Aliaksandr Amialchuk
Ph.D., University of Houston, 2007
Office: University Hall 4140 B
Phone: 419.530.4754
Mailing Address:
Department of Economics
The University of Toledo
2801 West Bancroft St., MS 922
Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390
Please email Dr. Amialchuk for the latest version of his CV.
Research Interests
- Environmental economics
- Health economics (social norms and health behaviors)
- Population economics
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Sapci O, Amialchuk A. Health Effects of Pollution: Evidence Based on Individual Pollution Exposure Metrics from a Nationally Representative Data Set in the US (working paper)
Amialchuk A, Sapci A, Sapci O. The Carbon Footprint of the U.S. Monetary Policy (submitted for publication)
Amialchuk A, Buckingham B. The Effect of Marijuana Use in Adolescence on College and Graduate Degree Attainment. Economics & Human Biology. (In press).
Amialchuk A, Ali M. The Long-Term Effects of Marijuana Use on Mental Health Outcomes. Review of Economics of the Household. (2023).
Amialchuk A, Sapci O. The long-term health effects of initiating smoking in adolescence: Evidence from a national longitudinal survey. Health Economics. 2022 Apr;31(4):597-613.
Onur Sapci, Jon D. Elhai, Aliaksandr Amialchuk, Christian Montag, The relationship between smartphone use and students` academic performance, Learning and Individual Differences, Volume 89, 2021.
Aliaksandr Amialchuk, Onur Sapci & Jon D. Elhai (2021) Applying machine learning methods to model social interactions in alcohol consumption among adolescents, Addiction Research & Theory.
Elhai JD, Sapci O, Yang H, Amialchuk A, Rozgonjuk D, Montag C. Objectively-measured and self-reported smartphone use in relation to surface learning, procrastination, academic productivity, and psychopathology symptoms in college students. Hum Behav & Emerg Tech. 2021;1–10.
Amialchuk A., Sapci, O. 2020. The Influence of Normative Misperceptions on Alcohol-Related Problems among School-Age Adolescents in the U.S. Review of Economics of the Household, February 22.
Amialchuk A., Ajilore O., and K. Egan. 2019. The Influence of Misperceptions about
Social Norms on Substance Use among School-age Adolescents. Health Economics, 28(6), pp. 736-747.
Tietjen G., Elhai J.D., Karmakar M., and Amialchuk A. 2018. “Do Personality Traits
Mediate the Relationship Between Childhood Abuse and Exploration of the Relationships
in Young Adults Using the Add Health Dataset,” Headache, Feb; 58(2):243-259.
Elhai J.D., Chai S., Amialchuk A., and Hall B.J. 2017. “Cross-cultural and gender
associations with anxiety about electronic data hacking,” Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 70: 161-167
Tietjen G., Karmakar M., and Amialchuk A. 2017. “Emotional Abuse History and Migraine
Among Young Adults: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Add Health Dataset,”
Headache, Volume 57: 45-59.
Amialchuk A., Bornukova K., Ali M.M. 2016. “Will a decline in smoking increase body
weights? Evidence from Belarus,” Eastern Economic Journal, doi:10.1057/s41302-016-0071-0.
Ajilore O., Amialchuk A., Egan K. 2016. “Alcohol consumption by youth: Peers, parents,
or prices?” Economics and Human Biology, 23:76-83.
Amialchuk, A., Kotalik A. 2016. “Do Your School Mates Influence How Long You Game?
Evidence from the U.S.” PLoS ONE, 11(8):e0160664.
Amialchuk, A., Gerhardinger L. 2015. “Contraceptive use and pregnancies in adolescents'
romantic relationships: role of relationship activities and parental attitudes and
communication,” Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 36(2):86-97.
Ali, M.M, Amialchuk, A., Heller, L. 2014. “The Influence of Physical Activity on Cigarette
Smoking among Adolescents: Evidence from Add Health,” Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 17(5):539-545.
Olugbenga A., Amialchuk, A., Wei Xiong, Xinyue Ye. 2014. “Uncovering peer effects
mechanisms with weight outcomes using spatial econometrics,” The Social Science Journal, 51(4):645–651.
