College of Health and Human Services

CHHS Committees

College Council and Standing Committees of College Council

College Council Description

Eligibility: All College Faculty with voting rights (as defined in Article II, Section 2 of the HEALTH and HUMAN SERVICES College Constitution) are eligible to serve as a voting member of College Council except the following:

A) The Dean of Health and Human Services
B) Any College Faculty Member or College Administrator who is currently serving on the Dean's Cabinet.

Election: Each School shall elect two members of its faculty to serve as its representative. In the event that one of the two elected representatives becomes unable to serve for any reason, the School shall elect a replacement representative to serve out the remainder of the departed representative's term.

Term of Office is for one year. Each School will elect representatives in April for the following academic year.

Term Limits: A Faculty Member may only serve a maximum of 4 consecutive years on College Council. A Faculty Member is ineligible to serve as a representative or an alternate for 1 year following the completion of that Faculty Member's fourth year on College Council.

Ex Officio Members of College Council

A) Ex Officio Voting Members: One College Staff Member and one Academic Advisor Member elected annually in April from among the Classified and Unclassified College Staff recognized in Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution of the College of Health and Human Services and CHHS Academic Advisors.
These individuals shall be voting members of College Council, except for matters of curriculum and academic programs:

B) Ex Officio Non-Voting Members: The following members of College Council serving in an ex officio capacity shall be non-voting members of College Council:

i. One Faculty Senator from the College
ii. One Graduate Council Representative from the College

Standing Committees of the College Council

Academic Affairs Committee

A) Membership: The Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) will consist of one full-time Faculty who is either tenured, tenure eligible, or who has an open-ended, continuing contract from each school that provides undergraduate and/or graduate classes. Two students, one undergraduate and one graduate, nominated by College Council Members and confirmed by a simple majority vote of College Council shall serve as nonvoting members. The Dean or a designee that holds an academic administrative position and the Director of Student Services will be nonvoting, ex officio members of this committee.

i. Members shall serve a term of two years.
ii. Members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
iii. Student members will serve for a one year term.

B) The Academic Affairs Committee shall have the following responsibilities:

i. Elect a chairperson and determine procedures for committee operations;
ii. Make recommendations regarding College-wide policies for undergraduate and graduate students, programs, and administrative tracking;
iii. Develop recommendations for and review undergraduate and graduate student policies for admission, retention, and for graduate students time-extension and other appeal procedures and practices;
iv. Review all proposals for courses and other matters related to undergraduate and graduate programs of the College and generally oversee all curriculum matters in the College;
v. Assist in developing College-wide recruitment tools for undergraduate and graduate study;
vi. Evaluate the functions of the Academic Affairs Committee and recommend revisions when appropriate.
vii. Facilitate the function of the Honors Subcommittee.

Academic Affairs - Honors Subcommittee

i. The Honors Subcommittee will consist of one Faculty Representative from each school that provides undergraduate classes and a non-voting ex officio Director of the College Honors Program.
ii. The Director of the College Honors Program will serve as Chairperson of the Honors Subcommittee.
iii. The Honors Subcommittee shall have the following responsibilities:

1. Review, and if acceptable, propose approval of honors classes proposed by the schools;
2. Review, and if acceptable, approve school honors policies and procedures;

Student and Community Affairs Committee (SCAC)

A) Membership: The Student and Community Affairs Committee (SCAC) will consist of one Faculty Member from the College. Additionally, there will be one student representative from each school, nominated by and appointed by the Faculty Members of each school per majority vote. The Dean or a designee that holds an academic administrative position will be a non-voting, ex officio member of this committee.

i. Faculty members will serve for a two-year term with one-half of the members elected each year.
ii. Student representatives will be determined in a manner decided by each school.
iii. Student members will serve for a one year term.

B) The Student and Community Affairs Committee shall have the following responsibilities:

i. Serve as a forum for student representation to present items of student interest of non-academic/non-curricular nature;
ii. Promote interdisciplinary activities within the College and support student involvement in professional and community activities;
iii. Serve as a liaison between students from the various programs within the College and between faculty and students.

