Shahnawaz Imam Lab

Research Training

1. MSRP: The Medical Student Research Program (MSRP) is a competitive program for students in the M.D. program of the College of Medicine and Life Sciences at The University of Toledo to develop a research project that will develop through their four years in medical school. MD students enrolled in my lab:

2. Endocrine Fellow Research:

    1. Aneeba Farooqi, MD, Endocrinology Fellow, Department of Medicine, University of Toledo.
    2. Sandesh Dewan, MD, Endocrinology Fellow, Department of Medicine, University of Toledo.

3. Undergraduate Research (BIO 4910):

Ahmad Aldasouqi, UGR4910, Summer Research Fellowship, 2022

  • Mentoring: High schoolers, undergraduates, MD student/ Foreign medical Graduates are highly encouraged to contact the lab PI for exciting research opportunities.
Last Updated: 7/15/24