Obstetrics & Gynecology

OBGYN Clerkship Conferences / Required Activities

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Required Activities

Each student will be provided a Day-to-Day and Ambulatory schedules for their clinical rotations.  Our AHEC (6-week), Riverside, Hillsdale, and Dr. Brodsky students will be provided their schedules from their clinical sites.  There are additional sessions required of all students during their Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship. These sessions are Mandatory unless otherwise stated. Please note that these sessions take precedence over any scheduled activities at all clerkship sites.  Also note that the day of the week is subject to change depending on university holidays. 

  1. Day 1 – Clerkship orientation – 1st Day of rotation 
    1. Time:  7:30am – 5:00pm 
    2. Location: Health Science Campus, Room TBD (coordinator will provide schedule/agenda) 
  2. Breast and Pelvic Instruction (coordinator will provide schedule/agenda).  Each student will attend one of two sessions. 
    1. Session 1 – Evening of the first day of orientation 5:30pm – 8:30pm (HSC, Hillebrand Center) 
      1. AHEC, Riverside, Hillsdale, Dr. Brodsky, and Ambulatory (1st week of rotation) students (see schedule) 
    2. Session 2 – During 2nd or 3rd week from 5:30pm – 8:30pm 
      1. All remaining students (see schedule for exact date and times). 
      2. Student will be dismissed from their clinical assignments at 4:30pm 
  3. Day 2 – Clerkship orientation – 2nd day of rotation 
    1.  In-person at Toledo Hospital, Legacy building, room TBD (See schedule), 8am – 4:30pm 
  4. Case Based Learning (CBL) sessions (in-person see schedule) 
    1. These are mandatory for all students including AHEC, Riverside, Hillsdale, and Dr. Brodsky. 
      1. Typically, Thursday mornings 8:30am – 10:30am and Friday afternoons 3pm – 5pm. 
      2. Coordinator will send out block specific schedule. 
      3. If a session is missed without prior approval from the Clerkship Director a Professionalism Report may be filed. 
    2. Must complete corresponding APGO uWise quiz modules. (These are meant to be an ASSESSMENT tool, not a learning tool.) 
      1. Must pass each quiz with > 70%. 
      2. Can take as many times as needed to meet required score. 
    3. AHEC, Riverside, and Hillsdale students will be required to attend virtually. 
      1. See schedule for BlackBoard link. 
      2. Or, can be found on BlackBoard  → Clerkship Learning Resources → BlackBoard Collaborate → BlackBoard Collaborate Ultra → CBLS 
  5. ObGyn Grand Rounds and M&M Conferences 
    1. 8:30am – 10:30am second Thursday morning of each month (coordinator will send additional information) 
      1. No Grand Rounds and M&M in June and July. 
    2. Location: Toledo Hospital, Education Center Conference Room (1st Floor between Jobst and Hughes McIntosh buildings. Just behind Barry’s Bagel). 
    3. AHEC, Riverside and Hillsdale students are required to attend virtually. 
    4. Dr. Brodsky’s student is not required to attend in person if at regional location (i.e., Fremont, Defiance, Findlay) 
  6. Tumor Board (Location: teleconference) only while on Gyn/Gyn Onc Inpatient service 
    1. Every Tuesday at 7:00am 
      1. Call in:  419-291-2663 
      2. Conference ID:  7155805 press # 
    2. AHEC and Riverside students should attend Tumor Board if their site holds them. 
  7. Mid-Clerkship Evaluation with Clerkship Director (Virtually via BlackBoard Collaborate) -  
    1. Held the 3rd week of the rotation (coordinator will provide schedule) 
    2. Can be found on BlackBoard àClerkship Learning Resources à BlackBoard Collaborate àBlackBoard Collaborate Ultra àMid and End of Clerkship Meetings Room 1 or 2 (see schedule for room assignment). 
  8. OSCE and Breast Exam Evaluation 
    1. Located at HSC, Hillebrand Center 
    2. Typically, Friday or Monday before the NBME (see Day-to-Day and/or OSCE schedule) 
  9. APGO Practice Exam 1 
    1. 1-Hour proctored practice NBME exam 
    2. See Day-to-Day and/or APGO Practice Exam schedule 
      1. Do not take this prior to the scheduled proctored time.  Loss of Department point will occur. 
  10. End of Clerkship Debriefing with UT ObGyn faculty – (virtual via BlackBoard Collaborate) 
    1. Includes review of OSCE and Breast Evaluation if results available. 
    2. Typically, Wednesday, Thursday and/or Friday of the last week of the rotation. (Coordinator will provide schedule) 
    3. BlackBoard Clerkship Learning Resources → BlackBoard Collaborate →  BlackBoard Collaborate Ultra →  Mid and End of Clerkship Meetings Room 1 or 2 (see schedule for room assignment. 
  11. NBME Exam  
    1. Last day of the clerkship 
    2. Additional information sent by Testing Center. 
    3. Student are excused from clinical assignments at 12 Noon the day prior to the NBME. 
  12. Completion of Common Clerkship, Preceptor and Site evaluations in RocketMed 
    1. Grades will be held until complete. 
Last Updated: 7/15/24