Jesup Scott Honors College

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The Jesup Scott Honors College Experience

Honors courses integrate seamlessly with all majors, saving time and keeping you on-track for graduation.

Make a difference through exclusive community engagement courses embedded into the Honors curriculum.

Visual literacy enhances Honors courses with a 21st century approach to the evolving media landscape.

Professional development initiatives build skills and confidence to be a leader in the workplace.

We focus on developing your intellectual and professional skills in these areas:


Critical thinking

As a student in the Jesup Scott Honors College, you’ll be challenged to translate critical thinking into critical action.

Activate your skills by assisting faculty experts with their research, exploring subjects from varied perspectives, getting involved in campus and community initiatives and tackling real-world issues from unexpected angles. These experiences will help you develop as a leader in your community and profession.

Anvitha Madhavaram“As human beings, we often fear the unknown. However, the unknown surrounding my Inside/Out Honors seminar led to more self-reflection and curiosity than I could have ever imagined. The professor along with the students in the class gave me the opportunity to not only expand my mind but also develop my self-awareness and identity along the way. The class has driven me to advocate for myself, always approach a situation with an open mind, and never stop learning.”
Anvitha Madhavaram, Biology and Psychology double-major


You’ll find better solutions when you discover ways to approach problems from multiple perspectives. That’s why collaboration is so important.

In addition to fostering an interdisciplinary approach to learning, you’ll learn the art of civil discourse to prepare you for crucial conversations that build bridges. We’ll help you gain deeper insights into diverse viewpoints to inform and improve your understanding of social dynamics. Employers in every discipline value team members who can cultivate consensus to accomplish collective goals.

Madalyn Espen“Honors courses allow for open discussions with unlike-minded people. Our society has fostered an environment of silence and avoiding tough conversations in which we disagree with one another, even though these are the exact conversations that instigate change and innovation.”
Madelyn Espen, Nursing major

Cultural Competence

Developing cultural competence is vital for both personal growth and career success.

With the increasing globalization of communication, industry and economy, being able to interact effectively with people across cultures is a critical skill. In the Honors College, you’ll have opportunities to travel to other countries to learn that firsthand. Our Multicultural Toledo course is embedded into most honors students’ curriculum, giving you the experience and perspective to navigate intercultural situations with confidence.

Alexx Rayk“My favorite Honors memory is when I went to Guatemala during spring break last year. It was my first time out of the country and I now have a few close friends from around the globe. Working with people who don’t come from the same background, or have the same opinions as me, has helped me develop as an individual and has greatly prepared me for my future career.”
Alexx Rayk, Public Health major


Effective communication is one of the most valued skills in the workplace.

In the Honors College, you’ll hone interpersonal skills along with your written and verbal communication. We incorporate visual literacy into our curriculum for a 21st century approach to the constantly evolving media landscape. Good communication is how bright ideas come to life.

Emma Stiffler“In my Honors course last Fall, we learned how to work with non-profit organizations and how to give professional presentations to their executives. Although we did so almost every class period, we always received honest and genuine feedback from our instructors and peers. This made me much more comfortable with public speaking and accepting criticism!”
Emma Stiffler, Nursing major


Innovation doesn’t emerge from following the status quo. It requires pushing boundaries and blazing new paths.

You'll be tasked with stretching your creativity to its limits to discover new ways to solve problems. Today's unique challenges require your best in brainstorming and your most forward-thinking vision. The Honors College will help you express and explore what you have to offer.

Yaminee Patel“I loved my HON 1010 class because it was a way to exercise my creative thinking. As an Engineering student, most of my course work involves math and science, so the creative aspect of some of my Honors courses added a nice balance to my curriculum. HON 1010 gave me the opportunity to read thought-provoking literature, write in-depth papers, and hold meaningful discussions with my peers. It academically challenged me and helped me become a more well-rounded student."
Yaminee Patel, Electrical Engineering major

Community Engagement

Honors College students develop their abilities as change agents and help make a difference in the Toledo community.

In our honors-exclusive “Community Engagement” course, you'll build professional connections and real-world experience with Toledo-area businesses and non-profits. Service-learning opportunities help you understand the community's needs and how you can make an impact.

Rayan MuhsenHON 3010 showed me that I do not need to be an expert on a community’s issues before working on solving them. During this course, my group and I knew very little about the causes of infant mortality as well as the reasons for rate disparities between different ethnic groups. At the end of the course, we were able to propose ideas to help mitigate this problem in Toledo as well as present our work. The course showed me that if I am passionate about reaching out to a community and have the right intentions, I can make a positive difference.”
Rayan Muhsen, Exercise Science major

Last Updated: 7/15/24