Board of Trustees

December 22, 2004

The University of Toledo
407th Meeting
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Student Union - Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m.

The four hundredth and seventh meeting of the Board of Trustees of The University of Toledo was held on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 at 8:15 a.m. in Room 2592 of the Student Union, 2801 W. Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio.

Mr. Daniel J. Brennan, Chairman of the Board, presided and Ms. Judy E. Fegley, Interim Coordinator of Board Affairs, recorded the minutes.

The Chairman of the Board requested Ms. Fegley call the roll.

Present: Mr. Daniel J. Brennan
  Ms. Joan Uhl Browne
  Mr. C. William Fall
  Mr. Kristopher L. Keating, Student Trustee
  Mr. William C. Koester
  Mr. Donovan T. Nichols, Student Trustee
  Mr. Richard Stansley, Jr.
  Ms. Olivia K. Summons
  Mr. Hernan Vasquez
A quorum of the Board was constituted.  Trustees Richard B. McQuade, Jr., and Robert C. Redmond were absent.

Also present:  President Daniel M. Johnson;  Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Enrollment Alan G. Goodridge; Vice President and General Counsel, Board Secretary Sandra A. Drabik; Interim Vice President of Student Life Penny Poplin Gosetti; Vice President for Institutional Advancement C. Vernon Snyder; Student Government Vice President Laura Abu-Absi; Assistant Treasurer Michael Angelini; Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Policies Carol Bresnahan; Vice Provost for Research, Graduate Education & Economic Development Frank Calzonetti; Faculty Senate Chair Mike Dowd; Presidential Fellow Francis Dumbuya; Dean of the College of Pharmacy Johnnie Early; Director of Plant Science Research Center Stephen Goldman; Assistant to the Vice President & General Counsel Elizabeth Griggs; Assistant Vice President of Student Life Wayne Gates; Secretary, Plant Science Research Center Evie Grecos; Executive Director of Marketing and Communications Jeanne Hartig; Director of Internal Audit Kwabena Kankam; Director of University Communications Tobin Klinger; UT Foundation President Brenda Lee; UT Student Evan Morrison; UT Student Ashley Nickel; Executive Director of Athletics Michael O'Brien; Associate General Counsel Peter Papadimos; Associate Vice President for Finance and Planning Dawn Rhodes; Assistant Director of Plant Science Research Center Sairam Rudrabhatla; Associate Vice President for Academic Finance & Planning John Satkowski; Associate Vice President for Human Resources James Sciarini; Executive Secretary to the President Joan Stasa; Interim Media Relations Coordinator Jonathan Strunk; Associate Vice President for Student Services Ardenia Jones Terry; Administrative Assistant to the President Penny Thiessen; Associate Director of Student Unions Thomas Trimble; ACE Fellow Walter Wagor;  Senior Director of Health & Wellness Norine Wasielewski; Associate Vice President for Facilities Management Harry Wyatt and UT students and staff from around the campus; media represented included Toledo Blade Reporter Kim Bates.
1.  Call to Order

Chairman Brennan called the meeting to order at 8:20 a.m.

2. Public Comment

A request was received from two students to bring a matter before the board.  In accordance with the process for public comment adopted by the board last year, Chairman Brennan called on Evan Pierce Morrison and Ashley Nickel to address the board.  Each spoke in support of domestic partner benefits for University of Toledo faculty.  Their statements are attached as Exhibit #1 and Exhibit #2.

Chairman Brennan thanked the students for their remarks and said that as a result of the November 2 election, the Board has decided that the issue of domestic partner benefits needs to be adjudicated in the courts and that it would not be in the best interest of the University of Toledo to challenge the result of the vote; that it would not be prudent to utilize University funds for this purpose.  Until the courts determine the constitutionality of this issue, the policy will remain in place, but it is possible this issue will be reviewed again at some future time.

3. President's Report

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and good morning everyone.  Before my report this morning I would like to take this opportunity to wish each of our trustees and their families a very happy holiday and to thank all of you for your service and commitment to the University. 

Wehave a great deal to be grateful for as an institution; our students and their families, our great faculty and their commitment to UT, our staff and their commitment to the University that we see daily, our alumni association board and staff, the UT Foundation board and its staff, our administrators who are working longer hours with fewer resources to meet their responsibilities, and our donors who are, in increasing numbers, so generously showing their support for the University of Toledo. 

Wedo have a lot to be grateful for, not the least of which is the very important role UT plays in our community, region and state as well the substantial, yet untapped potential for becoming a truly great "student-centered, metropolitan university."  That is our mission, that is what we aspire to and, as we end the year 2004, we are closer to achieving that mission than we were this time last year. And, I want to thank all those who have helped us achieve the progress we have seen this year.   Thank you.

As just one measure of the important role UT plays in the region and state was evident last Saturday morning when 1470 students walked across the stage to receive their diplomas and the congratulations of their deans and our trustees before an audience of nearly 8,000 family members and friends. We called every name, shook the hand, and snapped a picture of every one of our graduates.  It was a great day and as several of you commented to me, "This is what it is all about."

