April 27, 2005
AGENDAThe University of Toledo
410th Meeting
Board of Trustees
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Student Union Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m.
1. Call to Order
2. President's Report - Exhibit A
3. Awards and Presentations
4. Consent Agenda Items - Exhibit B
a) Approval of Minutes - February 23,
2005 and March 9, 2005
b) Faculty Personnel Actions
c) Grants Report
d) Tenure and Promotion Recommendations for 2005 -
e) Proposal for Master of Studies in Law Program
f) Proposed Name Change for Department of Music and Dance
g) Proposal
for Master of Social Work Program
h) Staff Personnel Actions
i) Student Health Insurance
j) Fiscal Year 2006 Fee
k) FY 2005 - FY 2006 Major Capital Funding
l) FY 2005 - FY 2006 Basic Renovation Funding
5. Approval Items - Exhibit C
a) AAUP, Tenure & Lecturers Contracts
b) University of Toledo Police Patrolman's
Association Contract
c) Conflict of Interest for Members of the Board of Trustees and Implementation Procedure
for Ethics Disclosure
6. Information Items - Exhibit D
a) Integrating University Initiatives of the Strategic Plan - Dr. Robert Sheehan
7. Committee Reports
- Academic Affairs - Trustee Redmond
- Audit - Trustee Stansley
- Finance - Trustee Fall
- Institutional Advancement - Trustee Browne
- Strategic Issues & Planning - Trustee McQuade
- Student Life - Trustee Summons
- Trusteeship - Trustee Brown
8. Appointment of Special Committees
9. Adjournment