Board of Trustees

October 27, 2004 Minutes

The University of Toledo
405th Meeting
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Student Union - Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m.

The four hundredth and fifth meeting of the Board of Trustees of The University of Toledo was held on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at 8:15 a.m. in Room 2592 of the Student Union, 2801 W. Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio.

Mr. Daniel J. Brennan, Chairman of the Board, presided and Ms. Judy E. Fegley, Interim Coordinator of Board Affairs, recorded the minutes.

The Chairman of the Board requested Ms. Fegley call the roll.

Present: Mr. Daniel J. Brennan
  Ms. Joan Uhl Browne
  Mr. C. William Fall
  Mr. Kristopher L. Keating, Student Trustee
  Mr. William C. Koester
  Judge Richard B. McQuade, Jr.
  Mr. Robert C. Redmond
  Mr. Richard Stansley, Jr.
  Ms. Olivia K. Summons
  Mr. Hernan Vasquez
A quorum of the Board was constituted. 

Student Trustee Donovan T. Nichols joined the meeting at 8:35 a.m.

Also present:  Dr. Daniel M. Johnson, President;  Dr. Alan G. Goodridge, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Enrollment;  Mr. William R. Decatur, Ex. Vice President and Chief Operating Officer; Ms. Sandra A. Drabik, Vice President and General Counsel, Board Secretary; Dr. Penny Poplin Gosetti, Interim Vice President of Student Life; Mr. Vernon Snyder, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Ms. Laura Abu-Absi, Vice President of Student Government; Ms. Susan Andrews, Student Ombudsman; Mr. Mike Angelini, Assistant Treasurer; Mr. Guy Beeman, President, Student Government; Dr. Frank Calzonetti, Vice Provost for Research, Graduate Ed & Economic Development; Mr. Al Comley, Senior Director for Business Services; Dr. Michael Dowd, Chair of Faculty Senate; Mr. Francis Dumbuya, Presidential Fellow; Ms. Elizabeth Griggs, Assistant to the Vice President & General Counsel; Mr. Wayne Gates, Assistant Vice President of Student Life; Ms. Jeanne Hartig, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications; Dr. Lloyd Jacobs, President, Medical College of Ohio; Mr. Kwabena Kankam, Director, Internal Audit;  Mr. Tobin Klinger, Director of University Communications; Mr. Michael O’Brien, Executive Director of Athletics; Ms. Dawn Rhodes, Associate Vice President for Finance and Planning; Mr. Jim Sciarini, Associate Vice President, Human Resources; Dr. Ronald Speier, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students;  Ms. Joan Stasa, Executive Secretary to the President; Mr. Jon Strunk, Interim Media Relations Coordinator; Ms. Ardenia Jones Terry, Associate Vice President, Student Services; Mr. Tom Trimble, Associate Director of Student Unions; Ms. Norine Wasielewski, Senior Director of Health & Wellness; Mr. Harvey Wolff, Faculty Senate Representative; Mr. Harry Wyatt, Associate Vice President, Facilities Management; media represented included Ms. Kim Bates, The Toledo Blade and Mr. Marty Miller, UPN 48.

1. Call to Order

Chairman Brennan called the meeting to order at 8:20 a.m.

2. President's Report

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and good morning everyone.

Before I begin my report I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our new Executive Director of Marketing and Communications and Special Assistant to the President, Jeanne Hartig.  Jeanne has been on the job for just over three weeks, and what a three weeks these have been.

Asyou know, Jeanne comes to us from the University of Central Florida.  Her knowledge of metropolitan universities and experience made her our candidate of first choice and I am pleased that I can introduce her to you today.  Jeanne…please stand.  Would you welcome Jeanne Hartig?  Thank you.

Director Hartig's major responsibilities and initiatives are to implement a new structure for integrated marketing and communications. Further, she will lead the university's efforts to convey more effectively to our constituents, stakeholders, and the public the true quality of the University of Toledo and to bring our "public image" in line with the excellence of our programs and faculty.  