I also want to point with pride to our "Points of Pride." Exhibit #3.   I hope you will read about the accomplishments we are seeing across the campus.  We are doing two things with this issue of "Points of Pride:" As we end the calendar year, we are including a section called, "2004 Year in Review."  The Year in Review will give you a quick summary of some of the important events and accomplishments of our students, faculty, and staff in 2004.  Also, "Points of Pride" will now be sent electronically to all our alumni and friends. Of course, one "point of pride" that all of us feel is the Rockets taking the MAC championship in a great game with BG.  What a game it was!  And there are the seven UT games broadcast nationally by ESPN.  And now the Motor City Bowl next Monday afternoon.  I just want to convey my congratulations to our team and coaches and wish them every success on offense and defense, no injuries and a great victory at Ford Field against Connecticut next Monday.

Another "point of pride" that I am extremely pleased to announce today is the publication of what I believe will become a series, the first volume of University of Toledo: Alums Who Have Changed the World. The idea for this book was "hatched" over dinner with our distinguished alum, Dr. Julius Jacobson, in New York earlier this year. The comment was made that he had, in fact, really changed the world of surgery.  And from that comment we went on to talk about scores of UT Alums who, like Dr. Jacobson, had changed the world.  We wanted to call attention to a few of these wonderful and dedicated people who are a credit to their nation and the world but who also credit UT with the education and inspiration for their world-class accomplishments.  I wanted our trustees to receive the very first copies of this wonderful book.  And you can be sure, we have just scratched the surface in pointing with pride to the accomplishments of our UT graduates. I know you will enjoy it!

One other "point of pride" that I must note this morning and that is the $500,000 grant to our new National Center for Parents from the U.S. Department of Justice.  Housed in the College of Health and Human Services, the National Center for Parents is already being discussed as a model for other universities both here in Ohio and in other states. As you know, it is the "first-of-its-kind" in the nation and we know it will use this significant grant to help achieve its mission of strengthening the role of parents.  Congratulations to the Center and the College.  And also, congratulations to Dr. Jerry Sullivan who received his doctorate in our commencement ceremonies on Saturday.

Dr. Bill Bischoff, Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Policies, announced earlier this year his retirement from this important administrative post.  Bill supervised his last commencement on Saturday and as he resumes his role as a faculty member we extend our gratitude to him not only for his fine service in academic administration but his spirit of generosity and civility extended to faculty, staff and students alike.  Thank you very much, Bill. 

Atthis time, I would like to call on our Provost, Dr. Alan Goodridge, for an important announcement.
Provost Goodridge introduced Dr. Carol Bresnahan as the newly appointed Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Policies.  Dr. Goodridge presented a brief summary of Dr. Bresnahan's background and welcomed her to her new position.
President Johnson continued with his report.

Last week the Governor hosted a Summit on Higher Education to which he invited presidents and chairs of the respective boards of trustees from private institutions, community colleges and the public four-year universities. The Governor used the Summit to emphasize several topics:  These included the importance of "access" and enrollment, his caution that the higher education budget is "at risk" in the upcoming session, his admonition that "tuition restraint" is very important at this time, and his criticism of the 9% increases in tuition the past few years. The Governor's major theme, however, seemed to be the importance of "collaboration."  He devoted most of the time to encouraging inter-institutional partnerships and finding greater efficiencies and creativity through collaboration.  Of course, this is one of the areas where Northwest Ohio institutions really shine and serve as a model for the state which the Governor noted early in his remarks.

I don't believe we came away from the Summit with any new ideas or even much in the way of new information.  We did, however, receive strong reinforcement of the messages coming out of Columbus that budget cuts are likely, tuition caps will continue to be imposed, and that we have to continue to "do even more with less."  One also came away from the Summit with the strong feeling that no one there is fighting for or leading on the very important question of the future of our public universities.  

Lack of adequate state funding for higher education is the proverbial "elephant in the room" and this pachyderm will not go away.  The multi-year pattern of disinvestment in our public universities is clear and the warnings we are receiving about even greater reductions in state support in the upcoming legislative session are equally clear. This month, for example, we co-hosted with our colleagues at BGSU, MCO and Owens a Legislative Briefing Session with our state delegation to discuss higher education issues and to hear from them their sense of legislative priorities and where our universities fit.  The general consensus in our delegation was that we will see more reductions and that the "very best scenario" we could even hope for would be flat funding.

The University of Toledo and every public university in Ohio has been squeezed to the breaking point by continuing reductions in funding, tuition controls, costly regulations and demands from the Legislature and Regents for greater accountability and productivity.  The greater concern is that there is no end in sight. It is increasingly clear that we are now experiencing the new and permanent reality of public higher education in Ohio.

While the politics of funding our public universities is played out in Columbus and across the state, our campuses face the daunting challenges of rapidly increasing costs in health care, utilities, faculty and staff salaries, as well as greater competition from other states, the private and "for-profit" sectors of higher education. Increasingly, I am hearing the current conditions for Ohio's public universities described as a "perfect storm."