Amialchuk, A., Lisenkova K., Salnykov M, Yemelyanau, M. 2014. “Economic Determinants
of Fertility in Belarus: a Micro-Data Analysis,” Economics of Transition, Volume 22(3):577-604.
Ali, M.M, Amialchuk, A., Nikaj, S. 2014. “Alcohol consumption and social network ties
among adolescents: Evidence from Add Health,” Addictive Behaviors, 39(5):918-922.
Ali, M.M, John A. Rizzo, Amialchuk, A., Frank Heiland. 2014. “Racial differences in
the influence of female adolescents’ body size on dating and sex,” Economics & Human Biology Volume 12, January, Pages 140-152.
Ali, M.M, Minor T, Amialchuk, A. 2013. “Estimating the Biases Associated with Self-Perceived,
Self-Reported, and Measured BMI on Mental Health,” PLoS ONE 2013, December, 8(12): e81021.
Ali, M.M, Amialchuk, A., and Pentina I. 2013. “The Effects of Drinking and Sports
on Popularity of Overweight Adolescents: Implications for Public Policy,” Journal of Public Health, Volume 21, Issue 3, pages 221-230.
Amialchuk, A. 2013. “Relative Wage Changes and Fertility in the U.S.: an Empirical
Investigation,” Eastern Economic Journal, vol. 39, issue 2, pages 201-226.
Amialchuk, A., 2013. “The Effect of Husband's Job Displacement on the Timing and Spacing
of Births in the U.S.,” Contemporary Economic Policy, vol. 31, issue 1, pages 73-93.
Amialchuk, A., Dimitrova, I. 2012. “The Evolution of Deliberate Spacing Behavior Before
the Demographic Transition. Evidence from Germany,” Demographic Research, volume 27, article 19, pages 507-542.
Yemelyanau, M., Amialchuk, A., Ali, M., 2012. “Evidence from the Chernobyl Nuclear
Accident: the Effect on Health, Education, and Labor Market Outcomes in Belarus,”
Journal of Labour Research, Vol. 33, Issue 1, January, pp. 1–20.
Ali, M., Amialchuk, A., Rizzo, J., 2012. “The Influence of Body Weight on Social Network
Ties among Adolescents,” Economics and Human Biology, Vol. 10, Issue 1, January, pp. 20–34.
Ali, M., Gao, S., Amialchuk, A., Heiland, F., 2012. “Weight Gain and Peer Social Network:
Is There a Contagion Effect?” Applied Economics, Volume 44, Issue 23, pp. 2969-2983.
Ali, M., Amialchuk, A., Dwyer, D., 2011. “Social Network Effects in Contraceptive
Behavior among Adolescents,” The Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, Vol. 32, Issue 8, October, pp. 563-571.
Pentina, I., Amialchuk, A., Taylor, D., 2011. “Exploring Effects of Online Shopping
Experiences on Browser Satisfaction and E-Tail Performance,” International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 39, Issue 10, October, pp.742-758.
Ali, M., Amialchuk, A., Renna, F. 2011 “Social Network and Weight Misperceptions among
Adolescents,” Southern Economic Journal, 77(4), 2011: 827-842.
Ali, M., Amialchuk, A., Dwyer, D., 2011. “The Social Contagion Effect of Marijuana
Use Among Adolescents,” PLoS ONE, January, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 1-6.
Ali, M., Amialchuk, A., Heiland, F., 2011. “Weight-Related Behavior among Adolescents:
The Role of Peer Effects,” PLoS ONE, June, Volume 6, Issue 6, pp. 1-9.
Bhargava A, Amialchuk A. 2007 “Added sugars displaced the use of vital nutrients in
the National Food Stamp Program Survey,” Journal of Nutrition, Feb; 137(2):453-60.
Other Publications
Amialchuk A. 2009. “UEVE: Stata module to compute unbiased errors-in-variables estimator
and variants from grouped data,” Statistical Software Components S457015, Boston College
Department of Economics.
Amialchuk A. 2017. “FRAMINGHAM30: Stata module to calculate 30-year risk of cardiovascular
disease,” Statistical Software Components S458258, Boston College Department of Economics