Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Standing Committees - AY 2024-25

The Faculty Senate consists of the following committees. Click on each to learn more about the committee and view a list of its current members.

Committee on Academic Programs
Committee on Academic Regulations
Committee on Committees
Committee on Constitution and Rules
Committee on Core Curriculum 
Committee on Elections
Committee on Faculty Affairs
Committee on Student Affairs
Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum 

Committee on Academic Programs

The Senate Committee on Academic Programs shall study, report on, and make recommendations on proposals to create new undergraduate degree programs and on proposals that change existing undergraduate degree programs by adding, substituting or deleting courses or to delete existing programs that impact across more than one college. The committee will review and make recommendations on all proposals that it reviews in a timely manner not to exceed 30 days. Items reviewed and approved by the Committee will be brought to the floor of the Senate as consent agenda items at the next regular meeting of the Senate. Deans may request an expedited review of academic program changes that are critical for accreditation or other significant reasons. Membership on this committee shall be determined by Faculty Senate Committee on Committees appointment and must include one representative from the University Libraries, and at least one faculty member from each of the colleges that grants an undergraduate degree. The provosts' offices may appoint a representative to this committee at their discretion.

With respect to graduate curricular and educational matters, the Graduate Council Oversight Committee shall appoint a liaison to the Faculty Senate to give periodic reports on graduate curriculum and other issues related to graduate education. The Faculty Senate will have no jurisdiction concerning nor oversight of the graduate curriculum.

Arts and Letters - Jami Taylor (Chair) 
Business and Innovation - Brandon Cohen 
Education - Susanna Hapwood 
Engineering - A. Jayatissa 
Health and Human Services - Holly Eichner 
Library - Gerald Natal 
Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Daryl Dwyer  
Nursing  - Kathleen Mitchell  
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Youssef Sari

Committee on Academic Regulations

The Senate Committee on Academic Regulations shall study and make recommendations on proposals to create or amend academic rules and regulations of general application to undergraduates at the University, including admissions, curriculum, and grading.

Arts and Letters - Dan Compora (Chair) 
Business and Innovation - Susan Schultz 
Education - Marcella Kehus (fall semester only) 
Engineering - Omid Amali 
Health and Human Services - Brandon Wood 
Law - Candice Kline 
Library - Rick Kruzel 
Medicine and Lifesciences - Ivana de la Serna  
Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Heather Conti 
Nursing - James Oberlander 
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Mitchell Howard 

Committee on Committees

The Senate Committee on Committees shall review the overall Faculty Senate Committee structure. It shall make recommendations to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate regarding new committees that may be desirable, as well as regarding committees that are inactive or whose functions have become redundant and should be eliminated or consolidated into one or more other committees. The Committee shall resolve jurisdictional disputes between committees. Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, its Appendix or these Rules, the Senate Committee on Committees shall appoint the members of all Faculty Senate committees, with the chair of each such committee being appointed by the President of the Faculty Senate as required by Article VI.A.2 of the Constitution. The members of the Senate Committee on Committees shall be selected by the Executive Committee, and its chair shall be selected by the President of the Faculty Senate.

Arts and Letters - Allyson Day (resigned) 
Business and Innovation - Kim Nigem 
Education - Vicki Dagostino 
Engineering - Samir Hefzy 
Health and Human Services - Wendy Cochrane  
Law - Llew Gibbons 
Library  - Lucy Duhon
Medicine and Lifesciences - Mohasin Osman 
Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Tomer Avidor-Reiss (Chair) 
Nursing - Cindy Herrera 
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Mitchell Howard  

Committee on Constitution and Rules

The Senate Committee on Constitution and Rules shall study and report on proposals to amend the Constitution of the Faculty Senate and its Appendix, the Rules of the Faculty Senate, and the By-laws of the Board of Trustees where such By-laws amendments fall within the jurisdiction of the Faculty Senate. The Committee shall be responsible for distribution to the University Faculty via the University webpage of amended versions of the Constitution, its Appendix and its Rules.

Arts and Letters - Daniel McInnis 
Business and Innovation - Don Wedding
Education - Noela Haughton 
Engineering - Mohammed Niamat 
Health and Human Services - Wendy Cochrane 
Law -  Glenys Patrick Spence 
Library -  John Napp
Medicine and Lifesciences - Lakshmi Nadiminity  
Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Robert Steven (Chair) 
Nursing - Jennifer Johnson  
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - 

Committee on Core Curriculum

The Senate Committee on the Core Curriculum shall act as a reviewing and recommending body for formulating and articulating guidelines for the implementation of the University-wide core curriculum, for reviewing and recommending courses to be included in the core curriculum, for collecting data on core course offerings, and for monitoring syllabi to ensure that course objectives meet core requirements. The committee will review and make recommendations on all proposals that it reviews in a timely manner not to exceed 30 days. Items reviewed and approved by the Committee will be brought to the floor of the Senate as consent agenda items at the next regular meeting of the Senate. This Committee shall oversee the implementation of the University's Transfer Module and approve courses that are proposed for inclusion in the document. This Committee will institute and implement ongoing assessment methods for evaluating the efficacy of the University core curriculum. Membership on this Committee shall be determined by Faculty Senate Committee on Committees, and must include one representative from the University Libraries, and one percent of the faculty from each of the colleges that grants an undergraduate degree. The provosts' offices may appoint a representative to this committee at their discretion. For purposes of determining the one percent representation described in the preceding sentence, the number of representatives shall be one percent of the faculty from each applicable college rounded down to the nearest whole number, provided, however, that each such college shall have a minimum of one representative.