These conditions beg the question of the future of our public universities as well as the question of possible "alternative futures."  And, of course, each of our institutions must answer the question for their individual campus.  What is right for Miami University or Bowling Green may not be right or good for the University of Akron or Cleveland State.  But it is the University of Toledo for which we--the Board of Trustees, administration and faculty--are accountable.

What is the responsible course of action for UT at this point in its history? What is our responsibility to our students, community, state, and stakeholders?  Should we be bound by these conditions and the near-certainty that these conditions will continue and probably worsen OR, should we consider and perhaps seek an alternative future, a future that gives the trustees and campus community more control over our institutional well-being? 

Perhaps this is the time to raise this question, the time to begin a dialog with the Regents and the Legislature about alternative futures for OUR university and, perhaps, public universities, generally.

Mr. Chairman, I'll end my report to you and the Board today with two questions: "In the face of these conditions, what is the responsible course of action for the University of Toledo? And, is there an alternative future we should be seeking that would ensure we will have a strong and vibrant university in the decades ahead?"  I believe it is time we have a campus conversation on these important questions and engage others in these discussions. 

Mr. Chairman, in conclusion, I'd like to mention to those of you that did not have a chance to see Secretary of Treasury John Snow on Fox News recently that it provided great exposure for the University of Toledo.  As you know, he is a graduate of UT and the words "University of Toledo" were prominently displayed under his name as he spoke.  It was wonderful pr for our institution.

Mr. Chairman, that concludes my report this morning.  Thank you.

4. Consent Agenda Items

Chairman Brennan noted the October 27, 2004 and November 23, 2004 board meeting minutes were provided in advance and requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the minutes and the materials contained in the consent agenda items a) through h):

a) Approval of Minutes - October 27, 2004 and November 23, 2004
b) Faculty Personnel Actions
c) Grants Report
d) Staff Personnel Actions
e) 2005 Life Insurance Vendor
f) 2005 Stop Loss Reinsurance
g) Parks Tower Walkway Repair
h) Savage Hall Bridge Repair

Upon a motion by Ms. Browne, seconded by Mr. Koester, to approve the consent agenda items a) through h) as listed, a voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. 
5.   Approval Items  

Noapproval items were presented at this meeting.

6.   Information Items

Chairman Brennan called on Professor Stephen Goldman, Director of the Plant Science Research Center who presented an update on the latest efforts in gene discovery and genetic engineering of crops. A summary of Dr. Goldman's presentation, "The Excellence in Gene Discovery and Genetic Engineering of Crops" is attached as Exhibit #4. 

Atthe conclusion of Professor Goldman’s presentation, Chairman Brennan opened the floor for questions.  Professor Goldman responded to trustees' questions regarding licensing issues, fostering progress, and soybean life cycles.

Chairman Brennan thanked Professor Goldman for his presentation and encouraged trustees to read the recent Toledo Blade article highlighting the work of Dr. Goldman and his staff.

7. Committee Reports

Chairman Brennan called on committee chairs to give a brief report of the December 14, 2004 board committee meetings:

Academic Affairs

Trustee Redmond was absent; therefore, there was no report from the Academic Affairs Committee.


Trustee Stansley reported the Audit Committee was moving forward with the planned schedule of audits.


Trustee Fall stated financial statements and employee health care were reviewed at the December Finance Committee meeting.  In addition, as directed by Chairman Brennan, the committee reviewed the cost subsidy for the Student Health Center, Child Care Center and Transportation Services.  Questions were developed and will be discussed at the February meeting and resolved by the June final report/recommendations to the Board.

Institutional Advancement

Trustee Browne reported the Institutional Advancement Committee received a status update of the Capital Campaign and heard a detailed presentation from Executive Director of Marketing and Communications Jeanne Hartig on the Integrated Marketing Plan.

Strategic Issues and Planning

Trustee McQuade was absent; therefore, there was no report from the Strategic Issues and Planning Committee.

Student Life

Trustee Summons stated the Student Life Committee plans to pull together data collected over the last two years and will be reviewing and subsequently reporting on that in the future.


Trustee Browne reported there was not a quorum at the Trusteeship Committee meeting, therefore no business was conducted.

8. Executive Session

Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Koester to enter into executive session to discuss employment matters, a roll call vote was taken:

 Mr. Brennan  Yes
 Ms. Browne  Yes
 Mr. Fall  Yes
 Mr. Koester  Yes
 Mr. Stansley  Yes
 Ms. Summons  Yes
 Mr. Vasquez  Yes

 Motion passed and they entered into executive session at 9:25 a.m.

At10:35 a.m. the board reconvened.

9. Adjournment

There being no further business before the Board, upon the motion duly made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:36 a.m.


Speech by Evan Morrison to the Board of Trustees

Originally what students now wear as a graduation gown was worn all year; specifically to cover signs of rank and prestige: the rich and poor, civilian and military, high class and low were indistinguishable in the university.