This past week has been one of the most interesting and exciting periods I've had since coming to the University.  Homecoming Weekend brought alumni from across the nation back to campus.  Some of our major donors accepted invitations to be a part of Homecoming festivities. Their presence gave us the opportunity to recognize their strong support for the University and to convey our appreciation for the tremendous difference they are making in the lives of our students and quality of the institution. 

Mr. John Neff, as you know, donated $1 million to the University recently.  He was here and was inducted into Founders Circle, the University's group of million-dollar donors.  Dr. Julius and Joan Jacobson, also million dollar donors, were here as well to be inducted into Founders Circle.  Mr. Ed Kinsey, a million dollar donor, was here to celebrate his 25th reunion at homecoming.  Mr. Kinsey brought a van-load of fine wines from his Palo Alto home to the 25th reunion for his classmates.  It was a very special event.

The past few weeks have also witnessed continued progress--significant progress on the research front.  Professor Xunming Deng received notification of a $2.9 million dollar grant in support of his UT spin-off company that will advance technology for using solar energy to generate hydrogen for fuel cells.  Nearly $900,000 of that grant will come to UT to continue our research in this important area.  Two officials from the U.S. Department of Energy came to the campus to make this announcement.

This is a perfect example of the type of technology transfer and commercialization of research that we believe is going to be a major part of the Science and Technology Corridor and UT's future.

Speaking of the Science and Technology Corridor, I have placed copies of a map that is working document related to a transit study currently underway in Toledo. This study relates to the needs of the Corridor and its partners.  These are very preliminary at this point but I wanted you to know about these discussions. This is an important and exciting development.

Mr. Chairman, I would also like to cite a very special university event that occurred here last week.  The UT College of Pharmacy celebrated its 100th anniversary in an evening-long gala that was one of the best I've ever attended.  Dean Johnny Early and his colleagues hosted a wonderful evening of reminiscences about key leaders, faculty and events from the College's past but more importantly, they celebrated with an eye on the future. Students and faculty were highlighted in a very special evening.  I just want to congratulate the College and its leadership for capturing the essence of a truly important milepost in the life of the College.

Professor Jim Klein, our NCAA Faculty Rep sent me an email message yesterday regarding the NCAA 2004 Graduation Rates Report.  In noting major improvements in UT's stats, Jim said, "I think the highest I have seen since I became the Faculty Rep in 1990."  I would like for Executive Director of Athletics Mike O’Brien to present these stats to you now.  

Mr. O'Brien presented the following NCAA 2004 Graduation Rates Report:

  •  69% for all student athletes compared to 42% for UT general student body
     and 62% for all D-1 schools
  • 71% for UT football players compared to 57% for all D 1-A football programs
  • Of all of the student athletes who entered UT during the 88-89 through 97-98
     academic years and who exhausted their eligibility, 82% graduated by 2003

Mr. O'Brien stated this marked improvement in graduation rates should continue as we experience the effects of the NCAA's new continuing eligibility standards.

President Johnson thanked Mr. O'Brien for this news and continued with his report.

I hope each of you will take a minute to review the "Points of Pride" in your agenda.  Exhibit #1.  These are reports of significant events that give you the flavor and feeling of what's happening across the campus and in the colleges.  It will also make you proud of the faculty and staff as you read of their many on-going accomplishments.

Today, I would also like to take a few minutes to bring you up to date on the important discussions that have been occurring with Dr. Lloyd Jacobs, Dr. Sidney Ribeau and myself focusing on how we can foster greater productivity and efficiencies at our three institutions through increased collaboration. In addition to being the impetus for a new direction in the relationships among our universities, they have produced a growing awareness of the importance of increased collaboration and yielded many ideas for furthering new partnerships.  Our meetings have also been a lot of fun as we have gotten to know one another much better and learned a great deal more about the important similarities and differences of our respective institutions.
I think it would be fair to say that we have a very special relationship with the Medical College of Ohio.  I know that the relationship between Dr. Jacobs and myself has been very useful and, I believe mutually beneficial. 

