College of Graduate Studies

Procedures for Requesting Matriculation Extensions and Course Recertification

This document is intended to provide supporting information for students and advisors in addition to the College of Graduate Studies Policy on Time Limitations for Degrees.

For information specific to the Re-admission Process, please see Graduate Readmission on the Graduate Student Success webpage.

First Extension Requests of One Year

  • These may be made by currently registered students on the Continuation of Matriculation for Degree form.  Students completing a Readmission Application and requesting a one year extension of their original time to degree should also use this form.
  • Students complete the designated section on the form and submit it to their advisors for review and further processing as appropriate.
  • Approval of the Advisor, Chair or Program Director, and Associate Dean of the Degree Program indicates that the student has been deemed sufficiently current and adequate to continue to work toward the degree and that the student is making satisfactory progress as determined by internal departmental or college procedures.
  • The completed form with all approval signatures should be returned to the respective College of Graduate Studies Office for review and final approval.  No additional course recertification materials or forms are required to accompany this form.
  • Notification will be sent by the College of Graduate Studies to students and advisors upon review.  This will be sent to University of Toledo e-mail accounts for currently registered students and advisors.  For students completing the Re-admission process, notification will be sent to the e-mail address listed on the Re-admission application.
  • Please note: A fee of $55 per course is assessed to graduate students approved for extensions of one year beyond the time limitation for the degree. The fee is assessed, for those courses on the plan of study which exceed the time limitation by one year or less, and are applied to student’s account at the time the Continuation of Matriculation form is approved.

Additional Extension Requests

  • Students who have previously been granted a one year extension through the Continuation of Matriculation for Degree process or the Readmission process, may request an additional extension on the Request for Time Extension and Course Recertification Form.
  • Students completing a Readmission Application whose anticipated date of graduation is beyond a one year extension of their original time to degree must also complete a Request for Time Extension and Course Recertification Form.
  • Requests for extensions beyond one year require additional information and supporting documentation.  The central consideration in determining whether more time can be allowed is whether the student’s knowledge of the subject matter is current at the time of graduation.
  • Students complete the designated section on the form and submit it to their advisors for review and further processing as appropriate.
  • Approval of the Advisor, Chair or Program Director, and Associate Dean of the Degree Program indicates that the student has been deemed sufficiently current and adequate to continue to work toward the degree and that the student is making satisfactory progress as determined by internal departmental or college procedures.
  • The completed form with all approval signatures and supporting documentation for course recertification should be returned to the respective College of Graduate Studies Office for review and final approval.
  • Notification will be sent by the College of Graduate Studies to students and advisors upon review.  This will be sent to University of Toledo e-mail accounts for currently registered students and advisors.  For students completing the Re-admission process, notification will be sent to the e-mail address listed on the Re-admission application.
  • Please note: A fee of $550 per course (maximum of $3,000 per student) is assessed to graduate students approved for extensions greater than one year beyond the time limitation for the degree. The fee is assessed for those courses on the plan of study which exceed the time limitation and are approved for recertification. Fees are applied to student’s account at the time the Request for Time Extension and Course Recertification form is approved. Courses not approved for recertification and are required to fulfill degree requirements, must be retaken, regular tuition and fees apply.

Questions About Your Degree Progress?

Visit University Hall, Room 3240
Last Updated: 2/14/25