Board of Trustees

October 26, 2005

The University of Toledo
414th Meeting
Board of Trustees
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Health and Human Services Building
Multipurpose Room IV 8:15 a.m.

1. Call to Order  

2. President's Report IV Exhibit A

3. Consent Agenda Items IV Exhibit B

a) Approval of Minutes IV August 24, 2005
b) Faculty Personnel Actions
c) Grants Report
d) Candidates for Degrees
e) Recommendation for Honorary Degrees
f) Staff Personnel Actions
g) Authorization to Complete Pricing Elasticity Study
h) Draft of Audited 2005 Financial Statements

4. Approval Items IV Exhibit C

a) FY2007 IV FY2008 Major Capital Request and
 FY2007 IV FY2012 Six Year Capital Plan
b) Inter University (IUC) Insurance Pooling Agreement
c) Recommendation for Support of the Student Medical Center

5. Information Items IV Exhibit D  (No items at this meeting)

6. Committee Reports

-Academic Affairs IV Trustee McQuade
-Audit IV Trustee Stansley
-Finance/Administration/Facilities IV Trustee Fall
-Institutional Advancement IV Trustee Koester
-Strategic Issues & Planning IV Trustee Redmond
-Student Life IV Trustee Summons
-Trusteeship IV Trustee McQuade

7. Faculty Senate Report

8. Student Government Report

9. Adjournment

Last Updated: 7/15/24