Arts and Letters - Sharon Barnes (Chair) 
Arts and Letters - Dan McInnis 
Business and Innovation - Collin Gilstrap 
Education - Lisa Kovach
Engineering -  
Health and Human Services - Holly Eichner 
Library - Jennifer Joe 
Medicine and Lifesciences -  
Natural Sciences and Mathematics - David Krantz 
Nursing - Colleen Taylor
Pharmacy  and Pharmaceutical Sciences-  F. Scott Hall
Office of Institutional Effectiveness - Alana Malik 

Committee on Elections

The Senate Committee on Elections shall be responsible for the annual reapportionment of Faculty Senate seats and for administering the provisions of the Appendix to the Constitution of the Faculty Senate and these Rules concerning the conducting of elections.

Arts and Letters - Linda Rouillard 
Business and Innovation - Don Wedding 
Education - Sekhar Pindiprolu 
Engineering - Chunhua Sheng 
Health and Human Services -  Wendy Cochrane 
Law - 
Library - Arjun Sabharwal  
Medicine and Lifesciences - 
Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Hiba Fayoumi
Nursing - Karen Mortland  
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Justin Reinert 

Committee on Faculty Affairs

The Senate Committee on Faculty Affairs shall study and make recommendations on matters of common interest to all faculty (union and non-union faculty) including, but not limited to, policies concerning faculty responsibility, rights and welfare, excluding those matters covered by the most recent Collective Bargaining Agreement in effect between The Board of Trustees for The University of Toledo and The American Association of University Professors, University of Toledo Chapter. The Senate Committee on Faculty Affairs shall act as a liaison between the Faculty and the Administration on said matters. For non-union faculty, all matters that affect faculty rights and privileges, including, but not limited to, salary, tenure, promotion, benefits, and policies and procedures that affect such faculty rights and privileges, will be addressed by the Committee on Faculty Welfare, unless the College governance body as described in Article IV of the Appendix to the Faculty Senate Constitution, notifies the Committee on Faculty Welfare that with regard to the College's faculty members that are not members of a union, the College will have stated matters handled by some other body, such as the College governance body itself, or for individual cases of renewal, promotion, or tenure, the College's established rules and procedures and the main campus's University Committee on Academic Personnel, or its successor. Membership on the Senate Committee on Faculty Affairs shall be determined by Faculty Senate Committee on Committees appointment. The Committee on Faculty Welfare shall report on its activities to the Faculty Senate on a periodic basis, with the frequency of such reports to be determined by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. References to the Committee on Faculty Welfare in this paragraph mean the successor to Faculty Committee on Governance on the Health Science Campus, as such committee existed at the time these Rules were drafted.

Arts and Letters - Ammon Allred (Chair) 
Business and Innovation - Bob Yonker 
Education -  Gregory Stone 
Engineering - Jared Oluoch 
Health and Human Services - Barry Scheuermann  
Law - 
Library -  Christine Rigda 
Medicine and Life Sciences -  
Natural Sciences and Mathematics - William Taylor 
Nursing - Kristie Reuille 
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences -  Eric Sahloff 

Committee On Student Affairs

The Senate Committee on Student Affairs shall act as a liaison between the Faculty, the Student Government, and the Administration on matters of common interest that fall within the jurisdiction of the Faculty Senate, and shall study and make recommendations on such matters.

Arts and Letters - Deborah Coulter-Harris (Chair) 
Arts and Letters - Paulette Kilmer(retired)   Suzanne Smith
Business and Innovation - Karen Green
Education - Berhane Teclehaimanot 
Engineering - Samir Hefzy  
Health and Human Services - Barry Scheuermann  
Law - Kate O'Connell 
Library - Lucy Duhon 
Medicine and Lifesciences - Paul Schaefer 
Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Sally Harmych 
Nursing - Karen Hoblet 
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Sarah Aldrich Renner 

Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum

The Senate Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum shall act as a reviewing and recommending body for new undergraduate course proposals or changes in courses where, in the committee's judgment, the courses and changes impact across colleges. Curriculum changes that only affect one college will not be brought to the Senate. The committee will monitor curricular offerings for unnecessary course duplication and inconsistencies in credit hour/contact hour ratios. For information purposes, course deletions will be reported because such course deletions may impact other departments and colleges. The Committee will review and make recommendations on all proposals for new courses or amendments to existing courses that it reviews in a timely manner not to exceed 30 days. Items reviewed and approved by the Committee will be brought to the floor of the Senate as consent agenda items at the next regular meeting of the Senate. Course proposals will be made available to representatives before the Senate meeting. The entire set of proposals will be considered approved unless one or more Senators request that a specific proposal be brought to the table for discussion, tabling or a vote. Items tabled will be sent back to the Committee. Deans may request an expedited review of curriculum matters which are critical for accreditation or other significant reasons. Membership on the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum shall be determined by Faculty Senate Committee on Committees and must include one representative from the University Libraries, one representative from Student Government, and at least one faculty member from each of the colleges that grants an undergraduate degree. The provosts' office may appoint a representative to this committee at their discretion.

Arts and Letters - Roberto Padilla (Co-Chair) 
Business and Innovation -  Barb Brotzki  
Education - Lynne Hamer (Co-Chair) 
Engineering - 
Health and Human Services - Barry Scheuermann  
Library - Elaine Reeves 
Natural Sciences and Mathematics - John Bellizzi 
Nursing - Susan Batten 
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Katlyn Devries 

Last Updated: 10/18/24