Board of Trustees

April 27, 2005

The University of Toledo
410tth  Meeting
Meeting of the Board of Trustees 
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Student Union - Room 2592 - 8:15 a.m. 

The four hundredth and tenth meeting of the Board of Trustees of The University of Toledo was held on Wednesday, April 27, 2005, at 8:15 a.m. in Room 2592 of the Student Union, 2801 W. Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio. 

Mr. Daniel J. Brennan, Chairman of the Board, presided and Ms. Judy E. Fegley, Interim Coordinator of Board Affairs, recorded the minutes. 

The Chairman of the Board requested Ms. Fegley call the roll. 

Present:            Mr. Daniel J. Brennan

                        Mr. C. William Fall

                        Mr. Kristopher L. Keating, Student Trustee

                        Mr. William C. Koester

                        Judge Richard B. McQuade, Jr.

                        Mr. Donovan T. Nichols, Student Trustee

                        Mr. Robert C. Redmond

                        Mr. Richard B. Stansley, Jr.

                        Ms. Olivia K. Summons


A quorum of the Board was constituted.  Trustees Joan Uhl Browne and Hernan A. Vasquez were absent. 

Also present:  President Daniel M. Johnson;  Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Enrollment Alan G. Goodridge; Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer William R. Decatur; Vice President and General Counsel, Board Secretary Sandra A. Drabik; Interim Vice President of Student Life Penny Poplin Gosetti; Vice President for Institutional Advancement C. Vernon Snyder; Student Government Vice President Laura Abu-Absi; Student Ombudsman Susan Andrews; Assistant Treasurer Michael Angelini; Student Government President Guy Beeman; Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Policies Carol Bresnahan; Vice Provost for Research, Graduate Education & Economic Development Frank Calzonetti; Dean of the College of Law Phillip Closius; Student Government President-Elect Thomas Crawford; Chief of Police John A. Dauer; Public Safety Officer Andrew Dier; Faculty Senate Chair Mike Dowd; Dean of the College of Pharmacy Johnnie Early; Assistant to the Vice President & General Counsel Elizabeth Griggs; Executive Director of Marketing and Communications Jeanne Hartig; Director of Internal Audit Kwabena Kankam; Director of University Communications Tobin Klinger; Associate General Counsel Peter Papadimos; Associate Vice President for Finance and Planning Dawn Rhodes; Director, First Year Experience Jennifer Rockwood; Associate Vice President for Human Resources James Sciarini; Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Robert Sheehan; Student Government Vice-President Elect Ashley Sheroian; Associate Vice President and Dean of Students Ronald P. Speier; Executive Secretary to the President Joan Stasa; Interim Media Relations Coordinator Jonathan Strunk; Dean of the College of Health and Human Services Jerome Sullivan; Associate Vice President for Student Services Ardenia Jones Terry; Senior Director of Health and Wellness Norine Wasielewski; Faculty Senate BOT Representative Harvey Wolff; Associate Vice President, Facilities and Management Harry Wyatt; and UT students and staff from around the campus; media represented included Toledo Blade Reporter Kim Bates.   

1.  Call to Order 

Chairman Brennan called the meeting to order at 8:20 a.m.   

2.  President's Report 

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and good morning everyone.  

I don't need to point out that this is the last meeting of the Board this academic year.  In a few days, hundreds of our graduates will walk across the platform in Savage Hall and receive their diplomas.  This "piece of paper" is one of the most important documents our graduates will ever receive.   

For many, if not most, their diplomas will be framed and hung in a place of honor in the graduate's home.  It will be a treasured document, not because of what it says, but rather what it symbolizes in the way of experiences, relationships, knowledge, recognition of academic success, motivation to be one’s best, and, perhaps most of all, opportunity. 

Their diplomas will also be recognized and valued by family and close friends.  Parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, grandparents, neighbors and others will come to this long and somewhat anachronistic ceremony, not to hear speakers, watch a processional, hear graduation music, or to see a thousand or more students and faculty in academic garb.   