I am very pleased that Dr. Jacobs could join us this morning.  I wanted you to hear from him how he views the relationship between our two institutions and our efforts to foster new partnerships and increased collaboration.   Lloyd, thank you for coming this morning.

Atthis point Dr. Johnson asked that trustees welcome Dr. Jacobs and invited him to address the board.

Dr. Jacobs thanked President Johnson for his invitation.  He remarked that since he became president of the Medical College of Ohio nearly one year ago, he has enjoyed building on the relationship with the University of Toledo and also Bowling Green State University.  He provided a brief summary of where MCO is today and what is planned for the future.  He expects MCO to continue building on collaborations with UT while retaining its own unique identity. Dr. Jacobs offered to respond to any questions trustees may have. 

Trustee Stansley complimented Dr. Jacobs on his accomplishments thus far.  Mr. Stansley stated that since he is involved with ProMedica himself, he understands the efforts required to achieve these accomplishments and thanked Dr. Jacobs for those efforts and also for being here today.

Trustee Koester asked about the impact MCO has on the northwest Ohio community.  Dr. Jacobs responded that a typical class consists of 140 students and that 75% to 80% of the physicians practicing in northwest Ohio received their training at MCO.

Chairman Brennan stated that on behalf of the board of trustees, he wished to commend both President Johnson and Dr. Jacobs on their collaborative efforts, that he has seen both of them work very hard for the benefit of both institutions and their work is appreciated.

Dr. Johnson thanked Dr. Jacobs for attending the meeting and offering his observations on their collaborative efforts and then continued with his report.

I would just add that Northwest Ohio is competing against every major city and region in the country and the world for talent, research dollars, bright students, technological advantage, greater efficiencies and economic growth.  The key to our economic success and future development as a city and region will be the success and productivity of our academic institutions. There really is no other way. 

The more effectively we can work together--MCO and UT--to achieve student success, greater research outcomes, and increased productivity the greater our impact on the competitiveness of our community, region and state.

Wehave made a good start but we have only scratched the surface of the potential that exists in this important partnership.  We will keep you informed as we continue our conversations and efforts to strengthen our collaborative efforts and build an effective partnership to better serve our students, our region and the state.

Mr. Chairman that concludes my report this morning.  Thank you.

3. Consent Agenda Items

Chairman Brennan noted the August 25, 2004 board meeting minutes were provided in advance and requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the minutes and the materials contained in the consent agenda items with the exception of items h) and i) which would be discussed separately:

a) Approval of Minutes - August 25, 2004
b) Faculty Personnel Actions
c) Grants Report
d) Candidates for Degrees
e) University Assessment Plan
f) Staff Personnel Actions
g) Firewater Supply Line Replacement, Engineering Complex Phase II
h) Telecommunications Infrastructure Renovations
i) Research Building Purchase, Dorr Street
j) Multiple Project Financing - Debt Issuance
k) Additional Fee Recommendation - Student Medical Center
l) Banking Resolution
m) Strategic Plan Update
n) Policy on Records Management

Upon a motion by Ms. Browne, seconded by Mr. Fall, to approve the consent agenda items a) through g) and j) through n) as listed, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.  Judge McQuade reminded trustees to review the Strategic Plan Executive Summary.  Exhibit #2.

Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Judge McQuade, to amend item h) Telecommunications Infrastructure Renovations, to reflect a decrease in the requested amount from $4.5 million to $3.7 million, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.  Item i) Research Building Purchase, Dorr Street was moved to approval items.

4.   Approval Items  

Chairman Brennan stated that in the future all committees and committee chairs will be listed on the agenda in order to allow the chairs to report on the activities of each committee and present any items for information or board approval.  He called on Trustee Stansley to discuss the Audited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2004.

Audited Financial Statements - Fiscal Year 2004

Mr. Stansley reported that at last week's meeting, the Audit Committee received the external auditor's report from Ernst and Young.  There were no significant findings presented in the data.

