Department of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry

Erin Prestwich, Ph.D.

Photo of Dr. Prestwich
  Assistant Professor

  Department of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry
  Wolfe Hall 2209 (Main Campus)
  Phone: 419.530.1944 


Area of Research

Research in the Prestwich laboratory employs analytical and chemical tools to probe the pathophysiology of disease and potentially find new treatments and pharmaceutical targets. We study nucleic acid modifications to discover the mechanisms and consequences of these modifications, including how the epigenome and epitranscriptome affect the formation of biofilms and affect other pathologies. This involves using bioanalytical tools, especially mass spectrometry, along with microbiology, synthetic organic chemistry, and chemical biology to discover and probe novel biochemical mechanisms.

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Chemistry Boston College, 2006
B.A. in Chemistry Wellesley College, 1999


Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Biological Engineering

Publications and Journals

UToledo Scholars

Last Updated: 7/15/24