The gowns role was to create an atmosphere for the free exchange of ideas, where none felt apart or discriminated against: one free of hostility or caste.  So that learning was paramount.

Weno longer regularly wear these robes, but that does not mean that the ideal of equal treatment in the university should be forgotten.

Governor Taft in the months leading up to November Second said that he would not support Issue One, that it is ambiguous and vaguely worded, that it will be interpreted over broadly and used to discriminate against all unmarried couples, and will be harmful to Ohio’s effort to build a knowledge economy.

I contacted his office last week in regards to these negotiations, and his position has not changed.

Some of the best public universities in Ohio and Michigan are going forward with partner benefits: Ohio State University, Ohio University, Youngstown State, Cleveland State and Miami University; and great schools just over the state line that are taken into consideration by many Ohio graduates: The University of Chicago, The University of Michigan, Wayne State, Northern Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Central Michigan University and many others.

Weneed to equalize our policy to compete with these schools, so that we do not lose potential or current students.  This University needs domestic partner benefits to attract the best and brightest students and faculty, to create an environment fair to all, and to send out into the community a beacon of progress and acceptance.  Domestic partner benefits are proven economically sound in universities and businesses and will not be a detriment to this school, but an advantage.

Both the Student Senate and the Faculty Senate have passed resolutions in favor of partner benefits, the Presidents Commission on Diversity has gone so far as to say that the passage of Issue One should have no bearing on the decisions made here.  In fact, this precinct-with UT students making up over fifty percent of registered voters-REJECTED Issue 1 by sixty to forty percent.  And so, as students, parents, staff, and Toledoans we stand here with the faculty.

Westand in solidarity and ask you to join us.  If you claim to represent this University, if you claim to embrace and celebrate human diversity here, if your goal is for the University of Toledo to rank as one of the best colleges in this state we encourage you to negotiate fairly with the faculty and staff and see that all are covered.

"History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people."  These words from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. still resonate today.

Through history, universities have been the vanguard of changes that we now hold dear.  As beneficiaries of the American Revolution we cannot let the courageous spirit of America fail in this generation because we are afraid of litigation.

Leaving the fight to others has never been a part of our American history.  It is neither wise nor prudent, it is cowardice.  How can we ask our faculty to teach democracy when they are being discriminated against?  How can our teachers devote themselves to the students if they're concerned about the health of their family?  Our faculty members are the true public faces of this university, the quality and devotion they bring is what attracts the best students and what will make this college great.  In light of decreasing enrollment, how can we not take advantage of this opportunity to take the lead in the state?  The University of Toledo is built on the strength of its professors and students, so we ask you: Not to do what is easy, not what is convenient.  But to do what is right.  The path of equality and justice is not the easy one, but it is the right one.  And we promise you, if you take the just path, you will not walk alone, you will have the support of this entire University community with you.  Thank you.


Speech by Ashley Nickel to the Board of Trustees

Hello, my name is Ashley Nickel.  I am currently a junior here at the University of Toledo.  My permanent residence is in Onsted, Michigan making me an out-of-state student.  When asked why I picked UT despite the fact that I am paying close to $10,000 more than my in-state counterparts, over and over again my response is the faculty.  I have become increasingly more involved in student organizations and as a result more aware of administrative decisions that affect UT students.  I never thought I would have to defend my right to learn in a student-centered metropolitan research university that not only embraces but celebrates human diversity.  I never thought that I would be standing before my Board of Trustees on behalf of the student body defending the very Mission Statement that governs this University.

I have two younger sisters at home who are currently in high school and thinking very critically about which University they would like to attend upon graduation; they are considering dropping UT off their list of colleges.  In part, because almost all of the universities in Michigan embrace and celebrate diversity among their students and faculty.  This is clearly shown by their domestic partner benefits policies that include both same-sex and opposite-sex couples.

Itis very well-known that UT's enrollment is currently down.  By offering health benefits only to married couples we are sending a clear message that qualified faculty and students are not welcome; despite the principles of our mission statement.

Everyday this past semester students walked into classes taught by professors who do not receive benefits for their partners or children.  My fear is that by not offering domestic partner benefits these professors will look to other universities such as; Ohio State University, Ohio University, Miami, Cleveland State, Youngstown State, Eastern Michigan, University of Michigan or Wayne State University--which do offer domestic partner benefits.

Chair Brennan you accepted your position as the Chair of the Board of Trustees on August 25, 2004 in a well-written and inspiring acceptance speech.  In this speech, Chair Brennan, you said "If students are whom we serve, our value proposition is our faculty."  You go on to comment on the competitive market that universities have produced when recruiting the "best and brightest students" as well as the "best and brightest faculty."  By blatantly denying the University of Toledo's faculty the right to domestic partner benefits the Board of Trustees has put UT at a disadvantage in the competitive market for students, faculty, and resources.  Wasn't it you Chair Brennan who said, "Our faculty members are the best asset, and the board welcomes their continued participation working with the president and the administration, in setting the course for the future of the university."

