Department of Pharmacy Practice

Jerry Nesamony, Ph.D., R.Ph.

Photo Dr. Nesamony

  Director of the B.S.P.S. Pharmaceutics Program
  Director of the M.S.P.S. Industrial Pharmacy Program

  Department of Pharmacy Practice
  Frederic and Mary Wolfe Center 114J
  Phone: 419.383.1938



Area of Research

  • Nanostructured and polymer-based systems for oral, parenteral, and pulmonary delivery of antibiotics, proteins, anti-cancer drugs, and natural product extracts.
  • AI integrated computational support systems in aseptic compounding.
  • Solid state characterization of API's and excipients.

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics University of Louisiana, Monroe, LA, 2005
M.Pharm. University of Kerala, India, 2000
B.Pharm. University of Kerala, India, 1998

Scope of Practice

  • Professor (Pharmaceutics), the University of Toledo, College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (7/2020 to current)
  • Associate Professor (Pharmaceutics), the University of Toledo, College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (7/2014 to 6/2020)
  • Assistant Professor (Pharmaceutics), the University of Toledo, College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (8/2008 to 7/2014)
  • Assistant Professor (Pharmaceutics), Appalachian College of Pharmacy, Oakwood, VA (5/2005 to 8/2008)

Awards, Honors and Grants

  1. National Science Foundation ICORPS, June 2017, PI: Jerry Nesamony, “Enabling Computational Systems to Deliver Proper Injectable Treatments to Patients”, Amount Awarded: $ 50,000.
  2. University of Toledo Rocket Fuel Fund, University of Toledo, 2018, PI: Dr. Jerry Nesamony, “Developing a prototype of a computational software system for delivering proper injectable treatments”, Amount Awarded: $ 34,000.

Publications and Journals

UToledo Scholars

Last Updated: 7/15/24