Business Career Programs

Student Testimonials


“Business career programs was the foundation in my success and should be the foundation for COBI. I learned more job-hunting skills from this office and its people than any class has ever taught me at the University. I believe that internships are crucial in business as the real-world application is vastly different than the classroom.” 
Tyler, Spring 2021

“This internship gave me the benefit of applying the coursework to my job as well as confirming that I do in fact enjoy my work and studies in accounting and finance. I always appreciated the job postings by the BCP.”
Megan, Spring 2021

"My virtual internship gave me an opportunity to look at the inner workings of a company and affirm that I really did want to continue with Corporate Finance. My favorite part was working on Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review/Dodd-Frank Act Supervisory Stress Testing (CCAR/DFAST), which is a way to show that the bank is in good financial standing."  
Maria Eley, Spring 2021

My experience through the BCP office has been great. The resources they provide to students help us tremendously to build our professionalism and to prepare us for interviews and such! ... I extremely enjoyed my time spent at Marathon Petroleum Corporation. I grew as a young professional and learned about an industry that I knew very little about before. I was blessed with an incredible team, and I know I wouldn’t have grown and learned as much as I did without their feedback, support, and mentorship."
Olivia Harlament, Spring 2021

“Doing an internship gives you real-world experience while putting your studies to the test. BCP gave me a handful of opportunities to network through Job Fairs, Networking Nights, and Mock Interviews. My mock interview is what led me to showcase my abilities to an Owens Corning representative and that was a perfect 'foot in the door' moment. I advise any business student to take full advantage of what BCP has to offer.”
Noah, Summer 2020

“I feel that the student internship is a great opportunity to get out in the community and meet people and network with people that have common interests. By taking Amy O’Donnell’s class and using the resources available to me through the Business Career Program I have been able to learn how to search for and secure a position in a field I enjoy, instead of just having a job.”
Scott, Summer 2020

“Student internships have provided me with the confidence and development to ensure I will excel in my early career post-grad. BCP has offered many opportunities to make sure internships are offered at wide availability so any student can find themselves within a company.”
Matthew, Summer 2020

“Student internships open many doors for future job offers from the company or people you have met through the company, and they allow students to get an insight of the field of study and gain skills for the field of study. Business Career Programs assisted me by making sure my interview skills were ready for an actual employer. Without going to mock interviews, I would not have done as well as I did.”
 Karleen, Summer 2020

"Without this internship, I would not have the opportunities today if it wasn't for the University of Toledo that helped me prepare for this internship at Welltower."
Kyle, Fall 2019

"The benefits from this internships are endless. I received professional development, sales experience, analytics training, and did a lot of significant networking. Business career programs' emphasis on internships is very helpful and key to our development as business professionals."
Athena, Fall 2019

"The Business career programs help all students to find internships or jobs just by simply hosting such a successful job fair. Here, over 100  companies show up as eager to meet students as students are to meet them. The opportunities are endless here at COBI and I could not be more grateful for the opportunities I have been given and the amazing professors I have met along the way that have helped me tremendously.
Margaret, Fall 2019

"I have learned so much from the BCP and have received so many awesome opportunities! Through the COBI job fair I have landed an internship with Otis Elevator, the biggest elevator company in the world! I feel ready for this due to all of the training and professional development offered by the University." 
Jaret, Summer 2019

“My internship at MaritzCX Research was my first internship in HR. I was able to experience many aspects of Human Resources such as recruiting, training & development and employee relations as only a sophomore in college! I will forever cherish the experiences and skills that I gained from this internship, and I look forward to applying them to my HR internship with Owens Corning in summer of 2019. I feel so fortunate that I had everyone at Business Career Programs that assisted me in finding these internship opportunities and preparing me for the interviews. I don't know where I would be with out their support and guidance!" 
Carley, Summer 2019

 " This internship has really helped me figure out what direction I want to go, either sales or marketing. I have even gotten promoted to a district sales role while being a senior in college. This internship has helped me decide which way I want to take my future. The College of Business and Innovation helped me find my job at the COBI Job Fair."
Noah, Summer 2019