Upon a motion by Mr. Stansley, seconded by Mr. Fall, to approve the Audited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2004 as presented at the October 19 Audit Committee meeting, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Stansley offered to provide a schedule of proposed audits to any trustee wishing to review it.

Chairman Brennan called on Trustee Fall to present the items brought forward from the Finance Committee.  Mr. Fall stated the Finance Committee recommends two resolutions for board approval, both of which were contained in the board packet under Exhibit C:

Health Care Vendor Contracts

Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Koester, to approve the Health Care Vendor Contracts as presented, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed with one abstention by Mr. Redmond.

Prescription Drug Contract

Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Koester, to approve the Prescription Drug Contract as presented, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Unlawful Harassment Policy

Upon a motion by Ms. Browne, seconded by Mr. Fall, to table the Unlawful Harassment Policy pending further legal review, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Fall stated the Finance Committee has a very full and comprehensive agenda for the year.  It is likely that there will need to be a special board meeting next spring to receive the Facilities Master Plan.  The Finance Committee intends to develop action plans for implementation of the committee charges, and they expect to ask the hard questions of what makes sense from a business standpoint.  Mr. Fall complimented Executive Vice President Decatur and his staff for their work in keeping the committee on track in implementing the committee charges.

Chairman Brennan added he wished to thank the non-trustee members of the Finance Committee as well as the non-trustee members of all board committees for their service.

President Johnson stated Mr. Fall's comments were right on target; that the University is approaching one of its most challenging fiscal times and he also appreciates the hard work that committee members put forth.

Research Building Purchase, Dorr Street

Mr. Fall asked that Executive Vice President Decatur present this item.  Mr. Decatur stated approval is being requested to purchase a building now known as the EISC building for a price of $2.65 million.  Appraisals for the building are being reviewed by the Ohio Department of Administrative Services and the proposed purchase would then be reviewed by the state controlling board.

Upon a motion by Judge McQuade, seconded by Mr. Stansley, a voice vote was taken.  All trustees voted yes with the exception of Mr. Redmond and Mr. Vasquez who voted no and Mr. Fall who abstained.  The motion passed.

5.   Information Items

Chairman Brennan called on Trustee Fall to present information items brought forward from the Finance Committee.

Competitive Bid Process

Mr. Fall stated all trustees had previously received a copy of Mr. Al Comley's report summarizing the Bid Analysis for Fiscal Year 2004.   He asked if any trustee had questions regarding this report and hearing none, stated this document will continue to be reviewed periodically by the Finance Committee.

Update on Review of Medical Center and Child Care Center

Mr. Fall stated the discussions on the Review of the Medical Center and Child Care Center would be better addressed in the Finance Committee and asked that this update be held for a future board meeting.

Chairman Brennan offered to each committee chairman an opportunity to present an update on the work of their committee.

Strategic Issues and Planning Committee Chair McQuade called on Ex. Director of Athletics Mike O'Brien to introduce a short video clip produced by the Golf Channel highlighting the University of Toledo.  He stated this is a very positive piece on the University and wished to share it with the trustees.

After viewing the video, Judge McQuade stated the University is very lucky to have a partnership with Inverness Country Club.  Chairman Brennan seconded the Judge's comments and requested that President Johnson formalize the University's gratitude to Inverness.

6.Code of Ethics Signing

Trustee Browne stated the Trusteeship Committee discussed and reviewed the Code of Ethics and, after some requested revisions, presents this document for each trustee to sign.  This document will remind all trustees what the board has agreed to and will help to govern trustee actions.

Trustee Redmond asked that the following Association of Governing Boards Statement on Institutional Governance and Governing in Public Trust: External Influences on Colleges and Universities be included in the board minutes to reflect the AGB statement on primacy of the board over individual trustees:

Governing boards should be composed of carefully selected, independent-minded individuals of stature who are fully committed to higher education and who can focus on the intersection between society and the academic institution.  To the extent that a board reserves seats for specific constituent interests, it fails to fully meet the test of true citizen-board governance.  All trustees hold the institution "in trust" for all citizens.