Assessment Committee

A) The Assessment Committee (AC) will consist of one full-time Faculty who is either tenure eligible or who has an open-ended, continuing contract from each school, elected by each school. The Dean or a designee that holds an academic administrative position will be a non-voting, ex-officio member of this committee.

i. Members shall serve a term of two years with half the members rotating off the Committee each year.
ii. Members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
iii. Student members will serve for a one year term.

B) The AC shall have the following responsibilities:

i. Elect a Chairperson and determine procedures for Committee operations.
ii. Assist Administrators responsible for assessment tools as appropriate to develop College-wide assessment tools to ensure continuous improvement process for all aspects of the College
iii. Assist Administrators responsible for assessment tools as appropriate to develop assessment tools to help meet common accreditation standards across programs of study.
iv. Make recommendations based on College-wide assessment data to improve the College and ensure student centeredness.

Diversity Committee

A) The Diversity Committee (DC) will consist of one–full-time faculty member from each school, elected by the school; two staff members, elected by the staff of the College, and two students nominated by and appointed by the Diversity Committee by majority vote. The Dean or a designee that holds an academic administrative position will be a non-voting, ex-officio member of this committee.

B) The DC shall have the following responsibilities:

i. Elect a Chairperson and determine procedures for committee operations.
ii. Develop and promote mechanisms to increase diversity that are consistent with the University and College Diversity Plans.
iii. Collaborate and negotiate with committees within the University and the community in an effort to achieve goals.
iv. Review and make recommendations for revisions to the College Diversity Plan.
v. Support the development of school-wide diversity plans that reflect the mission and principles of the college-wide plan and provide consultation when requested.
vi. Perform other functions as assigned by the College Council and/or the Dean.
vii. Evaluate the functions of the DC and recommend revisions when appropriate.

College Committees of the Office of the Dean

Tech Fee Committee

The College of Health and Human Services Technology Oversight Committee works to provide CHHS students access to state-of-the-art technology for general computing and specialized professional requirements to support their academic experiences at UT. 

College Personnel Committee

A) The College Personnel Committee (CPC) provides college-level academic review for Faculty covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement of The University of Toledo with the UT-AAUP who seek re-appointment, promotion, or tenure.

B) The College Personnel Committee (CPC) covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) (referred henceforth as: CPC under CBA) will consist of one elected tenured professor or elected tenured associate professor who is covered by the CBA from each college school;

i. Each elected member of the CPC under CBA will serve a term of 2 years.
ii. Anyone eligible to serve on the CPC under CBA may be reelected at the conclusion of each term of office;
iii. If an elected representative cannot complete his or her term of office a new school election must be held to identify a representative to serve for the remainder of the term;
iv. The members of the CPC under CBA shall elect a Chairperson from their membership and determine procedures for committee operation;
v. If a School does not have a tenured faculty member of the appropriate rank to serve on the CPC under CBA, a majority of the faculty of that School must elect to; (a) not be represented on the Personnel Committee in cases where the representative is ineligible to vote, or (b) elect a tenured representative of appropriate rank from another school in the College;

C) The CPC under CBA shall have the following responsibilities:

i. Create a faculty development program to improve the quality of teaching, research, and service in the College;
ii. Make recommendations on individual faculty members' performance evaluations consistent with the CBA;
iii. Prepare recommendations on individual faculty members' applications for tenure consistent with the CBA;
iv. Prepare recommendations on individual faculty members' applications for promotion consistent with the CBA;
v. Review the College's elaboration for tenure and promotion;
vi. Advise the Dean on personnel matters relative to College Faculty covered under the CBA;
vii. Evaluate the functions of the CPC and recommend revisions.