" In my internship, I learned something new every single day.  If it wasn't for the Handshake app I would have never known about this opportunity, so thank you Business Career Programs for the insight. I honestly believe without this internship it would have been very difficult to jump into accounting full-time upon graduation. Now that I have the experience under my belt, It makes me more confident going into future job interviews and applying for jobs. I highly recommend all students intern at least once before graduation. Thank you to the Business Career Program at the University of Toledo for pushing students to do internships as an undergraduate.  Especially a big thank you to Dr. Terribeth Gordon-Moore for all of the emails regarding local job opportunities." 
Tevin, Spring 2019

"Student internships give you either the opportunity to realize that you chose the correct field of study/career course or it makes you realize that it's something that you don't want to do (which isn't a bad thing).  Fortunately for me, I have enjoyed all 3 of my internship experiences and am excited to start my career in sales." 
Alex,  Fall 2018 

"Everything I learned with the company is applicable to my own personal life.  I want to thank the Business Career Programs for motivating and pushing students towards interning.  I can honestly say that I have much improved on my communication and problem-solving skills from my internship experience." 
Tevin, Summer 2018

"The only reason that I was able to even apply for this job was because of the emails detailing internship listings done through the Business Career Programs."  I could not be more thankful." 
Jared, Summer 2018 

“I earned this internship through the Spring 2018 COBI Job Fair. Just coming out of my freshman year, I didn’t have many technical skills under my belt quite yet, but the internship helped me learn the basics of IT and ultimately helped me decide that I want to stick with Information Systems as a major and eventually pursue a career in this field.” 
Ahmad , Summer 2018

" The Business Career Programs office has been very beneficial when it came to the internship process.  I would not have been nearly as prepared for the field without the resume critiques, mock interviews, and the job fairs,  I am very thankful that they take the time to give the students real life scenarios that they will face in the near future.  It was greatly beneficial to have the internship because I could have never imagined the life of a public accountant without going through it myself.  I gained valuable insight on the field I am about to enter." 
DaRanda, Spring 2018

The Business Career Programs gave me all the tools needed to find the perfect internship for my chosen career path.  I am glad I chose to utilize those tools because my internship has given me more confidence in my own skills and abilities." 
Adriana, Spring 2018

"This is my second internship at O-I.  I got in contact with the company at the fall job fair on campus.  The internship was very beneficial and helped me understand a lot of concepts learned in the classroom.  Also, giving me a realistic view of the accounting/finance profession." 
Aaron, Spring 2018

"I learned so much more in my internship than I ever could in a classroom.  I would have never been offered any internships without the help of the Business Career Programs.  I took advantage of the mock interviews, resume evaluations, and career fairs.  I am so thankful for all of the services provided from the University of Toledo." 
Bevanne, Spring 2018

"This internship was priceless!  I’ve been working on a bachelor’s degree for 10 years while working a rotating shift as
an operator for North Star BlueScope Steel, LLC.  Trying to figure out how to fulfill an internship while working that type of schedule was nearly impossible until I had reached out to Professor Franz.  She informed me that an internship with my current employer was possible and all I had to do was submit the proper paperwork for approval.  The Business Career Programs was a pleasure to work with.  They were prompt in providing everything that I needed to qualify this internship with North Star BlueScope Steel, LLC.  Finally, after all these years, I was able to put theory to reality…and there are some stark differences!  I wish I would have done this sooner and more often throughout out my educational journey.  Nothing beats “hands-on” experience!!" 
Jason, Spring 2018

" I don't think I would have even gotten my internship if it wasn't for the Business Career Programs office and the staff.  All of COBI was extremely important in me securing my internship but also in providing me with the tools to have a successful internship at MaritzCX."  
Justin, Spring 2018

"The Business Career Programs was extremely helpful and flexible with landing this internship and I am so grateful to find another job in the same area of study but with a different company." 
Lucas, Spring 2018

"Student internships are helpful and simply beneficial for an individual to experience the workplace.  Unlike class materials and courses we take at the University of Toledo, an internship guides you to the reality learn and gives you hands-on learning.  The Business Career Program was very helpful throughout the entire process into finding my internship.  Sending me internship opportunities to applying for one and patiently waiting for responses back.  They have assisted me in locating the internship based on my career and qualifications.  Overall, the internship was a success, as I am very thankful for this opportunity and the business career programs throughout."
Kristine, Spring 2018

"Business Career Programs assisted me with my internship through the job fair.  I had volunteered by driving in recruiters from their vehicles to the event.  This actually how I met my future employer, William Vaughn Company."
Carl, Spring 2018