No, they will be there to see their child, their spouse or their family member walk across the stage, hear their name called, be congratulated and handed a diploma.  It takes all of about 10 seconds--except for those being hooded--but they will sit in those uncomfortable chairs for more than two hours to witness that brief moment when their child, grandchild, spouse, or friend becomes a college graduate,  receives their master's degree or becomes a doctor.  

This is the culmination of years of hard work, financial investment, foregone opportunities, and, for many, great sacrifice.  

That is why it is so important that we who are responsible for the University of Toledo, its academic programs, administrative services, student life and all the rest, strive to give the very best we can offer to each of those who have entrusted this significant period of their life, their finances, and their future success in their professions and careers to this university and to us.  

This is not just a professional responsibility on our part...and it is that.  But I believe we also have a moral responsibility to deliver the highest quality educational experience we can possibly deliver, to provide the most advanced preparation for future careers we can provide, and to offer a living-learning experience that will be second-to-none.   

Last week we held our Spring Convocation at which time we recognized our outstanding faculty and staff for their many accomplishments and superb performance. This has been a year of many significant accomplishments at UT and continued progress toward achieving our mission as a "student-centered, metropolitan research university." 

But we recognize that accomplishments and progress are not enough if we truly intend to become a great university.  We must also have a plan that will take us to our desired objective of nationally recognized excellence.   

I am proud, in fact, that we do have a plan, an "action plan for excellence" that is in place, a plan that is being implemented, and a plan that is already making a difference.  

For those of you who were not able to attend the Convocation, I am attaching a copy of my remarks in which I reviewed our "action plan for excellence."  As you know, this "action plan" is really several plans or, in a few cases, plans in the making.  These are initiatives we have been working on for the past two, three, or now four years. They include: 

  •         Our University's Strategic Plan
  •         Our University's Facilities Master Plan
  •         Our Plan for the Prioritization of Programs and Services
  •         Our plan for Outreach and Engagement that is being developed by our Commission on Outreach and Engagement and our Council on Economic Development
  •         Our emerging plans from the Commission on Diversity and other groups working on campus diversity
  •         Our rapidly emerging plan for integrated marketing, communications and branding,
  •         Our Commission on the River,
  •         Our Science and Technology Corridor, and
  •         Our Capital Campaign, the plan for which is currently being implemented. 

From my very first visit to this campus four and a half years ago, I have been totally convinced that this university has the potential to become one of the nation’s premier metropolitan universities as well as the potential to be nationally recognized in key areas.   

But it won"t happen by itself.  We have to make it happen.  And to make it a reality we first have to believe we can be the best and then work hard and strategically to make it happen.  And then, we have to reinforce the progress we are making with positive recognition to those who are making it happen.   

The sad and unfortunate truth is, we don't "thank" people publicly nearly enough for all their hard work, their efforts to find and achieve consensus, and to take us to a higher level of productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.   

Our progress over the past several years was made clear to me yesterday in the exit interview by the visiting team from the North Central Association Higher Learning Commission, our accreditation body.  

The Chairman of the team opened his comments to me in a private meeting by saying, "President Johnson, we have a very positive report."  Of course, I was pleased but I was even more relieved.  But he went on to say the following: 

  •        "The campus is on the move and you are on the right track."
  •        "You are developing an important and special niche for UT where good students will be attracted…you will become very competitive [if you stay the course]."
  •         "Your strategic plan is 'flawless'."
  •         "That you are doing so many things, that you have so many initiatives in progress, is truly extraordinary."
  •         "I have been doing accreditation evaluations for 20 years and I have never seen such progress in such a short period of time."
  •         "You have made great progress in the face of overwhelming obstacles like reductions in state funding and increasing competition…"
  •         "You have fulfilled all expectations and we will recommend that there be no further review until 2011." 

These comments, made in an informal setting are "unofficial" until they are accepted by the Higher Learning Commission. But they say to me that we now have external validation that we have turned the corner.   

This is not easy "stuff." In fact, Mr. Chairman, I will say what everyone in this room today knows. This is very difficult.  Just one of our initiatives or plans would be difficult to implement.  This university, through the work of its faculty and staff, is simultaneously advancing multiple initiatives. 

