College of Law

Bruce A. Campbell

Bruce A. Campbell

Professor of Law Emeritus


Professor Bruce A. Campbell, a faculty member since 1979, is a graduate of DePauw University (BA), Michigan State University (PhD) and the University of Michigan (JD) and a former Associate Dean.

Prior to joining the faculty, Professor Campbell clerked for a federal district court judge in Grand Rapids, Michigan, practiced law in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and served as Assistant Director of Policy at the Michigan Public Service Commission

In addition, Professor Campbell has published in the fields of commercial law and American legal history.



Ohio Car Buyers, Their Financers, and “Uniformers” Beware: Certificates of Title Control in Ohio, Consumer Finance Law Quarterly Report (Spring 2006)

Trouble: Ohio’s Non-Uniform Definitions of Accommodation and Accommodated Parties in Revised Article Three of the Uniform Commercial Code, and What to Do About Them, 28 U. Toledo L. Rev. 319 (1977).

Negotiable Instruments and Other Commercial Paper, in 71 & 72 OHIO JURISPRUDENCE 3d (1996) (with Bullock and Hirsch).

Corporate Charters; Public Domain; and Land Grants [three articles], in Oxford Companion To The Supreme Court Of The United States (Oxford University Press 1992).

The Proposed Revision of Articles Three and Four of the Uniform Commercial Code, 70 Mich. Bar J. 296 (1991).

Social Federalism: The Constitutional Position of Nonprofit Corporations in Nineteenth-Century Americ a, 8 Law & Hist. Rev. 149 (1990).

Contracts Jurisprudence and Article Nine of the Uniform Commercial Code: The Allowable Scope of Future Advance and All Obligations Clauses in Commercial Security Agreements, 37 Hastings L. J. 1007 (1986).

Dartmouth College as a Civil Liberties Case: The Formation of Constitutional Policy, 70 KY. L. J. 643 (1982).

John Marshall, the Virginia Political Economy, and the Dartmouth College Decision, 19 AM. J. LEG. HIST. 40 (1975).

Direct and Indirect Federal Pre-emption of State Economic Regulation of Trucking: Prospects and Problems, 1979 EASTERN TRANSPORTATION LAW SEMINAR PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS 167.

(With Schneidewind), Michigan Incentive Regulation: The Next Step in CHALLENGES FOR PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATION IN THE 1980’s 397 (Proceedings of the Institute of Public Utilities Twelfth Conference, H. Trebing, ed. 1981).



Last Updated: 7/15/24