"Student Internships are an excellent way to gain real world experience.  I feel as though I learned more in one semester of interning that I have my whole college career."
Andrew, 2018

"If the Business Career Programs did not set up the Job Fair every year I probably would not have been so lucky to find a Co-op at Bendix.  Co-op/Internships in general are a great way to see what you will do in your field and receive practical on the job knowledge."
Robert, Spring 2018

" The Business Career Programs has assisted me with internships and opportunities since my first  year of College.  I am truly thankful for all of the help, encouragement, and connections that have led me to great professional experience and a full-time position after graduation."
Cariss, Spring 2018

"BCP helped me to gain my first internship and I was able to learn new on the job skills that would otherwise be unavailable to me from strictly being in the classroom."
Joshua, Spring 2018

"Based on my experience I feel that student internships provide invaluable growth opportunities.  Although skills and techniques can be taught in the classroom; nothing will top applying what you have learned in the "real world".  Not only did my internship allow me to apply what I learned in class; but learned how to operate in a corporate setting. My internship helped me to build communication skills that can only be cultivated in the workforce."
Jillian, Spring 2018

"The Business Career Programs office assisted me in selecting this internship because of their close relationship with Marathon.  I even interviewed and accepted the position directly in the Business Career Programs office on campus."
Quinne, Spring 2018

"The Business Career Program staff was extremely helpful in the process of accepting an internship with Rehmann.  After meeting with Rehmann at the career fair, the Business Career Program staff was extremely diligent and prompt to schedule my interview and continuously offer help throughout the experience."
Ryan, Fall 2017

"My internship was an overall fantastic experience.  It has drastically sharpened my skills in many aspects such as daily exposure with using information technology systems.  Microsoft programs, cross department as well as global communication, and so much more.  I truly believe that internships are extremely important as you are immersed in the real-world business environment and it  is an experience that you don't exactly learn inside the classroom.  The job fair is a great way to make connections and find possible internships."
Michael, Fall 2017

"I believe there is definitely a benefit to participate in these internships because it gives you the proper experience needed for future careers.  I have been notified of my internship due to an email sent out by Dr. Terribeth Gordon-Moore and the Business Career Programs.  They have done a miraculous job of assisting me an providing me with the tools I needed to succeed."
Chalayna, Fall 2017

"The UT COBI job fair is how I received all 3 of my internships.  I couldn't be more happy to attend a school that cares so much about the success of its students."
David, Summer 2017

"Student internships are very impactful and beneficial.  It's like being able to test drive a career for a whole summer (paid).  I would encourage every student to look for an internship; one that is enriching can have an impact that is so far beyond what one might imagine.  The BCP office helped me gain quality interview experience as I vetted my way through the internship hiring process."
Javier, Summer 2017

"I received the internship posting through Senior Associate Dean, Dr. Terribeth Gordon, and I immediately applied for the position.  Through resume building sessions and mock interviews with Craig Turner, I was successfully able to structure my resume and prepare for my interview."
Rushikesh, Summer 2017

"Being a distance learning student, my degree was at the mercy of classes offered online.  This internship allowed me to gain priceless experience in HR that I was not able to get in the classroom.  This internship will give me my best chance of landing in my desired field."
Erika, Summer 2017

" I completed my Marketing Internship in the Fall of 2016, and was promoted to Talent Acquisition for Spring 2017.  I worked for this company for 9 months, I was able to grow and take on responsibilities.  Two marketing interns jump-started the Marketing Department at Blitz, and I am so thankful to have had the chance to learn how to lead and run a part of a business while still in school.  BCP helped connect me with Blitz during my internship search."
Kayli, Fall 2016 / Spring 2017

"Business Career Programs assisted me in selecting and obtaining an internship by providing an outstanding job fair, with a wide variety of employers to interact with.  Business Career Programs also offered resume critiques, which helped me build a strong resume."
Joshua, Spring 2017

"The Business Career Programs came into my Career Development Classes and helped prepared us for job searches and working the job fairs.  They also provided mock interviews.  I highly recommend that students be highly engaged to get an internship before they graduate."
Emily, Fall 2016

" Business Career Programs gave me the chance to practice my interviewing skills through Mock Interviews before meeting employers at the Job Fair.  By completing an internship, I have gained exposure to the real responsibilities of external auditors and doing so has confirmed to me that I am interested in turning the profession into a career."
Maria, Summer 2016