Our Mission Statement claims an environment that cultivates respect for individuals and freedom of expression.  If our faculty feels disenfranchised by this university's administrative decisions this creates a chasm between the faculty and administration and a hospital environment for the faculty and students.

I challenge my Board of Trustees to be as brave as the students and stand up for what this university claims to believe in.

President Dan Johnson will you please join us in wearing a ribbon to show your support for domestic partner benefits?  Thank you.


The University of Toledo “Points of Pride” - December 2004


The department of art has been accredited by NASAD, the National Association of Schools of Art and Design, after a three-year evaluation and accreditation process.  This new accreditation is in addition to the department's long-held accreditation by the North Central Association and National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. The department of art is now able to offer five nationally accredited art degrees:  a bachelor's of art in both art and art history, a bachelor's of fine arts, a bachelor's of education in art education and a master of education in art education.

Patricia Groves, associate professor women & gender studies, was selected Phenomenal Woman of the Year in Education by L'Aime Inc., a Toledo organization, on October 23, 2004.

The budget just passed by Congress includes $778,000 in support of the next phase of the phytoremediation project being directed by Dr. Daryl Dwyer of the Department of Earth, Ecological, and Environment Sciences. This is the fourth year allocation for the ongoing project, which includes work at the King Road site.


Clint Longenecker recently participated in the Governor's Luncheon to Recognize Entrepreneurship in the State of Ohio and was awarded The Governor's Certificate of Achievement for Entrepreneurial Activity.  He was the only academic and/or state of Ohio employee to be so recognized. There were 26 other recipients of this award statewide.
Lance Moore, a College of Business Administration student and wide receiver for the UT football team, was recently named an NCAA Academic All-American.

All of the touchdowns scored by the UT Rockets in the Mid-American Conference championship game were scored by players majoring in Business Administration. There are 32 business students playing on UT’s MAC-championship team.

The Schmidt School of Professional Sales recently conducted its first Executive Sales Summit. Twenty-three executives representing twenty firms were in attendance. The summit was kicked-off by keynote speaker John Meier, President and Chairman of the Board Libbey Inc.  

The sales program was fully accredited by the Professional Society of Sales and Marketing Trainers during their national conference the week of November 8, 2004.

The Ohio Department of Education recently informed Dr. Sakui Malakpa, professor and coordinator of the vision program in the department of early childhood, physical and special education, that The University of Toledo is receiving a grant for $185,185. The grant, titled "The University of Toledo Vision Program Extension Project," is being awarded by the State Superintendent's Task Force. The project proposes to train thirteen vision intervention specialists within a year. This goal will be achieved by (1) offering dual licensure, tuition benefits and stipends to attract students at licensure, undergraduate and masters levels, (2) preparing online courses for teachers around Ohio, (3) diversifying enrollment by recruiting heavily among under-represented groups and persons with disabilities, and (4) acquiring necessary equipment and collaborating with area facilities and sister institutions.


Dr. Abdul-Majeed Azad, associate professor of chemical and environmental engineering and Dr. Martin Abraham, professor and dean of the Graduate School recently were awarded a one-year research grant for $137,005 for research on desulphurization of jet fuel from Nasa Glenn.
Ashley Krout a junior majoring in the chemical and environmental engineering department has just received notification that she has been selected to receive the 2005 Student Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in the undergraduate student category from the Society for Biomaterials.  She was nominated by Dr. Hai Bo Wen (her co-op employer - Depuy).  This prestigious award is specifically given to "student researchers who have shown outstanding achievement in biomaterials research."  As the recipient she will receive a certificate of award from the Society for Biomaterials.  She will also receive travel and lodging expense reimbursement for up to $500 and free registration for the 2005 Annual Meeting in Memphis, Tennessee.  In addition, her paper submitted as part of the award nomination will be considered for publication in the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research or Applied Biomaterials.
Congratulations to Chett Siefring, Mary Robbins, Clint Messner and Carlyn Whitmore for winning the Geo-Challenge competition. The competition will be held at the American Society of Civil Engineers Geo-Frontiers Congress 2005 in Austin, Texas on January 24, 2005. This is the first time that this competition has been held.  At the competition, the students will have to construct a miniature reinforced-soil retaining wall system. They will be judged on many things including the design, construction and performance of their wall. The wall construction will be a timed event, which will be included in the scoring.  ASCE will provide up to $2000 travel expenses for the student and registration fees for the four team members and one faculty advisor. Faculty advisors for the group are Dr. Andrew Heydinger and Associate Dean Brian Randolph of the Department of Civil Engineering.
Dr. Devinder Kaur, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science received a research grant of $61,831 ($50,000 sponsor and $11,831 UT) from the DaimlerChrysler Challenge Fund. The project is titled "Development of a CAE Tool Based on a Neural-Fuzzy Network-Based System for Efficient Selection of Laser Welding Parameters.