Appointment and Promotion Committee (Non-CBA Faculty)

A) The Appointment and Promotion Committee (APC) provides college-level academic review for Faculty not covered by the CBA but who are covered by the Faculty Handbook for Faculty with Open-ended, Continuing Contract Who Are Not Covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement seeking appointment, or promotion. An Ad Hoc Subcommittee of the APC will be convened for consideration of faculty requesting the awarding of tenure as outlined in the Faculty Handbook specified above.

B) The APC Committee will consist of: 1) one Faculty member with an open-ended, continuing contract, who is elected by Faculty from each of the programs with Faculty not covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement and 2) one tenured Faculty member elected by a vote of all faculty with open-ended, continuing contracts not covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement who will serve as a member-at-large to the committee.

i. Members shall serve a term of three years with one program member rotating off the committee each year.
ii. Initially, the members of the committee shall serve for 1, 2, and 3 years, to be determined by the members of the committee. The member-at-large shall serve a 3-year term.
iii. All members of the committee shall serve no more than two consecutive terms of membership.

C) The Appointment Promotion Committee (APC) shall have the following responsibilities:

i. Elect a Chairperson and determine procedures for committee operations. The Chairperson shall form a tenure subcommittee when necessary as outlined in the "Composition of Tenure Subcommittee (Ad Hoc)" section of The University of Toledo College of Health and Human Services Faculty Handbook for Faculty With Open-Ended, Continuing Contracts Who Are Not Covered By The Collective Bargaining Agreement.
ii. Review Faculty dossiers and make recommendations to the Dean of the College regarding promotion and initial appointments.
iii. Periodically review, update, and make recommendations regarding criteria for appointment to rank, promotion, and awarding of tenure.
iv. Communicate with the Faculty Affairs Committee regarding issues of mutual interest which include, but are not limited to, faculty evaluation
v. policies and procedures as they relate to promotion and the awarding of tenure.
vi. Conduct mid-promotion /tenure review of a dossier upon request of a faculty member.

Faculty Affairs Committee (Non-CBA Faculty)

A) The Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) provides a faculty voice for Faculty covered by the Faculty Handbook for Faculty with Open-ended, Continuing Contract Who Are Not Covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement in issues related to faculty development, faculty life, evaluation, retention and benefits.

B) The Faculty Affairs Committee will consist of: 1) one Faculty member with an open-ended, continuing contract, who is elected by Faculty from each of the programs with Faculty not covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement and 2) one Faculty member elected by a vote of all Faculty with open-ended, continuing contracts not covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement who will serve as a member-at-large to the committee.

C) The Faculty Affairs Committee shall have the following responsibilities:

i. Elect a Chairperson and determine procedures for committee operations
ii. Provide a forum to address issues related to faculty development, benefits, retention, and evaluation;
iii. Serve as a voice of the faculty with open-ended, continuing contracts in matters related to faculty life and evaluation.
iv. Review annually The University of Toledo College of Health and Human Service's Faculty Handbook For Faculty With Open-Ended, Continuing Contracts Who Are Not Covered By The Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Student Grievance and Hearing Committee

A) Student Grievance and Hearing Committee (SGHC) provides a process for review regarding student grievances of a non-grade nature and makes recommendations to the Dean regarding such grievances.

B) The Student Grievance and Hearing Committee (SGHC) will consist of one full- time faculty member who is either tenure eligible or who has an open-ended, continuing contract from each school, elected by the school.

C) The SGHC shall have the following responsibilities:

i. Elect a Chairperson and an Alternate Chairperson. The Alternate Chairperson serves as Chairperson when the current Chairperson is unable to serve or when the student filing a grievance is from the Chairperson's school.
ii. Conduct a fact finding hearing in closed session regarding non-grade grievances filed by the student; all matters will be handled in accordance with the Student Due Process procedures for The University of Toledo.
iii. Take minutes of the deliberations during all Committee meetings and maintain the minutes in a secure location.
iv. Provide recommendations for disposition of student grievances to the Dean.

Last Updated: 6/27/22