"The College of Business helped me with mock interviews, resume building, and a top of the line job fair help me find a future professional career."
Leland, Summer 2016

"I obtained my internship from networking with GJM employees at the career fair held by the Business Career Programs.  The office and its employees have been very helpful throughout the entire process from landing the internship to getting credit hours for the service."
Travis, Summer 2016

"The internship is a milestone towards getting a job offer, and it is essential to have it done as soon as possible. The Business Career Programs help me set up my internship through the career fair and after I had my interview, they help me prepare my work permit for the internship with the international office.  I strongly appreciate the efforts everyone provided and I recommend to all of the students in the College of Business to be in constant contact."
Abdulmonem, Summer 2016

"Student internships are absolutely incredible.  This is my second one and after these two summers, I have a clear view of exactly what I want (and don't want) when I graduate.  Business Career Programs helped me connect with these companies and facilitated the interview process which made it a breeze to seek out these opportunities.  I couldn't imagine attending any other university and not having the resources they officer for students in COBI.  Thank you!
Stephanie, Summer 2016

"The benefit of a student internship is essentially invaluable.  I have learned many functions and roles of a business that I have never personally experience.  Business Career Programs did a lot to help me get the internship by, providing assistance with my resume, holding mock interviews so I can get better in a professional environment and providing a job fair which led to getting my internship with Libbey Inc."
Phillip, Summer 2016

   "I have had the opportunity to have two internships, and truly believe they have bettered me as a professional and a student.  Having the chance to gain real world experience before having to enter the "real world" is extremely beneficial.  I truly appreciate the Business Career Programs making it so easy in finding and securing internships. From hosting the job fairs, to resume reviews, and even hosting interviews in their offices to make it easier for employers to meet with students, they are there for students every step of the way."
Heather, Spring 2016

"I can not thank the Business Career Programs enough for all of the resources and opportunities they have provided me.  they make it very easy and attainable to succeed in whatever field one is pursuing in COBI.  they have aided me in the selection process of my internship next summer and I can not thank them enough."
Brad, Spring 2016

"Student internships are great and you lean so much as it gives you a heads up on your competition. If it wasn't for the job fair, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet the recruiters and get the internship.  The Business Career Program center is phenomenal and I thank them so much."
Nicholas, Spring 2016

"It is a necessity to obtain an internship before you graduate because it will give you an edge when applying for full time jobs against your competition.  The Business Career Programs continues to do an amazing job at providing endless opportunities for our business students and I know that the direction they are going will make the University of Toledo stand out from other competing schools."
Trevor, Spring 2016

"I have had the opportunity to have two internships, and I truly believe that they have bettered me as a professional and a student.  having the chance to gain real world experience before having to enter the "real world" is extremely beneficial.  I truly appreciate the Business Career Programs making it so easy in finding and securing internships.  From hosting job fairs, to resume reviews, and even hosting interviews in their offices to make it easier for employers to met with students, there are there for students every step of the way."
Heather, Spring 2016

"Without COBI I would not have any of the internships that I have had over the years.  Because COBI exposes us to so many great companies, it is near impossible to not have multiple job offers upon graduation.  COBI has set me up so well that I spent the last month choosing between 4 different fantastic job offers, a great problem to have."
John, Spring 2016

"UT's' COBI Job Fair made my internship search simple!  I talked to several companies and ended up with multiple interviews as a result."
Danielle, Spring 2016

"It is a necessity to obtain an internship before you graduate because it will give you an edge when applying for full-time jobs against your competition.  The Business Career Programs continues to do an amazing job at providing endless opportunities for our business students and I know the direction they are going will make the University of Toledo stand out from other competing schools."
Trevor,  2017

"The Business Career Programs helped me by making the job fair such a success.  I owe it all to them."
Marscha,  Summer 2016                                                                                                                                                             

"Absolutely crucial to gain relevant work experience. I received internship from a mock interview.  Business Career Programs was a big help."
Kara, Spring 2016              

"Business Career Programs does a great job of bringing in companies which gives you opportunities to connect and possibly land an internship with the company."
Jacob, Summer 2016

"I feel like I learned much more during three months at my internship than in my curriculum at UT. For that reason I think it should be a requirement for accounting majors to do an internship to graduate. I went in to BCP to schedule a mock interview, and ultimately left with a full time offer from my dream firm. I feel that BCP is underrated and more students need to take advantage of what it has to offer. Thanks BCP!
Hannah, Summer 2015