The associate degree nursing program and the Neighborhood Health Association opened a nurse-run clinic at Cherry Street Mission this fall in an effort to provide health services on-site for homeless men and women in the community. The first level community nursing students perform medical history interviews, physical assessments, and nursing care with the homeless population under faculty supervision.

Margaret Traband, professor of respiratory care and associate dean for undergraduate education, was inducted into the 2004 class of Fellows in the American Association for Respiratory Care. This designation was established to recognize individuals who have made profound and lasting contributions to the profession of respiratory care. Professor  Traband has held the position of program director and director of clinical education in UT's Respiratory Care Program. In September, Gov. Taft appointed her to serve as a member of the Ohio Respiratory Care Board. Additionally, she served as president of the National Board for Respiratory Care, which is the credentialing organization for respiratory care, in 1994 and 1995. She also held the position of president of the American Association for Respiratory Care in 2002 and was the first individual to serve as president of both organizations.

Dr. Martin Ritchie, professor of counseling and mental health services, received the Outstanding Professional Teaching Award from the North Central Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (NCACES). This award was established "to honor excellence in teaching in a counseling, counselor education, or counseling supervision program" in the North Central Region. The Ohio Counseling Association also recognized Dr. Ritchie as the recipient of the 2004 Research & Writing Award. This award is given to a person who has demonstrated extraordinary research and writing ability, as evidenced by journal publications for the counseling profession.

Dr. Mira Lessick, associate professor in our associate degree nursing program was awarded the 2004 Urologic Nursing Literary Excellence Award for the article "Inherited Urologic Malignant Disorders: Nursing Implications."


The Association of Black Health-system Pharmacists (ABHP) has awarded the prestigious Wendell T. Hill Award to Dean Johnnie L. Early, II.  The Hill Award is the highest honor given by the ABHP, named in honor of the first African-American President of the American Society of Health-system Pharmacists (ASHP).  "By his continuing dedication and efforts to excel, Dean Early has clearly distinguished himself in his chosen field," said John E. Clark, President of ABHP.  Dean Early accepted the award at the ABHP Awards Luncheon held at the 39th Midyear Clinical Meeting of ASHP in Orlando, Florida in December.

The University of Toledo Chapters of the pharmaceutical fraternity Kappa Psi and international professional pharmacy fraternity Lambda Kappa Sigma have honored Dr. Mary Powers, associate professor of pharmacy practice, as the Kappa Psi Faculty Member of the Year. Additionally, Dr. Powers, is primary co-author of "Pharmacy Calculations," second edition. (2005) Englewood, CO: Morton Publishing. The text provides pharmacy technicians with an educational tool to learn the types of calculations commonly encountered in community and institutional pharmacy.

Dr. Frederick E. Williams, of the department of pharmacology, has co-authored a paper in the journal, "Neurotoxicology and Teratology," with faculty members from the University of Wisconsin and the Great Lakes WATER Institute.


OnNovember 9, 2004 The University of Toledo Division of Continuing Education partnered with Owens Community College and Penta Career Center to host a live leadership presentation by Dr. Steve Lundin, author of the best selling FISH! EXTRAVAGNZA and FISH! for LIFE books. The presentation took place at The University of Toledo SeaGate Convention Center from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., included a luncheon and had 200 professionals attend from the business community. This leadership event is a successful example of higher educational institutions partnering together to bring high profile business leaders and authors to the local community.

Workplace Credit Programs in conjunction with Daimler Chrysler Toledo Machining Plant have partnered to offer classes to Toledo machining personnel who, while not officially laid-off, but have been removed from their positions due to a downturn in production. Currently two classes are being offered, Business Principles with 48 students and Organizational Behavior with 36 students.  Two additional classes will start in October and another two in January, with the goal being for students to obtain an Associate Degree in Business Technology. This program provides an excellent example of how the university's outreach activity can assist in meeting a community need.  As many of the employees enrolled in these classes could be faced with a career change within the next few years, participation in this program will enhance their skills and provide them with greater opportunities for future employment. 

The University of Toledo Students in Free Enterprise team placed third at the SIFE case competition at Purdue University November 6 and 7.  The two-person team consisted of students Jeri Dotson and Terri Dotson. The team won $1,500 and a trophy.  Kathy Fitzpatrick, assistant professor in University College's business technology department is the faculty adviser.
2004 year in review

Jennifer Rockwood, a lecturer in the theatre and film department, is named director of the First-Year Experience Program.
UT student Donovan Nichols and three Toledo residents are interviewed live by CNN's Jeff Flock from the Driscoll Alumni Center about President George W. Bush's State of the Union Address.
University College reorganization begins.
Some 3,200 come to Savage Hall for the Unity Celebration event to honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. Martin Abraham, associate dean of research and graduate studies for the College of Engineering and professor of chemical and environmental engineering, is named dean of the Graduate School.
The 15-day enrollment numbers show UT's spring total headcount is 19,019, down 4.2 percent from 2003.

