Department of Pharmacy Practice

Eric G. Sahloff, Pharm.D., AAHIVP

Photo of Dr. Sahloff
  Associate Professor
  Chair, PharmD Recruitment and Admissions Committee

  Department of Pharmacy Practice
  Frederic and Mary Wolfe Center 114B
  Phone: 419.383.1962



Area of Research

  • Pharmacotherapy related to prevention of HIV
  • Therapeutic management of people living with HIV

Educational Background

Pharm.D. The University of Toledo
B.S., Pharmacy The University of Toledo
B.A., Biology The University of Toledo


  • Critical Care/Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy Fellowship, University of Toledo
  • Critical Care/Infectious Diseases Specialty Residency, St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center

Scope of Practice

Clinical Service – Ryan White Clinic, University of Toledo Medical Center

Established practice in an outpatient infectious diseases clinic specializing in HIV/AIDS. Services included selection, monitoring, and adjustment of antimicrobial/antiviral/drug therapy; provision of drug information and education to patients and healthcare professionals and students. Provide introductory and advanced practice experiences to Pharm.D. students and post-graduate (PGY1/PGY2) pharmacy residents.

  • Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, The University of Toledo
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
  • Clinical Pharmacist, the University of Toledo Medical Center

Publications and Journals

UToledo Scholars

Last Updated: 7/15/24