This is tough work and, without a doubt, it has been a tough year. 

But I would also say, as I did at Convocation, this is "one tough university."  Many, many individuals have excelled against the odds and with very limited resources.  Many departments and divisions have raised the bar of productivity.  Our task forces, councils and commissions are breaking new ground, literally changing the culture of this university to a culture that believes in and is committed to our mission of being a "engaged, student-centered, metropolitan research university." 

I would like to use this occasion this morning, the last Board meeting of the academic year to sincerely thank the faculty, staff and students for their many substantial contributions to a great year.  I would like to single out the department chairs and thank them for all they do.  The deans--the CEO’s of our colleges--are offering a new vision for their colleges and will be sharing their strategic plans with this Board in the months to come.  To them and their staff members I want to extend a special word of thanks.   

Toour Professional Staff, CWA, our University Police, thank you for your hard work and significant contributions to the life and energy of this campus.  I also want to thank the outgoing chair of the Faculty Senate, Professor Mike Dowd, for his leadership of the Senate.  To the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, thank you. And, likewise to the members of the Senate, a very special thank you for your hard work. 

Toour student athletes and their coaches...thank you for bringing the excitement of athletic competition to the campus, our community and our conference.   

Toour student leaders this past year, Guy Beeman and Laura Abu-Absi, special thanks are due.  They provided outstanding leadership of our student government association. 

Tothe Cabinet, our Vice Presidents and the members of their teams, I would just say a very special "thank you."  You and the members of your teams have done yeoman's work this year.  You are leading this campus and your divisions to higher levels of success in one of the most difficult and challenging periods higher education has faced in recent history.  

There are so many others to whom we owe a great debt of gratitude: Our alumni and alumni association; our donors and supporters who are investing in the future of this university; the UT Foundation, its board and staff; our public officials here in Toledo and Northwest Ohio who are accepting, and indeed, asking for a much greater role for UT in our community and region.  

I could go on and on…enrollment services, student life, our librarians, the janitorial staff and grounds keepers, plumbers and painters, development staff,  graduate assistants and lab technicians…there are so many people who are working hard to position UT for a great future.   

But I would be remiss if I did not also acknowledge, with genuine gratitude and appreciation, the commitment and hard work of this Board of Trustees.  Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you and all the members of this board for your time, efforts and support that help make UT all it can be and your very significant financial commitments to the Capital Campaign.  You serve without pay and literally give hundreds of hours to this university, its students, faculty and staff.   

Sofor all of us--faculty, staff and students--we want you to know we appreciate your commitment, loyalty and conscientious efforts to guide UT through these difficult times.  

I would like to single out one member of the Board for special thanks this morning, our Student Trustee, Donovan Nichols.  This is Donovan's last board meeting.  Donovan has been an extraordinary student leader at the University. His fingerprints are literally on many of the improvements we have seen over the past few years.  

Atthis point President Johnson and Chairman Brennan asked Student Trustee Nichols to come forward.  President Johnson presented Mr. Nichols with a gift and Chairman Brennan read and presented to Mr. Nichols a Board Resolution summarizing his accomplishments during his years at UT.  (Exhibit #1)  Mr. Nichols thanked President Johnson, Chairman Brennan and all trustees for the opportunities and experiences he had serving as a student trustee.  He remarked he thoroughly enjoyed the time spent as a student trustee and was confident the experience would serve him well in the future. 

Mr. Chairman, that concludes my report.  My apologies for its length today but I wanted to express my appreciation to all those who have made this a great year and who are making UT a great university. 

3.  Awards and Presentations 

Chairman Brennan requested that Faculty Senate Chair Mike Dowd come forward.  Mr. Dowd was presented with a plaque acknowledging his service as Chair of Faculty Senate for the 2004 - 2005 academic year.    Mr. Dowd remarked it has been good working with the trustees and hoped that the trustees will remember that the faculty are the University's most valuable resource and should be trusted. 