About 275 faculty and family members attend the Faculty Appreciation Celebration in Doermann Theater.
Malik Yoba, winner of three NAACP Image Awards for his role on the television series "New York Undercover," speaks at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Dinner.
The National Youth Sports Program gives UT's NYSP the 2003 Silvio O. Conte Award of Excellence, which recognizes the best all-around programming offered by more than 200 colleges and universities in the United States and Puerto Rico.
The Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections receives the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies' Disability Award for its work in establishing a Northwest Ohio Disability History Archive.
The board of trustees endorses a plan to hire 15 new faculty members in each of the next 10 years.

Gov. Bob Taft announces another round of cuts to balance the state's budget; UT absorbs $188,000 through the fiscal year.
A campus-wide media channel featuring UT news, weather, sports, announcements and digital signage debuts on Channel 31.

The College of Law is named one of the top 100 law schools in the country by the U.S. News & World Report. The college ties with five universities for the 94th spot on the list.
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor talks to more than 600 people who pack Doermann Theater.
Writer, poet, activist and educator Nikki Giovanni gives the 15th annual Richard Summers Memorial Lecture.
Michael Sallah, national affairs reporter for The Blade, and Mitch Weiss, the newspaper’s state editor, conduct a workshop at Media Day for high school students. Sallah, Weiss and Joe Mahr, general assignment and project reporter with The Blade, won the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting for the "Buried Secrets, Brutal Truths" series.
Faculty Senate approves the elimination of 22 associate degree programs as part of the University's program prioritization process. Students in the programs as of fall 2004 have until spring 2007 to complete their work.
Law Professor David Harris is interviewed by NBC correspondent John Larson of "Dateline" for a story that looked at racial profiling in Cincinnati.
Joel Lipman, professor of art and English, is selected to be the director of the R.A. Stranahan Arboretum.
More than 700 Latino junior high and high school students attend the second annual Latino Youth Summit at UT.
Dr. Bruce Averill, Distinguished University Professor of Chemistry, is one of five selected to receive a Jefferson Science Fellowship at the U.S. Department of State.
The board of trustees approves a 9.9 percent increase in tuition and fees for the 2004-05 academic year.
Dr. Michael Dowd, associate professor and chair of economics, is elected chair of Faculty Senate for 2004-05.

Philanthropist and CNN founder Ted Turner speaks at the College of Law commencement. Judith Heumann, an activist who helped shape legislation guaranteeing equality of access and opportunity for persons with disabilities, and Dr. Nancy Zimpher, the first woman president of the University of Cincinnati, speak at commencement ceremonies for the other colleges.
Dr. Mark Sherry, a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Illinois at Chicago, is named the Ability Center of Greater Toledo Endowed Chair in Disability Studies. He starts his new job in August.
It is announced spring 2005 commencement will be held on Sunday, May 8, instead of its traditional Saturday as an effort to ensure the University is recognizing the values and sensitivities of all its constituents.
Hugh Gregory Gallagher, a national disability rights activist and historian, donates his papers to the Canaday Center. He died July 13.
Dr. Rosa Alejandra Lukaszew, assistant professor of physics, is named one of 11 Cottrell Scholars nationwide by the Research Corp.

 Jon Hendricks, UT Distinguished Professor of Jazz, is awarded a French Legion of Honor in the class of knight during a tribute concert as part of the D-Day Jazz Festival at the Théâtre d’Hérouville-St. Clair.
William Decatur is promoted to executive vice president and chief operating officer, and Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe resigns his position as vice president for student life to become special assistant to the president for diversity affairs.
Trustees approve the 2005 budget, which copes with a $2.9 million shortfall. The board also completes an assessment of President Dan Johnson, who receives a contract extension through June 30, 2007. He declines a raise.

Taft appoints William Koester, founder and director of Koester Corp. in Defiance, Ohio, to a nine-year term to the board of trustees. Kristopher Keating also is appointed as a student representative.
The University's sponsored research reaches an all-time high -- $32.2 million in grant funding. This surpasses last year's record of $27.2 million.
The Ravin Plaza in Centennial Mall is unveiled. The area features two gardens and several benches and is named for benefactors Dr. Louis Ravin, a retired Toledo ophthalmologist, and his wife, Sophie.
More than 10,000 check out the 12th annual Art on the Mall.

Dr. Carol Stepien is named director of the Lake Erie Research and Education Center and starts her new job Sept. 1. She comes to UT from Cleveland State University, where she was director of the Great Lakes Environmental Genetics Laboratory.
The Richard B. and Jane McQuade Mock Trial Courtroom is dedicated in the Health and Human Services Building. Students in the Paralegal Studies Program can sharpen their litigation skills in the state-of-the-art facility.
The College of Education receives a five-year $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to help economically disadvantaged elementary students with math and science.
Dr. Penny Poplin Gosetti, executive assistant to the president and associate professor in the College of Education, is named interim vice president for student life.
Work begins on the $8 million Southwest Mechanical Utilities Project, which includes a pedestrian bridge designed to carry five pipes over the Ottawa River east of the Center for Performing Arts to connect residence buildings to the central chilled water and steam plants. 