They can exercise this broad responsibility only if they feel they are free of all other obligations and can apply their individual consciences and judgments to all matters that come before them.

Ms. Browne stated that she is proud of the board for signing and adhering to this Code of Ethics.  At this point all trustees signed one large poster of the Code of Ethics as well as individual copies which will be kept on file in the board office. 

Exhibit #3.

Chairman Brennan thanked Trusteeship Committee Chair Browne for her work and the work of all Trusteeship Committee members.  He stated the University of Toledo board is leading the way in this important area and this Code of Ethics will assist all trustees in their board work.

Ms. Browne stated the committee has three very good community members, Richard Anderson, Thomas Killam and Thomas Barden and that the committee always has good conversations when they meet. The committee plans include developing a new board assessment policy, and refining goal setting.

Chairman Brennan pointed out the written Faculty Senate report and the written Student Government report were included in the board materials and asked if either Faculty Senate Chair Dowd or Student Government President Beeman had anything further to report.  Both responded their reports stand as presented.

Chairman Brennan announced that there will be a special board meeting Wednesday, March 9, 2005 at 8:15 am in Room 2592, Student Union and asked that trustees mark this date on their calendars.  The purpose of this meeting is to receive the Facilities Master Plan.

Student Trustee Donovan Nichols distributed copies of a brochure, "History and Traditions" that focuses on some of the many University of Toledo traditions.  He thanked all of the individuals who contributed to this brochure that he has been working on since he was a freshman.  Judge McQuade stated he was inspired by Donovan's enthusiasm and the work he put into producing this brochure.  President Johnson echoed Judge McQuade's comments and remarked this is a wonderful legacy for Donovan.

7. Executive Session

Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Stansley to enter into executive session to discuss collective bargaining strategy, a roll call vote was taken:

 Mr. Brennan  Yes
 Ms. Browne  Yes
 Mr. Fall  Yes
 Mr. Koester  Yes
 Judge McQuade Yes
 Mr. Redmond  Yes
 Mr. Stansley  Yes
 Ms. Summons  Yes
 Mr. Vasquez  Yes

 Motion passed and they entered into executive session at 9:20 a.m.

At10:45 a.m. the board reconvened.

8. Adjournment

There being no further business before the Board, upon the motion duly made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:46 a.m.


The University of Toledo "Points of Pride" - October 2004


  • Microsurgery pioneer and University of Toledo alum Dr. Julius Jacobson is giving back to the university he credits for starting him off on his distinguished medical journey. To enable UT to delve deeper into the field of biological sciences, Jacobson has donated $1 million to create the Julius H. and Joan L. Jacobson Endowed Professorship in Biomedical Research.
  • The University of Toledo was notified earlier this month by the Higher Learning Commission that its accreditation status had been extended to include online degree programs. This is an independent affirmation that the quality of UT's online courses and degrees is equal to the high standard set in UT's classrooms.
  • A$2.9 million grant from the Department of Energy to a University of Toledo technology spin-off company will bring in $878,000 to advance research that will use solar energy to generate hydrogen for fuel cells. The grant was awarded to Midwest Optoelectronics, LLC with the University as a subcontractor. Dr. Xunming Deng, a UT professor of physics, his wife, Liwei Xu, and Stan Rubini, a Toledo businessman, founded Midwest Optoelectronics.


  • Dr. Glenn Ames, UT professor of history has just published Vasco da Gama: Renaissance Crusader for Longman Press. This biography traces the dramatic life and career of Vasco da Gama, a Portuguese explorer whose voyages played a pivotal role in expanding the Portuguese empire and creating an impressive Asian spice trade during the age of exploration in the 15th and 16th century. Based on manuscript sources, 16th century chronicler accounts, and logbooks, Ames has written a new synthesis on the life of da Gama and the early stages of European expansion to Asia. He argues that the establishment of regular commerce to Asia via the Cape of Good Hope was initially more important than Columbus' discoveries, and that da Gama was much more effective in exploiting his accomplishments for the advancement of his house and family than his Italian rival.
  • Department of Theatre and Film Associate Professor Elspeth Kydd, Assistant Professor Tammy Kinsey and Visiting Assistant Professor Dyrk Ashton coordinated an exceedingly successful 58th Annual University Film and Video Association Conference in August at The University of Toledo, placing UT on the map for the national and international film/video educational network.