“Student internships, in my opinion, are the best way to get hands on experience in the applicable area of study. It's one thing to learn in the classroom about different career environments, but it is much more valuable for students to have a "test trial" during an internship. Business Career Programs does a phenomenal job of spreading word of the different opportunities that are available with corporate sponsors and companies that utilize the University for Job Postings. On a weekly basis students emails receive a significant amount of different opportunities from BCP; it is up to the students themselves to take advantage of these opportunities. For me specifically, BCP assisted in getting this position approved for my required Sales Internship.”
Austin, Spring 2015

"Student internships are beneficial to the growth of a young professional in the business world.  It allows for the student to be ready for the work world before graduation."
Joshua, Fall 2014

"I believe the experience gained from internships is unparalleled; it is crucial and teaches you things that cannot be taught in a classroom. "
Liz, Spring 2016

 "My Internship with Quicken Loans was one of the most valuable parts of my entire time at The University of Toledo.  BCP facilitated the process to the best of their ability."
David, Fall 2014

“During my internship, I have developed the following skills: Cross Functional and Global team-working, Project management, communication, and problem-solving skills which would help me to stand out in the job market. I would also like to thank the Business Career Programs, thanks for holding the COBI job fair on campus where I started my recruiting process with Libbey, thanks for following up with me, and with Libbey. I would strongly encourage students to attend the job fair and other professional development events that Business Career Program has prepared for us.”
Wenchao, Summer 2015

"Business Career Programs is doing an amazing job! As a senior graduating soon, I have been very involved with them with job searching as well as clearing my internship I have completed. The office is extremely helpful and I couldn't be happier with the University of Toledo College of Business. Our name is well known with companies and we have an amazing reputation I couldn't be more proud of. The effort put in by the staff has made us one of the leading business colleges. Thank you all and keep it up!!"
Andrew,  Summer 2014

“The benefits of an internship are truly endless. Internships are a glimpse of what you can expect once you enter the real world after graduation. I would have never had the opportunity to experience an internship without the help of The University of Toledo College of Business Career Programs. Through the College of Business Job Fair as well as Mock Interviews, I was able to meet and network with many different companies and their representatives.”
Timothy, Fall 2014

"Getting an internship is the best thing I could have done.  It has opened my mind and eyes to the Accounting industry,  I would tell every student to pursue an internship."
Jacob, Summer 2013

"This internship introduced me to internal audit which is something I never thought of doing. It gave me the opportunity to explore a new possible career path and I enjoyed it. Business career programs helped me get in touch with Marathon and helped set up the interview through the job fair. Student internships provide a glimpse of the professional world and help you tremendously with finding full time employment. Not to mention it’s a pretty good resume item."
Craig, Fall 2013

"This internship has provided me with experience in my field of study. Being able to apply what I have learned throughout my college career is very rewarding. If it wasn’t for BCP and the relationship this company has with The University of Toledo I would not have known about the internship opportunity."
Olivia, Spring 2013

 "I would not have been able to get an internship without the University of Toledo. I was not even expecting an internship and after going to the job fair I received around 5 offers from big name companies. I was very excited when I was able to accept a position with the biggest company in Toledo and stay in the area." 
Austin, Spring 2014    

"Internships are a great benefit for any student, and especially for students in the College of Business. With relevant experience, students are likely to find a job faster than if they hadn't had an internship experience. Also, with that internship experience, a student can find out if the area they were working is something they would want to do in the future. It is better to find out if you do or do not enjoy something now, before you get into a full-time position and then found out you aren't interested in that area. Business Career Programs was very accommodating at helping me set up an alternate interview time when the listed time would not work in my schedule. Stacy was very fast and helpful at finding a time that could work for both the Internal Audit department and myself. I appreciate all of the work that BCP does to help students get an interview and land that internship. I think that this office is a huge asset to the College of Business and helps UT COBI students stand out from the crowd."
Allison, Spring 2012

"I received the email from Terribeth Gordon about this opportunity. Without that email I would have never known about this opportunity. I really like those emails and read every one."
Holden, Spring 2012, Information Systems

"The benefits of this internship was they offered me a full time job twice."
James, Spring 2012

