Board of Trustees

August 25, 2004

The University of Toledo
404th Meeting
Board of Trustees
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Student Union Room 2592 
8:15 a.m.

1.       Call to Order                             

2.       Chairman' Remarks 

3.       President' Report - Exhibit A  

4.       Consent Agenda Items - Exhibit B 

a)      Approval of Minutes -June 23, 2004
b)      Faculty Personnel Actions
c)      Grants Report
d)      Revision of Audit Committee Charge
e)      Staff Personnel Actions
f)       Sports Facilities Improvements
g)      Computer Center Roof Replacement
h)      Revised Salary Resolution
i)       Mr. Edwin Dodd Naming Proposal
j)       John Neff Trading Floor Naming Proposal 

5.       Approval Items - None                                                           

6.       Information Items - None                   

7.       Executive Session (if necessary)

8.       Adjournment

Last Updated: 7/15/24