Social Work

Master of Social Work Graduate Program

The mission of the MSW program is to advance social justice through masters-level social work education, community engagement, and research.

The faculty and staff of the Graduate MSW Program at the University of Toledo are committed to this mission. Through the advanced generalist model we strive to prepare our students to practice ethically in all settings, with attention to the values of the profession of social work and with a focus on social and economic justice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

Dr. Megan Petra, MSW Program Director

The MSW program satisfies the educational requirements set forth by the State of Ohio to sit for the state licensing examination. Requirements for MSW licensure eligibility vary from state to state.  Please reference the Professional Licensure Information page for state details. If you wish to practice in another state please contact Megan Petra, MSW Program Director to discuss requirements in that state.


MSW Application Materials

MSW Student Handbook

MSW Field Education Manual

Academic Professional Performance Review Committee (APPRC) Policy

APPRC Referral Form


You are invited to attend an online MSW information session! In the information session we will discuss the program and the application process, and answer your questions. To attend an information session, please pre-register for the session via the link. All times are in the eastern time zone.


Advanced Generalist

The MSW program offers an advanced generalist specialization. This specialization prepares students to advance social and economic justice through social work with diverse clients and social systems, using strengths and empowerment models. As an advanced generalist social worker, you will improve clients’ quality of life via critical thinking and innovative use of complex assessment, interventions, and evaluation. You will be skilled in working in micro, mezzo, and macro settings.

In your Advanced year of MSW training, you will learn Advanced Generalist skills through focusing on your choice of tracks: Mental Health or Child & Family. Students in both tracks learn micro interventions appropriate to the population in a fall semester class, and about macro systems of care and policies in a spring semester class.


Most of our classes are face-to-face. We do not have an online-only program at this time. Classes are mostly on weekday evenings and on Saturdays, to be more convenient for working students. Students may choose to complete their graduate studies on a full-time or part-time basis. See the MSW Student Handbook for more information.


You can earn a MSW degree regardless of the field in which you earned your undergraduate degree. Our Regular and Advanced Standing Programs offer options for all applicants.

Regular MSW Program (for those with an undergraduate degree in a field other than social work): 60 credits starting in fall semester. Completed over two academic years (full-time) or longer (part-time). Those admitted to the Regular Program complete their Foundation year courses and field practicum (internship) before moving on to their Advanced year.

Advanced Standing Program (for those who have a BSW from an accredited program): 33 credits, starting in summer session. Completed over one full year (full-time) or longer (part-time). Those admitted to the Advanced Standing program only complete their Advanced year classes and field practicum.

Field practicum

MSW students complete a field practicum placement (internship) for each full-time year of the program, concurrent with classes. (Part-time students may complete their field practicum in the year after completing that year’s classes.) The practicum gives students hands-on experience with social work, affording them the opportunity to learn and demonstrate their knowledge, values, and skills in nine competency areas. Most placements are at community agencies/organizations in the greater Toledo area, though some are also available throughout the northwest Ohio/ southeast Michigan region. Practicum placements primarily occur during weekday business hours; therefore, there is no guarantee of an evening or weekend practicum. The field director works in collaboration with the student to identify a field practicum placement. See the MSW Field Education Manual for more information.

  • In the Foundation year, students complete 425 hours for the school year: approximately 16 hours/week at their placement, plus Interprofessional Education (IPE) classes on Friday afternoons in fall semester and a 1.5 hour/week seminar throughout the school year.
  • In the Advanced year, students complete 525 hours for the school year: approximately 17-18 hours/week at their placement plus a 1.5 hour/week seminar throughout the school year.


View Master of Social Work Program Outcomes

MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Minimum requirements to apply

Regular Program

  • An earned undergraduate degree from an accredited college/university, in a field other than social work
  • Cumulative GPA is 2.7 or higher, or GRE scores at least at the 29th percentile
  • Completed undergraduate courses in 3 of these 6 areas: statistics, human biology, political science, sociology, economics, psychology

Advanced Standing Program

  • Bachelors of Social Work degree
  • Demonstrated mastery of undergraduate social work course material, as evidenced by earning at least a B- in all required junior- and senior-level social work courses, or passing pass/fail courses. (If you earned less than a B-, you may be required to repeat that course at the Foundation level before enrolling in the corresponding Advanced level course.)
  • Cumulative GPA is 2.7 or higher, or GRE scores at least at the 29th percentile
  • Completed undergraduate courses in 3 of these 6 areas: statistics, human biology, political science, sociology, economics, psychology

MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Application Process

The University of Toledo Social Work Program seeks to admit a diverse cohort of talented MSW students who have demonstrated their commitment to social and economic justice. To achieve this goal, each application will be reviewed by Social Work Program faculty members. MSW Program admittance decisions will be made by the MSW Program Director, in consultation with the MSW Program committee. Applications will be evaluated on a number of criteria, including:

  • Performance in previous coursework (both overall GPA, and GPA over the last four terms) and/or GRE scores
  • Past social justice, human service, and leadership activities
  • Demonstrated commitment to social and economic justice
  • Personal statement (content and writing skills)
  • Letters of recommendation

The Master of Social Work application is available online. A complete application includes the online application, a resume, a personal statement, three recommendations, your completed GPA/prerequisites pdf form (sent to you by the online application system), transcripts from all colleges you have attended, and GRE scores if your cumulative GPA is less than 2.7. Additional requirements may apply for international applicants.

The Priority Deadline to apply for admission to the Advanced Standing MSW Program (starting in Summer Session 2024) or the Regular MSW Program (starting in fall semester 2024) is January 15, 2024. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis thereafter until the program is full or until March 25, 2024, whichever comes first.

MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Application Materials

Go to MSW Application Materials for detailed instructions.

Last Updated: 10/11/24