  • A$1 million donation by renown financial investor and University of Toledo alum John B. Neff, will enable UT business students to have access to some of the most cutting-edge financial resources. The John B. and Lillian Neff Financial Trading Floor will allow students to utilize the same software, hardware and data that is provided to financial professionals and allow them to connect to all the world stock exchanges, including the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ and the Chicago Board of Trade.
  • The family of Edwin Dodd, a former University of Toledo benefactor and CEO of Owens-Illinois Inc., along with Dana Corp. and Owens-Illinois Inc., have collaborated to establish the Edwin Dodd Distinguished Lecture Series in Business Ethics, each donating $110,000 to endow a fund to bring prominent business ethicists to speak on campus.


  • The University of Toledo has received a five-year, $6 million grant to provide enhanced training for area primary and secondary math and science teachers and recruit new educators to the fields. The grant, from the U.S. Department of Education’s Education Teacher Quality Enhancement Partnership Program, is the largest federal award in the University’s history. This new initiative, called UToledo.UTeach.UTouch the Future, will help ensure that Toledo teachers and new students enrolling in teaching courses have a strong background in math and science.
  • The University of Toledo and the College of Education, in collaboration with the Toledo Public Schools (TPS), recently submitted an "Early College High School" grant proposal to Knowledge Works. This program will develop a small, autonomous school that blends high school and college into a coherent educational program.  This school will be designed so that students could achieve two years of university credit at the same time as they are earning a high school diploma (within four to five years of entering 9th grade).  Early college high schools are designed for young people who are underrepresented in postsecondary education--students who have not had access to the academic preparation needed to meet college readiness standards, students for whom the cost of college is prohibitive, students of color, and English language learners. TPS will be receiving approximately 1.4 million dollars over the next four years to develop and implement this program on UT's campus.  The money for this project is being provided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


  • Christine Smallman, director of college relations and facilities management was chosen as one of three outstanding professional staff for The University of Toledo on Oct. 11. President Johnson recognized three CWA staff and three professional staff with a crystal plaque and a check for $1,500.
  • Dr. Abdul-Majeed Azad, associate professor of chemical and environmental engineering, and Dr. Martin Abraham, professor and dean of the Graduate School recently were awarded a one-year grant for $137,005 from NASA Glenn for research on desulphurization of jet fuel.
  • Dr. Devinder Kaur, associate professor of electrical engineering has received a $50,000 research grant from the DaimlerChrysler Challenge Fund. The project is titled “Development of a CAE Tool Based on a Neural-Fuzzy Network-Based System for Efficient Selection of Laser Welding Parameters.


  • Over 250 participants attended a seminar titled "Hardwired to Connect" sponsored by UT's National Center for Parents in collaboration with the Parent Community Partnership to commemorate Ohio Parents' Week. The presentation was given by Dr. Kathleen Kovner Kline, who is the principal investigator for "Hardwired to Connect: The New Scientific Case for Authoritative Communities," which was published in 2003 by the Commission on Children at Risk.
  • Dr. Suzanne Wambold, associate professor and chair of health professions, received the Robert Schlembach Award for her tireless efforts in assisting the Office of Undergraduate Admission to promote the University.
  • Dr. Celia Williamson, assistant professor of social work, was a co-organizer of a conference that attracted over 300 researchers, practitioners, and people who work in fields of social services, criminal justice and health care where they discussed health, legal and social issues of prostitution. The conference titled "Prostitution, Sex Work and the Commercial Sex Industry: The State of Women’s Health" was presented by the Second Chance Program Advisory Board. More than half of the attendees came from other cities and states and abroad.