"Outreach -- The University of Toledo 2004 President’s Report to the Community" is released.
UT moves into the top 200 schools in the country for research and development expenditures, according to the National Science Foundation. The University is 197 out of 625 institutions.
Jeanne Hartig, assistant vice president of university relations/director of university marketing for the University of Central Florida, is named executive director and special assistant to the president for marketing and communications.
Former Sen. George McGovern gives the College of Law's 23rd annual Cannon Lecture.
Dr. John Marburger III, science adviser to President Bush, speaks in Doermann Theater.
According to 15-day figures, 19,480 students are enrolled for fall semester; this is down 5.4 percent from 20,589 students in 2003.
Searches begin to bring 30 tenure-track professors and 15 lecturers to campus over a three-year period. The first set of new faculty will start fall 2005.
UT receives a five-year $6 million grant to provide enhanced training for area primary and secondary math and science teachers and recruit new educators to the fields. The Department of Education grant is the largest federal award in UT's history.
The family of Edwin Dodd, former UT benefactor and CEO of Owens-Illinois Inc., donates $110,000 to establish the Edwin Dodd Distinguished Lecture Series in Business Ethics. Owens-Illinois and Dana Corp. match the donation.
Effective fall 2005, undergraduate out-of-state surcharge awards will be granted to anyone wishing to attend UT from Toledo’s nine sister cities/regions.
The Higher Learning Commission extends accreditation to UT’s online degree programs.

U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow returned to his alma mater to talk about the economy at a discussion hosted by the Center for Family Business.
The College of Pharmacy celebrates its 100th anniversary with a centennial gala.
The Department of Energy awards a $2.9 million grant to Midwest Optoelectronics LCC, a Toledo technology firm, with UT as a subcontractor.
Alumnus John Neff, who beat the market 22 out of 31 years while managing Vanguard's Windsor Fund, gives $1 million to establish the John B. and Lillian Neff Financial Trading Floor in the College of Business Administration.
Alumnus Dr. Julius Jacobson, who is regarded as the inventor of microsurgery, gives $1 million to create the Julius H. and Joan L. Jacobson Endowed Professorship in Biomedical Research.
Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur announces a $1.3 million grant from NASA that will fund a northwest Ohio Small Turbine Institute in the College of Engineering.
Sen. John Kerry brings his presidential campaign to UT. He also was on campus in March.
Billionaire philanthropist George Soros, a supporter of and Voter Fund, speaks in the Driscoll Alumni Center.
The NCAA Graduation Report shows UT student-athletes have a 69 percent graduation rate for the most recent class. This is up from last year's 54 percent and seven points above the national average.

Adm. Vern Clark, the Chief of Naval Operations for the U.S. Navy, is the guest of honor at a Veterans Day celebration in Savage Hall. He receives an honorary degree.
The Division of Enrollment Services restructures its awards program, guaranteeing scholarships will remain available to those who qualify, increasing them in line with tuition, and renewing them if students meet standards.
The University implements a hiring freeze.
Toledo stages an amazing come-from-behind victory to beat Bowling Green 49-41 and advance to the Mid-American American Conference Championship Game.

The Rockets win the MAC Championship, defeating Miami 35-27. UT will play Connecticut in the Motor City Bowl Dec. 27 at 5:30 p.m. The game will be on ESPN.


Presentation by Dr. Stephen L. Goldman, Director

Plant Science Research Center

The Plant Science Research Center was opened in January 1998.  Its object is to provide support for the production of value-added transgenic plants central to the economy of Ohio.  In the short time in which it has been opened the Plant Center has provided both research space and financial support for those actively engaged in plant research at the University of Toledo independent of department, college or institutional affiliation across the country.  At the University it has supported research endeavors at no cost to the Departments of Biological Sciences, Earth Ecological, and Environmental Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Medicinal Chemistry in the College of Pharmacy and in the Department of Bioengineering in the College of Engineering.

The development of a robust plant regeneration technology in cereals, dicots and ornamentals that is in turn joined to a high frequency DNA transfer technology is reported.  Transgenic cereals that include maize, Tripsacum, sorghum, Festuca and Lolium, dicots that include legumes, cotton and various ornamentals like Poinsettia, Begonia, Geranium, cold-tolerant Petunia have been produced following either somatic embryogenesis or direct organogenesis independent of genotype.  In addition, the phenomenon of in vitro flowering in soybean is described.  In, in vitro flowering, the formation of the plant body is suppressed and the cells of the cotyledonary node produce complete flowers from which fertile seed is recovered.  This technology provides an alternative transgenic pollen containment strategy to chloroplast transformation.

Recently, the Center has undertaken to screen the expression response of the 24,000 Arabidopsis genes to nitric oxide.  This signaling molecule up regulates 342 genes and down regulates 80 genes.  The object here was to identify a population of promoters that can be manipulated by signaling.  In addition, in keeping with the mission of enhancing greenhouse production we have cloned a number of genes from ornamentals that play an important role in disease management and biotic stress.

Last Updated: 7/15/24