Chairman Brennan then asked that Student Government President Guy Beeman and Vice President Abu-Absi step forward.  Mr. Beeman was presented with a plaque for his service as 2004 - 2005 Student Government President; Ms. Abu-Absi was presented with a plaque for her work as 2004 - 2005 Student Government Vice President.  Mr. Beeman and Ms. Abu-Absi commented it had been a pleasure serving in their positions the last two years and also wanted to thank their cabinet, the Student Senate, Dr. Penny Poplin Gosetti and Dean Ronald Speier for their support. 

The 2005 - 2006 Student Government President-Elect Tom Crawford and Vice-President Elect Ashley Sheroian were introduced.  Both remarked that they are looking forward to representing the student body and working with the Board during the next academic year. 

4.  Consent Agenda Items 

Chairman Brennan noted the February 23, 2005, and March 9, 2005, Board meeting minutes were provided in advance and requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the minutes and the materials contained in the consent agenda items a) through l): 

a)  Approval of Minutes - February 23, 2005 and March 9, 2005

b)  Faculty Personnel Actions

c)  Grants Report

d)  Tenure and Promotion Recommendations for 2005 - 2006

e)  Proposal for Master of Studies in Law Program

f)  Proposed Name Change for Department of Music and Dance

g)  Proposal for Master of Social Work Program

h)  Staff Personnel Actions

i)  Student Health Insurance

j)  Fiscal Year 2006 Fee Recommendations

k)  FY 2005 - FY 2006 Major Capital Funding

l)  FY 2005 - FY 2006 Basic Renovation Funding 

Upon a motion by Mr. Koester, seconded by Mr. Fall, to approve the consent agenda items a) through l) as listed, a voice vote was taken.  Motion passed unanimously. 

5.  Approval Items        

 AAUP, Tenure & Lecturers, and University of Toledo Police Patrolman's Association Contracts 

Trustee Fall reported the AAUP, Tenure & Lecturers, and University of Toledo Police Patrolman's Association Contracts were all reviewed in last week's Finance Committee meeting and it was recommended all three contracts be brought before the Board for approval.   

Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Koester, to approve the AAUP Contract as presented, a voice vote was taken.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Mr. Koester, to approve the Tenure & Lecturers Contract as presented, a voice vote was taken.  Motion passed with one abstention by Judge McQuade. 

Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Ms. Summons, to approve the UT Police Patrolman's Association Contract as presented, a voice vote was taken.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Trustee Fall stated he wished to thank everyone who worked on these three contracts; that the negotiating teams worked hard and their efforts at arriving at a good conclusion were appreciated. 

Conflict of Interest for Members of the Board of Trustees and Implementation Procedure for Ethics Disclosure 

InTrusteeship Committee Chair Browne's absence, Trustee Redmond reported the policy on Conflict of Interest for Members of the Board of Trustees and the Implementation Procedure for Ethics Disclosures were discussed at last week's meeting.  The committee has recommended the first reading be waived and that the policy on Conflict of Interest and the Implementation Procedure for Ethics Disclosures be adopted by the Board. 

Upon a motion by Mr. Fall, seconded by Ms. Summons, to waive the first reading of the Conflict of Interest policy and the Implementation Procedure for Ethics Disclosures, a voice vote was taken.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Upon a motion by Mr. Redmond, seconded by Mr. Fall to adopt the Conflict of Interest policy and the Implementation Procedure for Ethics Disclosures, a voice vote was taken.  Motion passed unanimously. 

6.  Information Items 

Integrating University Initiatives of the Strategic Plan 

Itwas agreed that this agenda item will be presented at the June 2005 Board meeting. 

7.  Committee Reports 

Chairman Brennan called on committee chairs to give a brief report of the April 19, 2005 board committee meetings: 

Academic Affairs  

Trustee Redmond stated the Academic Affairs Committee minutes reflect the work of the committee and nothing additional needs reporting at this time. 


Trustee Stansley reported the Audit Committee received an update on scheduled audits and the Internal Audit Department is on target to complete scheduled audits this year.  The committee also heard a presentation by Internal Auditor Kankam on the need to acquire a fraud and ethics confidential reporting system.  This is in the spirit of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and although not required, it is prudent that UT implement such a reporting system for all University constituencies.   

