Hossein Sojoudi, PhD

Hossein Sojoudi
Interim Chair and Associate Professor
Nitschke Hall 4024
Hossein Sojoudi is the Interim Chair and an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Toledo (UToledo). Prior to UToledo, he was a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a joint appointment in Chemical Engineering Department. He obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Sojoudi is a recipient of 2022 President’s Award for Excellence in Creative and Scholarly Activity, 2021 Excellence in Research Award from UToledo COE, and 2020 Excellence in Supervision of Undergraduate Research Award from UToledo COE. He also received Materials Research Society Best Poster Presentation Award and several other awards from Georgia Tech & MIT. Dr. Sojoudi has been invited as keynote speaker to more than 35 different universities and international conferences. His work has received considerable attention from scientific media such as MIT News, UToledo News, and Science News as well as popular media such as Forbes. Dr. Sojoudi serves in Graduate Council Fellowships and Scholarships Committee and Research Council at UToledo.
Research Interests
- Snow/Ice Research
- Thermal-Fluid
- Surface Science & Interfacial Engineering
- Emulsions & Colloids
- MIME 3410 Thermodynamics II
- MIME 3440 Heat Transfer
- MIME 3450 Energy Lab
- MIME 6520/8520 Advanced Heat Transfer
- MIME 6920/8920 Interfacial Thermal-Fluid