Can my child only participate in the summer?
No. The University of Toledo Upward Bound (UB) and Upward Bound Math & Science (UBMS) are not limited to summer programming. Applicants who are admitted to the program are making a commitment to participate in programming throughout the academic year (Fall and Spring) and the 6-week summer program (June - July) from the time of admission until their high school graduation.
Can my child select when they want to participate; i.e., can he/she participate in the Fall and Summer, but not the Spring?
Yes, however it is important to keep in mind that in order for your child to reap the full benefits of the program, participants are expected to attend regularly and utilize the free services provided continuously until their high school graduation.
My child is in the 8th grade, can he/she start participating now?
No. Although students may apply during the Spring term of their 8th grade year, they can only participate once they’ve completed 8th grade. They can start participating the summer before their 9th grade year of high school.
By participating in your program, does my child automatically get accepted to The University of Toledo?
No. The Admissions department is completely separate from our program, and we have no influence on admission/enrollment decisions at The University of Toledo.
Does your program provide scholarships to college?
No. We do not provide scholarships for students to attend college; however, we do compile information on scholarship opportunities, disseminate it to students and help with submission as needed.
I see there are two Upward Bound programs at The University of Toledo; does my child have to apply to both in order to get into one of the programs?
No. Students need only apply to one program. During the application review process, if we feel the student may be a better fit for one program over the other, they will be recommended to participate in that program.
My child likes Math but not Science; can they still apply to the Math Science Upward Bound Program?
Yes, your child may still apply to the Upward Bound Math & Science program. The distinguishing feature between the programs is the Summer Program S.T.E.M. track. Most of the other features of the programs are opportunities shared with students in both programs.
I am told that there is an income requirement for your programs; would it stop my child from participating if I make too much money?
The programs follow a number of guidelines set by the federal government to determine if your child is eligible. Income is not the sole factor in determining whether an applicant can participate, so we urge any student with a strong desire to earn a college education to submit an application.
My child is involved in another program/sports/work/etc.?
Attendance is a program requirement and students are expected to attend. Conflicts are handled on a case-by-case basis.
The University of Toledo Upward Bound Math & Science program has a science activity requirement, what does that mean?
Students are required to participate in a local Science Fair competition/activity each year they are in the program, except for their Senior year. Students are prepared to participate starting in the Summer and are provided support and resources throughout the process. Activities vary and can include events such as Science Bowls, Engineering challenges and Robotics competitions.
What grade do you have to be in in order to apply for Upward Bound/Upward Bound Math Science?
We recruit 8th graders to begin the Summer after completion. We are in our high schools recruiting in the Fall when the school year begins; and accept students on a rolling basis as space and eligibility permit.
What grades do you have to have to apply for Upward Bound?
We look for students that are interested in excelling in their academic performance as they prepare for higher education.
Is this for African-American students only?
No. Upward Bound/Upward Bound Math Science serves: high school students from low-income families; and high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor's degree.
Can you live outside of Toledo and attend Upward Bound?
Students must live in our target area (Toledo) or attend our target schools (Bowsher, Jones, Rogers, Scott, Start, Waite or Woodward).
What is the cost for Upward Bound?
There is no cost to participate in Upward Bound/Upward Bound Math Science programs. The programs are funded by the US Department of Education.
What if I do not want to go to college, can I still be a part of Upward Bound?
The program is geared towards students that show interest in attending college. If you are open to considering and learning more about the college experience, participation is a possibility.
What will I have to do in Upward Bound?
You must commit to taking action to ensure your success in high school and preparation for success in college. Free programming will be provided to this end, including college tours, tutorials, workshops, career awareness events, SAT & ACT prep, enrichment classes, service projects, cultural trips, personal/professional development activities and much more.
***Regular attendance is required.
If I am admitted to The University of Toledo Upward Bound or Upward Bound Math Science Program, can I transfer into another UB or UBMS program?
Yes. In cases where you move outside the target area and it would be more convenient to transfer to another project, the new project may contact us for your records. However, admission to another UB project is not guaranteed and will be based on availability.
Do you need to reapply each year to participate?
No. Once accepted into the program, participants need to commit to remaining actively involved in programming until their high school graduation.
Can I pay to participate in Upward Bound/Math and Science Upward Bound?
If a parent has a degree, may I still participate?
Participants may be considered for admission if they demonstrate a need for the program services (as determined by Federal Program Guidelines) even if they are not a potential First-Generation college student.
Where can I get an application for Upward Bound/Math and Science Upward Bound?
The application for both programs is available online at this link (Upward Bound Classic: AND, Upward Bound Math Science).
Please call 419.530.3811 or email us at upwardbound.office@utoledo.edu if you have any questions or concerns.
How do you get accepted into Upward Bound/Math Science Upward Bound?
The admission process has 3 parts:
- Complete the online application.
- Attend an interview with a parent/guardian (by invitation only).
- Attend the designated orientation session (once invited).
What is the difference between The University of Toledo Upward Bound (UB) and Upward Bound Math & Science (UBMS) program?
Participants in The University of Toledo’s UBMS program must have demonstrated interest in a career in a S.T.E.M. field and participate in S.T.E.M. tracks during our Summer Program.
Participants in both programs receive similar services that are geared towards their interest: tutorials, enrichment classes, college visits, career exploration activities, cultural trips, workshops, etc.
Do you provide transportation to and from your program?
We provide Bus Tokens and Taxicab services to students who need transportation assistance.
What is the application deadline?
Applications are always accepted.
How can I learn more about what The University of Toledo UB and UBMS programs are up to?