BAHEC Hospital and Student Housing Information
Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers, Bryan & Montpelier - Apartment provided by hospital, meals are at employee prices
Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers, Archbold - Commute, no meal plan
Community Memorial Hospital, Hicksville - Private room in hospital, lunch is provided by Community Memorial Hospital (dinner provided if on call)
Fulton County Health Center, Wauseon - Commute, meals are reduced to employee cost
Defiance Regional Hospital, Defiance - Private hospital room, free meals up to $6/meal are provided by Defiance Regional Hospital
Mercy Health Clinic and Hospital, Defiance - Commute, no meal plan
Henry County Hospital, Napoleon - Commute, one free meal per day is provided by Henry County Hospital
Pertaining to all commutable sites, in case of inclement weather housing would be provided the by hospital.