The Audit Committee has requested the University administration look into the process and vendor availability for implementing a fraud and ethics reporting system for the next academic year. 


Trustee Fall stated since all trustees are members of the Finance Committee, his report will be brief.  At last week's Finance meeting, the committee received comprehensive reports covering the University and Foundation Semi-Annual Investment Review, University Debt Review and a Status Update on Transit Services.  Mr. Fall echoed the comments made earlier regarding the collective bargaining negotiations and wished to acknowledge the efforts of Bill Decatur and Jim Sciarini's staffs.  

Institutional Advancement 

Inthe absence of Trustee Browne, there was no report from the Institutional Advancement Committee. Vice President for Institutional Advancement Vern Snyder reported the Capital Campaign is 10% ahead of last year.   

Strategic Issues and Planning 

Trustee McQuade stated the minutes of last week's Strategic Issues and Planning Committee accurately reflect the meeting held last week.  The committee has authorized the President to seek a line item appropriation of $300,000 for the purpose of studying a public/private partnership concept for The University of Toledo and is hopeful this appropriation can be made.  The committee noted that due to a number of factors, diversity at the University of Toledo is slipping and has asked the President to develop strategies to recruit students from Asia.  The committee has endorsed President Johnson's draft of a proposed trip to Beijing, China for the purpose of recruiting students to The University of Toledo. 

Chairman Brennan commented such an arrangement would also present an opportunity for University of Toledo students to study in China. 

President Johnson stated he has started working and planning for this trip and is looking forward to a very fruitful trip.  More details will be provided in the near future. 

Student Life 

Trustee Summons stated she is pleased to report that after much work, the internal committee charged with defining "student centeredness" presented a draft at last week's Student Life Committee meeting.  Student Life committee members will review the document, offer feedback and the draft will then be refined and timelines developed for the implementation plan at the June committee meeting. 


Inthe absence of Trustee Browne, Judge McQuade reported the minutes accurately reflect the meeting held last week. 

Atthe conclusion of the committee reports, Chairman Brennan asked for comments from trustees.  Hearing none, he stated he wanted to thank everyone involved with the NCA review committee; that it was a huge amount of work and everyone involved, particularly the board committee community members and all University faculty and staff, should be congratulated for meaningful work. 

8.  Appointment of Special Committees 

Chairman Brennan announced the appointment of two special committees.  A Nominating Committee consisting of Olivia Summons, Chairman; Robert Redmond and William Koester is charged with presenting a slate of officers at the June 2005 Board meeting. 

Secondly, Chairman Brennan appointed a Goal Review Committee, formerly the Presidential Assessment Committee.  Vice-Chairman Richard B. Stansley, Jr. will chair this committee with William Fall and Richard B. McQuade, Jr., as members.  The charge to this committee is to ensure progress is being made to achieve goals agreed upon by the president and the Board. 

9.  Adjournment 

There being no further business before the Board, upon the motion duly made and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a.m. 


A Resolution 

Donovan T. Nichols

       WHEREAS you were appointed by Governor Bob Taft in July 2003 to serve as one of two University of Toledo student representatives on the Board of Trustees; and 

       WHEREAS you received your bachelor's degree in Communication from The University of Toledo in May 2004 and you will receive your master's degree in Higher Education from The University of Toledo in August 2005; and 

       WHEREAS you served as president of UT’s Student Government during the 2002 - 2003 academic year; and 

       WHEREAS you are the founder, former president and one of the original ten members of Blue Crew; and 

       WHEREAS you are an alumni member of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Blue Key National Honor Society, Mortar Board, Leadership UT, Christian Leadership Program and University Ambassadors; and 

       WHEREAS your term on The University of Toledo Board of Trustees will end July 1, 2005. 

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees expresses its gratitude and indebtedness of the entire University community for your service. 

BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be conveyed to you. 

BEIT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Resolution, adopted unanimously, be spread upon the minutes of this Board, to become a part of the permanent records of The University of Toledo. 

            Done this 27th day of April 2005.                                                                                                       


Daniel J. Brennan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees 


Daniel M. Johnson, President of The University of Toledo

Last Updated: 7/15/24