December 28, 2005
The University of Toledo
418th Meeting
Board of Trustees
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Student Union - Room
8:15 a.m.
1. Call to Order
2. President's Report - Exhibit A
3. Consent Agenda Items - Exhibit B
a) Approval of Minutes - October 26, November 4, November 10, December 6, 2005
b) Faculty Personnel Actions
c) Grants Report
d) Proposed Name Change for Department of Counseling and Mental Health Services
e) Bancroft Campus Classroom Upgrades Budget Revision
f) Stop Loss Insurance Vendor
g) Endorsement of Faculty Retirement Incentive Plan
h) Amendment of the Alternative Retirement Plan
i) Amendment to Policy V-7-4; Classification and Pay
j) Policy on the Student Code of Conduct
k) Revision to the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees
4. Approval Items - Exhibit C
a) Staff Personnel Actions
b) Resolution for Bond Anticipation Note
c) Electrical Service Agreement
5. Information Items - Exhibit D (No items at this meeting)
6. Committee Reports
Academic Affairs - Trustee McQuade
Audit - Trustee Stansley
Finance/Administration/Facilities- Trustee Fall
Institutional Advancement- Trustee Koester
Strategic Issues & Planning - Trustee Redmond
Student Life- Trustee Summons
Trusteeship - Trustee McQuade
7. Faculty Senate Report
8. Student Government Report
9. Adjournment