  • Under the direction of College of Law Clinical Instructor Maara Fink, the students enrolled in the Advanced Dispute Resolution Clinic at the College of Law worked in conjunction with the Napoleon County Schools and the Henry County Court Mediation Program to establish the Napoleon Area Schools Attendance Mediation Program. The program is designed to reduce truancy by addressing the root causes of excessive absences through mediation. The goal of the program is to address these issues early on before the child comes to the attention of the court. During this inaugural year, the students will serve as the mediators in these cases providing the schools with the assistance they need for program success.
  • On Sept. 23, Associate Professor of Law Joseph Slater was the Keynote speaker at the Chicago-Kent College of Law's 22nd annual Federal Sector Labor Relations and Labor Law Program in Chicago. Additionally, on Oct. 22, Professor Slater presented a paper, "The Birth of Public Sector Labor Law," at the North American Labor History Conference, in Detroit.


  • The College of Pharmacy was the first of The University of Toledo's colleges to reach the centennial mark. The college has a national reputation for consistently training well-prepared and knowledgeable pharmacists who successfully transition into pharmacy practice. Through the efforts of prestigious faculty, the college enjoys more than a 90 percent on-time graduation rate and a 100 percent placement rate for its graduates. The college offers bachelor's degrees in pharmaceutical sciences with majors in medicinal chemistry, pharmacology/toxicology, pharmacy and health care management and pharmaceutics; master's degrees in several areas; the Ph.D. in medicinal chemistry and the Pharm.D.; and residency and fellowship training.
  • Dr. Marcia McInerney, Chair of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry in The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy, was among the exclusive group of 51 distinguished fellows invited in October to the Iacocca Foundation's 20th Anniversary celebration on Ellis Island.  "The Iacocca Foundation was created with one purpose in mind – to fund the most innovative and promising diabetes research," said Lee Iacocca.  Dr. McInerney, who served the Joslin Diabetes Center Fellowship in 1998-1999, is the only fellow representing the Midwest.


  • 52 percent of all UT student-athletes had a grade point average of 3.0 or above in the Spring '04 semester. Eight sports fielded team GPAs of 3.0 or higher, while 13 student-athletes earned a perfect 4.0. The department's overall GPA in the spring was 2.9. In its 2004 report to the NCAA, the University of Toledo listed a graduation rate of 69.1 percent, by far the highest at UT since the NCAA began collecting graduation rate data.
  • The Athletic Department received a gift of $1.1 million to renovate the soccer, track and tennis facilities, one of countless examples of support to the program that have strengthened the University of Toledo Athletic Department.
  • The UT football team played in three nationally televised games on ESPN in 2003, and is scheduled to play at least four more in 2004, with each game averaging about 1.5 million viewers. The men’s basketball team played in a nationally televised game vs. Marquette on ESPN in the first round of the NIT. Track star Briana Shook's race in the 3,000-meter steeplechase at the U.S. Olympic Trials was carried live by the USA Network.
  • The men's basketball team finished with a 20-11 record and made its third NIT appearance in six years. The Rockets also led the MAC in attendance with an average of 5,292 fans per game.
  • For the 14th consecutive season, the women's basketball team led the MAC in attendance, drawing an average of 2,446 fans per game.
  • The Rockets advanced to the NCAA Regionals for the seventh straight season and made it to the NCAA Championships for the fourth time since 1998. Senior Brad Heaven was named MAC Player of the Year for the third consecutive season and after graduation embarked on his professional golf career.
  • The Rockets finished second at the MAC Cross Country Championship. In track, senior Briana Shook earned All-America honors by finishing second in the 3,000-meter steeplechase at the NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships. Shook graduated in May and began her professional track career by setting the American record in the steeplechase.

