years, students have experienced several proverbial "slaps in the face" from this administration.  I was a part of the general fee committee the year our recommendation to the board of trustees was thrown out.  We, the students, have witnessed the dismantling of several valued auxiliaries supported by student life including the swim team, the men's track team and this past year the dance department.  I am aware of the uniqueness of the situations in which each of these actions took place, but nevertheless the actions speak for themselves.  We, the Black Student Union, can no longer in good faith share the sentiment that this university is student centered.  Please understand that this is not a personal attack.  I still truly believe wholeheartedly in your intentions and passion towards the interests of students, which is why I know that you will take my criticism and that of Guy Beeman seriously.  We, the Black Student Union, look forward to addressing this issue among others with you in the near future.


Chauncey Alcorn
BSU President


· Academic Quality
· Capital Campaign
· Collaboration and Implementation of CHEE
· Corridor (Northwest Ohio Science and Technology Corridor)

Like last year's goals, this is a very challenging and ambitious agenda.  All four goals should be viewed as "multi-year" projects.  None of the proposed goals can be fully accomplished in a single year and should be considered as on-going or continuing goals.

I see my role as providing leadership, time, and effort to ensure a high level of attention and focus on these goals, initiatives and projects.

Description of Goals
· Academic Quality.  Increase the quality and excellence of the University’s academic programs.

The focus of this goal will be to provide leadership to accomplish the following tasks:
- Implementation of the strategic plan
- Implementation of the UT plan for the prioritization of programs and services
- Increasing recognition of excellence and quality of UT programs through implementation of Integrated Marketing and Public Relations
- Advancing the implementation of the First Year Experience (FYE) program
- Advancing our initiative to significantly increase external funding for research
- Implementing the strategic 10-year faculty hiring program with emphasis on research faculty
- Advancing the efforts and implementation of  recommendations of the Commission on Engagement
- Continuing movement toward increasing academic performance indicators (e.g., first to second year retention rates, preparation levels of incoming students)

· Capital Campaign.  Achieve significant progress in the implementation of the UT Capital Campaign. 

The Capital Campaign will continue to be one of my highest priorities.  I will continue to provide leadership in this area of increasing resources through a focused, well designed Capital Campaign in which I will be personally engaged with donors. My tasks this year for the Campaign include the following:
- Identifying, appointing, and activating Campaign leadership and teams;
- Publishing and integrating the Case Statement in Campaign activities;
- Identifying major donors and making solicitations.  (Some of these potential donors will be outside the Northwest Ohio region, e.g., East Coast, West Coast, Florida, Texas, and elsewhere and will require considerable travel.)
- Continuing the "quiet phase" of the Campaign while laying the foundation for the "public phase."  While doing it "right" is more important than doing it "fast," there will be an effort to complete the quiet phase of the Campaign in the late spring, 2005.

· Collaboration and Implementation of CHEE.  Achieve measurable cost reductions and increased productivity through inter-institutional collaboration.

I will continue my efforts to provide leadership in promoting stronger and more effective collaboration among appropriate institutions and organizations.  In the past two years, UT has taken a strong leadership role in fostering greater collaboration, particularly among the institutions of higher education in Northwest Ohio.  This movement has been given strong support through the recommendations of the Governor's Commission on Higher Education and the Economy.  This goal is to build on our past efforts and the Commission's recommendation to achieve greater efficiencies and productivity through enhanced collaboration with MCO, BGSU, Owens Community College, and other colleges and universities.  Greater collaboration will be fostered through the following tasks:
- Creating inter-institutional task forces and teams to identify and implement collaborative ventures and partnerships;
- Identifying "target areas" for greater collaboration and partnerships;
- Establishing a high level community "steering committee" to identify areas of enhanced collaboration between UT and MCO;
- Securing agreements for enhanced collaboration through contracts,  memoranda of understanding, and other innovative structures; and
- Working to secure Legislative funding for a "pilot project" to institutionalize collaborative efforts to achieve greater efficiencies and greater productivity.

· Corridor.  Advance the concept of  the "corridor" to a fully developed plan and begin implementation.

I will continue to provide leadership to achieve our vision of The Northwest Ohio Science and Technology Corridor. Through these efforts, the Corridor will become a more visible initiative of the University and area partners to advance economic development in our region. To achieve this visibility and to play this important role, we will carry out the  following tasks:
-  Recruiting and/or contracting with a person or firm to serve as "director" of Corridor development;
- Securing an agreement from relevant parties to a plan a transportation link between the Bancroft Campus and the Scott Park Campus;
- Working with Metroparks and TMACOG to secure access to the CSX abandoned railroad that will link UT with other major Corridor partners, e.g., MCO, ProMedica, WGTE, and others;
- Securing memberships and financial support from partner organizations;
- Securing organizational endorsements from major economic development and governmental entities, e.g., Chamber of Commerce, RGP, Port Authority, City of Toledo, Lucas County, TARTA, and others;
- Completing Business Plan for the Corridor;
- Generating financial and political support from federal, state, and local government bodies as well as other private sources of support;
- Stimulating media coverage of the Corridor that will foster broad community, state and federal support, and
- Recruiting research faculty to strengthen the University's research productivity in support of the Corridor.

Dan Johnson, President
June 21, 2004

Last Updated: 11/4/24