February 23, 2005
The University of Toledo
408th Meeting
Board of Trustees
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Student Union Room 2592 -
8:15 a.m.
1. Call to Order
2. President's Report - Exhibit A
3. President Constantine W. Curris
American Association of State Colleges and Universities
4. Consent Agenda Items - Exhibit B
a) Approval of Minutes - December 22, 2004
b) Faculty Personnel Actions
c) Grants
d) Sabbatical Leave Recommendations for 2005 - 2006
e) Staff Personnel Actions
f) Increase in
Undergraduate Instructional and General Fees
g) Additional Increase in Undergraduate Instructional Fee
h) Naming of Research
and Technology Complex
5. Approval Items - Exhibit C
a) IBM Enterprise Server Purchase
b) University Photocopier Contract Award
c) Process
for Ethics Disclosures
6. Information Items - Exhibit D
a) Strategic Plan for Athletics Update
b) Prioritization of Programs & Services
c) Review of College Strategic Plans
7. Committee Reports
Academic Affairs - Trustee Redmond
Audit - Trustee Stansley
Finance -
Trustee Fall
Institutional Advancement - Trustee Browne
Strategic Issues & Planning - Trustee McQuade
Life - Trustee Summons
Trusteeship - Trustee Browne
8. Executive Session (if necessary)
9. Adjournment