"The BCP has been nothing short of spectacular. The daily e-mails that I'm sent everyday is incredible, and it's as if the University is job searching for me. With the number of opportunities out there, it’s very probable to get a job and the BCP is a great asset to this University and its business students."
Jordan, Spring, 2012

"Internships are a sneak peek into reality. The ability to have hands-on experience in the industry or field that you desire to be a part of is phenomenal. It bridges the gap between courses and what you will actually need in the workplace. I learned information that is critical to my growth process to help transition from a undergraduate student to a graduate of University of Toledo. Business Career Programs assisted myself through e-mails that I received from Dr. Terribeth Gordon Moore. Without the e-mail I wouldn't of had the opportunity to have this great experience this Spring semester."                                            
Allison, August 2012 Graduate, Marketing & E-Commerce

"If it wasn't for the wonderful Business Career Programs office in the College of Business and Innovation, I would not have gained the internships needed to make this full-time opportunity a possibility.  Every employer that I interviewed with was very impressed with the number of internships that I have had.  When asked how I managed to obtain so many, my answer was always, 'Thanks to the amazing Business Career Programs in my college and the network they have built with local employers!'"
Caroline, Fall 2011 Graduate, Human Resource Management

"I strongly believe in internships after this amazing experience.  Internships are the gateway to the corporate world.  I have received multiple interview opportunities based on my internship alone.  I truly believe my future will be paved upon the experience gained in my internship.  I would not have this confidence without the help of the Business Career Programs at The University of Toledo!"
Benjamin, Fall 2012 Graduate, International Business and Marketing

"Enjoyed interviewing with Ford and working with Business Career Programs.  Keep up the good work...YOU ALL ROCK!"
Cameron, Spring 2013 Graduate, Supply Chain Management

" Greatly appreciate all the work of Business Career Programs.  I wouldn't have a job without you!"
Cailin, Spring 2010 Graduate, Accounting

"I highly recommend that each and every student try and go out on at least one internship or co-op during the course of their Undergraduate program.  I have been lucky in that I have worked on two different co-ops and have been able to see how what I'm learning in class applies to the real world in different companies.  The Business Career Programs provided me access to the Job Fair, which granted me the interview with Marathon Oil Corporation, with whom I am currently interning with in Findlay, Ohio."
Ian, Spring 2011 Graduate, Information Systems

"Going through the interview process with Business Career Programs was one of the best things to happen to me in my college career.  As an intern, I have learned so much more than I could in a typical classroom.  Gaining the real world experience has helped me decide the exact type of work that I would like to do when I graduate."
Jenna, Spring 2011 Graduate, Accounting and Finance

"This internship has truly given me a taste of what the real world will look like after graduation because it literally is the real world.  I am doing real assignments that are needed for my sales team to succeed in their everyday work tasks.  This internship has been beneficial because I feel as if I am needed to help complete assignments for Dana Corporation instead of assignments for a grade.  Terribeth made it very easy for me to get my foot in the door at Dana when she sent out the mass e-mail for the internship.  The fact that everyday I check my e-mail and I have at least six or seven internship/co-op opportunities in my inbox is proof of how UT wants you to not only be prepared for the next level but actually take you there too!"
Daniel, Spring 2011 Graduate, Professional Sales and Marketing

"The biggest benefit of having an internship related to your major is getting the chance to apply the concepts learned in class to real world situations.  A big tool that helped me find my internship was the use of Career Shift through the Business Career Programs website."
Jon, Spring 2011 Graduate, Finance and Financial Services

"There are countless benefits of participating in internships.  You learn so much in formation in the classroom but when you actually get to take a break from school and put that knowledge to use, it all sinks in.  I am in the Beta Alpha Psi and attended Feet the Firms Night, which is where I first met most of the people I interviewed with.  I then attended the UT Job Fair where I talked with countless firms and gave out my resumes.  From there I got interviews and received an offer with Mira & Kolena.  I definitely wouldn't have gotten my position if not for the work of Beta Alpha Psi and Business Career Programs."
Lauren, Spring 2012 Graduate, Accounting

"Participation in an internship is a great way to gain experience that is relevant to your major and often leads to full-time job opportunities.  The knowledge and experience gained through an internship can not be learned in the classroom.  The University of Toledo assisted in my search and selection process by hosting the Job Fair where I was able to talk with many different companies."
McKenna, Spring 2012 Graduate, Accounting and Finance


Last Updated: 7/15/24