Executive Summary of Updates to Strategic Directions for the Next Decade
The University of Toledo
Updated October 1, 2004, Initially released March 11, 2003

A New Desired Outcome Was Added:
Desired Outcome: Provide access to higher education for students in need,

Six Implementation Committees Have Been Formed and Are Working:
1. Strategic Planning Implementation Committee on Recruitment of Academically Prepared Direct-From-High School Students (SPC-DHS).
2. Strategic Planning Implementation Committee on First-Year Students (SPC-FYE+).
3. Strategic Planning Implementation Committee on Research and Graduate Investments (SPC-RGI).
4. Presidential Commission on Diversity.
5. Strategic Planning Implementation Committee on Academic Governance (SPC-AG).
6. Presidential Council on Outreach and Engagement.

Two Implementation Committees Have Been Formed and Will Be Working:
7. Strategic Planning Implementation Committee on Recruitment, Advisement, and Retention of Transfer Students (SPC- Transfer).
8. Strategic Planning Implementation Committee on Capacity-Based Enrollment Management (SPC-CBEM).
Eight Strategies Have Been Added to the Plan:
Objective: Foster, assess and enhance an academic environment that maximizes student learning.
1. Develop and implement a plan to recruit, retain and graduate transfer students.
2. Develop and implement a plan to recruit international undergraduate students.
Objective: Increase access to The University of Toledo to students in need.
3. Create a permanent base of university grant aid to students in need of financial assistance.
4. Increase financial support of needy students so that they can attend The University of Toledo.
Objective: Invigorate and enhance research and post-baccalaureate education. Build upon existing strengths, increase the level of external funding; form strong alliances with neighboring institutions; improve the quality of entering graduate students; retain outstanding faculty; increase undergraduate involvement in research.
5. Develop and implement a plan to increase applications from qualified international graduate students.
Objective: Promote mutual respect and understanding, and actively seek greater diversity among students, faculty and staff.
6. Welcome and support students, faculty, and staff with disabilities in University of Toledo.
7. Increase recruitment of students with disabilities to The University of Toledo.
Objective: Significantly increase the level of outreach and engagement.
8. Develop and implement a Science and Technology Corridor for Northwest Ohio.

Measurement Goals Have Been Added to the Plan Drawn From Benchmark Indicators and Financial Ratios.

The Role of Academic Assessment Has Been Articulated in the Plan:
The University of Toledo community undertakes the assessment of student learning outcomes to discover the extent to which students are acquiring knowledge, skills, beliefs, and attitudes as a consequence of participation in their respective academic programs. Assessment of student learning occurs at a variety of levels including at the institution, college, department and program level. It is frequently based on multiple measures that vary according to the discipline. The University uses the knowledge gleaned from assessment activities to promote program improvement.



The University of Toledo
Board of Trustees

Code of Ethics for Members of the Board of Trustees

1. The Board of Trustees has the ultimate responsibility for governing The University of Toledo.

2. The Board of Trustees retains ultimate responsibility to determine The University of Toledo’s mission and to establish its strategic direction.

3. The Board of Trustees, as a guardian of the public trust, has a fiduciary responsibility for the academic integrity and financial health of The University of Toledo.

4. The Board of Trustees shall ensure that The University of Toledo's fiscal and managerial affairs are administered with appropriate attention to commonly accepted business standards.

5. The Board of Trustees shall, in fulfilling its duties, seek the advice of the administration, the faculty, the non-academic staff, and other stakeholders, external and internal, of The University of Toledo.

6. The Board of Trustees shall be committed to ensuring academic freedom in the classrooms and laboratories of The University of Toledo.

7. The Board of Trustees shall be committed to the primacy of the Board over individual trustees.

8. The Board of Trustees shall conduct its affairs in a manner exemplifying behavior it expects of other participants in the governance of The University of Toledo.

9. The Board of Trustees shall not be influenced by personal or special interests.

10. The Board of Trustees shall avoid the perception of personal or special interests.


I agree to uphold and promote the above Code of Ethics as Trustee for The University of Toledo.


_________________________________  ____________________________
Signature        Date

Last Updated: 7/15/24