Senior Design Expo and Showcase

Senior Design Showcase
Two teams from every senior design class are selected by their peers to compete in the Showcase for prizes up to $1,000. It is not a Shark Tank, but it is a wider experience, not just a search for a scalable commercial idea. While we judge the “product” delivered on its own merit, we also reward and celebrate what the students learned in their journey through their Senior Design Capstone program. Besides the engineering part of the curriculum, there were many other skills the students needed to acquire or reinforce.
Every presentation you will see comes from a student team that had many non-engineering tasks to deal with. They had to connect with others in the class and form into a team, and either develop a solution to a need they identified themselves, or to a problem they were given. They had to negotiate among themselves to pick a solution to carry forward as a project.
In addition to doing the engineering about the deliverable itself, they had to learn about the not-so-simple process of creating a prototype, and also develop a presentation of their work, one that conformed to the criteria set by the requirements of the Showcase.
Getting to this point was quite a journey for each participant, and that is what we celebrate in the Senior Design Showcase.
Senior Design Expo