Board of Trustees

June 22, 2005

The University of Toledo
411th Meeting
Board of Trustees
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Driscoll Alumni Center Board Room - 8:15 a.m 

1.     Call to Order    

2.     President's Report - Exhibit A 

3.   Consent Agenda Items - Exhibit B
a)    Approval of Minutes - April 27, 2005
b)    Faculty Personnel Actions
c)    Grants Report
d)    Proposal for Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Program
e)    Proposal for Bachelor of Applied Organizational Technology Program
f)     Staff Personnel Actions
g)    Office Supplies Contract
h)    Capital Project Local Administration Resolution
i)     FY 2005 - FY 2006 Major Capital Allocation Revision for Science Building and Classroom Building
j)     Arts Living-Learning Community Program Fee
k)    Residence Hall Naming - Ottawa House East/Ottawa House West 

4.     Approval Items - Exhibit C
a)    CWA Contract Agreement
b)    Resolution for Rollback of Undergraduate Instructional and General Fees Increases 

5.     Information Items - Exhibit D
a)    Transit Services - Harry E. Wyatt
b)    Charter Schools Report - Trustee Stansley
c)    Committee on Student Centeredness - Trustee Stansley 

6.     Committee ReportsAcademic Affairs - Trustee Redmond

  • Audit - Trustee Stansley
  • Finance/Administration/Facilities - Trustee Fall
  • Institutional Advancement - Trustee Browne
  • Strategic Issues & Planning - Trustee McQuade
  • Student Life - Trustee Summons
  • Trusteeship - No Report
  • Goal Review Committee - Trustee Stansley
  • Nominating Committee - Trustee Summons

7.      Adjournment

Last Updated: 7/15/24