Greek Life

Intake and Recruitment Guidelines

MGC/NPHC Intake Policy

Policy Regarding Membership Numbers: ALL student organizations will be required to have 7 active members by the end of the Fall 2017 semester. There will no longer be exceptions made for NPHC and MGC organizations after this date, as has been done in the past under the 10 member minimum. Failure to meet this 7 active member requirement will put your organization into an inactive status. Inactive status means that your organization can only host recruitment events until that 7 member minimum is met. Organizations that are under a national moratorium will be exempt from this rule until that moratorium is lifted.

Membership Intake Dates for 2020 - 2021:
- Intake activities can begin September 11th and February 5th  
- Intake activities must end by December 1st and April 30th  

Membership Intake Policy
New Member Presentation Guidelines

IFC Recruitment Policy

Please refer to the Interfraternity Council's Constitution/Bylaws 

Panhellenic Association Recruitment Policy 

Please refer to the Panhellenic Association's Constitution/Bylaws 

Last Updated: 6/27/22